Read Death By Christmas: Be Kind Or It May Kill You Page 6

  Chapter 7

  They drove toward Jessica's house. Sledge said, "Jessica's a good person. She works hard, loves her family, and deserves a good life."

  "We have to make sure she doesn't die."

  "I think you should leave the law firm to Jessica," Sledge advised.

  "I don't know if she would want it. It's close to a million in debt."


  "Because I really am a terrible manager and I've been siphoning money away in ridiculous expenses to buy stock, that I should have been reinvesting in the business. And the criminals aren't paying."

  "You're endlessly evil. The criminals aren't paying because they are in prison, where they didn't have to go, because you gave them the wrong advice. You can't make money in prison."


  The cell phone movies from the lounge made it to YouTube and the local TV news.

  Reporter: "In this bizarre encounter in a local lounge, two men have contracted to kill themselves this evening by jumping off a local bridge. In a macabre display of emotion, the crowd was really undecided whether they should go through with it or not."

  An edited version of the lounge event displayed.

  Fenrick's wife saw the story. Her head sank toward her lap. "Oh, God, why did I marry that idiot?"


  Within a couple of minutes, a TV news van was following them. Inside, the reporter began giving a play by play of what was happening. Jim, the tow truck driver, saw them go by and got in line behind the news van with his flashers going. He had also seen the news story. The police soon spotted the car and got in line behind Jim. For the next few blocks, the police tried to maneuver into position behind Sledge and Fenrick, but oncoming traffic and slick roads prevented them.

  Inside the news van, the driver asked the reporter, "Should we make way for the police."

  "Hell no. It's not an emergency. Who knows what might happen, and we're there first."

  They reached Jessica's house, a 1950s style two story, wood frame home with a large wrap around porch. The emergency vehicle lights and police lights reflecting through the windows onto the walls got their attention. Jessica's family looked out the window, wondering what was going on. They had not seen the news story. Fenrick and Sledge ran to the door where they were met by Jessica's husband.

  "Where is Jessica," Fenrick hurriedly demanded. The news crew ran up with their camera light on, recording. Two police officers arrived and stood behind them. The police officer tried to get in front, but Sledge was immovable.

  "What is going on?" Jessica's husband asked.

  "Jessica threatened to kill herself after I fired her. I have an offer for her."

  "She was fired?"

  Sledge answered, "Yeah, Mr. evil here fired her at the Christmas party. Seems he wants someone dressed like a slut at the reception desk."

  "Yes, I was absolutely wrong," Fenrick rushed the conversation. "Where is she?"

  "She isn't here. She went Christmas shopping."


  "I don't know."

  The reporter stuck a microphone in his face. "Do you have a picture of her?"

  "Yeah, we want one, too." the cop behind her said.

  Jessica's husband quickly went into the house, took a picture from a table, then showed it to them. The camera guy focused on it.

  The reporter turned to the camera and addressed the audience. "If you see this woman shopping, please call the police immediately. She is in danger. You are not in danger." The reporter turned to Jessica's husband. "This is live. It is going out right now. This should locate your wife." Her husband nodded, in shock by what was happening. Jessica's two kids, frightened, immediately pulled him inside and began a flurry of questions.

  "We need to get to the bridge!" Sledge said anxiously.

  "You're not going to the bridge," the cop said.

  "It's the only place in town to kill yourself. I know because I've tried. We have to stop her!"

  "You're not of sound mind, and you're too drunk to drive," the officer said insistently. "I'm going to throw you in the cooler and let you simmer down."

  Sledge spread his arms and charged the two cops, sending them to the ground. Sledge and Fenrick ran to the car then took off. Everyone gave chase.

  As they raced away, Fenrick asked, "Remember the shortcut we took through the park?"


  "Take it. We'll lose them, and it's closer to the bridge."

  Before the police could catch them, they reached the corner then plowed down the embankment, throwing snow and mud everywhere. The news crew turned around then headed for the bridge by a different route. Jim plunged the tow truck down the embankment after them. The police cruiser stopped, the officers shook their heads. "Idiots, drunks, and tow truck drivers!" They turned back to follow the news crew to the park.

  Fenrick and Sledge reached the bridge and discovered an assembly already there. Another news crew had lights set up illuminating the entire scene. A police car blocked the end of the bridge. A large number of bystanders formed a crowd, and more were streaming in.

  "I can't find a place to park!" Sledge shouted. He stopped in the middle of the road and put it in park. Fenrick and Sledge jumped out and ran for the bridge. "Has anyone seen Jessica?" they shouted. No one answered.

  "Are you going to jump?" some in the crowd yelled back to them.

  "We have to find Jessica." They ran toward the short bridge, which crossed the creek below. An officer shined a light in their eyes and yelled, "Stop! This is the police. Turn around and back up slowly." Sledge aimed for the light and bowled over the police officer. The two of them then ran onto the short bridge in search of Jessica.

  The bridge was cement with overhead steel construction. A sidewalk on the side was protected from traffic by a cement barrier. They ran down the sidewalk.

  With the police officer out of the way, a church pastor followed them onto the bridge. He shouted at them, "Eternal damnation awaits those who kill themselves! Repent and you will be saved!"

  "We're already damned. That's why we're jumping," Fenrick shouted back to him.

  The police officer who Sledge bowled over, was coming after them, gun drawn.

  "No one is beyond saving!" The pastor shouted. "You're special - "

  Fenrick saw the gun. "Quick, do something!" he said to Sledge. Sledge picked Fenrick up, and dangled him over the edge of the bridge. "Come any closer and I'll drop him into the water." The officer stopped. "No one is stopping us from saving Jessica."

  The officer called his supervisor. "The superhero is holding the elf over the water, threatening to drop him if we come closer. What should I do?

  The supervisor replied, "I'm seeing it all on TV. They can't go anywhere. Just back off."

  "Don't kill yourselves!" Several in the crowd yelled at them. Others chanted, "Jump, jump!" The arriving police officers who had given chase arrived and quieted the crowd.

  The homeless man arrived with the news crew and walked onto the bridge. The police told him to stay back, but he went anyway, and the officer could do nothing but watch. As the homeless man approached Fenrick and Sledge, he said, "I never had much faith in human nature. But you're a decent man. I just want you to know I think you are decent." Sledge nodded, acknowledging.

  More people came onto the bridge, close to them. One of them said to Fenrick, "You kept my son out of jail for the holidays. Maybe just probation. You're a good man, Fenrick."

  Fenrick's sister stepped out of the crowd. "Fenrick, you're not the person you're claiming to be. I know you. Now stop this nonsense right now. You're not going to kill yourself."

  Others walked forward. "You got me three years. That's how long it took me to change. Thank-you." Another said, "You saved me from a life of crime. Don't do this." Another said, "You turned my son around. A year of jail was a small price to pay." Another said, "Fenrick, you got me out of that jam that I was stupid enough to get myself into. It was a mistak
e. I can't thank you enough. I might even pay my bill." Everyone laughed.

  Josh stepped forward out of the crowd. "Sorry about the things I said to you. take it from me, whatever you are going through, things will get better. And you will become a better person. You don't have to be like you are."

  "Well, we have a contract. So we have to do this," Fenrick replied. "We don't break contracts."

  "You can - " One of them said, and was immediately interrupted as Fenrick, Sledge, and many others looked toward the other end of the bridge, and a hush fell over the crowd.

  A shadow moved slowly forward, trying to not be noticed. It was Jessica. She approached the center of the bridge, stopped, then looked into the water.

  Sledge hauled Fenrick back over the railing and they both ran toward her. "Isn't it supposed to start snowing now and magical things happen?" Sledge asked as they ran. The police started closing in on the three.

  "I'm sorry I fired you!" Fenrick yelled at her. "I was wrong. You're a very wonderful person. You don't need to do this!"

  "What difference does it make if you can’t make it? My husband lost his job, and my job just can't pay enough! But I have insurance."

  Fenrick started to reply, but Jessica jumped over the rail. She hit the water before she could scream. The police and the news crew shined their lights over the rail into the water and saw Jessica splashing around in the cold water.

  Sledge jumped in after her. After he splashed around a moment, he yelled, "Help, I can't swim!" Fenrick jumped in after both of them. After he hit the water, Fenrick yelled, "Help, I can't swim!"

  The police look on in amazement. "Don't just stand there. Save them!" The reporter ordered. The three flounder around trying to save each other. Jessica, who could swim, was trying to rescue them. The police looked on, then burst into laughter. An officer yelled: “The water is only three or four feet deep this time of year. Just stand up!” The three of them stopped floundering, stood up, then walked to the shore.

  "Blankets!" Fenrick yelled.