Read Deeper than the Night Page 32

Chapter Twenty-eight

  "She's bleeding!" Gail cried. "Kara's bleeding!"

  "Where's she hit?"

  "In the side. Do something!"

  "Your scarf, Gail. Fold it into a square and press it over the wound. Kara?" He glanced over at her. "Kara!"

  "I don't think she can hear you," Gail said, a distinct quaver in her voice. "She's not dead, is she?"

  "No. "

  Alex glanced repeatedly in the rearview mirror, but as far as he could tell, they weren't being followed.

  "What are we going to do?"

  "I'm going home and grab some clothes," Alex replied. "Well look after Kara's wound, and then we're going up to Eagle Flats. "

  "I think we should take Kara to the hospital. "

  "Not now. "

  Kara was unconscious by the time they reached the house. Alex carried her inside, switched on the hall light, and told Gail to wait in the den.

  Carrying Kara up the stairs to the bedroom, Alex kicked the door closed with his heel, then lowered Kara onto the bed. Lifting her sweater, he removed Gail's blood-soaked scarf and examined the wound. It wasn't deep and didn't look serious, unless it became infected, but she had lost a lot of blood and that worried him.

  He washed the wound with soap and water, then swore under his breath as he ripped a clean white sheet into strips and bandaged her side. He didn't have so much as an aspirin to give her for the pain. But that couldn't be helped now.

  He dressed quickly in a pair of black Levi's and a black sweater, pulled on a pair of black cowboy boots, then went to the small desk beside the bed. Opening the top drawer, he removed the cash he kept on hand for emergencies and shoved it into his pants pocket; then, unlocking the bottom drawer, he withdrew a two-inch . 38 Special which he tucked under his shirt at the small of his back. Then, lifting Kara into his arms, he carried her downstairs and went into the den to get Gail.

  "Is she all right?"

  "She'll be fine. Hand me my checkbook there on the desk, will you? Thanks. " He slipped it into his back pocket. "Ready, Gail? Then let's go. "

  He stopped at an all-night drugstore. Leaving Gail in the car with Kara, he went into the store, gathering all the first-aid supplies he thought he might need. He asked the clerk where the alcohol was, and when the young man went to get it for him, Alex grabbed a couple of syringes from behind the counter and stuck them inside his jacket.

  It was near dawn when Alex pulled into a motel. He went in alone to register, requesting a room toward the back.

  Kara was awake when he returned to the car.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked.

  "Horrible. Where are we?"

  "A motel about forty miles from Eagle Flats. We'll stay here today. "

  "Do you think it's safe?"

  "No one's following us as near as I can tell. "

  "I'm hungry," Gail said.

  "We'llsend out for something as soon as I look after your sister. " Opening the door, he lifted Kara into his arms.

  "I can walk. "

  "Do you want to?"

  "No. " She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. So many times, she'd been afraid she'd never see him again and now he was here, holding her, his dark eyes filled with love and concern.

  "Do you guys want to be alone?"

  Alex glanced at Gail, grinning when he saw the look on her face. "What do you think?"

  "I think you should have got two rooms. "

  Alex shook his head. "We can't take a chance on leaving you alone. Here. " He tossed her the room key. "How about opening the door?"

  "And then get our bags," Kara added.

  Gail grimaced. "Now I know why you brought me along," she muttered. "Gail, open the door. Gail, get the bags. "

  Alex laughed softly as he handed her the car keys.

  "I'd do it myself, but my hands are full. "

  "Yeah, yeah," Gail said irritably, but she was smiling as she walked toward the car.

  Inside the room, Alex placed Kara on the bed. "Let's get you out of those bloody things," he said.

  "Let's kiss instead. "

  "Kara . . . '

  "Please, Alex, just one kiss?"

  How could he refuse? Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her gently. Sensations swamped him. Warm, soft lips, the scent of her skin and hair, the touch of her hands sliding up and down his back, massaging the sensitive skin of his spine. He remembered all the nights he had ached for her touch, yearned for the sound of her voice, the comfort of her smile . . .

  Abruptly, he drew back, his gaze searching hers. "Kara . . . " He swallowed hard as he placed one hand over her abdomen. "Kara?"

  "It's true," she said quietly. "I'm pregnant. "

  His first reaction was one of joy. She saw it dance in the depths of his eyes, in the smile that lit his face. And then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone.

  "I'm happy, Alex, happy about the baby. I want you to be happy, too. "

  "How can I be?" He dropped to his knees beside the bed and buried his face in her lap. She was pregnant. The thing he had feared most had come to pass. He closed his eyes against the pain that slashed through his heart. What if she died? How could he live with the knowledge that loving him had killed her?

  "Alex, please. "

  He lifted his head, his black eyes dull with pain. "We'll find a doctor. "

  "A doctor? For what?"

  "There's still time. "

  She stared down at him. "You're talking about an abortion, aren't you?"

  "It's the only way . . . "


  "Kara . . . "

  "No, Alex. I won't even consider it. "

  A soft sound at the doorway drew Alexander's attention. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Gail standing there, an overnight bag in each hand, her cheeks wet with tears.

  Rising to his feet, Alex crossed the room and took the bags from her hands. "Why don't you order us some dinner?"

  Gail went to sit beside her sister. "Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine. Call the restaurant and order something to eat. " She forced a smile as she placed her hand over her stomach. "I'm eating for two now, you know?"

  Mouth set in a grim line, Alex removed Kara's sweater and set about cleaning and disinfecting the wound. When that was done, Kara went into the bathroom to wash up and change into her nightgown.

  Gail sat on the edge of the other twin bed, fidgeting with a corner of the bedspread. "Why do you want Kara to get an abortion?"

  "What'd you order for dinner?"

  "Is it because you're from outer space?"

  "Did Kara tell you that?"

  Gail nodded. "You don't have to worry. I won't tell anyone. "

  Alex swore softly, then shook his head. Maybe it was better that Gail knew. It would certainly make things easier.

  "It's true," Alex said, sitting down beside her. "I'm from another planet, and I'm worried that it might be dangerous for Kara to have my baby. Do you understand?"

  "Of course. "

  The sound of the water running in the bathroom drew his gaze toward the door. Closing his eyes, he searched Kara's thoughts, needing to be certain she was all right. She was angry with him. Afraid for him, and for the child.

  And then her mind closed against his, shutting him out as effectively as if she'd slammed a door between them.

  Kara emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, and Alex thought she'd never looked lovelier. Her face was flushed, her hair fell down her back, a few tendrils curling around her face.

  She walked across the room slowly, carefully sat down on the bed.

  Alex watched her, feeling the pain of her wound as if it were his own.

  Five minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

  Withdrawing his pistol and holding it out of sight behind his back, he motioned for Gail to open the door.

  "I've got an order here for Mr. Jones. "

  Alex looked the young man over. Placing the gun on top of the dresser, he withdrew some money from his pocket. "How much?"

  "Eighteen-fifty. "

  Alex paid him for the food, then closed and locked the door.

  He stood near the window, looking out from time to time, while Gail and Kara ate breakfast.

  "Alex, are you sure you don't want anything?" Kara asked.

  "I'm sure. " Needing some time alone, time to think, he went into the bathroom to shower. She was pregnant. The thought pounded at his brain as the water pummeled his flesh. Pregnant. Pregnant. How far along was she? A month? Two? Pregnant.

  He dressed quickly, then stepped into the main room. Gail and Kara were asleep in each other's arms.

  A wave of tenderness swept through Alex as he drew a blanket over the two of them. He checked the lock, slipped his gun under the pillow of the other bed, and stretched out on the mattress.

  She was here.

  She was pregnant.

  It was his last thought before sleep claimed him.