Read Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines Page 2



  Before Oliver Trembath had advanced half a mile on his path, he hadcooled sufficiently to experience some regret at having been so quick totake offence at one who, being evidently an eccentric character, shouldnot, he thought, have been broken with so summarily. Regrets, however,had come too late, so he endeavoured to shake off the disagreeablefeelings that depressed him, and, the more effectually to accomplishthis, burst forth into a bravura song with so much emphasis as utterlyto drown, and no doubt to confound, two larks, which, up to that time,had been pouring their melodious souls out of their little bodies in thebright blue sky above.

  Presently he came to a part of the moor where two roads diverged--one tothe right and the other to the left. Recalling the shout of advicewhich the old gentleman had given him in parting, he took that which ledto the left, and was gratified, on gaining an eminence a short distancein advance, to see in the far distance a square turret, which heconcluded was that of the church of St. Just.

  Keeping this turret in view, the youth stepped out so vigorously that hesoon reached the small town that clustered round the church, and goingup to the first man he met, said, "This is the town of St. Just, Isuppose, is it not?"

  "No, et is'n; thee's come the wrang road, sur," replied the rustic."This es Sennen church-town. St. Just es up over th' hill theere."

  Oliver Trembath's first feeling was one of surprise; this was followedby annoyance, which quickly degenerated into anger as it flashed intohis mind that the old gentleman might possibly have led him wrong onpurpose.

  "How far is it to St. Just?" he inquired.

  "'Bout six miles, sur."

  "Then I suppose I am not far from the Land's End?" said Oliver after apause.

  "No, not fur," replied the man. "Et do lie straight before 'ee."

  Thanking the man, Oliver started off at a smart pace, resolving, beforeproceeding to St. Just, to visit this extreme western point of England--a visit to which he had often looked forward with pleasant anticipation.

  During the last hour of his walk the sun had been obscured by clouds,but, just as he approached the cliffs, the clouds separated, and agolden flood rushed over the broad Atlantic, which now lay spread outbefore him in all its wide majesty as far as the eye could see.

  "A good omen!" cried the youth with a shout, as he hurried towards theshore, intending to fling off his garments and bathe in the mightyocean, which, from the place where he first beheld it, appeared to besmooth and still as a mill-pond. But Oliver was compelled to restrainhis ardour, for on nearing the sea he found that he stood on the summitof high cliffs, beyond which the Land's End stretched in a succession ofbroken masses of granite, so chafed and shattered by the action of thesea, and so curiously split, as to resemble basaltic columns. To reachthe outermost of those weather-worn sentinels of Old England, requiredsome caution on the part of our traveller, even although well used toscaling the rocky heights of Scottish mountains, and when he did at lastplant his foot on the veritable Land's End, he found that it was aprecipice apparently sixty feet high, which descended perpendicularlyinto deep water. His meditated bathe was therefore an impossibility,for those glassy undulations, which appeared so harmless at a distance,gathered slow and gradual height as they approached the land, and atlast, assuming the form of majestic waves, flung themselves with a grandroar on the stern cliffs which they have battered so long in vain, andround which--always repulsed but never conquered--they seethed in milkyfoam.

  With glistening eye, and heaving breast, and mantling colour, the youngdoctor stood long and motionless on this extreme point of land--absorbedin admiration of the glorious scene before him. Often had he beheld thesea in the firths and estuaries of the North, but never till now had heconceived the grandeur of the great Atlantic. It seemed to him as ifthe waves of those inland seas, when tossed by wild storms, were butrough miniature copies of the huge billows which arose before him,without apparent cause, and, advancing without rush or agitation, fellsuccessively with solemn roar at his feet, awakening irresistibly withinhim deep and new thoughts of the Almighty Creator of earth and sea.

  For many minutes he stood entranced, his mind wandering in a species ofcalm delight over the grand scene, but incapable of fixing itselfdefinitely on any special feature--now sweeping out to where the ScillyIsles could be seen resting on the liquid horizon, anon following theflight of circling seagulls, or busy counting the innumerable ships andboats that rested on the sea, but ever and anon recurring, as if underthe influence of fascination, to that rich turmoil of foam which boiled,leaped, and churned, around, beneath, and above the mighty breakers.

  Awaking at last from his trance, Oliver tore himself from the spot, andhastened away to seek the nearest strip of sand where he might throw offhis clothes and plunge into the boiling surf.

  He proceeded in a southerly direction, impatiently expecting at everystep to discover some spot suitable for his purpose, but he had taken along and rapid walk before he found a break in those wild cliffs whichafforded him the opportunity of descending to the water's edge. Here,on a narrow strip of sand, he undressed and leaped into the waves.

  Well was it for Oliver that day that he had been trained in all manlyexercises, that his "wind" was good, that his muscles were hard, hisnerves well strung, and, above all, that in earliest youth he hadlearned to swim.

  Misjudging, in his ignorance, the tremendous power of the surf intowhich he sprang, and daring to recklessness in the conscious possessionof unusual strength and courage, he did not pause to look or consider,but at once struck out to sea. He was soon beyond the influence of thebreaking waves, and for some time sported in the full enjoyment of thebriny Atlantic waters. Then turning towards the shore he swam in andwas speedily tossing among the breakers. As he neared the sandy beachand felt the full power of the water on his partially exhausted frame,he experienced a slight feeling of anxiety, for the thunder of each waveas it fell and rushed up before him in seething foam, seemed to indicatea degree of force which he had not realised in his first vigorous plungeinto the sea. A moment more and a wave caught him in its curling crest,and swept him onwards. For the first time in his life, OliverTrembath's massive strength was of no avail to him. He felt like ahelpless infant. In another instant the breaker fell and swept him withirresistible violence up the beach amid a turmoil of hissing foam. Nosooner did he touch the ground than he sprang to his feet, and staggeredforward a few paces but the returning rush of water swept sand andstones from beneath his feet, carried his legs from under him, andhurled him back into the hollow of the succeeding wave, which againrolled him on the sand.

  Although somewhat stunned, Oliver did not lose consciousness orself-possession. He now fully realised the extreme danger of hisposition, and the thought flashed through his brain that, at thefarthest, his fate must be decided in two or three minutes. Acting on abrave spirit, this thought nerved him to desperate effort. The instanthe could plant his feet firmly he bounded forwards, and then, before thebackward rush of water had gathered strength, fell on his knees, and dughis fingers and toes deep into the sand. Had the grasp been onsomething firm he could easily have held on, but the treacherous sandcrumbled out of his grasp, and a second time he was carried back intothe sea.

  The next time he was cast on the beach he felt that his strength wasfailing; he staggered forward as soon as he touched bottom, with all theenergy of one who avails himself of his last chance, but the angry waterwas too strong for him. Feeling that he was being overpowered, he casthis arms up in the air, and gave utterance to a loud cry. It was notlike a cry of despair, but sounded more like what one might supposewould be the shout of a brave soldier when compelled to give way--fighting--before the might of overwhelming force. At that moment a handcaught the young man's wrist, and held it for a few seconds in apowerful grasp. The wave retreated, a staggering effort followed, andthe next moment Oliver stood panting on the bea
ch grasping the roughhand of his deliverer.

  "Semen to me you was pretty nigh gone, sur," said the man, who had comethus opportunely to the rescue, as he wrung the sea-water from hisgarments.

  He was a man of middle height, but of extremely powerful frame, and washabited in the garb of a fisherman.

  "Truly I had been gone altogether but for your timely assistance; mayGod reward you for it!" said Oliver earnestly.

  "Well, I don't think you would be so ready to thank me if you did knaw Ihad half made up my mind to lev 'ee go."

  Oliver looked at the man in some surprise, for he spoke gruffly, almostangrily, and was evidently in earnest.

  "You are jesting," said he incredulously.

  "Jestin'; no I ain't, maister. Do 'ee see the boat out over?" he said,pointing to a small craft full of men which was being rowed swiftlyround a point not more than half a mile distant; "the villains are afterme. They might as well have tried to kitch a cunger by the tail as nabJim Cuttance in one of his dens, if he hadn't bin forced by the softnessof his 'art to pull a young fool out o' the say. You'll have to help meto fight, lad, as I've saved your life. Come, follow me to the cave."

  "But--my clothes--" said Oliver, glancing round him in search of hisgarments.

  "They're all safe up here; come along, sur, an' look sharp."

  At any other time, and in other circumstances, Oliver Trembath's fieryspirit would have resented the tone and manner of this man's address,but the feeling that he owed his life to him, and that in some way heappeared to be the innocent cause of bringing misfortune on him, inducedhim to restrain his feelings and obey without question the mandate ofhis rescuer. Jim Cuttance led the way to a cave in the rugged cliffs,the low entrance to which was concealed by a huge mass of granite. Themoment they entered several voices burst forth in abuse of the fishermanfor his folly in exposing himself; but the latter only replied with asarcastic laugh, and advised his comrades to get ready for action, forhe had been seen by the enemy, who would be down on them directly. Atthe same time he pointed to Oliver's clothes, which lay in a recess inthe side of the cavern.

  The youth dressed himself rapidly, and, while thus engaged, observedthat there were five men in the cavern, besides his guide, with whomthey retired into the farthest recess of the place, and entered intoanimated and apparently angry, though low-toned, conversation. Atlength their leader, for such he evidently was, swung away from them,exclaiming, with a laugh, "Well, well, he's a good recruit, and if heshould peach on we--us can--"

  He concluded the sentence with a significant grunt.

  "Now, sur," he said, advancing with his comrade towards Oliver, who wascompleting his toilet, "they'll be here in ten minutes, an' it isexpected that you will lend we a hand. Here's a weapon for you."

  So saying, he handed a large pistol to Oliver, who received it with somehesitation.

  "I trust that your cause is a good one," he said. "You cannot expect meto fight for you, even though I am indebted to you for my life, withoutknowing against whom I fight, and why."

  At this a tall thick-set man suddenly cocked his pistol, and uttering afierce oath swore that if the stranger would not fight, he'd shoot himthrough the head.

  "Silence, Joe Tonkin!" cried Jim Cuttance, in a tone that at oncesubdued the man.

  Oliver, whose eyes had flashed like those of a tiger, drew himself up,and said--"Look at me, lads; I have no desire to boast of what I can orwill do, but I assure you it would be as easy to turn back the risingtide as to force me to fight against my will--except, indeed, withyourselves. As I have said, I owe my life to your leader, andapparently have been the innocent means of drawing his enemies upon him.Gratitude tells me to help him if I can, and help him will if the causebe not a bad one."

  "Well spoken, sur," said the leader, with an approving nod; "see to theweapons, Maggot, and I'll explain it all to the gentleman."

  So saying, he too Oliver aside, told him hurriedly that the men who ereexpected to attack them were fishermen belonging to a neighbouring cove,whose mackerel nets had been accidentally cut by his boat some weeksago, and who were bent on revenge, not believing that the thing had beendone by accident.

  "But surely you don't mean to use fire-arms against them in such aquarrel?" said Oliver.

  A sort of humorous smile crossed the swarthy countenance of the man ashe replied--

  "They will use pistols against we."

  "Be that as it may," said Oliver; "I will never consent to risk takingthe life of a countryman in such a cause."

  "But you can't fight without a weapon," said the man; "and sure, if 'eedon't shut them they'll shut you."

  "No matter, I'll take my chance," said Oliver; "my good cudgel wouldhave served me well enough, but it seems to have been swept away by thesea. Here, however, is a weapon that will suit me admirably," he added,picking up a heavy piece of driftwood that lay at his feet.

  "Well, if you scat their heads with that, they won't want powder andlead," observed the other with a grin, as he rose and returned to theentrance of the cave, where he warned his comrades to keep as quiet asmice.

  The boat which had caused so much angry discussion among the men of thecave had by this time neared the beach, and one of the crew stood up inthe bow to guide her into the narrow cove, which formed but a slightprotection, even in calm weather, against the violence of that surfwhich never ceases to grind at the hard rocks of West Cornwall. Atlength they effected a landing, and the crew, consisting of nine menarmed with pistols and cutlasses, hurried up to the cliffs and searchedfor the entrance to the cavern.

  While the events which have been related were taking place, the shadesof evening had been gradually creeping over land and sea, and the lightwas at that time scarcely sufficient to permit of things beingdistinguished clearly beyond a few yards. The men in the cavern hidthemselves in the dark recesses on each side of the entrance, ready forthe approaching struggle.

  Oliver crouched beside his rescuer with the piece of driftwood by hisside. Turning suddenly to his companion, he said, in an almostinaudible whisper--

  "Friend, it did not occur to me before, but the men we are about tofight with will recognise me again if we should ever chance to meet;could I not manage to disguise myself in some way?"

  "If you get shut," replied his companion in the same low tone, "it won'tmatter much; but see here--shut your eyes."

  Without further remark the man took a handful of wet earth and smearedit over Oliver's face, then, clapping his own "sou'-wester" on his head,he said, with a soft chuckle, "There, your own mother wouldn't knaw'ee!"

  Just then footsteps were heard approaching, and the shadow of a man wasseen to rest for a moment on the gravel without. The mouth of the cavewas so well hidden, however, that he failed to observe it, and passedon, followed by several of his comrades. Suddenly one of them stoppedand said--

  "Hold on, lads, it can't be far off, I'm sartin' sure; I seed 'emdisappear hereabouts."

  "You're right," cried Jim Cuttance, with a fierce roar, as he rushedfrom the cavern and fired full at the man who had spoken. The othersfollowed, and a volley of shots succeeded, while shouts of defiance andanger burst forth on all sides. Oliver sprang out at the same momentwith the leader, and rushed on one of the boat's crew with such violencethat his foot slipped on a piece of seaweed and precipitated him to theground at the man's feet; the other, having sprung forward to meet himwas unable to check himself, tripped over his shoulders, and fell on thetop of him. The man named Maggot, having been in full career closebehind Oliver, tumbled over both, followed by another man named JohnCock. The others, observing them down, rushed with a shout to therescue, just as Oliver, making a superhuman effort, flung the two menoff his back and leaped to his feet. Maggot and the boatman also sprangup, and the latter turned and made for the boat at full speed, seeingthat his comrades, overcome by the suddenness of the onset, were inretreat, fighting as they went.

  All of them succeeded in getting into the boat unharmed, and were in t
heact of pushing off, when Jim Cuttance, burning with indignation, leapedinto the water, grasped the bow of the boat, and was about to plunge hiscutlass into the back of the man nearest him, when he was seized by astrong hand from behind and held back. Next moment the boat was beyondhis reach.

  Turning round fiercely, the man saw that it was Oliver Trembath who hadinterfered. He uttered a terrible oath, and sprang on him like a tiger;Oliver stood firm, parried with the piece of driftwood the savage cutwhich was made at his head, and with his clenched left hand hit hisopponent such a blow on the chest as laid him flat on the sand. The mansprang up in an instant, but instead of renewing the attack, to Oliver'ssurprise he came forward and held out his hand, which the youth was notunwilling to grasp.

  "Thank 'ee, sur," he said, somewhat sternly, "you've done me a sarvice;you've prevented me committin' two murders, an' taught me a lesson Inever knaw'd afore--that Jim Cuttance an't invulnerable. I don't mindthe blow, sur--not I. It wor gov'n in feer fight, an' I was wrang."

  "I'm glad to find that you view the matter in that light," said Oliverwith a smile, "and, truly, the blow was given in self-defence by one whowill never forget that he owes you his life."

  A groan here turned the attention of the party to one of their numberwho had seated himself on a rock during the foregoing dialogue.

  "What! not hurt, are 'ee, Dan?" said his leader, going towards him.

  To this Dan replied with another groan, and placed his hand on his hip.

  His comrades crowded round him, and, finding that he was wounded andsuffering great pain, raised him in their arms and bore him into thecavern, where they laid him on the ground, and, lighting a candle,proceeded to examine him.

  "You had better let me look at him, lads," said Oliver, pushing the mengently aside, "I am a surgeon."

  They gave place at once, and Oliver soon found that the man had receiveda pistol-ball in his thigh. Fortunately it had been turned aside in itscourse, and lay only a little way beneath the skin, so that it waseasily extracted by means of a penknife.

  "Now, friends," said Oliver, after completing the dressing of the wound,"before I met with you I had missed my way while travelling to St. Just.Will one of you direct me to the right road, and I shall bid yougood-night, as I think you have no further need of my services."

  The men looked at their leader, whom they evidently expected to be theirspokesman.

  "Well, sur, you have rendered we some help this hevenin', both in theway o' pickin' out the ball an' helpin' to break skulls as well aspreventin' worse, so we can do no less than show 'ee the road; but hark'ee, sur," here the man became very impressive, "ef you do chance tocome across any of us in your travels, you had better not knaw us,'xcept in an or'nary way, d'ye understand? an' us will do the same bythee."

  "Of course I will act as you wish," said Oliver with a smile, "althoughI do not see why we should be ashamed of this affair, seeing that wewere the party attacked. There is only one person to whom I would wishto explain the reason of my not appearing sooner, because he willprobably know of the arrival in Penzance this morning of the conveyancethat brought me to Cornwall."

  "And who may that be?" demanded Jim Cuttance.

  "My uncle, Thomas Donnithorne of St. Just," said Oliver.

  "Whew!" whistled the fisherman in surprise, while all the others burstinto a hearty fit of laughter.

  "Why do you laugh?" asked Oliver.

  "Oh, never mind, sur, it's all right," said the man with a chuckle."Iss, you may tell Thomas Donnithorne; there won't be no harm in tellin'he--oh, dear no!"

  Again the men laughed loud and long, and Oliver felt his powers offorbearance giving way, when Cuttance said to him: "An' you may tell allhis friends too, for they're the right sort. Come now, Maggot here willshow 'ee the way up to St. Just."

  So saying, the stout fisherman conducted the young surgeon to the mouthof the cavern, and shaking hands with him left him to the guidance ofthe man named Maggot, who led him through several lanes, until hereached the highroad between Sennen church-town and St. Just. Here hepaused; told his companion to proceed straight on for about four milesor so, when he would reach the town, and bade him good-night.

  "And mind 'ee, don't go off the road, sur," shouted Maggot, a fewseconds after the young man had left him, "if 'ee don't want to falldown a shaft and scat your skull."

  Oliver, not having any desire to scat his skull, whatever that might be,assured the man that he would keep to the road carefully.

  The moon shone clear in a cloudless sky, covering the wide moor and thebroad Atlantic with a flood of silver light, and rendering the roadquite distinct, so that our traveller experienced no further difficultyin pursuing his way. He hurried forward at a rapid pace, yet could notresist the temptation to pause frequently and gaze in admiration on thescene of desolate grandeur around him. On such occasions he found itdifficult to believe that the stirring events of the last few hours werereal. Indeed, if it had not been that there were certain uneasyportions of his frame--the result of his recent encounter on the beach--which afforded constant and convincing evidence that he was awake, hewould have been tempted to believe that the adventures of that day werenothing more than a vivid dream.