Read Define Trying... Page 20



  At this point, Dex was running. More than running. Try sprinting frantically through the mall. Daisy was here. Breslin was here. Jack was here. That situation already sounded like trouble without adding Laci and Wes. He felt like this was a joke. And that at any moment somebody was going to pop out of nowhere screaming you’ve been punked or something. But as he cleared another row of stores he realized, this wasn’t a game. And people were seriously going to get hurt. As he crossed paths with Conner, he was about to relay how hopeless this was. They could be anywhere, on any floor. Clearveil Mall had three.

  “I’ve looked everywhere for them.” Dex panted out.

  “We have to look again.” Conner said just as he phone vibrated.

  Pulling it out of his pocket, his eyes lit up. The good news was, Avalon found Breslin. The bad news was, so had Jack.

  “Stay right there.” A mall security guard yelled as he gained on them. Running wasn’t allowed in the mall.

  “You thinking what I’m thinking.” Conner asked, a tired smile appearing on his face.

  “Yea.” Dex replied. “Time to call in the cavalry.”

  Dex and Conner took off, two security guards in hot pursuit after them, leading the right towards their friends.






  “We’re building it up, to break it back down…”

  Burn it Down by Linkin Park



  “So what are you going to do?” Breslin said as he gently played with Daisy's hair.

  “Well I was thinking a massage.”

  “Funny. But seriously, what are you going to do about Wesley?”

  “Yeah Daisy,” Jack's voice called out. “What are you going to do about Wesley?”

  Daisy leaned up, “Well hello to you too Jack.”

  “I just can't believe you.” Jack said as he stepped forward, he wasn't yelling yet. That was a plus.

  “I don't know w...”

  “Don't play dumb with me Daisy.” He said, allowing his voice to start rising.

  The other patrons that were moving around them were now slowing to watch. Looking at them from a balcony above stood Laci and Wes.

  “Jack, what’s the matter.” Daisy said.

  “....You cheated on me.” He was finally able to get out. In that moment, everyone around them went quiet.

  Daisy couldn't believe what was happening. Of all the drama in her life, she never wanted Jack to get dragged into this mess.

  “Who told you that?” Daisy said, feeling flustered.

  Jack didn't answer her. Breslin stood idly by.

  “Who told you that?!” Daisy screamed.

  “So it’s true?”

  “No its not.”

  “Way to waste my time Sanders. And to think I defended you when everyone was talking behind your back. I took the bullet for you when everyone said you cheated on me! And now. Now you prove them all right.”

  “I didn't cheat on you!”

  “Don't try to make out like a saint now. It’s far too late for that.”

  Jack was doing well for himself, he was calming down and he was just going to walk away.

  “Was it Wesley?” Daisy called from over his shoulder.

  Jack felt all the blood in his body rush to his head. He knew she was lying, he knew she couldn't be trusted. Noticing Jack tensing up, Breslin stepped in between the two forces. “Look, if she said she didn't do it than she didn't do it.”

  “I don't even know who you are.” Jack said as he shoved Breslin aside.

  “Wesley lied to you didn't he?” Daisy asked.

  “No, no somebody’s telling me the truth for once in my life and surprise surprise, it isn't you.”

  “Jack I never cheated on you, in fact the whole reason I broke up with you was so that you wouldn't get dragged into this stupid war that Laci just won't let go of.”

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses.” Jack said as he brought his attention to Breslin. “So who is this new guy that you’re dating now.”

  “Jack, leave him out of this.” Daisy screamed. She was losing ground, she could feel it.

  “She’s telling the truth.” Breslin blindly agreed with Daisy. He didn’t know for sure.

  “Ah, my naive friend, see that’s where you’re wrong. That’s what she does. She ensnares you. Makes you think she actually gives a damn about you. Then, when you think it can’t get any better, she crushes you. She crushes everything you ever stood for.”

  Jack was shaking at this point; it looked as if he was going to just snap. But coming up behind him to break the tension was Avalon.

  “Breslin.” She screamed.

  “Avalon?” Breslin responded. “What are you doing here?”

  “Trying to stop people from getting hurt. Next time, answer your phone.”


  “Shut up.” Jack boomed.

  In that moment everyone grew quiet. It was as if the whole mall stopped moving. Avalon slowly pulled out her cell phone; she had to let Conner know what was going on. Maybe he could help.

  “Look,” Breslin started. “I know this looks bad. And I’m sorry for the things that happened in the past. But if I have learned nothing else from Daisy, it’s how to not let your past dictate your future. After all the stuff I’ve seen her go through, she has never let it drag her down. And if she says she didn’t cheat on you, she didn’t cheat on you. Let it go.”

  “Breslin.” Daisy said.

  Jack loomed in front of the three. Somewhat angry. Somewhat confused. But nevertheless he was trying to process what was happening. All he was trying to do was call out Daisy for what she was and her little pet was barking at him. Jack wasn't broken, far from it. He was angry. Ticked the hell off. Who did Breslin think he was coming up to Jack and acting like he knew him? Acting like he knew the hurt Jack felt. Breslin knew nothing. He understood nothing. He was nothing but a child that stumbled into the hornets’ nest. And Jack was angry.

  Lifting up Breslin by his shirt, Jack dragged him closer. "What do you know about me? You don't know the hell this girl put me through. You don't know how she made me feel."

  "Put him down." Daisy cried.

  "Jack." Ava pleaded.

  Both girls feel upon deaf ears.

  “If you won’t listen to reason, that’s fine with me. Maybe I’ll try beating some sense into you.” Jack said as he slammed his fist into Breslin's gut.

  “Do you understand how I feel right now?” He screamed.

  Breslin felt faint. He was already having trouble breathing, but that blow took all the air out of him. Meanwhile, Jack wasn't seeing straight. He had fully let his anger take over him, and he just wanted to keep hitting Breslin until he could clear his head. So shoving him away, Jack kicked Breslin hard in his right leg. Breslin trip and slammed his head on the steps behind him. Jack’s eyes where mad with rage and his breathing seemed irregular. He was acting out, no long caring for the safety of the people around him.

  “Answer me!”

  “Breslin.” He heard someone scream. At this point, it was hard to differentiate voices, everything looked and sounded groggy.

  “Why is no one stopping him?” Laci said from the balcony. Everything was a game to her. She figured that Jack would be angry, yell, and leave. She didn’t think that he would go postal and try to kill Breslin.

  “Because you unleashed a monster.” Wes responded.

  He felt firsthand how strong Jack was, he wasn’t even considering throwing himself between that plane crash and Breslin.

  “Maybe you’ll start to realize that you actions have consequences.” Wes said as he began to walk off.

  Breslin no longer had the strength to stand; he could barely keep his eyes open. The only thing he could clearly hear was footsteps, several footsteps.

  “No running.” He managed muttering to himself before he lost all consci
ousness. And then, there was nothing.