Read Demented (Sinister Tales Book 1) Page 10

  “Why did you do it? You sick bastard!” She cursed at him, whimpering into her dead son’s body.

  “You don’t deserve happiness.” He stepped outside to get for something out of her sight. When he walked back into the room, he was already holding an axe. “I always did have a thing for dad’s axe. Nice to see your scar has healed.” He looked at the scar on her neck. She reached up, touching it and shuddering from the horrible memory.

  “Kill me.” She looked straight into his eyes. “You killed my only child. You never were my son, just a bad seed that needed to be thrown away,” she spoke in a monotone voice.

  Tyler clenched his jaw. His breathing sounded like he had just run a marathon and veins stuck out of his arms and neck, looking as if they were about to burst. “Fuck you,” he spat.

  Debra bowed her head down, ready for death to take her. Tyler gripped the axe tightly as he held it above his head, then he brought it down onto his mother’s head. A cracking sound filled the small room. Blood poured from the wound, spilling on the white carpet. Her body fell on the ground next to Trevor. Tyler raised the axe again, hitting her with more pressure each time until her hair became soaked with blood.

  He flipped her over, looking into his mother’s dead eyes. “Don’t look at me like that. You made me do this!” He grabbed the axe once again, repeatedly hitting her. He hacked up her face until it was no longer recognizable. It looked closer to the package than his mother’s face.

  Tyler walked into the living room, awaiting the arrival of his father. Like clockwork, minutes after he sat down, Rick came barging into the house with a panicked expression. “I got a call that said…” He stopped upon seeing his son Tyler sitting on the couch, wearing bloodied clothes.

  “What did the call say?” He asked, as if he was intrigued. “Come sit and we will talk about the time I had when you were gone.” Rick cautiously sat on a chair across from him. “Typical dad… always gone when his family needs him. Only this time you were not quick enough. Old age does that to you." He smirked, talking like they were having an everyday conversation. “You may be wondering how I escaped the mental ward, but that’s not important. I’ve come to check up on the family.”

  “What the fuck did you do?” Rick yelled.

  “You know what I did. I killed your wife and your new son, who I never got to meet. Trying to replace your first mistake?” Tyler shifted on the couch. “Wanna know the real kicker? Your wife wanted me to do it.” He sat back, arms relaxed behind his head.

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “Oh yes, she did! So why don’t we get this over with already?” Tyler sounded bored and began to sit up, getting closer to his father.

  “Get what over wi—” Rick didn’t have time to finish his question because Tyler grabbed the gun from behind him and shot him in the head. Blood and flesh from the back of Rick’s head went flying out. Tyler couldn't help but smile at the scene before him. Rick fell back in the chair.

  Tyler retrieved the bodies from Trevor’s room, cleaning them up the best he could. Debra was the worst to fix up because of the hacked up pieces of flesh hanging off her face. He placed them around the dining room table, sitting them in different chairs. Tyler cleaned up his face of the blood of his parents then took a seat at the table.

  He smiled as he looked around at Trevor, Debra and Rick. Then, he said with glee in his voice, “I’m so happy we could be a family again.”

  Early Bird Gets the Worm

  After an argument with his girlfriend, Brandon decides to take a little time out of the house, not knowing the danger that awaits him.

  The car had already been turned off and parked in the driveway for a few minutes before he decided to get out and walk towards the house. He dragged himself from the car and up the stone path. Reaching in his pocket, he fumbled around to find the key to the front door. After seconds of feeling around, he found it and unlocked the door. It slid open to reveal his girlfriend Lynn standing on an emerald-colored carpet to a few feet from the door.

  “Look who’s finally dragging himself home at…” She paused to look down at the clock on her phone. “… 2:56 in the morning. You haven’t returned my calls.” She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and her face twisted with a furious expression.

  “Babe, you know I have to take extra shifts to afford the baby.” Brandon took a second to look down at his girlfriend’s belly. She was just barely showing. It had been five months already. He thought the belly would pop out more, but nonetheless the sight of the little bump warmed his heart because he knew his child would be born in about four months.

  Lynn tapped her foot against the carpet. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

  “If I answered my phone calls at work, I’d be fired on the spot. We can’t afford for me to lose my job.” He kept his voice at a monotone.

  “Let me see your phone.” She reached out her palm, waiting for him to place his phone on it. Brandon sighed, reaching into his pocket then gently putting it on her hand. She went through his phone, pulling up his call list then showing it to him. “What does this look like?”

  “Like my girlfriend shoving a phone in my face,” he joked. “I’m kidding. It’s just a bunch of calls you flooded my phone with.”

  “Yes!” she shouted. “Calls you didn’t answer.”

  He reached for his phone to which she pulled away. “Sorry, I’ll answer next time.” He tried again only to fail.

  “Why do you want your phone so bad?” She taunted him with his phone, moving it in front of his face then pulling it away.

  “You know what? Keep it.” He gave up, walking into the kitchen to get a drink.

  “You sure you don’t want me to see things here.” Lynn followed him into the kitchen with his phone. “Or have you already deleted those already?”

  Brandon looked at her, shocked. “What in the hell are you going on about?”

  “Danielle told me you were cheating on me with some hussy down at the bar,” she blurted out, leaving Brandon with his mouth open and eyes wide.

  “Danielle is a snooty little bitch who has nothing to do with her life except ruin relationships,” he explained calmly. “Plus, she hasn’t liked me after my buddy, Pete dumped her. Get this, she has thi theory that I told him all this horrible shit about her, which is complete bullshit. He dumped her because all she wanted to do is talk about what their life and marriage would be like…on their first date!” He gossiped to his girlfriend, assuring her there was nothing to worry about.

  Lynn stayed quiet, turning away from her boyfriend and staring at the floor. With uncertainty in her eyes, she looked back at Brandon. “She sent me pictures of you and the slut.” Lynn held up her phone to his face. The brightness of the phone’s screen caught him off guard, causing him to squint and back away. Then he focused his eyes on the picture displayed on her phone. It was a picture of him, sitting on a bar stool next to a brunette woman, laughing. “Would you like to explain this?”

  “You knew I was out that night. That slut’s name is Emily. She’s someone I work with. It’s nothing more than that.” He grabbed Lynn by her waist, pulling her closer to him without squishing her stomach too much. “All I want is you.” He kissed her on her nose. “And our beautiful baby girl.” He caressed her stomach, as he imagined what their little girl would look like.

  “So I wouldn’t find anything suspicious on your phone?” She asked him and he nodded. He watched her as she went through his texts and calls. “I’m sorry, I should have trus—” she stopped mid-sentence as she felt his phone vibrate. She opened the text, her eyes glued to the screen. “What the fuck? I knew it, you cheating bastard! Why is Emily texting you saying this shit?”

  She threw the phone at him. Brandon caught it to see the text on the screen. So she doesn’t know yet? “Shit.” He sighed, rubbing his temples. “Sweetie, it’s not like that.” He grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving.

  “What excuse do you have for me this time?” Tears were on
the verge of falling from her eyes. “Cheater.” She gave him a disgusted look.

  Then he snapped. “She was asking if you knew about the proposal I had planned for you! Fuck you for not trusting me.” Hurt was evident in his words. His phone went flying across the room as he threw it then exited the house.

  Brandon walked out, got in his car and sped off down the road. His mind wasn’t on his driving. The car swerved, but he didn’t care. No one was out on the road this late. “Bitch,” he swore through his gritted teeth. He felt adrenalin rush through him as he stepped on the gas pedal for more speed. With each turn he made, he sped up even more. Trees were lining both sides of the road, making everything seem like a dark blur. The moon was his only light.

  The work phone he kept in his car began to ring. Both voicemails and texts came in, full of apologies and regret. By the time the seventh call came in, he picked up the phone and turned it off. “Fuck you,” he screamed at it, as if he were speaking to Lynn.

  He kept stepping on the gas pedal until he was satisfied with the speed he was going. Another corner was coming up, he knew he had to turn to avoid from crashing into the ditch.

  The turn came along and he swerved as much as he thought he needed to. The car went out of control, driving off into the ditch and flipping the over. His body got tossed around like a rag doll until the car came to a complete stop, flipping upside down. Brandon stumbled out of the car with barely any scratches, laughing. “Holy…” He began to laugh again when he looked at the car. “How did I survive that?” He asked, staring at the car for a few moments longer. He shook off the shock he was feeling and walked down the road, away from his house and his totaled car. He still wasn’t going to go back home.

  The road was deserted and Brandon was only left with the trees and moon for entertainment. He whistled as he walked down with his hands in his pockets to protect them from the cold weather. The night breeze hit him, his nose turning a cherry red while his cheeks turned a rosy pink.

  The longer he walked down the road, the more a voice became clear to him. Brandon looked around, seeing no one in sight. He continued, still hearing a voice. Now he could tell it sounded like a man. Or a woman who had been smoked way too many cigarettes. The mysterious voice made him so paranoid that he looked behind him every few seconds to make sure no one was following him. As he looked back forward at the road, a figure started to appear from the forest. It just looked like a silhouette to Brandon.

  He grew nervous, deciding it would be best to walk on the other side of the road as the unknown figure passed by him, saying inaudible words.

  As the figure walked down the road, he could see some features of the person. It was a male, wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown. The man started to cross over to the side of road Brandon was on. Fear struck him as he made his way to the opposite side of the road the man was walking on.

  The man didn’t stop, he kept on mimicking Brandon moves, crossing to the same side of the road he was on. Brandon turned around and started to run towards his car. It was farther than he wish it would be, but he tracked it all the way down the road. He could hear the sound of the strange man’s feet hitting the pavement as he ran after Brandon. The man started to laugh, yelling, “The early bird gets the worm!” He sounded like he was hopped up on drugs.

  Brandon realized he couldn’t lose the man if he stayed on this part of the road. The man was becoming too fast for him. Brandon ran hastily into the forest to lose him, jumping over fallen down trees and making sure he didn’t slam into something. When he was far enough from the man, he hid in a spot where he was sure he was safe.

  “Early bird gets the worm,” the man sang as he got closer to Brandon. He picked up a rock and threw it in a direction far away from him to throw the crazy man off. “Early bird gets the worm!” He ran towards the sound of the rock. Brandon took off to the way of his car, not looking back at the man. As he entered the vehicle, he looked around for his phone.

  When he found it, he turned it on. He called his girlfriend, holding the phone up to his ear as he ran from his car and made his way towards his house. She picked up, not letting him say a word. “I’m so, so, so sorry! Please for——”

  She was cut off by Brandon. “Listen to me, I’m being chased by some lunatic.” He stopped talking, hearing the sounds of someone running. His heart stopped, but his feet didn’t. He peered into the forest, seeing the crazed man running adjacent to him at the same speed.

  “Early bird gets the worm!” The man ran out of the forest, tackling Brandon to the ground and causing the phone to fall out of his hand.

  “Get off of me!” He pushed the man off of him looking into his eyes for the first time. He had white, yellowish eyes like the color of pus. Foam and blood fell out of his mouth as the man stayed on top of Brandon. “What the fuck…” He fought, but the man overpowered him. He looked scrawny but to Brandon, he seemed as strong as a bodybuilder.

  “Early bird gets the worm.” The man smiled, blood and foam dripping off of his mouth. He tore into Brandon’s stomach, ripping the skin off until he saw blood. He ate his victim like a zombie. Brandon’s screams echoed through the quiet night. He gave up fighting because he was losing too much blood and he felt like life was slipping from his body. The man bit at his bones, his teeth crunching right through it, picking and choosing what he wanted to eat. After he was done, Brandon was just a dead body with contents of its stomach thrown around near the road.

  The sound of a car pulling around the corner made the man look over at the vehicle. It was Lynn, getting out of her car to investigate her boyfriend’s car, not yet seeing Brandon’s remains. The man got off of him, smiling at the woman with his crazy eyes. He made his way over to her, saying with a satisfied tone in his voice, “Early bird gets the worm.”

  The Chase

  Kylie doesn’t mind the walk home from a party until a car starts following her.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can leave with you now if you want.” Alison said, slightly stumbling over her high heels.

  Kylie rested her hand on Alison’s shoulders. “I’m fine, it feels nice out anyways. You go have fun. I can go home on my own.”

  Alison walked off, falling into her boyfriend’s arms. They headed back to the dance floor that was filled with swaying bodies and teenage hormones. Kylie grabbed her phone from the table and shoved it into her pocket. The brisk air hit her as she walked out of the door. From there, she began her walk home.

  “Leaving so soon?” Her friend, Kale from school asked her. The slurring in his words told Kylie he was hammered.

  “Yeah, see you at school when you’re sober.” She waved him off and walked out of the yard.

  A new smell filled her nostrils. It was a change from the smell of alcohol and barf. Now she had breathed in the refreshing scent of the pine trees that were lining the roadside. Most of her walk home had been quiet and dull so she tried to entertain herself by whistling or texting her friends. Not a single car passed her by in the past thirty minutes.

  Her ears caught the sound of rubber scraping against asphalt. A small black car with tinted windows started to drive down the road, opposite from where she was heading. She continued her walk as she was now only twenty minutes from her house.

  The car turned around, coming up from behind Kylie. She got off the concrete road and walked on the grass, pulling out her phone and acting as if there was someone on the other end. “Yeah, I’m a few minutes from you," the mysterious car moved, keeping a slow pace behind her. “You know what? I think I see you.” Her voice kept calm, not a stutter or shake in her tone.

  The car window on the passenger side rolled down. She acted as if she didn’t hear it or notice the car. “Where you heading?” The man from the car spoke to her. His voice made her tense up. She made sure not to look at him.

  Kylie’s pace subtly sped up as she tried to hurry to the bridge.

  “You can talk to me. I’m not a bad guy.” There was smoothness in his voice as
if he worried about nothing in the world. Kylie continued to ignore him, keeping her eyes on the bridge. For a split second she slyly watched him from the corner of her eyes to see what he’d been doing. He remained in his car, keeping up pace with Kylie. “Who are you on the phone with?”

  Kylie had forgotten she held the phone up to her ear the whole time he had been trying to communicate with her. “You see me? I’m waving.” Kylie spoke into her phone, holding her hand up, waving it back and forth. She took bigger steps in an attempt to get ahead of the car. “Yeah that’s me. I’ll see you in a second.” The car drove over the bridge. Kylie felt as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders as the man finally gave up following her. She began to run, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

  She stopped in her tracks as the car came speeding up towards her. Kylie ran down a little hill leading down under the bridge. Her feet dug into the ground to keep herself from falling down the hill. Water flowed under the bridge. Several rocks bigger than four basketballs put together rested on each side of the water.

  A pair of eyes from the water glowed, looking straight at her. She had heard the rumors of alligators living under this bridge, but never was she brave enough to find out.

  She froze in place, trying to hide herself from both enemies. The alligator and the man in the car. Sounds of feet running and digging into the dirt alerted her, he was there. She hid herself behind some rocks, looking at him through the holes. The darkness hid his features, but she could tell he was lurking around. His eyes fell onto the rocks where she hid. Her breathing stopped, trying to stay as still as she could. His eyes looked elsewhere and he walking over the moss-covered rocks, making his way closer to her.

  He didn’t look down as he walked past her. His boots crushed her fingers that she had rested on a rock, the pebbles under her palm jabbed into her skin. Kylie held in her screams as his boots rested against her fingers. In her head she yelled and hollered, wishing he’d go away. He looked around then moved on, walking without looking back. She moved her hand, bringing her hurt fingers close to her.