Read Defiance Rising Page 36


  Rage fragments my thoughts as I watch the scarlet laser shoot toward Bastien. A guttural snarl rips from my throat as I throw out my hand and shove Bastien out of the way. He tumbles end over end as the beam slams into the wall behind him, leaving behind a scorched divot.

  My control over the Shadow shatters as I bear down on Drakon. He fires off three shots at me, but instead of absorbing them, they deflect off me like light on a prism. Drakon ducks as the lasers careen away.

  Lightning forks in the sky as the dark clouds begin to swirl overhead, forming a perimeter around the City edge. Three tornadoes descend to the earth, tearing apart the City outskirts as they converge toward the Shard.

  The building quakes as the ground rolls underfoot. Drakon cries out as the metal frame of the building rocks, spilling him off his feet. From the windows beyond, I can see deep crevices carving in the earth. Spider drones spill into the holes as Caldonians dangle from the crumbling ground. Entire blocks of buildings tumble into the sinkholes.

  Apple sized hail is hurled from the sky and forks of lightning strike at the land, charring everything in its path. Fires rampage through the broken city, sealing off the aliens’ exit.

  Drakon’s laser gun rises into the air, crumpling as I clench my fist. Sky Ships implode in midair, careening to the ground, rocking the city with their explosions. Shrapnel and ice fill the air as I pin Drakon to the wall.

  In the distance, I watch as the Caldonians’ homes are leveled, leaving nowhere for them to hide. The tornadoes collect glass and rubble from the ground, sending deadly debris whipping through the air.

  Drakon watches in disbelief at the annihilation of his beloved city. “You can have Eamon back. I promise to release him to you if you will spare my life.”

  “You are in no position to make deals.” I curl my fingers, slowly crushing his windpipe. His eyes bulge as he claws at his throat. Gurgling cries spill from his lips.

  The desk and chairs whip into a cyclone about me, sucking up papers and shattered picture frames off the floor. “Help me,” he gurgles, glancing down at Bastien.

  “No!” Bastien cries as he races toward me. “Don’t do this. He isn’t worth it.”

  He is buffeted by the winds, ducking out of the way, as the couch breaks into three pieces and lifts into the air.

  I rise into the air, the center of the deadly vortex. Bastien shields his eyes as a golden light emits from my chest. I raise my hands above my head and a ball of energy spirals in my hands.

  Bastien’s hair stands on end as he pushes his way toward me. “Don’t let the Shadow consume you!” He screams over the roar of the swirling winds. “If you kill him, I will lose you!”

  I shake my head, trying to push out his words. The whispers rise in a symphony within my mind. Bastien cries out in pain as he clasps onto my hand. He sinks to the floor, jerking as if he’s just been electrocuted.


  I throw out my hand and envelop Bastien in healing light. His convulsions cease, but his face remains contorted.

  “See what you made me do!” I scream at Drakon.

  “Remember who you are,” Bastien pleads weakly.

  I scream, yanking at my hair. The rage is too strong. I’m losing control.

  Bastien rises unsteadily to his feet. “Do you love me?”

  “Yes,” I whisper hoarsely. “More than anything.”

  “Is your love for me stronger than the Shadow?” He asks, rising to his feet. He inches toward me, buffeted by the winds. As the electricity fades around me, he reaches out and cups my cheek in his hand.

  “Yes.” Flashes of violet return to my eyes and the Shadow begins to lift.

  “Then fight back!”

  My body slams against the ceiling, consumed with rippling energy. My back arches as I scream. Light shoots from my chest, glowing with pure, blinding luminescence. Bastien shields his eyes from the light, unable to handle the sight of my raw power. The light blinks out of existence and I collapse to the floor.

  Papers, desks and books fall from the air. The clouds break apart, letting sunlight stream through once more. The tornadoes spin themselves out and the ground ceases to quake. People, all over the City, crawl out from their hiding places.

  As the Shard ceases rocking, Bastien throws himself to my side, rolling me over as he cradles me against him. His lips find mine and tears leak down my face as I wrap my arms around him. Drakon slumps to the ground, unconscious.

  Kyan races into the room, stopping in the doorway to survey the damage. Laser scorch marks line nearly every wall. Everything has been turned upside down and Bastien and I embrace in the middle of it all.

  He clears his throat. “Um…sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if you were done tearing apart the City.”

  I flush furiously as Bastien releases me. I squeeze his hand and nod. “Sorry about that.”

  Kyan grins. “The war is over, thanks to you.” He turns and looks to Drakon. “You didn’t kill him.”

  Bastien wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in close. “I told you she was stronger than the Shadow.”

  “So you did,” Kyan nods, dipping down beside Drakon to check his pulse. “I think it’s only fitting that we send Drakon back to Aloysius to tell him the good news of our victory here today, don’t you?”

  I laugh and accept Bastien’s hand up. “I wish I could be there to watch.”

  I tug Bastien toward the door, but he pulls back. “I’m gonna hang out here for a few minutes. Why don’t you head down and check on everyone? I’m sure Aminah is dying to see you.”

  Bastien’s earlier warmth has begun to recede, leaving a cold dread in his wake. I force a smile and pause in the doorway. “You’ll come find me, right?”

  He hesitates before nodding. I slip out of the room and wrap my arms around myself as I start the long trek down the stairs.

  Aminah dashes across the courtyard when she sees me emerge from the Shard. A brilliant smile greets me just before she throws her arms around me. “Thank you for saving Toren!”

  “And you,” I chuckle as she steps back. “Glad to see you on two legs again.”

  She nods, her flattened curls thick with blood and tiny bits of debris. “Your friend healed me. I think he said his name is Carleon.”

  I grin and look up to see the younger boy eagerly waving at me. I wave back and squeeze Aminah’s hand. “Is everyone ok?”

  A knowing smile makes her eyes twinkle as she looks over my shoulder. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

  I spin around and find myself scooped up into Eamon’s arms. He lifts me off the ground, twirling us around. He glows with happiness as he kisses me. “So, I hear I have you to thank for saving me. I think I make a pretty hot damsel in distress.”

  Aminah shifts away, returning to Toren’s side, but I hardly notice. It feels too good to be in Eamon’s arms. “I was so worried about you! How did you survive Drakon?”

  He slides his hands down my arms and twines his fingers through mine. “I just kept thinking about you.”

  I blush furiously as he cups my cheek, brushing his thumb across my skin. “I never get tired of making you blush.”

  His fingers shift to lift a thick clump of hair from my shoulder. “Love the new look,” he grins mischievously. “I think I could really get used to the new you.”

  I flush and run my fingers through my hair. “It’s different, that’s for sure.”

  “I like it,” he grins, wrapping his arms about my waist. “It’s sexy.”

  My blush deepens under his adoring gaze. I clear my throat and let my head rest against his chest so I don’t have to hide my discomfort. “How many did we lose?”

  “More than we would have liked. Most of the men have burns and bruises. Nothing that can’t be mended.”

  I look at the courtyard filled with people milling about. Many are bloody, bandaged with what
ever clean fabric can be plucked from the rubble. Entire blocks have been leveled by my devastation.

  “Many of them are already joining our forces. Kyan was right, most of these men didn’t want this war. They were just following orders. Once we get them cleaned up and rebuild part of the City, I think we’ll be ready to start planning the next battle.”

  I groan. “Oh, please let me recover from this one first!”

  Eamon laughs, tucking me under his arm. “I still can’t believe you did all of this.”

  “A woman scorned,” I mutter under my breath.

  He pulls back to look at me. “Something must have really ticked you off.”

  I avoid his gaze, knowing that he will figure it out easily enough on his own. I shelter my face from him with a veil of raven hair. It is cowardly to hide but, even still, I do.

  Eamon sighs. “It was him, wasn’t it?”

  “Do you hate me?” I whisper.

  “Never,” he says into my ear and then pulls me around to kiss my forehead. His lips pause against my skin before he pulls back. “I think someone wants you.”

  I look up, surprised to see Bastien standing close to the Shard, waiting for me. I look to Eamon, unsure if I should leave him. He shoots me a weak smile. “Go on.”

  The walk to Bastien is slow and painful, filled with conflicting emotions. As I approach, he turns and disappears around the corner of the building. He waits for me halfway down the block with his back turned toward me.

  I wait in tortured silence for him to speak, shifting from foot to foot with unease.

  “Now that Drakon’s army has fallen, we will begin assimilating many of the soldiers into our ranks. Kyan intends to keep the momentum going, to strike while Aloysius is weakened.”

  “That makes sense,” I respond, confused as to why this matters to me.

  When Bastien turns, I can see that his face is drawn with exhaustion. “Kyan needs someone to lead the army while he remains behind to continue your training.”

  “And he chose you?” I suck in a breath, reaching out to grab his hand, but pull back when he bristles and steps away. My stomach clinches painfully.

  He shakes his head, staring fixedly on the ground. “I volunteered.”

  “No!” I cry, stepping closer, ignoring his obvious discomfort. “Why would you do that?”

  “I can’t stay here anymore. You’re with Eamon now. If I stayed I’d be in the way and I…I don’t know how much more I can take,” he whispers, his voice cracking pitifully. “It’s best for everyone.”

  “But you kissed me…on the roof…in Drakon’s room…”

  Bastien’s face crumples in shame. “I know. I’m so sorry. I was weak…”

  “Weak?” I whisper. “That’s why you…” Bastien nods, refusing to meet my gaze. “No. I don’t believe you!” I cry, rushing forward. “Look at me!”

  Emotionless eyes rise to meet mine. I reel back, shocked by the hollow man standing before me.

  “You’re really leaving?” The clear blue sky disappears as dark thunderous storm clouds brew directly overhead. Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, but I barely notice. Bastien lifts his face as the first drops of rain fall from the sky. He closes his eyes as the rain patters against his face.

  The downpour drenches us within seconds. Bastien’s dark hair plasters to his scalp and his chest rises and falls as he struggles to gain control over his emotions. When he opens his eyes, I see only deep sadness. His hope is gone.

  “This is why I can’t stay,” he points to the churning skies above. “You’re too emotional when you’re around me. Your powers are growing quickly and you can’t control them when I’m nearby. I can’t stay and take the chance of someone getting hurt.”

  “But if you go, I will be hurt!” I plead, knowing that I’m not fighting fairly.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t keep denying myself if I stay so the only thing I can do to help you is leave.”

  I shake my head, backing away. “No. We can find another way.”

  “There is no other way.”

  “We could try,” I whisper.

  “Why? So we can torture each other some more? So we can keep living a lie, hoping that things will work out in the end? It won’t, Illyria, and you know it.”

  “Don’t you love me?”

  Bastien closes the gap between us, placing his hands on my arms. “More than life itself. That’s why I have to go.”

  “It’s not fair!”

  “No,” he shakes his head, “but it’s the right thing to do.”

  In all the time we’ve been apart, I have never wanted to run away from my destiny so badly as I do in this moment. All I want in life is to have Bastien by my side, but fate has dealt me a different hand.

  “I will miss you,” Bastien says.

  I wrap my arms about myself as I sob, knowing there is nothing I can do to change this. He pulls me into his arms, resting his head atop mine. I can feel his pain churning within him just before he steps back.

  “It’s time for the rain to stop, don’t you think?”

  I nod and close my eyes, pushing back the clouds. The last few raindrops mingle with my tears as they fall from the sky. “I wish things could be different,” I whisper as I dry my eyes.

  Bastien swallows roughly. “I know.”

  “Will I see you again?” I drop my head, trying desperately not to think of what my life will be like without him. As hard at it was to see him every day, knowing that I couldn’t have him, never seeing him will be far worse.

  “I’ll drop in from time to time.” His lie is so obvious that a fresh rain of tears floods from my eyes. He is leaving…for good.

  “Please don’t do anything reckless while you’re gone,” I plead.

  “Nothing more than usual,” he forces a laugh. “Same goes for you.”

  I nod and wipe my nose with the back of my sleeve. “When do you leave?”

  “Now.” He looks beyond me and I turn to see Kyan waiting. “We’re transporting Drakon to another location nearby. There’s a ship waiting to send him on to Calisted with our message.”

  “I have to go.” His brave façade falters as he walks past me. The sag in his shoulders tears at my heart. I can’t just stand here and let him leave. Not like this.

  “Wait!” I race around him and throw myself into his arms. I pull his face to mine before he can protest. Crushing my lips against his, I try to express every ounce of my love with one final kiss. It isn’t enough. How can it be? But it’s all I have left to give.

  With a whimper, I pull back. “Please come back.”

  Bastien fights hard to clear the emotion from his face. He finally manages something close to expressionless, but he can’t hide the burning agony darkening his eyes. He clenches his jaw and steps around me. “Goodbye, Illyria.”

  He straightens his shoulders and marches away. He doesn’t stop, doesn’t look back. He leaves me, standing alone, in the war-ravaged street with my heart utterly shattered.

  I sink to my knees and feel a chasm widen in my chest. I have no idea if I will ever see him again. It is too painful to be near each other, but unbearable to be forced apart. I weep for the love I have been wrongfully denied.

  Strong arms envelop me. I look up into Eamon’s face, full of understanding and forgiveness. I cling to him, desperate for him to make the pain disappear. I sob until my sides ache and his shirt drips with my bitter tears, and still he says nothing. He just holds me.

  My tears dry up slowly and I pull back to look at Eamon. His gaze is sympathetic. “I’m sorry that he left you,” he murmurs against my hair. “He’ll be fine. He’s the best fighter we have.”

  “What about us?” I whisper.

  Eamon smiles against my head. “That’s entirely up to you.”

  My mouth falls open as I lean back to look at him. “You mean you still want me, after all of this?”
r />   “Always,” he presses his lips to mine. “Nothing can ever change that.”

  I smile. Maybe there is still hope. Maybe, just maybe, I can be happy with Eamon. My heart will forever long for Bastien, but I know I’m lucky to have Eamon by my side. He will never take Bastien’s place in my heart, but maybe I can make a new place for him.

  As Eamon leads me back to the courtyard, love and pride swells in my chest, driving back my sorrow. My friends and family are here, willing to stand by my side as we strive to change the fate of our world. This battle may be over, but the war has only just begun.

  The Rising was a success. We fought hard and won our first victory, but there is much work to be done. The days ahead will be long, filled with danger and uncertainty, but I am ready to embrace my destiny, no matter what the future holds for me.

  Note from the Author

  Thank you for taking this journey with me into Bastien, Illyria and Eamon’s lives. I hope that you have enjoyed Book I of the Rising Triloy. Your reviews are greatly appreciated!

  All books in this series are available now on all ebook platforms and paperback.


  The rising is over, but the war continues to rage. King Aloysius knows Illyria exists and will stop at nothing to possess her. Jealousy drives a wedge between Illyria and Eamon. When Bastien reveals himself as her guide into enemy territory, an ambush lands them in captivity. Illyria is faced with the truth that she is not ready to face her destiny…or let Bastien go again.

  About The Author

  Author Amy Miles has always been a bit of a dreamer. Growing up as an only child, and a military brat to boot, she spent countless hours escaping into the pages of a book, only to spend the following days creating a new idea of how to twist up the story to make it unique.

  Since becoming a mother, Amy has slowly nourished her love of the written word while snatching writing time in the midst of soiled diapers, tumbling over Legos and peering around mounds of laundry and dishes that never seem to go away. Once her only son started school, Amy was free to let her fingers dive into dark mythology, tales of betrayal and love, and explore human nature in its rawest form. Her love of seeing the world from a different angle bloomed.

  Amy is the author of several novels, including her popular young adult immortal books, The Arotas Series, which are an Amazon and iBooks bestselling series. Unwilling to be defined by any one genre, she proceeded to flip over to a science fiction/fantasy based idea with her Rising Trilogy. She then dove into contemporary romance with her novel, Captivate and explored the depths of her own faith with In Your Embrace.

  She is currently working on completing her Immortal Rose trilogy, a prequel to her Arotas novels. She has also embarked on two new journeys this year, one in the form of a co-written banshee trilogy, The Hallowed Realms, which is currently represented by GH Literary and she breached another genre with her upcoming adult horror novel, Wither.


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