Read Deeper than the Night Page 29

Chapter Twenty-five

  She was soaked to the skin, chilled to the marrow of her bones, by the time she reached Nana's. The house was dark, the front door locked. Her Camry was parked in the driveway. Nana must have had it towed home from the hospital in Grenvale.

  Making her way toward the rear of the house, Kara took the key from its hiding place underneath a flowerpot and let herself in the back door.

  Not wanting to alert anyone who might be watching the house for her return, she made her way through the dark house toward her bedroom. Shedding the wet blanket, Alex's t-shirt and socks, she pulled on a black sweatshirt and a pair of fleece-lined sweats, thick cotton socks, and a pair of running shoes.

  She was feeling her way along the top of her dresser, looking for her comb, when she discovered her handbag. Inside, she found her wallet and car keys, which she shoved into the pocket of her jeans.

  She towel-dried her hair, ran a comb through it, then went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of strong black coffee.

  Where would Gail and Nana go?

  She pondered the question as she finished her coffee; then, setting the cup aside, she went into the bathroom she had shared with Gail and closed the door before flipping on the night light.

  Ever since Gail had learned to read and write, she had loved to leave notes for her sister. Usually, the notes had been silly jokes, sometimesthey were hurriedly scrawled apologies for using Kara's make-up. Gail had always left the notes in a blue and white tin container that had once held perfumed bath salts. Kara had kept the canister because she liked the design, and it had become their private mailbox.

  Hardly daring to hope, Kara picked up the canister and removed the lid. Murmuring a silent prayer, she withdrew a rolled-up piece of paper.

  "Kara, I locked Barrett's watchdog in the hall closet. Nana, Mrs. Zimmermann, and me are running away. Idon't know where we'll go. We're taking Mrs. Zimmermann's car. I'll call Cherise every day at four and every night at seven. Her number's in the book. Don't worry about us. Nana is feeling much better. I love you. Gail. "

  Switching off the light, Kara left the bathroom and went into the kitchen. According to the clock on the microwave, it was just after midnight.

  She poured herself another cup of coffee, then sat at the kitchen table, wondering if it was safe to spend the night in her own bed, or if she should go to a motel.

  Lost in thought, she listened to the rain beat against the aluminum patio cover. No doubt Alex would think she had left him because she didn't love him enough to accept the sacrifices she would have to make to stay with him, when nothing could be further from the truth. She had left him because she did love him, because she couldn't bear to see the pain in his eyes and know she was the cause. She knew in her heart that if anything happened to her, Alex would never forgive himself.

  But, oh, how she yearned for the comfort of his arms around her! She wasn't afraid of anything when she was with him. He made her feel strong, invincible. With Alex at her side, she could face anything. Anything, except knowing she was the cause of his sorrow.

  Feeling heavy-hearted and more alone than she'd ever felt in her life, she went into her room and gathered up a blanket and her pillow and climbed up into the attic.

  She would sleep here tonight. Tomorrow, she would go to Cherise's house and wait for Gail to call.

  Dale Barrett paced the floor of the lab, his fists jammed into his pants pockets. He cursed softly, unable to believe his bad luck as he glared at the two men sitting hunched over the table.

  Mitch Hamblin looked sullen; Kelsey's expression was impossible to read. Most of his face was covered with a thick bandage. The chain wrapped around the alien's fist had done a remarkable bit of damage.

  "She'll go home," Barrett said. "Sooner or later, she'll go home. "

  "I'll find her," Hamblin said.

  "No, I'll find her. " Kelsey stood up, his eyes narrowed. "I want him, and he'll be with her. "

  "I want him alive!" Barrett's gaze bored into Kelsey's. "You can dispose of the girl if she gets in the way. Do it in front of the alien," Barrett said, exposing a sadistic streak few knew he possessed. "That should be vengeance enough for what he did to your face. But I want him alive. I need him alive. "

  "And I want him dead!" Kelsey's hand strayed to the bandage on his face. His nose had been broken; it had taken thirty stitches to sew up the gash that ran up his left cheek to his hairline.

  "He's no good to us dead," Barrett reminded him. "Once we have him again, you can do anything you want to him, except kill him. "


  Barrett nodded. "Within reason. But I need him alive, at least until I've obtained a sufficient quantity of his sperm and I can reproduce the healing agent in his blood. And then . . . " He shrugged. "And then he's yours. "

  Kelsey nodded. "I'll go with the kid to make sure nothing goes wrong. "

  "I don't need a nursemaid," Hamblin said, bristling.

  "Take Kelsey with you," Barrett said. "He can make sure you don't get yourself locked in another closet, and you can make sure he brings the alien back alive. "

  Mitch and Kelsey glared at each other a moment, then left the room.

  Barrett stared after them. This time, he thought, this time he would have it all.

  Alexander woke to an intense sense of loss and knew immediately that Kara had left the house. And in that same instant, he knew why.

  Sitting up, he buried his face in his hands. She had touched his mind last night, felt his fear, his pain, and she had run away to spare him further anguish.

  Cursing himself, cursing the weakness that had overwhelmed him the night before, he rose from the sofa and ran up the stairs to the bedroom. Opening the door, he stepped inside, and her scent embraced him, wrapping around him like an invisible web fashioned of her very essence.

  "Kara . . . "

  Crossing the floor, he sank down beside the bed and ran his hand over the sheet.

  "Kara, what have I done?"

  He pressed his face to the mattress, inhaling her scent. He'd been a fool to run away from the lab, a fool to be afraid, when the answer was so simple. Kill Barrett. Destroy his notes. Dispose of the blood samples and anything else Barrett had that related to Alex's existence.

  So simple. And yet the thought of killing Barrett sickened him. He had been banished from ErAdona because he had shed a man's blood. And yet, what other choice did he have? So long as Barrett lived, Kara's life, and his own, would be in danger.

  Rocking back on his heels, Alex stared at his hands. Strong hands with long capable fingers.

  Hands that had killed before. Hands that could kill again.

  He stared at the window. It was mid-afternoon. The storm had passed and the sun was shining brightly.

  "Kara," he murmured. "Forgive me. " Restless with the need to see her, to hold her, he wandered through the house. Never before had it seemed so empty. Never before had he felt so alone. Having known her, having tasted her love, how had he ever thought he could live without her? She had offered him her love. Even after she knew what he was, she had given him her love, taken him into the deepest part of herself. She had saved his life, restored his hope, his reason for living. And what had he done? He had offered to let her stay with him if she would give up all hope of having children, if she would submit to an operation she found repulsive.

  She had loved him with all her heart, asking nothing in return. She still loved him, loved him enough to leave him because she thought she was causing him pain.

  "Oh, Kara, natayah. . . " How would he ever make it up to her? Would she even let him try?

  "Kara. . . "

  Alex. Alex . . .

  Her voice, calling his name over and over again.

  He stared at the window, at the lethal sunlight kept at bay by a layer of heavy draperies. And in his mind, he heard her voice again, low and tinged with desperation.

; Alex!

  Kara cowered in the attic, listening to the voices below. The inertia that had held her in its grasp the night before fled as adrenaline pumped through her veins. How could she have been so stupid as to stay here? Why hadn't she taken her car and gone to a motel last night? She recognized Kelsey's voice, but not that of the man Kelsey called Mitch. They were here, in the house, looking for her. She could hear them wandering from room to room, opening doors, looking inside closets.

  Fragments of their conversation drifted upward.

  ". . . not here. "

  "Have to wait . . . "

  "Barrett could be wrong . . . "

  Kara pressed her ear to the floor, straining to hear more. And then the voices were directly below her, and she could hear everything they said.

  "Barrett said to wait, so we'll wait. Might as well make ourselves at home. " Kelsey's voice. "You hungry?"

  "Yeah, I could eat something. "

  "Why don't you go order us a pizza? I'll call Barrett on my cell phone and tell him we're here. "

  The sound of their footsteps moving away.

  Kara released the breath she'd been holding, only vaguely aware that she'd been repeating Alex's name in her mind over and over again, clinging to it, finding hope and strength in the name of the man she loved.

  She sat up, her back to the wall, and drew in several deep breaths. She had to get out of here, tonight, before they discovered the attic.

  She closed her eyes, felt the sting of tears behind her lids. She had to get to Cherise's house, had to talk to Gail, to assure herself that Nana and her sister were well. They'd arrange to meet somewhere . . . and then what? Spend the rest of their lives hiding, running?

  "Oh, Alex," she whispered. "What am I going to do?"

  Kara was in trouble. The thought clawed at his mind, relentlessly, without pity. She was in trouble, and it was all his fault.

  He prowled the house, as restless as a caged lion, as he waited for the sun to go down. Imprisoned by his body's weakness. Tormented by visions of Kara being captured, tortured. Because of him.

  And then he heard her scream, and all rational thought fled his mind.

  They'd found her! Kara held her breath as the trapdoor swung open.

  "I'm sure I heard something up here," Kelsey said. He struck a match and held it over his head, peering into the darkness.

  Not daring to breathe, Kara pressed herself against the wall, hoping Kelsey wouldn't see her in the shadows.

  "See anything?" Mitch asked.

  "No. I'm going in. "

  Panic surged through Kara as she glanced around the attic, her gaze searching for something, anything, that she could use as a weapon.

  Kelsey's footsteps were very loud in the small space. He swore as the match burned his fingers, then quickly lit another.

  And then he was there, staring at her, his eyes wide with surprise and satisfaction.

  Kara hesitated a moment, startled as a face as white as a sheet appeared before her. With a cry, Kara grabbed a heavy brass candlestick and swung it at his head.

  Kelsey jerked his head out of the way, and the candlestick landed with a dull thud against his shoulder.

  "Why you . . . " With his free hand, Kelsey struck her across the face. Hard. Twice.

  Kara reeled back, her ears ringing, her cheek throbbing.

  Kelsey snatched the candlestick from her hand and tossed it into a corner. Grabbing her by the arm, he shoved her toward the attic entrance.



  "Come and get her. "

  Moments later, she was sitting on the sofa, her hands securely bound, while Kelsey called Barrett.

  "We've got her. " Kelsey said. He nodded. "Right. Uh-huh. " He glanced out the window. "I don't think that's a good idea. There's a bunch of kids playing outside, a couple of women gossiping. Yeah. Okay. Well wait for you here. "

  Kelsey hung up the phone.

  "What'd he have to say?" Mitch asked.

  "He said to sit tight. He's on his way. "

  Mitch nodded.

  "You order us something to eat?"

  "Yeah. You like anchovies?"

  "Right now I could eat 'em alive," Kelsey muttered. He crossed the floor to stand in front of Kara. "See this?" he said, lifting a hand to the heavy bandage on his face. "He did it. And I aim to make him pay. And you, too. "

  Kara swallowed the lump of fear rising in her throat as Kelsey lifted his hand to strike her again. She cast a frantic glance at the window, dismayed to see the sun was still shining.

  She choked back a cry as Kelsey slapped her again, and then again. She tasted blood in her mouth and knew he'd cut her lip.

  "Hey, man, ease up. "

  "Shut up, Mitch! This doesn't concern you. "

  Kelsey was drawing his arm back, ready to hit her again, when the doorbell rang.

  "Pizza's here," Mitch said.

  "Not a word," Kelsey said, his voice thick with menace. "You understand?"

  Kara nodded.

  Kelsey's gaze bored into hers for a moment, then he looked over at his partner. "I'll cover her from the kitchen. "

  Kara blinked back tears as she watched Mitch walk toward the front door.

  When he was out of sight, she collapsed against the couch, her eyes closed. She heard the door open, the muffled sound of voices, a long silence, and then the sound of footsteps.

  Unable to believe her senses, she opened her eyes to find Alexander staring down at her, a pizza box balanced in one hand, his eyes filled with concern as he studied the red welt on her cheek, the blood oozing from her lip.

  Are you all right?

  She nodded. Kelsey's in the kitchen.

  The warning came too late. Kelsey stepped through the doorway, grinning as he aimed his gun at Alexander's chest.

  "Nice of you to bring lunch," Kelsey remarked. "What'd you do with Mitch?"

  Alex didn't say anything, just stared at Kelsey. And then he lifted his other hand, revealing Hamblin's weapon. "Drop your gun. "

  Kelsey reacted in the blink of an eye, the gun in his hand swinging from Alex to Kara as he thumbed back the hammer. "You drop your gun, or she's dead. "

  "You'll die first. "

  "I'm willing to take that chance," Kelsey said, his eyes cold. "Are you?"

  "No. "

  "Then drop the gun. "

  Slowly, Alex did as he was told.

  "Put the box down. "

  Again, Alex did as he was told. Conscious of Kelsey following his every move, he placed the pizza box on the coffee table, his gaze never leaving the man's face.


  I hear you.

  Can you distract him?



  Groaning softly, Kara lifted her bound hands to her cheek, and then she began to cry, softly at first, and then louder.

  "Shut up," Kelsey growled. "Mitch? Can you hear me?"

  Kara began to sob. "Please let me go," she cried. She tugged at Kelsey's coat, forcing him to turn toward her. "Please let me go!"

  "Get your hands off me!"

  Kelsey batted Kara's hands away, but she hung on tightly. "Please let me go!" She pulled on his coat again.

  In that instant, Alex dropped to the floor, grabbed Mitch's gun, and fired. The bullet struck Kelsey in the chest and he stumbled backward, crashing down onto the sofa beside Kara. The gun fell from his hand and skittered across the floor.

  Alex grabbed Kara, staggered, then pulled her to her feet and started toward the kitchen. "Don't move. "

  Alex glanced over his shoulder to see Kelsey's partner standing in the doorway. Blood trickled from the cut in the young man's temple. Kelsey's . 357 was steady in his hand. "Don't move," Hamblin repeated. Alex swore softly. "Let us go. " Hamblin shook his head.

  "I'll make it worth your while," Alex said. He felt
Kara stirbeside him and he squeezed her hand, willing her to be silent. "I'm a wealthy man. Just name your price, and it's yours if you let us go. Barrett doesn't have to know. You can tell him we escaped. "

  "I don't believe you. "

  "A hundred thousand dollars," Alex said, his voice caressing the words. "All you have to do is let us go. "

  "How will I get the money?"

  "Come with us. I'll write you a check. " Hamblin licked his lips. A hundred thousand dollars was a pile of money, more than he'd ever dreamed of. It made the few hundred dollars Barrett paid him each week seem like chicken feed.

  Kara's gaze moved from Alex to Hamblin and back again. She could feel Alex swaying beside her. Tightening her grip on his hand, she let her mind merge with his, felt the pain that engulfed him.

  Comprehension dawned as she glanced at the window. The sun was still up. He had come after her during the day, exposing himself to the sun's deadly light.

  Hamblin shook his head again. "No. I'd be a fool to trust you, and a bigger fool to go anywhere with the two of you. "

  "Then let Kara go. She's no use to Barrett any longer. It's my blood he wants. My blood he needs. "

  Again, Hamblin shook his head.

  "He's going to kill her," Alex said, his voice edged with panic. "Do you want her blood on your conscience?"

  For the first time, Hamblin looked uncertain.

  "My checkbook is in my desk at home. Once Barrett's taken me back to his lab, you can go to my house and get it. Fill out a check. Bring it to me. I'll sign it. "

  Kara looked up at Alex, worried by the suddenchoppiness of his words. She could feel the weakness growing within him, knew he remained on his feet by sheer force of will. Remorse filled her heart. She never should have come home, should have known Barrettwould look for her here, that Alex would come after her.

  "A hundred thousand dollars," Alex said again. "No one will know. "

  Hamblin licked his lips. It sounded so easy.

  "Make up your mind," Alex said. He clung to Kara's hand, drawing on her strength. The trip across town to her house had been excruciating. Even inside the truck, the sun had found him, burning his eyes, draining his strength. But he'd known he couldn't wait for nightfall, known Kara was in danger. Had it been dark, had his strength been undiminished, he would have lunged at Hamblin and wrested the gun from his grasp. But not now. Not when it took all his energy just to remain on his feet.

  "Okay," Hamblin said. "She can go. " Kara shook her head. "No, Alex, I'm not leaving

  you. "

  "Go on, Kara. " I'll find you.


  Trust me, Kara. You've got to go now, before he changes his mind.

  I don't want to leave you! Not here. Not like this.

  Kara, get out of here! I'm in no danger. Barrett needs me alive.

  Leaving him was the last thing she wanted, but she knew it was the right thing to do. At least, if she was free, she might be able to help. If Barrett caught her again, the best she could hope for was to be imprisoned while he experimented on her. The worst-case scenario was one she couldn't bring herself to contemplate.

  Rising on tiptoe, she wrapped her arms around Alex. "I love you," she whispered, and then she kissed him. And for a moment, nothing else existed in all the world but this man and the love that enveloped them.

  And then Alex was putting her away from him, urging her to go.

  And because she knew it was the only way to help him, she went. Tears blurred her vision as she unlocked the door to her Camry and slid behind the wheel. She started the engine, then sat there for a moment, staring at the house, afraid she'd never see Alex again. Blinking back her tears, she backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.

  She saw Barrett's car pull up in front of the house as she turned the corner.

  Alex sank down onto the sofa as soon as he knew Kara was safe. The drive across town had been torture; now he closed his eyes and surrendered to the pain.

  He heard footsteps and knew that Barrett had arrived. And still he sat there, his eyes closed, conserving what little strength he had left while he listened to the two men.

  "Where's the girl?" Barrett asked, his voice sharp.

  "She got away. "

  "Got away? How?"

  "The alien tried to fight. He killed Kelsey, and then turned on me. We struggled, and the girl escaped. "

  "Secure his hands," Barrett said curtly. "Use these. "

  Alex opened his eyes as Hamblin cuffed his hands together. They weren't ordinary shackles. A few inches of heavy chain ran from one thick iron cuff to the other.

  Alex smiled faintly. Barrett was taking no chances this time. But it didn't matter. Kara was safe.

  "Let's go," Barrett said.

  Alex shook his head. "The sun . . . "

  "We're going," Barrett said firmly. "Now. "

  It was useless to argue. Barrett wanted to move him now, while he was too weak to cause any trouble.

  "Keep him between us," Barrett said.

  Alex blinked against the sunlight as they left the house. The street, filled with kids an hour ago, was deserted. A nondescript dark brown van stood at the curb. Barrett backed it up the driveway, opened the door, and motioned Alex inside. Hamblin climbed in beside him, and Barrett closed the door.

  Hamblin leaned closer to Alex. "That checkbook better be there," he whispered.

  "It's there. "

  Moments later, Barrett opened the back door of the van and dumped Kelsey's body inside. "I went through the house and wiped everything off," he informed Hamblin.

  "What are you gonna dowith Kelsey?"

  "We'll dump him in an alley somewhere. There's nothing to connect him with us. "

  A few minutes later, they were headed out of the city.

  Back toSilverdale, Alex surmised. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep. He would need all his strength for what was to come.