Read Demand to Submit Page 3

  He knew exactly what the scientists had done to her. They'd turned her into a sex robot, her only function to give her master pleasure--only she had no idea how to do it.

  They'd trained her to offer her body for sex, but they'd had no clue how a submissive could really satisfy her master.

  "Look at me."

  Her face took his breath away. Golden eyes, dark skin and a sultry mouth just made for sex. With the right teacher, she would make one amazing submissive. He felt her passion, knew it was bound up somewhere inside her. She only needed the right master to pull the chain and set her free.

  But was that what she wanted? Could he possibly train her to enjoy the experience?

  Or would she forever have the genetic calling to be subservient, but her emotions, her own pleasure, wouldn't follow?

  "I want to help you, but you have to be honest with me."


  Demand to Submit

  She opened her mouth to speak, but then clamped it shut and nodded. "All right."

  "What does your body tell you to do right now?"

  "Pleasure you. In any way possible."

  He nodded. "And what does your mind say?"

  "Fight against it."

  He nodded again. Honesty at last. "Good."

  Conflict was strong within her, evidenced by the way her anger simmered even though she licked her lips when she glanced at his crotch. His cock was hard and ready for her sweet mouth, but that would teach her nothing.

  "You have much to learn. You aren't ready yet."

  She blinked, then frowned. "Ready for what?"

  "You aren't ready to submit."

  Her eyes widened. "I don't understand."

  "Just because your DNA was altered with submissive tendencies doesn't automatically make you ready."

  She didn't respond, but he read the confusion in her eyes.

  "Some things must be taught, Waia. They cannot be genetically created. In this, as in many things, there are choices."

  Waia blinked, trying to comprehend Kyr's words. They didn't make sense. She was a submissive! They'd forced it upon her and made her a submissive who craved a master like she needed air to breathe. There were no choices to make. Whether she wanted to or not, she had to submit to Kyr. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

  She licked her lips, dying for a taste of his mouth, the feel of his skin, his cock under her hands, in her mouth or inside her wet cunt. Those things she wanted desperately!

  So how could he tell her she wasn't a submissive?

  "You will learn my way. My methods, the way I want you to be. And you will derive great pleasure from them."


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  Pleasure? Oh no. Surely he wouldn't ask that of her. Didn't he know? Were there notes about her that described her failures? There were reasons the evil ones said she had to be destroyed--she was another of their failed experiments.

  Should she tell him now? Or wait until he discovered it on his own?

  Either way, she was doomed. Soon enough he'd know what they knew and he'd find a way to get rid of her. Then what? Would the never-ending pain within her increase until she died like the others? Her tolerance for pain was high, but it was nearing unbearable. If she could pleasure him, she'd at least be offered a reprieve from the drive inside her.

  "Would you like to tell me what's on your mind?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "I have nothing on my mind. I will serve you the best I can."

  That part, at least, was honest. Only, her best would never be good enough.

  "Good. Then let's get started. Undress."

  She shuddered, dread mixing with anticipation. Would he let her service him now?

  Would he allow her to touch him, taste his cock, pleasure him? She unbuttoned the long shirt Laren had given her, sliding it quickly over her shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. She followed with her shoes, then the pants, dragging them over her hips until they pooled at her ankles.

  Kyr started at her feet, his gaze traveling slowly up her body. He lingered at her sex, his concentration like a teasing caress. She burned inside, desperate for his cock.

  But instead of grabbing her and thrusting his shaft inside her right then, he took his time looking at her.

  "Undress me."

  She thrilled to his command, dropping to her knees and unfastening the closure of his pants. Her knuckles brushed his shaft, which was already hard and hot despite the fabric concealing it. When she pulled the material aside and tugged the pants off his hips, his cock sprang out. Long and thick, the head was a wide mushroom of dark, soft flesh. She couldn't resist the desire to take it into her mouth.


  Demand to Submit

  But before her lips could make contact with the tip of his shaft, he reached for her arms, pulling her away.

  "Don't touch me. Not unless I give you permission."

  She sat back on her heels and looked up at him. "I thought this is what you wanted."

  "Oh it is. But not yet. There are things you must learn before you will be allowed to pleasure me."

  He pulled her up and led her down the marble stairs and into the bath. The bathing pool had the most beautiful turquoise water she'd ever seen, the surrounding candles on metal stands filling her senses with the sweet aroma of cinnamon and spices.

  Kyr led her to a ledge in the pool and sat her there, then rested his hands on her thighs, spreading her legs so he could step between them.

  His hands on her body stimulated her more than anyone's touch ever had. Her nipples pebbled and she looked down, watching them grow erect.

  Kyr noticed too, and reached up to circle each dark nipple with his finger. She stopped breathing, the sensation seemingly connected to her clit. An incessant throbbing began inside her sex. But instead of concentrating on the feelings he evoked, the burning ache to minister to him overwhelmed her. Needing to feel his body, she reached for his arms, but he grabbed her wrists and pressed her palms down against the bench.

  "Just focus on the sensation of my hands on your body."

  Snagging her bottom lip between her teeth, she tried her best to concentrate on Kyr's touch, but every time his hand moved over her skin, it compelled her to pleasure him. The need became so strong his touch soon yielded no result whatsoever. She tensed, her body refusing to acquiesce to his command to enjoy. Tears filled her eyes at the realization that he would quickly learn her flaw.


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  She could not respond to a man's touch. She could feel no pleasure when the driving need burned inside her to satisfy her master. His joy, his release was all that mattered.

  It didn't take him long. He stilled and frowned. "What's wrong?"

  "I can't feel pleasure. I can't give the response that most men want."

  His lips curled in a smile that turned her insides liquid. "I'm not most men."

  She shuddered at the sensual tone in his response. At that moment, she'd believed his statement to be true. He didn't chastise or berate her for her lack of response to his touch. Instead, he stepped from the water and reached for a thick towel, motioning her out of the pool and wrapping the towel around her.

  Despite the warmth of the room and the towel covering her, she shivered when he squeezed her arms gently. His breath was tinged with sweet spice as he whispered in her ear, "What you will learn from me is that your master will not feel pleasure until you experience pleasure yourself."

  "I can't," she said, no longer able to hide her frustration. Didn't he understand what she was saying?

  "That's why you're here. I'll teach you. Until you can feel and embrace your own pleasure, you will not be allowed to touch me."

  Despite the pain that filled every hour of every day, she didn't want or need any pleasure for herself. They had designed her to submit and to service her master, and in doing so had taken away the receptors allowing her to experience any sexual joy. There was nothing Kyr could do to obtain a sexual response from her
, no matter how hard he tried.

  She was doomed to failure. Soon Kyr would figure that out and she'd either be cast out or die.

  Kyr couldn't help her.

  No one could.


  Demand to Submit

  Kyr dried her off, then two young women entered the room bearing trays laden with food. Kyr and Waia sat on the huge pillows scattered across a thick carpet.

  "Eat," he commanded, pouring a thin blue liquid into two goblets. "This is one of our wines, made from the liri fruit. It's sweet, but don't drink too fast or it will go to your head."

  She nodded and sipped, reveling at its juicy taste. The food was wonderful--fruits and cheeses and some kind of spicy flatbread.

  Kyr ate and drank with her, remaining silent the entire time. But he watched her, his eyes ever-changing from gray to blue. The wine had at least relaxed her. When they finished, Kyr stood and held out his hand, hauling her up and leading her to the platform containing the oversized bed.

  "Get in."

  She slid onto the bed, anticipation filling her. What would happen now? Before, her routine had been predictable. The evil ones had tested her in many ways, and she had no recourse but to perform the sexual duties ingrained within her. But those who had tested her were dissatisfied, complaining that she was nothing more than a limp robot.

  Would Kyr feel the same way after she fucked him?

  "Lie down and relax, Waia. Nothing is going to happen tonight."

  She'd already disappointed him. She laid her head on the pillow and Kyr slid in next to her, pulling the covers up over them both. The long windows revealed the bright light of Dargon's moon, the stars so close she felt like she could touch them.

  Her body was exhausted from the need, but her mind raced with thoughts of Kyr and what would happen between them. She inhaled his scent, listened to his even breathing and wished he would allow her to assuage the pain that lived within her. If she could touch him, pleasure him, the drive would lessen somewhat, though it never went away completely.

  But she soon realized that Kyr was asleep. She turned over, watching his face as he slumbered. His long, thick lashes brushed his cheeks. His mouth was closed, his lips 29

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  full and wide. Oh if only she could feel pleasure! What a mouth like that could do to her.

  Blowing out a sigh of frustration, she flipped over on her back and tried to clear her mind of uncertainties. What would happen would happen. She had no more control over future events than she had over her own body and need.

  Her future rested in Kyr's hands now. She closed her eyes and willed sleep to come.


  Demand to Submit

  Chapter Three

  Kyr woke and stretched, turning over to look at Waia. Even in sleep she was tense.

  Tiny lines furrowed her brow and small whimpers escaped her lips.

  She'd been restless last night and she'd hardly slept. The musky, sweet scent of her arousal had kept him up last night too. If she'd been a normal submissive, he'd have rolled her on top of him and thrust his hard cock into her pussy. But he'd had to restrain his natural urges, knowing it would take patience and finesse on his part to bring her around.

  So instead he had plotted and planned, determined she would learn to respond to him. She was still human. That part of her hadn't been removed. And human women responded to sexual stimuli. He'd just have to stimulate the hell out of her while at the same time not allow her to focus all her attention on him.

  If he could keep from demanding her submission during the process. His cock was already hard, as it had been all night. His balls ached with the need to release inside her.

  But he'd get relief soon enough. Part of his plan to coax her response would be to tempt her with what she could have if she'd only learn how to tap into her own body's responses.

  He reached out and drew her hair away from her face, unable to stop himself from letting his palm linger across her neck. She moved against his hand, snuggling up to it as if it held security for her.

  He wanted to wake her with his cock buried deep inside her pussy. Instead, he threw off the covers and dressed, then headed into the kitchen and ordered their morning meal.


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  Ruby and Emerald were preparing food for their master, J'ael. It was common for visitors to the palace to share the kitchens. Among other things. Kyr smiled at the women, who bowed their heads and awaited his instructions. As Master of the palace, he had free reign over all women, including requiring them to see to his pleasure.

  Normally if he woke up hard and needing release, he'd command an available woman or two to service him.

  But his mind and body were occupied with the sultry, exotic beauty slumbering in his bed. Ignoring the scent of their arousal, he gave the women his list of food and drink items and returned to his chambers to awaken Waia.

  When he returned, she was already awake and standing next to the bed. Her hair was mussed, her eyes hypnotic, sleepy and her lids still partially closed.

  "Good morning," he said, heading to the wardrobe to select a gown for her.

  "Good morning, Kyr," she replied, her voice soft and seductive. Like silk over skin, even her voice made him hard.

  He handed her the see-through red gown. "Put this on. The meal will be here shortly."

  She slipped the gown over her head and fastened the ties at her hips. Though it covered her from her neck to the floor, the gown was sheer and hid nothing of her body. The soft swell of her hips was visible, as was the nest of dark curls between her legs. Kyr licked his lips and imagined her taste. Would it be sweet and honeyed, like her scent?

  He'd find out soon enough. While he was a patient man, he wasn't going to restrain himself completely. Besides, his goal was to teach Waia about her own pleasure. And there was no better way to do that than to lick her pussy until she screamed in climax.

  But first she had to learn about her body, about her trigger points to orgasm.

  Training her would be quite enjoyable.

  They ate their morning meal in companionable silence, though he felt her tension and knew she wondered what her fate would be. He wished he could reassure her 32

  Demand to Submit

  about her future, but he couldn't. Even he didn't have that knowledge. He would have her for a limited time, and once that time was through, he didn't know what would happen.

  Some submissives were chosen by the Doms who frequented the palace. They watched him train submissives and typically claimed them as soon as he finished.

  Which worked well for him. He couldn't keep any of them. Never had and never would. He cared for every woman he'd trained, but he'd never loved any of them.

  Sometimes he wondered if he had the capacity for that emotion.

  And now it was time to begin again, only this time the training would be different.

  "Waia, stand up."

  She complied, her eyes filled with curiosity. Kyr reached for the wooden box on the table, finding and selecting the jewelry that would indicate his possession of her. He chose an upper arm bracelet with a chain attached that led to a matching bracelet at her wrist. The scrolling design was silver, the chains and links red to match her gown.

  "This jewelry signals you belong to me," he explained. "It means no other man here will touch you without my consent."

  She nodded, relief evident in her sigh. He attached the bracelets to her arm and wrist. Yes, definitely the right choice. He liked her in red. The color was becoming on her, especially since the same color frequently tinged her cheeks.

  "You will not remove this jewelry without my permission," he said.

  "What happens now?" she asked.

  His cock twitched at the thought of all he'd do to her today. Waiting to fuck her would require great patience on his part. Watching her nipples bead against her dress was torment. How easy it would be to fix his mouth over both the cloth and her breasts and suck those buds until s
he begged to come.


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  Not yet. Soon, though. Very soon. He was growing uncomfortable with the heady arousal. "Today I will show you the palace and gardens. But first, I want to begin your training."

  She swallowed and bit down on her lower lip. Was her anticipation as high as his, or was she afraid of failure?

  Waia tried not to let Kyr see the trembling in her body. The quakes inside her had multiplied since she woke this morning, slitting her eyes open just enough to see him staring at her, his gaze hot, his thick erection straining against his tight pants. He wanted to fuck her--that much was obvious. So why wouldn't he let her do what she had been designed to do--pleasure him? Maybe that would be part of her training today. She hoped so. If she didn't get relief soon, she was afraid she'd die. The need grew stronger every day, the burning inside so painful it was all she could do to concentrate.

  "Lift your dress."

  Her head shot up at his request. She complied immediately, shocked when Kyr dipped to his knees in front of her sex. He studied her pussy, then reached for a long metal device, waving it over her sex. Her mound and slit heated, then her pubic hair completely disappeared.

  Kyr dipped two fingers into a jar filled with a white creamy substance, rubbing it over her mound and pussy lips. The cream warmed against her skin, its fragrance like the cinnamon candles in the room.

  "Much better now," he said, looking up at her at the same time he slid two fingers between her swollen lips, easing them just inside her pussy. She gasped at the sensation of heat firing up inside her. The need to touch him, to give him pleasure, grew stronger.

  But she wouldn't beg to fuck him.

  "Such a pretty cunt, Waia. I can't wait to taste you."


  Demand to Submit

  He removed his fingers, now glistening with her juices, and slid them between his lips. Her heart pounded, her sex moistening as he popped them out of his mouth and curled his lips into a wickedly sexy smile.

  "Just as I thought. Sweet honey."

  Why wouldn't he let her touch him? The pain was agonizing, the need unbearable.

  His cock was visibly erect against his pants. She could smell his musky scent and wanted to dive between his legs to taste him like he'd just tasted her.

  But she wouldn't beg. No matter how much she needed it. She was stronger than this foreign urge that had been forced on her. If he wanted her, he'd damn well have to command her.