Read Deklan Page 22

  I squeal and scuttle down the hall. As I hear the shower start up, I quickly undress and climb into bed on top of the duvet.

  Checking left and right, I try to place myself in the exact center. I lie back and spread my legs apart. I place my palms against the duvet and stare at the ceiling.

  As I listen to the water pelting the shower tiles, I can feel my heart rate increasing. I pull my knees up and spread my legs a little wider. Glancing down, I check myself over, wondering how Deklan will view me when he gets out of the bathroom. I imagine the look on his face and the way he’ll runs his hands over my skin and realize I’m biting my lip almost hard enough to break the skin.

  I take a deep breath through my mouth. My nipples are getting hard. I’m tingling everywhere, and my clit is beginning to throb.

  He hasn’t even entered the room yet.

  I lick my lips, adjust my position slightly, and look over to the bedroom doorway. There’s still no sign on Deklan.

  I really, really want to touch myself.

  I consider the consequences of getting caught in the act. I’ve read enough mommy porn to know some of the various options, and none of them sound all that bad—not if the punishments were dealt out by Deklan. However, he might decide to just leave me squirming and sleep on the couch, and I can’t risk that.

  I need his warmth.

  Deklan comes into the bedroom wearing absolutely nothing. He moves to the head of the bed on my left but doesn’t join me. Instead, he starts to walk around the bed. Actually, he doesn’t walk—he stalks. He looks like a large African cat going after an antelope or, in my case, a compliant deer. His gaze drifts up and down my body until I can practically feel invisible fingers stroking me everywhere his eyes roam.

  “Put your hands up over your head,” he says softly. He nods when I comply. “There you go.”

  He reaches with a single finger to stroke the palm of my hand, then my wrist, and then down my arm. I squirm a little when he reaches my armpit—it tickles—and he grins at me before running his fingertip down my side, over my hip, and all the way down my leg.

  When he reaches my ankle, he switches sides and goes all the way back up to my wrist.

  My nipples are pointing straight at the ceiling. It’s becoming more and more difficult to keep my legs spread. I want friction so badly, I can feel sweat collecting at the hairline around the back of my neck.

  Thankfully, Deklan moves to the end of the bed and crawls on top of the duvet, right between my legs. I’m familiar with this move—he’ll now run his hands over me as he crawls the rest of the way up, kiss me hard, and then slowly push inside of me.

  I look down at him, waiting for him to continue crawling over me so I can kiss him, but he stops. With his gaze locked with mine, he leans over and kisses my stomach—just his lips at first, and then open-mouthed. He circles my navel with his tongue and then moves lower, still staring right at me.

  Deklan licks his lips and then tilts his head to kiss the inside of my thigh. He glances down before sliding both arms under my legs and angling my hips up until he’s staring right between my legs.

  “Deklan…” My voice is nothing but a breathy whisper.

  He looks back at me with dark, eager eyes. He pauses, and I wonder if he’s waiting for me to protest. I say nothing. I just stare at him wide-eyed and apprehensive. He grips my thighs, holding my legs apart and my hips firmly against the mattress.

  Without breaking our stare, Deklan leans forward, reaches out with his tongue, and licks my folds from bottom to top. I gasp at the warm, wet sensation. The pressure against my clit as Deklan circles it with the tip of his tongue sends flutters up my spine. I try to sit up, but he pushes me back to the bed.

  “Be still.” Deklan looks up at me with a wicked grin. “I’m just getting started, and I won’t stop until you come all over my face.”

  “Ugh!” I can’t even attempt any kind of verbal answer. I let him hold me down with one hand placed between my breasts and the other one still wrapped around my leg.

  He starts slowly, exploring every bit of me with the flat of his tongue, then doing it all again with the tip. Flicking his tongue against my clit makes me shudder every time, and I find myself biting my lip again just to keep from screaming.

  Deklan moves faster, repeating a pattern of circling my clit, moving down, then back up to circle again. He holds my leg down with his arm and reaches for my clit with his thumb. I feel his tongue entering me, then pressing against the walls of my pussy. I can hardly stand it.

  “Deklan! Please!” I don’t even know what I’m begging for, but Deklan continues until there are tears running out of the corners of my eyes. I try to twist and turn, my body moving of its own accord. Deklan holds on tightly, forcing me to stay still as his tongue lays siege to my most intimate parts. He licks, sucks, and kisses until I can’t take any more.

  Short, high-pitched sounds come from my throat. My whole body tightens so much that it’s shaking. With a final shudder, the tension releases, and it’s as if everything inside of me has turned to mush. I simply melt against the bed, sweat running down my neck, and my breath coming in quick pants.

  But my husband isn’t done with me yet.

  He sits up, still holding on to my legs, and moves backward off the edge of the bed, dragging my body with him. He positions my ass right at the edge while he stands between my thighs. Deklan then grabs my leg just behind my knee and hauls it up and over his shoulder. Positioning himself at my opening, he moves forward slowly.

  Usually, it takes a little while for Deklan to get completely inside of me. He always goes slowly and carefully, stretching me and waiting until I’m ready to take all of him. This time is different. This time, he slides into me easily with the first penetration.

  “Oh, yeah…” Deklan’s moans cause me to clench all over. “So fucking wet. You loved having my tongue all over you, didn’t you, Kera?”

  He leans forward, impaling me as I cry out again. I try to respond in some coherent way, but I only manage to mumble the word “yes” a couple of times. Deklan smiles and starts moving faster, pulling nearly all the way out before diving back in again.

  I stare at his form, silhouetted by the light from the hallway. His shoulders and arms flex as he holds me right where he wants me. Sweat collects on his forehead as he clenches his teeth and rams into me repeatedly.

  I extend my hand toward him, but I can’t reach him at the edge of the bed. I whimper, and Deklan pulls out suddenly, leans over, and slides me back up the bed. He positions himself again, pressing his lips hard against mine as his cock throbs inside of me.

  I press my heels to the bed, lifting upward as he thrusts downward. I can barely keep up with his pace. With my arms around his neck, I hold his mouth to mine, stroking his tongue as his cock strokes inside of me.

  He breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against my shoulder. He slows down, making every thrust long and deep. His quick, audible breaths tell me he’s close.

  “Sweet Jesus, Kera…” Deklan’s words are hot against my skin. He pulls back and slams forward two more times before he lets out a final, growling grunt, and I feel him empty inside of me.

  Deklan collapses on top of me, nearly knocking my breath away. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him tightly, welcoming the sensation of his weight on me even though it’s difficult to breathe. I can feel his heart beating, and I close my eyes as I concentrate on the rhythm. As it slows, Deklan nuzzles his nose against my neck and lets out a long, deep breath.

  I feel his weight shift, and instinctively inhale deeply now that I can again. My husband leans slightly to one side, holding his weight up on his elbow as he uses his other hand to stroke the side of my face.

  “I have no idea what I ever did to deserve you,” he says. “I wish I knew. At some point in my life, I must have done something pretty awesome.”

  “Maybe it was just the act of saving me from marrying Sean,” I say, and Deklan nods once.

aybe.” He strokes my face again. “I love you, Kera.”

  “I love you too, Deklan.”

  “I will take care of all of this,” he says. “I will keep you safe. Whoever the creepy stalker guy is, I will find him, and he will never bother you again.”

  For a moment, I consider asking him what he would do if Sean were the threat, but I think better of it. I’m afraid I might not like the answer.

  Chapter 28

  “When he gets there, do not talk to him. Take the burner phone. Text me as soon as he comes in.”

  “We’ve been over this ten times, Dek,” I say with a sigh. “I’ve got it, okay?”

  “I just want you safe, babe.”

  For once, my walk to the coffee shop does not bring me joy. My legs are shaking, and with every step, I check all around to see if I catch sight of the creeper. Once I get to the shop, I smile at Terry when he waves and head to the employees’ lockers.

  It’s early, but people want their coffee early, so there is already a line when I get back out. Terry asks me how I’m doing, but there is—thankfully—no time to talk about it. I get lost in making lattes and mochas for a while before we get a bit of a break.

  “That was quite a morning rush!” Terry blows out a breath and rinses one of the blenders. “Glad that didn’t happen yesterday. What happened to you anyway?”

  “I don’t even know where to start.” I shake my head. “A friend of mine…well, she was killed over the weekend.”

  “Oh, shit! I’m sorry!” Terry sets the blender down and comes over to hug me.

  “Thanks.” I give him a quick hug back. “As if that wasn’t enough, my husband got arrested, and I was in court when I should have been here.”

  “Damn! What did he do?”

  “Nothing.” The lie comes quite easily to me. “It was just a mistake. They released him, but it still took all morning. I swear—I didn’t even realize what day it was until right before I called you. I’m glad you didn’t fire me!”

  “Nah.” Terry makes an exaggerated wave with his hand. “Not for a first time thing. You’ve always been reliable, and you have a pretty good excuse. Just remember to call if there’s ever another emergency.”

  “Sorry to leave you in the lurch.”

  “It’s only coffee.” Terry shrugs and gives me a reassuring smile. “I’m just glad you’re okay, and I’m really sorry about your friend. If you ever want to talk, I’m here for ya.”

  We both go back to cleaning up until a couple more people come in. I take the order and start making the coffee while Terry deals with the next couple.

  “That’s the guy you were talking about, right?” Terry says quietly as he slips past me for the milk. “The one in the dark coat?”

  I glance up and see Charlie the Creeper walking through the doorway. He glances at me and then quickly looks back at the menu.

  “That’s the one.”

  “Why were you asking about him?”

  “He’s been following me,” I say. “I’ll tell you more later. Can you take his order?”


  Terry heads to the cash register while I head to the back room to text Deklan. When I return, Terry is handing the guy his coffee. He heads to the back of the shop, just like he always does, and shoves his nose inside his newspaper.

  I go back to taking orders and pouring flavored caffeine. Only a couple of minutes pass before Deklan is at the door of the shop. He scans the room as he enters, pausing as he sees Charlie the Creeper in the back. Dek glances at me, and I confirm with a nod toward the creeper.

  “Who is that?” Terry asks quietly.

  “My husband. That guy has been following me around.”

  With long, purposeful strides, Deklan walks up to the guy.

  Charlie sees him and immediately drops the paper. He starts to stand, but Deklan sits him back down with a hand on his shoulder. He leans over and stares the guy in the face, speaking softly. I can’t hear what he’s saying, and I’m suddenly terrified he’s going to shoot him right here at my workplace.

  “Shit! What’s he going to do?” Terry asks.

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  Other patrons are taking note of the exchange between Deklan and Charlie. One of the hipster regulars pokes his friend in the arm and gestures toward them. Another customer looks over to Terry—as if he could do something about it.

  Deklan stands up straight, and Charlie the Creeper stands as well. His face is completely white. Neither of them looks in my direction as Deklan grips Charlie’s arm tightly and leads him out of the shop.

  “Dude, your hubby is huge!” Terry lets out a long whistle.

  For a moment, I feel a deep sense of pride.

  Yeah—that’s my man.

  “He looks like he’s gonna kill that guy!” Terry laughs nervously.

  All my smugness dissipates as I realize Terry might be right.

  “I think I should go after him,” I say. “The line is gone. Are you good for a few minutes?”

  “Sure,” Terry says. “Don’t be too long.”

  “I won’t.”

  I toss my apron on the counter and rush out of the shop. I look around but see no sign of Deklan or the creeper. I head around the corner in the direction of the apartment and spot Deklan’s Viper parked near the entrance to the alley. I approach slowly and hear voices.

  “You have about four seconds to give me a better answer,” Deklan says, “or I’m going to rip your balls off.”

  I peer around the corner and into the alley. The dumpster used by the coffee shop is up against the brick wall, and behind it, I see my husband. With him are two men I recognize from our wedding though I never got their names. They’re holding Charlie the Creeper up against the bricks as Deklan slams a fist into the guy’s face.

  Blood spatters as the guy’s nose cracks, and he cries out.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  Deklan shakes his head slowly.

  “Wrong answer.”

  The two other men grip Charlie tighter as Deklan grabs him by the hem of his pants and rips them down. He begins to scream as Deklan reaches down. I can’t quite see what he’s doing with the dumpster in the way, but I have a pretty good idea.

  “No! Don’t! Don’t! I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you everything!”

  “That’s better.” Deklan nods and takes a step back as the two men release Charlie.

  Charlie drops to the ground on his knees, grabbing at his pants and trying to pull them up as he falls.

  “I was hired, okay? I wasn’t going to do anything to her—just watch and report.”

  “Report to who?” Deklan circles around and kicks him in his bare ass, sending him sprawling on the concrete.

  I have to step back to avoid being seen and to fight against correcting Deklan’s grammar.

  “I don’t know! I just call a phone number and leave a message.”

  He starts to scream again, and I peek around the corner to see Deklan dragging him by the hair to a puddle near the wall. He shoves his face into it and holds him there for a moment.

  “Care to revise that statement?” Deklan says calmly as he hauls the guy back to his knees.

  One of the men with Deklan leans back against the wall and lights a cigarette. He puffs on it a couple of times before handing it to Deklan. He holds the lit end up close the Charlie’s eye.

  “No! Please!”

  “Give me a name. Give me a name right now, or so help me God, I’m going to burn out your eyes, blow a hole in your head, and let Mac over here skull-fuck you.”

  The guy who lit the cigarette snickers and rubs the front of his pants.

  Charlie stares at them both wide-eyed until Deklan slams his head into the puddle again.

  “Give me a fucking name!”

  Charlie coughs and sputters. He chokes out a sound, but I can’t tell what he’s said; I can only see Deklan’s reaction. He goes completely still for a moment. Then his shoulders flex as he pulls C
harlie’s face close to his. I can tell they are talking but hear nothing. I strain my ears and take a half step closer, but I’m afraid of being seen.

  “Motherfucker,” Deklan mutters as he stands up, drops Charlie to the ground, and pulls out his gun.

  “No! No, please! There’s more! I can tell you more!”

  “Start talking fast.” Mac hands a cylindrical object to Deklan, and he attaches it to the end of his weapon before pointing it at Charlie’s head.

  I gasp, and Deklan turns his head to see me.

  “Goddammit!” He passes the weapon over to Mac and stalks out of the alley. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me over to the car, checking left and right to make sure no one is watching us. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I wanted to know what was happening.”

  “Tell me how much of that you saw.” Deklan’s voice is soft and calm, but his eyes aren’t.

  “Most of it,” I whisper.

  “Jesus Christ, Kera.” Dek closes his eyes for a second before he pulls me against his chest. “I never wanted you to see anything like that.”

  “Who hired him?”

  “Later.” Deklan holds me at arm length. “I’ve got to…to finish up here. You are not going back to work. In fact, you’re going to quit.”

  “Quit?” I stare up at him, hoping he doesn’t mean what he’s saying. “I don’t want to quit!”

  “Not until you’re safe,” Deklan says, “and you’re not.”

  “Who is he, Dek? Why is he following me?”

  “I said later.” Dek takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and then leans close to me. “Don’t push me on this, Kera. Not now. We’ll talk later, but do not cross me here. Go back to the coffee place, and tell that guy it’s your last day. Mac will stay close by and walk you home. I’ll try to explain then.”

  My shoulders sag as I nod. I don’t want to quit, but I’m not going to fight about it now. Something is still going on, and I’m not going to get any answers unless I do as Deklan says.

  Terry is shocked when I tell him I’m not coming back to work. He tries to get more information out of me, but I really don’t even know what to tell him. I finish my shift in silence, and Mac meets me at the door when it’s time to head home. When I get there, Deklan is on the phone. He covers the mouthpiece and tosses a suitcase at me.