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  New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street bestselling author

  Sandi Lynn


  Copyright © 2017 Sandi Lynn Romance, LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or are used factitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Photo & Cover Design by: Sara Eirew @ Sara Eirew Photography

  Models: Alex Roy & Pamela Tremblay Mcallen

  Editing by B.Z. Hercules

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Books by Sandi Lynn

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  Betrayal. The pain and rage that consumed me was unbearable. My perfect reality had become my hurtful one. Loss of illusion settled inside me and constricted the air I breathed. I felt as if my entire life was a lie. That was the only truth I had. The burning hole in the middle of my soul was the start of my life Armageddon. This betrayal changed everything for me. In the blink of an eye, my entire life was altered. The security I once had was gone. The comfort that blanketed me my whole life was ripped off, leaving me numb and cold. They say time heals all wounds, but there wasn’t enough time in the world to heal a wound this deep.

  Their justification sucked. The people I trusted with my life had done the unthinkable. They could have changed it years ago, but they didn’t. I only found out after hearing a conversation I wasn’t supposed to hear. They didn’t know I was there. It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. I had just graduated law school. Top of my class. I delivered the valedictorian speech with excitement because all my hard work had finally paid off. I was rewarded in the best possible way with an associate position at one of the top law firms in Boston where I interned. All I needed was to pass the bar exam. I wasn’t worried. I would nail it and my future looked bright.

  But this. This changed everything. The fog in which my mind was enveloped wasn’t lifting. It had been four hours since I’d found out. We all had words. Mine were angry, while theirs were apologetic. Tears were shed and my screams could be heard throughout our quiet neighborhood. My eyes were flooded and my vision was blurry. I couldn’t think straight nor could I stand there and listen to the apologetic lies that spewed from their mouths. I had to leave, to get away from them and clear my head. But I had to be careful and play it right.

  I swallowed hard as I stood there and stared at the people who had betrayed me. I wanted to tell them all to fuck off, but I couldn’t. Not yet. I needed a plan.

  “I’m in shock to say the least and I need some time to absorb and process all of this,” I spoke in a calm but shaky tone. “I’m going to my room to think, so I’m asking you to please leave me alone and give me the time I need.”

  “We understand, baby.”

  I slowly walked upstairs and went to my room. Locking the door behind me, I sat on the bed for a moment and stared at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair was a mess from my hands tangling through it as the destruction of my life unfolded. Streaks of black ran down my face with every tear that I’d shed. I didn’t wear waterproof mascara because there was no need to. Today was supposed to be a day of joy and happiness. I stood up and changed out of my plum-colored silk sleeveless dress that I had carefully picked out for this day. The shakiness I felt hadn’t subsided and my pounding heart failed to slow down. I knew what I needed to do. I couldn’t live here anymore and I certainly couldn’t live in this town. I went into my closet, pulled out my suitcase, and began packing the essentials. In a couple of hours, when I knew they’d be sound asleep in their room, I’d leave and I’d never look back. I would run to the only person that came to mind. Another who had betrayed me. I swallowed hard at the thought. It wasn’t going to be easy, but compared to staying here, it was my only option until I figured out my next move.

  I didn’t have her number anymore. It had been four years since I’d shut her out of my life. Shut them out of my life. I opened my laptop and searched for her on Facebook. Found her. Her profile picture was of the two of them. Posted two weeks ago. They seemed happy and both still lived in New York. I typed a message in the message box and hit send.

  “Olivia, I need you.”

  Within a matter of seconds, she replied.

  “Ariana? My god, it’s so good to hear from you. Are you okay?”

  “No. Things here have changed. I’ll explain everything later. I’m heading to New York tomorrow. Would it be okay if I crashed with you and Harry?”

  “Of course. Do you need us to pick you up from the airport?”

  “No. I’ll just take a cab.”

  “Okay, I’ll text you my address and I’ll leave the key under the mat. We’ll both be at work tomorrow, but I should be home around six o’clock.”

  “Thank you, Olivia. I appreciate it.”

  “Have a safe flight and I’ll see you tomorrow. It’s really good to hear from you, Ari. I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too.”

  Olivia Shallow and I had been best friends since the time we were five years old when we met in kindergarten. On the first day of school, she curled into a ball and cried because she missed her mom. I felt sorry for her, so I walked over and sat down on the floor next to her, hooked my arm around her, told her that she’d be okay and that her mom would be back to get her after school was over. I asked her to sit next to me at my table and we’d been inseparable ever since. Until that night four years ago. The night she and Harry told me that they had fallen in love with each other. Harry was my boyfriend at the time and we’d been dating about a year. Olivia attended Boston University with me right after high school and then decided to transfer to NYU when her boyfriend of two years was recruited to the New York Giants. I warned her that it wasn’t a good idea, but she didn’t listen and went anyway. Two months later, he cheated on her with not one, but several girls, and she finally dumped him. Harry was offered a summer internship in New York at a prestigious financial firm, and when he got there
, Olivia showed him around. Apparently, New York wasn’t the only thing she showed him. They spent a lot of time together since neither one of them really knew anyone else. She was broken and he was there. Shit happens, I guess. I just never thought my best friend would steal my boyfriend. I cut all ties with them after that and we hadn’t spoken in four years. But, even after everything we’d been through, she was the one I needed the most right now.

  After I finished packing, I went into the bathroom and washed my face. As I stared at myself in the mirror, the only thing I saw was a little girl lost. The product of deception and lies. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then they suddenly stopped. I turned off my light to make it look like I’d turned in for the night. Their bedroom door shut, so I waited until I knew they were asleep. An hour later, I saw the headlights of the cab from my window. Picking up my suitcase and duffle bag, I carefully opened my door, crept down the stairs, and slid out the patio door.

  After climbing into the cab, I stared at the brightly lit house where I had grown up for the past twenty-five years. Tears crept into my eyes as the driver pulled away and drove me to a hotel for the night.

  Chapter Two


  The smell of cheap perfume woke my senses as I opened my eyes and stared at the arm that was draped over me. Carefully removing last night’s fuck off me, I climbed out of bed and hopped into the shower, the taste of whiskey still on my breath. After finishing, I wrapped a towel around my waist and when I walked into the bedroom, the bed was empty. I silently smiled at the thought that she’d left without me having to kick her out. But no such luck when I went into the kitchen and found her staring at the coffee pot.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Trying to figure out how to use this thing. I really need some coffee,” she spoke as she stood there wearing one of my black t-shirts.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed while I walked back to the bedroom, gathered her clothes off the floor, and handed them to her.

  “There’s a Starbucks around the block.”

  “You want me to leave?” She frowned.

  “Yes. I need to get ready and go to the office. I’m already running late.”

  “I can wait for you here all day and maybe we can do something later. I had a lot of fun last night.” She bit down on her bottom lip while her finger ran down my chest.

  “As did I, but there won’t be another time. Now get yourself dressed.” I headed back into the bedroom and pulled a ten-dollar bill out of my wallet. “Here. Your coffee this morning is on me.” I smiled.

  She took it from me without as so much as a thank you and slipped into last night’s clothes.

  “Do you always do this?”

  “Do what?”

  “Use women and then throw them out like they’re a piece of trash?”

  “Do you always do this?” I raised my brow.

  “Do what?”

  “Go home with and fuck random guys you’ve only known for a couple of hours?”

  “You know what? You’re a jerk.” She put on her heels and stomped away.

  “You’re no different than I am, sweetheart.” I smiled as she slammed the door shut.

  I respected woman a lot and I liked them. I liked their company as long as they were intelligent. Last night’s fuck wasn’t. Usually, I’m more selective with whom I bring to my bed, but I hadn’t had sex in over a week and it was getting to me. She approached me at the bar, I bought her a few drinks, and next thing I knew, we were at my place. I had a lot of casual flings. And that was all they’d ever be. As much as I liked the company of a strong, intelligent woman, I kept them at a distance, never letting them in and never letting things get too comfortable. It was for the best. Not only for me, but for them as well. My secrets and my fears were my own and ones I’d have to live with for the rest of my life.


  “Good morning, Olivia.” I smiled. “Are those depositions ready?”

  “Morning, Luca. They’re right here.” She handed me the folder.

  “Thank you.” I walked into my office.

  “I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I left an hour early today?”

  “For what? Do you have a doctor’s appointment or something?” I took a seat behind my desk.

  “No. A friend of mine whom I haven’t seen in four years is coming to New York today and she’s staying with me.”

  Curiosity got the better of me.

  “Have a seat.” I motioned for her to sit down. “May I ask why you haven’t seen her in four years?”

  She swallowed hard and looked down. It was absolutely none of my business why she hadn’t seen her friend, but, by her reaction, something must have happened.


  She looked up at me and scratched her head. “I may or may not have stolen her boyfriend.”

  I narrowed one eye as my other brow arched.


  “Mhmm.” She nodded.

  “And you haven’t seen her since?”

  “No. She cut all ties with us after that.”

  “I would say that’s going to be an intense first time meeting after all these years. By all means, leave an hour early, and while you’re at it, you might want to do a couple of shots first.” I smirked.

  “Thanks, Luca. I appreciate it.” She got up from her chair and began to walk out.



  “Make sure you’re in an hour early tomorrow morning.” I winked.

  She gave me a small, un-genuine smile as she walked out of my office.

  There was nothing I couldn’t get out of people and that was what made me a damn good lawyer, probably the best. I was always in complete control. I had control over every aspect of my life, including what happened in the bedroom. There wasn’t anyone or anything I couldn’t control and I thrived on it. It was what made me what I was today. Some called me ruthless because I played dirty in the courtroom. Some called me a man-whore because I liked to sleep with women but refuse to give them anything more, and some called me a bastard because it was my way or no way. Did I care? Not in the least. I was a thirty-year-old man with the world at his fingertips. I had a successful career that I loved, a luxury apartment on Park Avenue, and the company of any beautiful woman I wanted at any time.

  Chapter Three


  I checked out of the hotel at nine a.m., climbed into the cab, and headed to the bank to close my account. I had been up all night thinking and planning for my new life. I always liked New York, so I figured that would be the best place to start over, take the bar exam, become a licensed attorney, and hopefully get a job at a top-notch law firm. In the meantime, I’d have to find something else for income until I got my license. I booked a flight from Boston to New Jersey in case they started looking for me. Once I was in New Jersey, I would hail a cab to New York City.

  As the plane started down the runway and lifted into the air, I looked out the window and a tear fell from my eye as I silently said goodbye to the memories that I would lock away safely to never be released. I sipped on a glass of wine and looked at the people who sat around me, wondering if they’d betray the ones they loved the way my family did to me.

  I entered the building at 160 East 22nd Street and took the elevator up to apartment 20B. Lifting the mat, I found the key that Olivia had promised she’d leave and slid it into the lock. I opened the door and stepped inside. Eggshell-colored walls, black leather furniture, a square glass coffee table, a small kitchen, and a round table that seated four greeted me. Their apartment was cute and very well decorated. Walking over to the stand where the TV sat, I picked up a side-by-side picture of us. On the left was the two of us from our kindergarten graduation, and on the right, was our high school graduation. That was the happiest day of our lives and probably the drunkest we’d ever gotten. As I set it back in its place, I heard the door open, and when I turned my head, Olivia stepped inside. I swallowed hard as she s
et down her purse and held out her arms to me.

  I stood there for a moment, nervous and wondering if I made the right decision to come here. Then I thought about my family and I knew Olivia was the only one who would understand.

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” she spoke as we hugged.

  “It’s good to see you, Olivia.” The tears started to stream down my face.

  We stayed in an embrace for what seemed like forever, neither one of us wanting to let each other go.

  “You’re home early,” I spoke.

  “My boss let me leave. Let me look at you.” She broke our embrace and placed her hands on each side of my head. “You’re just as beautiful as you were four years ago.”

  “So are you. You cut your hair.” I smiled as I sniffled.

  “Yeah. I needed a more grown-up look.” She laughed.

  Olivia was a beautiful girl. Her once long blonde hair that had flowed down her back was now cut into a style that sat above her shoulders with long wispy layers. She stood five-foot-five with green eyes and a size two body. People always thought she was way younger than she was, so I understood her reason for the hairstyle change.

  “What happened, Ari?” she asked.

  “You’re never going to believe what I’m about to tell you.”

  “Go sit down on the couch and I’ll grab the wine from the fridge.”

  It was good to see her again. Even after everything that happened between us, I never stopped missing her. A part of me hated her, but the other part loved her. I had four years to get over the fact that Harry chose her over me, and I did. Maybe I should have reached out at some point, but I had said some horrible things to her. Things I didn’t think she’d ever forgive me for.

  She brought the bottle of wine over to the couch and I told her everything as she sat there in utter shock.

  “I—I—don’t know what to say. I can’t believe this, Ari. Oh my God.” She reached over and took hold of both my hands. “Do they know you left?”

  “I’m sure they do by now.”