Read Demon Spell Page 3


  “What’s wrong with him?” Kendra’s eyes followed Midnight and Natalie as her curiosity was peaked.

  “I see his mood hasn’t improved,” Thor stated as he and Erik joined them.

  Kendra turned and smiled at the love of her life as he took the seat next to her. “What has his panties in a bind tonight?”

  “Natalie’s boss stopped by for a visit and chewed her ass. Gibbson’s not happy with what he views as lack of progress on the new weapon design. He then redirected tonight’s testing.” Erik stated as he took a seat on the other side of Thor.

  Kendra looked at Thor and Erik and saw how their gazes followed their friend. She turned in time to see Midnight hold a chair for Natalie and take the chair next to her. The pair was so close their shoulders touched. Kendra turned back to Thor. “There’s a lot more to this and we want to hear every little detail.”

  Demon Spell – Chapter 4

  Midnight looked at the salad on Natalie’s tray and sighed. He placed a fully loaded hamburger in front of her. “Here.”

  She looked over at him. “I’ve got my dinner, thanks.”

  Midnight pulled a plate over in front of him containing two double cheeseburgers piled high with jalapeños. He then put a plate with a large stack of onion rings where they could both reach them. “I can’t make you eat, but I would really appreciate it if you’d put something more substantial into your system. After all, you might have to save my ass tonight.”

  She continued to play with her food.

  “Erik and Thor aren’t disappointed in your work.” He took a bite of a burger.

  She turned her head and looked at him. The worry in her eyes so obvious it hurt. “You wouldn’t lie to me?”

  “Why would I? If they aren’t happy with your work, then they aren’t happy with my work.” He took another bite.

  She scooted the salad away and pulled the hamburger over in front of her. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  He didn’t answer but kept eating and watched as she took a bite. She grabbed the ketchup and put some on her plate then grabbed the bottle of Tabasco Sauce. She mixed a large amount of the hot sauce into the ketchup and then dipped an onion ring into it before putting it in her mouth.

  He arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

  She looked over at him and laughed. “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

  For the next several minutes they ate in silence. He was pleased to see her put a healthy dint into the food he’d brought her. He had no doubt she was mentally strong, but it was important she keep up her physical strength, too – especially with the work they were about to do.

  Finished with his food, he pushed his plates away and pulled the folder over in front of him. “I think we’re going to have to test the Annihilator-4A tonight, unless you’ve uncovered a really good reason why we shouldn’t.”

  Natalie leaned closer. “I reviewed the file before you got here. Everything says it’s ready, but my gut says it’s not.”

  Midnight flipped a few pages of the file. “It passed all the preliminary testing?”

  “Yes, barely though. Every score was at the bottom of the acceptable range.” She reached across him and pointed to the page with the final results.

  Her breasts brushed against his arm and the beast in him lunged. Midnight froze as he gazed at her profile. The woman was beautiful with her long blond hair and startling blue eyes. He leaned back, putting a small amount of space between them, knowing he needed to focus. He took a deep breath and immediately wished he hadn’t.

  Her scent filled him and suddenly his demon side strained against its restraints harder than it ever had. He clenched his teeth and swallowed a growl. Even so, a deep–throated rumble escaped.

  Natalie turned and large blue eyes studied him. Despite his best effort to keep his demon buried, it was more often than not a losing battle. Growing up, his mother often said he was forty-nine percent human, fifty-one percent demon.

  He feared his mother was right.

  Midnight waited for censure to show in Natalie’s eyes, but it never did. He relaxed ever so slightly.

  “Are you okay? You seem more tense than normal.” Her voice was soft but filled with concern.

  Her worry surprised him. “I’m good, just not happy about tonight’s testing.”

  “Wow, for once we’re on the same page. That has to be a first.” She closed the file in front of them and stood. “Tonight, I’m going to picture Scott’s face on every demon you turn to ash.”

  Her levity should have made Midnight feel better, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of doom as they walked through the now–empty commissary.