Read Decline and Fall of Alternative Civilization Page 29
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"I admire your pluck but you're not quite ready to walk around on your own yet."
She had come to; his hand was holding a damp cloth to her forehead. "Who are you?" She blinked and tried to raise herself.
"I'm a friend. You need to lay back down."
"No. Who are you? Tell me," she rasped.
"Call me Jaych. Like a J with a -ch attached."
"Yes. Or simply Jay if you'd like. Either one will work."
"Oh god. Riddles. How did I get here?" She fell back to the bed.
"I found you in the river. Do you remember any of that?"
"Uh, no. But?something about swimming or falling or something."
"This is good." He patted her shoulder. "You seem to be getting your memory back. You took an enormous blow to the head, you know. Now it's my turn to ask who you are."
"I'm June? I'm pretty sure I am?"
"Nice to finally meet you, June. Here. Drink." JHH tilted a straw to her lips. She recognized the burn of grapefruit juice. "You're a very lucky girl. You almost died out there."
"Died? I thought I did die. Am I really alive?"
"You have laughed."
"Therefore?I am?"
"Therefore you are."
"I am." She laughed and attempted a smile, eyelids heavy and slurring, "don' le' me sleep through dinner?"