Read Demon Cats Page 1

  Demon Cats

  Robert Davis

  Copyright 2013 by Robert Davis

  The state senator stepped into the office with a demure quality to her steps; it had been a very trying day, with the gun control debate going full blast, and her proposal in danger of being killed in committee.

  “Harry, can we talk?” the senator asked.

  The older senator looked up and sighed.

  “Come in Rhonda,” he said motioning to the chair “I know why you’re here, but its late, my staff is gone for the night, and I am in the process of finishing some paperwork. Your bill is not leaving committee, so don’t even bother asking.” Harry replied.

  “My bill’s not a repeal of the second amendment; it just puts in restrictions and helps with the public safety.” Rhonda said.

  “I don’t know if you smoked too much of the now legal weed, if your just uninformed, misguided or just plain nuts. Your restrictions are stupid, pointless and do nothing for public safety. You want to restrict all semi-automatic weapons. Calling them ‘assault weapons’ is great PR but anyone who can read knows what you’re saying.”

  “But we don’t need high capacity magazines.” she countered.

  “7 round clips are not ‘high capacity’ save your smoke & mirrors for your constituents. I would point out that in every mass shooting where a ‘high capacity magazine is actually used, they tend to Jam, so restricting madmen to smaller more reliable magazines will have the opposite effect of what your trying to achieve. And while we are talking about need, we don’t NEED alcohol, we don’t NEED cars that go more than 10 MPH. We don’t need salty food, fast food, or an impressively long list of things. It’s not the government’s job to say what people need and don’t need.”

  “But it should be, we could lead people to such better lives, we could help them be happier, and we could leave all of the bad stuff for the police to handle.” Rhonda said sweetly.

  “There are 50 thousand people in your city, and less than 500 cops, in fact there were five times as many convicted violent felons as police last year. Leave it for the cops? Next you’re going to outlaw fire extinguishers and leave it to the fire department. Tell me, do you plan on increasing the number of police? And if so how do you propose to pay for it?” Harry asked.

  “To be honest Senator Fields, so far all you have done for the police force is reduce it. I don’t mean to be insensitive, but once the idiot that threatened you was behind bars, why did you think you needed full time police presence outside your home? I have heard from a staggering number of my constituent’s on both sides of this political debate, they all have unstable ex’s and restraining orders and some have never seen a cop in their neighborhood.” Harry said with conviction.

  “To shoot someone for being in your house or raping your daughter, honestly Harry, we are better than that.” she said.

  “It’s clear to me every time you get re-elected that people have a short attention span. I have to tell you, criminals also have short attention spans. They don’t grasp ‘if I do this I could go to jail for a long time’ Tell that same dirt bag ‘if I do this I could get killed’ and they tend to change their behavior. It’s the not knowing which person has a gun and which doesn’t that keeps everyone safe from the dirt bags.” Harry said.

  “Okay, Then let my bill out of committee and I will sponsor a bill to stream line capital punishment appeals.” she pleaded.

  “Capital punishment? I’m not willing to trade a constitutional amendment for a half promise to shorten the 18 years it takes to carry out a capital punishment sentence, and lower the number of times they get to roll the dice hoping to find a judge that’s uninterested in the law.” he stated.

  “But there are some provisions in this bill that will help, like expanding the number of ‘Gun Free’ zones, to include anywhere there is a mass of people.” the senator said, letting her words carry optimism.

  “Rhonda, unless these gun free zones issue free Kevlar and have a dozen armed guards on each entrance, they do nothing but point out where the free and easy targets are! You always talk about the theater shooting, remember that maniac went past several theaters closer and more convenient for him, and went right for the one that was a ‘gun free zone’.”

  “You don’t think schools should be ‘gun free’?” she said.

  “I think that schools are the perfect example of what is wrong with your system and your thinking. It made no difference in Connecticut. Listen, be real we can’t afford to hire enough teachers, now you want to start hiring unarmed security guards as a deterrent? All they are going to do is reduce the number of bullets the next mad shooter has by two or three.” Harry said his frustration growing.

  “Harry, there are other countries that have restricted firearms, they have not had a revolution, and the government isn’t rounding citizens up. They have been able to spend more on social programs and law enforcement.” Rhonda said.

  “They spend more on law enforcement because violent crime spiked, and they are spending more on social programs because they need more unemployment benefits because their economies are in the toilet. As for ‘no revolution’ give it time, given a choice between revolution and bankruptcy…”

  “What about the children Harry? Think about the children!”

  “Cut the crap Rhonda, I have been patient with you so far, but if you are going to bury your head in the sand and spout platitudes that show how out of touch with reality you are, we are done. Your bills are going to all die in committee. If you can show one shred of evidence that any of those measures will help then I am all over it.” Harry said hoping to end this pointless conversation.

  “So you’re going to do nothing about all the gun violence?” she huffed

  “No, I am going to do something smart. I am going to be a leader, and look at the problem, and solve it, not just pander to the special interest crowds and cure a symptom.” Harry explained.

  “People are angry, the economy is in trouble, and your side of the isle is spending and taxing, expanding government and restricting everything to the point that we are all but choked. Small businesses are not opening, and even established companies are struggling. You want to cure gun violence? You want to cure almost every social issue? Let’s stop building the government and start building a country again.”

  “I know the gun owners and their lobby. I bet you if we asked for a $5.00 tax on all firearm sales, with the money ear marked indelibly for mental health services, they would be okay with that. Hell I will even meet you part way and ask for a 1.00 tax on any firearm magazine that carries more than 15 rounds with the same caveat – the money can only go for mental health programs.”

  “But how will that help the really important issues, like marital equality? If we can restrict firearms and create liability for anyone that builds them, we can open the floor for the important issues.” Rhonda pointed out.

  “How does your mind link gun violence and marital equality? I’ve been married for 35 years and I am still struggling for marital equality. But you’re really talking about gay marriage, another perfect example of liberal thinking. It’s not the governments place to say who you can marry or how you can marry or force churches and people to accept these things. We can allow and define a legal status not religious one, Marriage is a religious thing more than a government one. Keep forcing people to deal with things they would just as soon not, and you increase the anger, and that increases the violence.”

  “Your right.” Senator Fields said. As she spoke she stood and unbuttoned the sleeves of her blouse.

  “Excuse me?” Harry said, stunned by the sudden change

  “You’re right, about almost everything. Of course, I know none of the things I have suggested will have any effe
ct on your kind. I was hoping to get you to say something or do something that I could use to discredit you. My kind needs these gun free zones, and to restrict weapons, and make ownership of them such a stigma that the population becomes completely dependent on overstressed police resources.”

  “My kind? Rhonda why are you suddenly throwing the race card? This debate has nothing to do with your being African American.”

  Rhonda laughed as she shifted, her arms growing in length as she slumped over, her tail coming out from under her skirt.

  “My kind, you call us Demons but there are so many names for us, it’s almost funny.”

  In one smooth motion, Rhonda spit at Harry, the greenish glob splattering on his neck. She slid around the desk, turning Harry’s now paralyzed body to face her. The look of fear frozen in his features was priceless.

  “Harry, if I could disarm all of the demon hunters, all of the people that are always trying to stop my kind, we could rule. It’s actually much easier than you think, just get a media that’s dominated by like-minded people, the kind that exploits a story and fans the flames in just the direction we need”

  “Mix that with basic human envy and a touch of dependency, and your kind become cattle. Disinterested in anything other than what the government will do for them next, free cell phones, free lodging, free doctors, and police to cure any problems with criminals. I honestly was worried I was going to have to find a way to give away video games and movies, but a little piracy let us keep that part of the plan underground.”

  “Harry, I have to tell you you’re dying, that green glob is a neural toxin, but in your last five minutes of life, you should know that you are absolutely right. The goal is to turn your kind in to cattle, because only cows are stupid enough to go into a burning barn with the promise of free hay. Don’t worry though; I am sure they will name a desk or something after you. You can rest assured I will be sure that my little measures all pass; Hey, I’ll even put your name on the bill.”

  As the pupils in her red eyes turned to slits she smiled and said “Really Harry, the only part you got wrong is that I'm not a democrat. I am a demon cat."