Read Demand Page 22

  “It’s called liquid courage.”

  “You’re adorably drunk.”

  I stroke his cheek, which feels much better than mine. “But you’re here, and you are The Hawk and I know I’m safe.”

  “You are safe with me, Ella.”

  “I am, but you’re dangerous to everyone else.”

  His expression sobers. “Is that what you think of me?”

  “Don’t go getting serious on a drunk person. I didn’t mean that negatively—you’re everyone’s protector.” I grab his T-shirt. “I meant that the bad guys are in trouble when they piss you off. And I meant it like you’re a badass, thus the ‘you’re sexy’ comment. Wait. Did I say that or think that? I’m saying it now. You’re sexy.”

  He flattens his hand at the small of my back. “Badass?”


  “Do you know how badly I want to be inside you right now? Right here?” His hands go to my sides, traveling to my breasts, his thumbs stroking my nipples to hard peaks.

  I grab his hands as my cheeks flush. “Too bad I wore jeans. You’ll have to behave.”

  “Will I?” he asks, flicking my nipple.

  I grab his wrists, firming my voice. “Stop, because yes, you do. I am not getting undressed in public.”

  He reaches down and fingers the easily undone laces that line the front of my jeans. “I’ll settle for you having an orgasm until we get home.”

  I reach for his hand. “I can’t have an orgasm in public, either,” I say, but my body betrays me, my sex clenched and wet.

  “That sounds like a challenge—and this is barely public.” He pulls several of my laces loose. “I told Niccolo I couldn’t command you to orgasm. I want to try.”

  “You can,” I assure him. “You can pretty much just look at me and I’m wet.”

  “Are you telling me you’re wet now?”

  “Very—so take me home and do something about it.”

  His hand goes to my jaw and he drags my gaze to his.

  “I never thought I’d use the word home again—let alone have a woman I want to use it with. I love you, Ella.”

  “I love you too—” He slips his fingers beneath the laces and suddenly they’re intimately pressed to my sex. “That was unfair!”

  “You’re not wearing panties,” he observes, slipping a finger inside me.


  “And you are very, very wet.” His head lowers, lips at my ear. “I would kill to feel you around me right now.”

  I pant, and my sex clenches around his fingers. “You’re about to embarrass me.”

  “No one can see us.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I mean—” He thumbs my clit and presses another finger inside me. “I’m going to come really fast.” He kisses me, a deep slide of his tongue, and oh . . . oh . . . I stiffen and come. That fast, hard. My body shakes and quakes and I collapse against him, burying my face in his chest. “See? Embarrassing.”

  “Try sexy as hell, and I’m hard as fuck. Now I’m taking you home.” He goes down on a knee in front of me and starts lacing up my jeans, and a shadow catches my eye on the other side of the room.

  “Kayden,” I say urgently. “I think someone is here.”

  He stands and turns to scan the room, wrapping his arm around my waist. “What did you see?”

  “A shift in the shadows. I know I’m drunk, but someone was watching.”

  He unzips my purse and puts my hand on Annie. “Probably a kid, but stay here. I want to be sure.”

  I lean against the wall and watch as he walks the entire floor, and Garner’s words play in my head again. I will find you. I shake off the memory and hug myself when Kayden returns with no evidence of our voyeur. “Nothing?”

  “Nothing obvious,” he says, “but if you say someone was there, I believe you.”

  “It felt—”

  He cups my face. “I know what you’re thinking, but it wasn’t him. Garner Neuville is not here. But I am. Okay?”

  “Yes. It’s the rawness of my memories and the alcohol.”

  “Which is understandable.” He takes my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  We head for the stairs, and I have such a strong feeling of being watched again that the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Which makes no sense. Kayden just checked the room. I’m officially done with drinking.

  Bundled up again, Kayden and I exit into the cold night. “This way,” Kayden says, turning us left, his arm around my waist. “We have two left turns to reach the castle.”

  “I’m never going to figure out these small clusters of streets.”

  “Landmarks,” he says. “Look for restaurants.” He points to a green sign. “That’s a pharmacy sign. They’re always easy to find.”

  We turn left onto another busy street lined with restaurants, and my head spins a bit. “I’m still tipsy, so I’m not likely to remember it tonight.” I sober a bit with memories of the bar. “I really thought I saw someone back there, Kayden.”

  “And I really do believe you.”

  “But I had this moment when I thought it was him. I hate that I’m letting him get to me.” We turn left onto one of the streets that’s more alleyway than road, with parked motorcycles in clusters along the walls and little alcoves here and there, and I’m immediately uncomfortable. “I know I’m drunk, but—”

  “I feel it, too.”

  I reach under my coat and unzip my purse, just in time. Someone jumps out at me from an alcove, and instinct kicks in. I throw an elbow, whirl around, and shove my knee into my attacker’s groin. He grunts and falls to his knees, and I point my gun at him.

  “Kayden?” I call, glancing over my shoulder to see him slam a gun into the head of another man, who collapses next to yet another who’s already on the ground.

  The man in front of me groans and rolls to his back. Kayden is there instantly, shoving his foot into the man’s chest. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I say, while Carlo and two other men appear seemingly out of nowhere and point weapons at the fallen men.

  “Bitch,” the man on the ground growls at me.

  “That bitch took you down while she’s drunk,” Kayden tells the man. “Who sent you?”

  “Fuck you,” the man grumbles.

  “I’ll be your bitch,” Carlo offers, placing his foot on my attacker’s hand and giving it a crunch, apparently pretty hard because the man makes a horrible sound.

  “Who sent you?” Kayden demands of the man.

  “I don’t know,” the man growls and when Carlo starts to apply pressure again, he says, “It was a cash pickup. I never saw the person.”

  “What were your instructions?” Kayden asks.

  “We were supposed to scare the girl and make her feel like you can’t protect her.”

  Carlo laughs. “And then the girl beat your ass.” He glances at me. “Remind me not to piss you off.”

  Kayden tells him, “Tie them up and dump them on Gallo’s doorstep.” He turns to me, and it’s only then that I realize I’m still pointing my gun. He takes it from me and sticks it back in my purse. “It’s done.” He links my arm around his, and sets us walking toward the castle, removing his phone to punch in a number.

  “Detective Gallo,” he says a moment later. “You have a special delivery coming your way. And thanks for making me look good. Your men were idiots, and Ella is more convinced than ever that I’m the greatest warrior on the planet.” There is silence, then Kayden laughs. “I’m thinking you should arrest those guys and look like a hero. I’ll come file a police report tomorrow if you like. And I’ll even bring Ella.” He ends the call and sticks his phone back in his jacket.

  I cut him a curious look. “How do you know it was Gallo?”

  “Because he’s the only person I know of who has a motivation to scare you, and is stupid enough to hire the kind of idiots who thought this would go well.” He scrubs his neck. “I’m going to have to do something with him.”

Like what?”

  “Create a scandal that forces him to leave his job and the city.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “I’m just trying to shut him down before he ends up dead.”

  “That does seem like where this is headed. On another note, your men got to us fast. So maybe having Giada stay close is a good idea.”

  Kayden stops walking, his hands settling on my shoulders. “Our date night started with a mafia king, and just ended with us being jumped—not to mention that I’ve just told you I’m going to pretty much ruin a good man.”

  “And I’m pretty sure the creep who jumped me watched me have an orgasm in the club.”

  “And all you have to say is that staying here is good for Giada?”

  “What do you expect me to say?”

  “Most women would be freaked out, Ella.”

  “I’m actually not at all. I had a great day with you. We just found out I know how to fight, which I think is a great asset. I got a very special tattoo, and so did you. I’m warm with booze and I had an orgasm with the promise of another. Plus we won whatever that was back there, so I’m not going to be crying anytime soon.”

  He stares at me for several beats, then kisses me. “You’re the badass, and I find new reasons to fall in love with you every day.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and turns us forward. “Let’s go home.”

  I smile at his words, feeling pretty untouchable. And considering where I was last night, that says a lot. It’s like there is a storm raging around us, but together, Kayden and I have found our little sliver of peace.


  I blink awake the next morning with a smile on my face and a memory of dancing with my mother. It’s like a ball of light in my mind and heart, and it feels like I’ve faced my demons and now I can see everything else. Eager to share this with Kayden, I roll over and my hand hits a note.

  I worked out and showered, and you were still passed out. I’ll either be in the kitchen or my office. And since we need to deal with Giada today, there will be more tequila.

  Laughing, I head to the shower, then dress in light-colored jeans and a supersoft light blue sweater. Tending to my tattoo is another smile-worthy moment, and I’m eager for tomorrow, when I can remove the bandage. I walk into the bedroom and grab my phone and journal. Maybe reading my old notes will dislodge the remaining cobwebs in my head and finally reveal the location of the necklace.

  Heading to the door, I open it and find Kayden standing there, his big, muscular body filling the door frame, his hair a bit mussed. He’s also wearing his black-and-gray biker jacket.

  “You’re leaving.”

  “Not by choice,” he says, dragging me to him for a long, drugging kiss. “Definitely not by choice.”

  “I thought we were doing the Giada thing today?”

  “I’m going to meet you two. I made reservations at a new firing range by the Spanish Steps. A car will meet you at three, and since it’s later than planned, we’ll have an early dinner afterward.”

  “That’s fine with me, and I’m sure it will be with Giada, but is everything okay?”

  “Niccolo called and told me the situation with Donati was ‘contained,’ whatever that means. And surprise, surprise, Donati called and wants to meet with me. This time, I agreed.”

  My brows dip. “That’s weird.”

  “It’s questionable timing, but I’m guessing he now wants help dealing with Niccolo.”

  “He seemed more concerned about you than about Niccolo when I talked to him.”

  “Niccolo has a way of shifting the dynamics in his direction.”

  “And he won’t tell you what’s up, I guess.”

  “Not a chance in hell. But on a positive note, Carlo got proof that Gallo hired the men who attacked us last night.”

  “Are you going to get him fired?”

  “I’m going to give him thirty days to leave town first.”

  “That is more than most people would do.”

  “It’s more than I would have done a month ago.” He pulls me to him and kisses me. “Just remember. You’ve made me a better man.” With that very odd statement, he releases me and starts walking. I follow his path. I decide we’ve come way too far for me to read into that, and rather than chasing it in circles, I’ll just ask him about it later.

  I head on to the kitchen, and find a pot of coffee already made. Filling a cup, I doctor it my way and sit at the table. After texting Giada and setting up our afternoon, I’m left with hours to read and write in my journal. I start flipping through it, reading my underlined notes and looking at one butterfly drawing after another, until I freeze. A page is torn, a portion of it missing.

  I stand up. How could a page get torn? I flip several more pages and find another that’s torn. I don’t remember what was written there. Who the hell took those pages because I didn’t black out and take them myself. No way. I did not. Someone took them. I sit down again and start making a list of all the people who might have been near my journal.





  Marabella, though she isn’t really a consideration.

  Who else?


  Once again, I have too many question marks.

  At two forty-five, I’m in the main foyer waiting for Giada when my cell phone finally rings. “Kayden! I’ve been dying to know what’s going on!”

  “A fucking gaggle. I moved the shooting range reservation to four o’clock, so take her shopping or whatever you want beforehand. You have your credit card I gave you, right?”

  “Yes. What does ‘a fucking gaggle’ mean?”

  “Gallo tried to play dirty. He told Donati I dumped the men and tried to use our phone records to prove it. Then I was forced to prove he hired them. He’s now suspended and angry, and that makes him dangerous. I’m sending Sasha to lick his wounds.”

  “Sasha knows Gallo?”

  “She’s about to and I don’t know why I didn’t connect them before. If anyone can contain that man’s anger, she can. But Donati is my main concern. He was acting nervous, and he doesn’t do nervous. Niccolo contained him, but he’s still afraid I’m going to find out what he did. And I am. So I’ll meet you at four.”

  We end the call right as Giada appears, looking adorable in a long bright pink jacket and pink pants. “This is how you go to the firing range?” I ask, laughing.

  She struts to the front door. “This is how I get the hot men at the firing range looking in my direction.”

  “Something tells me today is going to be interesting,” I say, and we head outside to meet our driver.

  “Is Kayden really meeting us?” Giada asks once we’re on our way.

  “He is, and I’m excited for you two to spend time together.”

  “I’m nervous. I haven’t exactly been the best houseguest.”

  “You aren’t a guest. The castle is your home.”

  She inhales and looks out of the window. The silence that follows tells me she’s hurt, but I let it go.

  After the ride ends, we stroll past the shops. “Any store you want to go to?”

  She perks up and links her arm with mine. “There’s this really affordable makeup store down the road I adore.”

  “Affordable? You do know you’re a millionaire, right?”

  “It’s a trust fund, and I don’t feel like I have money. But I am excited about having my own place.”

  “Well, that’s new,” I say as we cross the road and step onto the sidewalk, the crowd bustling around us.

  “Yes, I—”

  A man steps in front of me and grabs my arms when I have to stop suddenly. “Sorry about that,” he says, his black shades hiding his face. “American without a clue here.”

  “It’s fine,” I say, stepping back from him, but he’s still standing there.

  “Hi,” Giada says, smiling at the man, who has this tall, dark, and deadly thing going on in all black. Th
e deadly is the part I don’t like.

  I grab her arm and step around the man, putting us in motion again. “Don’t flirt with strangers.”

  “Then how do they become bedroom buddies?”

  “I’m not going to try to answer that question.”

  “Because the answer is they can’t,” she argues. “And he was hot. Why do hot men never bump into me?”

  “It seems Gallo does. I hear he was touching your ass at the grocery store.”

  She stops walking. “That’s wrong. I stumbled and he caught me.”

  “By your ass?”

  She grimaces. “He’s kind of hot, but he’s hateful toward Kayden, and I’ve been thinking a lot about that. If he hurts Kayden, he hurts my brother and you. Tell Kayden he doesn’t have to meet us just to lecture me. One of the neighborhood guys has an apartment for rent. I took it today.”

  “You’re kidding. Is it safe? Is it nice? Is it—”

  “You will approve, and it’s right around the corner from the castle.” She looks skyward. “Finally I can walk to the fridge naked and no one but the hot guy I bring home will care.” She motions behind her. “This is the store. Kiko. It’s divine.”

  I sigh in relief. One problem seems to be on the mend, but as we enter the store, I can’t help but scan for the man in black. There are a lot of unusual things going on today, Giada’s transformation being one of them.

  Come four o’clock, Kayden sends me a text message that he’s on his way and I take Giada to the shooting range in the upper level of a cobblestone building. There, we ditch our coats and wait in the entryway for someone to help us.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to shoot a gun,” Giada says. “Which is kind of crazy, considering who I live with. How did you learn?”

  “My father taught me. And don’t forget a gun can either be dangerous, or be a girl’s best friend.”

  “Hopefully dangerous to anyone who tries to hurt you,” she says. “I admit, living alone makes me nervous, which is why staying close to the castle is so appealing to me and Adriel. I told him today that I was moving.”

  “How did he react?”

  “He gave me a deadpan look. That’s what he does.” She imitates said look, and we laugh.