Read Demented (Sinister Tales Book 1) Page 15

  “I hate you,” Tara mumbled as she headed towards the school.

  “You love me.” Rose wrapped her arms around her friend to hug her. “Ready to head inside?”

  Tara nodded and they walked inside to see other students making their way to the gymnasium. As they walked in, they could feel music vibrated throughout the whole gym. Bodies swayed with the music and some students ground against each other, something that was quickly stopped by the chaperones. Meanwhile, a kid in one corner of gym were handing out LSD tablets.

  “Lockdown will be in five minutes.” Principal Shepherd announced through a megaphone. “I repeat, lockdown will be in five minutes.”

  A sneezing girl passed by Rose and Tara. “Watch where you sneeze.” Rose sounded annoyed as she made her way further into the gym.

  “Rose.” Tara’s eyes grew wide, looking over at her friend.

  Rose’s face mirrored Tara’s as she looked also looked at her. “What’s that on your face?” she asked, worry in her voice.

  Tara reached up to touch her face, wiping off a warm substance. “It’s fucking blood!” she shouted.

  “That bitch sneezed blood on us?” Rose’s tone held disbelief. “Let’s go wash this off.” She pulled Tara’s arm, running out of the gym.

  At the bathroom, they hurriedly looked in the mirror and wasted no time washing the blood off. “That was weird. Do you think she’s sick?” Rose said.

  Rose gave Tara an anxious look.

  “Well, you should be worried if we contracted anything from her. Who knows what she had. Call your mom and ask her if we’re going to be okay,” she explained as her voice shook a little.

  “You okay? I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about,” Tara said pulling out her phone.

  “You know how I am about germs.” Rose itched her arms until they were turning a bright red. Tara smacked Rose, making her stop. “Sorry,” Rose muttered.

  Tara held her ear to the phone as she waited for her mom to pick up. “Honey, listen to me, stay at the school. Stay in a locked room. Keep yourself safe.” Tara pressed the phone close to ear, trying to hear her mother over the screams in the background.

  “Mom, what’s going on? Are you okay?” She suddenly felt scared for her mom. More screams and sounds of things breaking erupted in the background. “Mom?”

  “Something weird is going on. Find someplace safe to stay! Now!” she screamed into the phone, and then the line got disconnected.

  “What the fuck…!” Tara dropped her phone, staring off at Rose. “There were screams and it sounded like chaos there. And my mom said to find some place safe to lock ourselves.”

  “What’s going on?” Rose became frantic, pacing frantically inside the bathroom.

  “I… I don’t know.” Tara replied, clueless and feeling helpless. “Let’s go back to the gym and figure this out.”

  So they both left the bathroom to walk back to the dance. In the hallway, lights began to flicker and then the bulbs exploded, causing the hallway to go dark. “Tara.” Rose grabbed onto Tara’s arm, digging nails into her skin.

  Sounds boomed through the hallway behind them… the sound of someone running. Goosebumps rose up on their arms and legs. She turned around to see a figure running at them, making an odd noise. Tara pushed Rose to the side as the figure tackled Tara to the ground. The person screamed in her face, trying to nip and tear at her skin. Tara pushed the girl off of her, but she seemed too strong and determined to get at her.

  “Rose!” she shouted.

  Rose pulled at the girl, trying to yank her off. Eventually she succeeded and grabbed Tara away, dragging her back to the bathroom. The wild girl chased after them, screaming at the top of her lungs. Rose and Tara ran inside the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it.






  The deranged girl continued to slam her body against the door, clawing and scratching, trying anything to get through the door.

  “What’s going on?” Rose slid her body down against the wall furthest from the door. Tears streamed from her eyes.

  “That wasn’t human. She growled at me like a wild animal or something!” Tara spoke mainly to herself. A shudder ran through Tara’s body. She shifted herself uncomfortably.


  The noise continued at the door and a low growl echoed throughout the bathroom. Then, claws came from under the door, trying to push its hands through. The skin looked dirty with a mixture of burnt skin and bubbly warts covering the hand.

  As the hand pushed further under the door, warts popped, a yellow puss seeping out. Skin tore off and bits of flesh falling onto the clean white tiles. Screeches came from the thing on the other side of the door.

  Tara got up and ran to the door. She stomped on the hand, forcing it back to the other side.

  Noises from the other side of the door stopped.

  “Do you think it’s safe?” Rose got up from the ground.

  “I don’t know.” Tara stepped around the gunk left behind by the thing. “What was that?”

  “Something evil,” Rose suggested. “We can’t stay cooped up in here. We have to go find help. People need to know something weird is going on!” Tara stood there, contemplating what to do. “I’m going with or without you.” Rose walked past Tara, opening the door. The light from the bathroom shone into the hallway.

  “I’m coming with you,” Tara decided, leaving the bathroom with her friend. They ran to the gymnasium and found it unlocked. Rose was about to push the door open when Tara stopped her. “Something doesn’t feel right. Why would the door be unlocked?”

  “Let’s find out.” She pushed open the door to reveal darkness. Growls simultaneously echoed throughout the gymnasium. Following that, sounds of running came towards them.

  “Close the door!” Tara shouted, shutting the door and running off down the hallway with her friend. Tara tried to exit through the main doors to find them locked. “No. No. No.” She beat her fists at the door out of frustration.

  The gymnasium door busted open, and several students and staff members were running down the hallway in their direction. Tara grabbed Rose, dragging her down a different hallway and found herself facing another locked door.

  Screams and roars filled the hallways, and they were becoming louder.

  “Come on, Rose.” Tara looked at her friend, but quickly let her go.

  Blood were dripping down Rose’s eyes and mouth. And Tara could her a low growl coming from her. Parts of her skin began to sizzle, some flesh turning black while most of the charred flesh began to droop down until it fell to the floor, revealing raw flesh under the skin. Her eyes turned a murky dark red. She could no longer see any trace of her friend in the creature's face.

  “No…” The tears started to fall. “Not you, too!”

  A twisted smile came from Rose and she tackled her to the ground. Tara quickly pushed her off, frantically running and looking for any unlocked classroom.

  When she found one, she locked herself in, pushing her body against the door. Loud hammerings on the door vibrated against her back. She closed her eyes, listening to the screeches and screams.

  Then Tara felt some warm liquid dribble down her mouth from her nostril. She reached up, touching it with her index finger. She looked at it to see some scarlet goo.

  Frantically, she reached into her pocket and dialed her all mother’s numbers. After several rings on her cell phone, it went to voicemail. “I don’t know what’s going on.” She was speaking in a low whisper into the phone. Meanwhile, the loud pounding on the door continued. “Maybe whatever those things are out there have gotten to you, too. Who knows? I don’t have much of a choice right now. Or time. I love you, Mom,” Tara cried into the phone. “I’m as good as dead.” After her words, she hung up the phone and whimpered to herself.

  Slowly, she got up and unlocked the door. She walked backwards, waiting for the door to open. With
in seconds, the door flew open and she braced herself for when they rip her apart. And they did.

  Her skin were ripped out and some of it fell to the ground. Some of the creatures ate it along with her insides. Puddles of blood surrounded her dismembered body. They licked up every bit of the crimson juice they could find on the floor and feasted upon any body part they could get their claws into.

  In the end, all that was left of her were bloody bones.

  End of Book 1 of Sinister Tales

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  Here is a sample from another story you may enjoy:


  I started tapping my fingertips on the steering wheel as I waited outside her house. Her parents should be leaving soon, so it wouldn’t be too long now. I tried to focus on planning what I was going to do, but all that seemed to fill my mind was how stupid the young girl’s parents are. Hiring a sitter online isn’t always dangerous, but if you’re ignorant enough not to check the reviews on the website, and at least ask for background checks, then you’re asking for trouble.

  As far as her mother and father knew, they were waiting for Susan Kelly, a forty-six-year-old woman and a loving and caring mother of four, with a degree in nursing and only three speeding tickets on her record. But little did they know that a storm had headed their way. Of course, that storm was devilishly handsome and is known as me. Who else would it be?

  “How much longer do you think it’ll be before they leave?” Lane asked, resting his head on the steering wheel. His car was parked only a few feet away from mine.

  “Shouldn’t be too much longer,” I replied, glancing over at the house. We had to park behind a bundle of trees on the other side of a small field that’s between us and the house. I swear, these people live in the middle of nowhere. If anything were to happen, they would be screwed — plain and simple. Why would they even want to live in the country, anyway? There’s nothing to do, and on top of that, it smells like shit. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if we were smelling actual shit.

  “I’m hungry. Can we come back later? Or how about we just skip out on this one? I’m tired.” Lane groaned.

  “If you’re really that hungry and tired, then leave, because there’s no way I’m skipping out on this one. Phil would have my head if he knew I didn’t bring one back. I need to keep up with my reputation.” I glanced at him with annoyance. It’s tiring having to explain this to him — especially since I’ve told him only about a million times already.

  Phil was our boss, and I knew the moment he handed me her file, I needed to have her. I had to be the one to bring her in. She was mine from the moment my eyes saw her bright, forest green ones.

  “Fine. You have fun. I’m getting something to eat then head back to the field.”

  After Lane left, my thoughts started to drift on how she would react. Would she come willingly? Fight me and threaten to kill me? Or would she be just confused and almost unsure on how to react? I’ve seen all of them. Tears, rage, unsureness. It’s always those three. I’d learned that much over the years of being in this… well you can call it a “unique” business.

  Some people say this job is sick or twisted. Sometimes they’d ask, “Why would you want to work there, you sick freak?”

  But they don’t know that feeling I get when I see the fear and confusion written on the features of the unlikely young girls, who happened to fall into the trap of sex trafficking, or what we like to call pleasuring; the rich likes to call it shopping.

  For the customers, it truly is just like going in the store and buying a toy. You pick the one you fancy, and after that, you pay. There’s a catch, though. With this job, you get to keep the merchandise for only one night. Also, you can’t keep the baby dolls. They’re far too precious. That’s what I tell the people who don’t understand my job.

  I saw movement in the house. It looked like the parents were leaving. I could just make out, what I assume, was the mother embracing her children then letting go just a bit too soon because of her husband pulling her away. This would be the last time she would hold her children in her arms. It’s a shame they didn’t hug longer.

  As they got into their car, they sped down the old country road. I’m guessing they’re running late for their flight.

  Instead of driving up towards the home and barging inside, I decided that I’d wait for a while and let the thought of their sitter no longer coming to linger around.

  Lane had probably made it back by now and, most likely, stuffed his face with only God knows what. I wonder if he’d be flying back to London tonight. I kind of hope he does, so he’d be out of my way. Plus, I didn’t want him coming back here and trying to help me bring her in. She’s mine, not his. I called the shots.

  At first I saw her eyes, then I saw her. Her picture in the school yearbook, which Phil gave me, told me a lot about her appearance. She’s beautiful. I have to say, she’ll sell great, meaning an even bigger check for me. Gorgeous, more money. Double hit. Lucky me.

  The only thing that is so annoying about her is that her brother is with her. I was still debating on what I could do to the little brat. Maybe I should just leave him here? No, he’d just call the cops and get my ass hauled to jail, even though he’s only a kid. I’m already in enough trouble. If the Feds find out about this job, I’ll be locked up for, no telling, how many years.

  I’ll have to think of something because I can’t take the dipshit with me. I’m afraid to even think of what Phil would do if I brought in a boy. He’ll probably think I’m nuts and cut my check. There’s no way I’d let him do that. I work too hard not to get paid less than what I already do. Anyway, he knows that he shouldn’t mess with me. I bring in most of the girls, so he can’t do a thing to me unless he wants to lose his best employee.

  After sitting in the car for a few more hours, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I needed to go and get her. I opened the SUV door, jumped out, and headed towards the home. After making sure I had my gun and pocket knife in my jacket, I exited the vehicle. The crisp January air pierced through my thin clothes as I treaded on the snow-blanketed ground.

  Before I reached the entrance, I noticed that all the lights in the house seemed to be turned off. Maybe they knew I was coming? No, that’s not possible. It’s pitch black out here, there’s no way they could have seen me.

  I shrugged it off and headed for the front door. After knocking three times, I pulled out a cigarette, placed the hazardous paper stick between my lips, and leaned on the door frame. A minute passed before a young boy opened the door, fear written all over his face.

  “Hello,” I spoke, looking down at the boy.

  Seconds later, she appeared.

  I was met with long, unruly hair and bright, green eyes, staring at me suspiciously. The picture in that file really did her no justice. A slender figure with slim torso and compelling legs. There’s no denying it — she’s hot as hell. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone with a body like hers.

  She shielded her brother. She placed herself in front of him as she watched me light a second cigarette. I brought it to my lips and breathed out the smoke. I wonder if the reason that she’s looking at me with a worried face—which still looks hot—had something to do with the fact that I looked like a psychopathic murderer, or she could somehow see the money signs on my eyes.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” Her mellifluous voice echoed across the empty fields.

  It hadn’t been that long yet, but I was already intrigued.

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