Read Define Trying... Page 11



  “Really Laci, what an easy blow.” Daisy screamed at a tall skinny brown haired girl.

  “And you would know all about being easy wouldn’t you.” Laci hissed back at Daisy. A host of people watching the confrontation had now gathered behind them.

  “This isn’t cute anymore Laci, you know that the Queens need that space.”

  “To do what, hid your rhythmless flailing from the general public? Well I would love to help you hun, but I have my own agenda.” Laci started, slowly stepping towards Daisy. “Face it, the dance squad, if that’s what you call dance, is useless. And seeing as the student council’s constant fund raisers are basically funding this school that would make you guys irrelevant.

  On those last words, Daisy lunged at Laci and pushed her. Daisy pushed Laci back and they both fell to the floor, with Laci sitting on top. Laci smacked Daisy in the face and Daisy returned he lick with a knee in the back. Before anymore blows were traded, security pulled the two girls apart.

  “Would somebody tell me what’s the meaning of this!” Mr. Biye demanded as he walked in between the girls.

  “She started it.” Laci scream as she reached for Daisy.

  “No, you started this.” Daisy screamed back.

  “Enough, both of you have detention. And I expected more for the dance captain and student council president.

  The security guards moved the girls away as the crowd started to diminish, leaving Breslin and a few other stragglers to stand there.

  “Yea, totally not a war zone.” Eric said as he moved past Breslin. “If you continue standing there you’re going to be late.”

  “Right.” Breslin replied as he followed after him.

   Whisper didn’t look like much from the outside, just two classrooms pushed together. Needless to say the inside put the rest of the school to shame. A plasma TV hung on the wall in front of the desks. Two more hung on the wall that overlooked the desks of Whisper’s staff. Every desk had a computer on it, tuned into the schools website. The locked supply cabinet next to the door was stocked with cameras, the one next to that stocked with laptops. If Breslin was going to get any work done, it was going to be in here.

  “So as I mentioned before, there’s a spot open on the news paper. And if you’re interested, it’s yours.” Eric said as he sat behind his desk in the newsroom.

  All of the assignments for the media classes were posted on the schools website, and since Eric was a part of Whisper he had a choice of sitting in his stuffy desk of lounging in his padded office chair as he worked.

  “So what would I be doing?” Breslin asked as he began to look at the articles on Eric’s desk. One after another had something to do with either Daisy or Laci. Food fight here. Keyed car there. Never any actual witnesses, just a whole lot of speculation. Breslin wondered what in the world got these two girls to act like this.

  “In a nutshell..,” Eric started, breaking through Breslin’s thoughts. “You will be helping me on assignments until your good enough to handle your own. Shouldn’t be too hard. Everything does go through Mr. Biye though, so no writing about rebelling against the school. We lose a lot of good interns that way.”

  “So what’s the deal with those two?” Breslin asked while showing Eric the article he just picked up. On the cover was a headline that read “Friendly Competition or World War Pink.”

  “Forget about them.” Eric said as he turned his attention back to his computer.

  “No seriously.” Breslin tried to interject.

  “Breslin, if you pursue these girls they are just going to drag you down with them.”

  While sitting the article down, Breslin stood up and dusted off his shirt. “I’ll take the position.” He said with a straight face.

  “Great, we can start you off tomorrow.”

  As Breslin stepped out of Whisper, he slid the guidelines to his new position in his bag. He wasn’t sure what happened between Eric and the girls but he wasn’t going to find out by just hanging around. He had to be where the action was. And what better position than on the newspaper.

  He didn’t know why, but he really wanted to know what was going on. The way Daisy was acting was scary, like crazy drama scary. And at this moment, Breslin didn’t know if he wanted to be a part of that or not. However, in true Breslin fashion, he didn’t really have much time to decide because Daisy was walking his way.

  “Hey.” She said with a smile when she got to him.

  “Hi.” He replied as he tried to move past her.

  “Please don’t be like that.” She pleaded, hoping that it didn’t fall upon deaf ears.

  “I’m sorry; this whole thing is still kinda shocking.”

  “She just drives me up the wall.” She said as she leaned against the lockers next to Breslin.

  “Would you like to tell me what happened?” He asked in the most serious yet caring tone he could muster.

  “Sure, just not here.” Daisy said as she reached for Breslin’s hand. He was apprehensive, but he wanted to know the history between those two. “Trust me, I don’t bite.”

  Breslin allowed himself to grab Daisy’s hand and she led them to a place where they wouldn’t be overheard. Pushing past all of the judging stares and snickering grins, Daisy lead Breslin to an empty room. The hollowness of the room somehow mirrored the look in Daisy's eyes as she stood next to a nearby window.

  “Is this room what all fighting's about” Breslin asked as he turned his attention to Daisy.

  “Sadly, yes.” She responded, never taking her gaze from the window. “There are times where I want to just give it to her so she can leave me alone.”

  “So what happened between you guys?” Breslin finally summed up the courage to ask. This single question had been eating him up since he saw the confrontation. Anger like that just doesn't pop up over night.

  “It’s a long story”

  Breslin took another quick look around the room. Besides the windows, there was no outside light entering the room. After simply locking the door, Breslin returned his attention to Daisy. “And it looks like we have nothing but time.”

  Smiling at him, Daisy took a seat in front of Breslin.

  “Ok, so Laci and I used to be really close. Like shared birthdays and sleepovers close. Middle school was where we really shined, and we used to do everything together. But high-school, that's another beast entirely. And it always manages to bring out the worst in people. Laci being no exception. So when she started stepping on people to win her student body president election, I had to take a stand.”

  “What happened?” Breslin somewhat impatiently interjected.

  “I didn’t help her, and she flipped out. Literally. She even kissed my boyfriend. That didn’t go over well.”

  “I bet.” Breslin said with a smile.

  Daisy didn’t sound mad when she explained what happened, she sounded tired. Being in a state of constant war would do that to you.

  “So what now, why don’t you just give her the space. You look like you don’t really care.”

  “I don’t.” She started. “But The Queens need this space. Having a gym full of boys ogling you as you try to practice a routine in short shorts doesn’t help performance ratings. Either there too shy or just not paying attention at all. Either way, we need the space to get back on our game.”

  “Have you told this to the principal?”

  “Do we look like a gang to you?” Daisy shot back.

  “Well.” Breslin replied with a smile.

  Daisy slugged him in the arm.

  “You sure are an aggressive on aren’t you?” Breslin asked as he moved closer to her.

  “Growing up in a house full of boys, you learn a few things.” Daisy said as she continued to focus on his eyes. His calming hazel eyes.

  “So now you know my gritty past, what about yourself. Why are you so broody?” She asked while scooting closer to him.

  The gap that used to exist between their bodies wa
s virtually gone now.

  “You’ve been talking to Eric haven’t you?” Breslin asked. His eyes were a little less kind.

  “Close, Avalon.” She replied.

  Breslin clenched his jaw.

  “Whoa, don’t go all papa bear on me. I think the name is kinda cute.”

  “It’s nothing.” Breslin said. “Really.”

  “Now you know I don’t believe that. It’s like you’re carrying around this huge weight on your shoulders. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Well,” Breslin started. This was going to be the first time he retold these events out loud. “So I used to live with my father. He was a writer, always trying to get me to read. I hated reading. He always used to guilt trip me. “You can’t tell any stories if you don’t know any” he always used to say. And it never failed to make me mad. He used to always use it guilt trip me into reading.”

  “Where’s the quote from?” She asked.

  “It was his, he was like that.”


  “Well it kinda worked, so it wasn’t a totally lost.”

  “Where is he now?” Daisy asked, she had a hint but she wasn’t too sure.

  “He’s dead. Guy fell asleep at the wheel.”

  “Oh.” Daisy said again, this time looking directly into Breslin’s eyes.

  He had an inner sadness, something he did a subpar job hiding from the world. But in that moment she didn’t care, she had a sudden urge to make him happy. And before she knew what she was doing, she leaned in to kiss him, retracting almost instantly.

  The air grew stale around them as they stared at each other, neither one knowing what the appropriate response was.

  “I think we should go to class now.” Daisy finally muttered as she shot up and headed out of the door, leaving Breslin to stare at the four walls closing in on him.

  “Sorry.” He whispered as he picked himself up and walked into the dead hallway.

  Slowly walking down the Breslin managed to not draw his teacher’s attention as he slid into the classroom and sat down next to Conner, but in doing so he noticed Conner was already preoccupied.

  “What’s up?” Breslin asked while pulling out his writing pad. He wasn’t planning on using it, merely placing it there for show.

  “.........huh?” Conner replied in a daze.

  “Dude, are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I just got to go use the restroom.”

  “Well then... um.., why don't you?”

  “Because of her.” Conner stated with a daze type expression.

  Breslin looked behind him about three rows back to find Natalie, a very pretty girl with long brown hair, light brown eyes, and a light skin tone, softly scratching notes into her soft pink spiral. She wasn’t even acknowledging the boys existence, but that never stopped Conner before. Breslin then looked back at his indisposed friend who was now turning an off-shot red.

  “So man, I just had the best conversation with Daisy.” He said as he pulled out his books.

  “Oh really, what is her name”

  “Umm, Daisy?” Breslin replied, just a tad confused.

  “Cool.” Conner said.

  “Yea, and she’s really nice.”


  “And she kissed me.”


  “Right before abducting me in her spaceship.”


  “And taking over the human race, ending the free world as we know it.”

  “Right, well more power to you.” Conner said as he continued to stare at Natalie.

  Breslin turned back around and dipped into his bag.

  “Thanks man, you were loads of help.” He mumbled as he pulled out his water bottle and took a few sips.

  Conner broke his attention away from the girl only to hear the sound of water rushing down Breslin’s throat.

  “Oh no.” Conner said as he rushed out the classroom.

  “What is wrong with him?” Natalie asked as she moved up to Breslin.

  “He seems as if he was just about to burst.” He responded with a smirk.

  “Okay? Well do you happen to have a pack of colored pencils. My AP History class wants homework before the first day of school is over and this map of Africa has to be fully colored and labeled. What a drag.”

  “No prob.” Breslin said while handing her his colored pencils from his bag. “Why are we still coloring anyway? Aren’t we a little too old for that. I mean do I lose points off my average for going outside of the lines?”

  “I know right. And thank you, you’re such a life saver.” She said as she flicked her hair and extended her hand “My name's Natalie, by the way."

  "I'm Breslin. Oh, and that was Conner.” Breslin replied as he shook it.

  “Your friend going to be ok?” She asked, with a small hint of worry on her tongue.

  “Yea, he’s cool.”

  “Who’s cool?” Conner said as he came strolling back in the classroom. He had regained his composure and was ready to try another mode of approach.

  However, at that very moment Coach Jau stood up from his computer and started to arrange the class into groups for an assignment.

  “So do you like her?” Breslin probed while sitting down in the first available seat next to Conner.

  “What?” Conner deflected. “Naw, I’m just trying to be friendly.”

  “Right, it doesn't seem that way to me.”

  “Speaking from what experience?” Conner sneered in frustration. “Besides, she’s dating somebody else. She told me that this morning. I got this; just leave it all to me.”

  “Fine man, you got this.” Breslin said as he started to write.

  Breslin had experience in this department; he knew the system very well. The girl system or at least he thought he did. It wasn’t the fact that he never had a girlfriend. It’s just that he wasn’t ready to reveal that story yet. His relationship with his ex put him in positions that he wasn’t ready for and that he never wanted to find himself in ever again.










  Starry Eyed


  “A moment of love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry…”

  Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap


  On any other Saturday night, the halls of Clearveil would be far from the minds of all of its inhabitants. Junior movie day was one of the only exceptions to that rule. The one day in which the whole class gathers to “bond” together over a movie. This year they choose Romeo and Juliet, the remake. 

  “Say cheese.” Eric announced as his camera flashed in Jade’s face.

  “Eric if you ever take another unannounced picture of me in going to rip your heart out and punt it.” Jade barked at him.

  “Of course I announced it, I said say cheese.” Eric said as he slowly started to back off of Jade.

  “Eric, stop poking the bear.” Conner chimed in. “So who are we waiting on?”

  “Who do you think?” Jade said as she looked at her phone and redialed Dex’s number. He still wasn’t answering. He never answers.

  “I don’t even know why I asked, of course he isn’t here.” Conner said as he leaned against the locker next to him.

  “I’ve got the camera right here, what’s the emergency?” Breslin asked as he hustled up to Eric

  “Junior movie night.” Eric said with a smile.

  The worried look that was residing on Breslin’s face was quickly replaced by a blank stare. “You mean to tell me that I left my warm bed on a Saturday night just to come up to school and watch Romeo and Juliet!”

  “The remake.” Jade added.

  “Great, I’m going home.” Breslin said as he turned around and began to walk away.

  “You can’t leave, it’s a work day.” Eric cut in.

  “You don’t pay me.” Breslin shot back.

/>   “Details details now get in there and take some shots for the website.”

  Breslin moved around Eric, giving him the evil eye before disappearing into the room.

  “And don’t be so broody,” Eric yelled after him before bringing his attention back to Jade. “He’s fine.”

  Just as quickly as he a Breslin disappeared, Dex appears out of a classroom with a female classmate.

  “Oh I can’t believe this.” Jade said as she began walking towards Dex.

  The look on Dex’s face dropped once he saw Jade’s cold expression. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “Oh really, and what is it exactly?” Jade asked while folding her arms.

  “We were making lemonade for the rest of our class.” Dex responded while reaching a cup to Jade.

  Jade looks down at the cup, then slaps it out of Dex’s hand. The lemonade spills all over the empty hallway.

  “I’m not cleaning that.” Conner said as he dodged the splash of the drink.

  “Hey!” Veronica Gale squealed.

  “Oh shut up.” Jade shouted at Veronica. “Why are you even still standing here?”

  “Jade I would never t...”

  “Leave.” Jade screamed at Veronica, causing her to run down the hall.

  “Jade, it wasn’t like that. I would never cheat on you.” Dex said as he tried to comfort her.

  “Whatever.” Jade screamed as she stormed off; leave Dex to stand in the hall with Conner and Eric.

  “She looks pissed.” Conner said as he reached into his pocket to look for his phone.

  “She’s fine.” Eric retorted.

  After finally catching up to Jade, Dex tried to take a seat at the bench she was sitting on.

  “That seats taken.” She said in a low voice. She didn’t yell. She didn’t scream. She actually seemed pretty calm. And that’s how he knew this was serious.

  “Look, I’m sorry, is that what you want me to say.”

  “No,” Jade said. “I don’t want you to say anything.”

  “I don’t know why your hurt, but I want to make this up to you. I need to make this up to you.”


  “No, not whatever. Friday night, just you and me.”

  Jade just sat there in silence.

  “Please.” Dex begged.

  “Fine.” Jade replied, and then disappeared back into the school.