Read Death of the Toad Page 7

  Part of her reason for agreeing to this unorthodox weekend had been to sound out the Professor on the Pinkney family. The revelations and realizations of last night now confirmed her reluctance on an earlier occasion to take John Antwhistle into her confidence. She could hardly voice her suspicions of foul play involving the son or widow of the dead man when her confidant may have had such a close involvement if not collusion in the events surrounding the Principal’s mysterious demise. Janet vowed decisively to avoid further discussions about it with the Professor, lest she give herself away.

  The breeze started to freshen and shift on-shore. At the same time the sun disappeared behind a large heavy cloud. Janet gave a shiver and headed up to pack her gear. After lunch they would head back and none too soon she would be in the lab where she could concentrate on the relatively un-complicated affairs of human cells growing in a culture dish. If only the society of the humans from which they arose were as predictable and easily regulated! Doubtless the best thing would be to stick with those academic areas of biology which she could control, and leave these indeterminate forensic aspects to the Coroner's Office. Janet nodded to herself; one last chat with Jerry and she would hang up her career as private investigator.