Read Den of Sorrows Page 10

  Jacque’s jaw dropped open. He would never cease to amaze her. He’d been bold before they’d bonded, but since they’d mated and married, he’d given bold a whole new meaning.

  “We’re going to be searching for a vampire coven tomorrow. And you’re worried about whether my girls are going to stay this size?”

  Fane looked completely baffled as to why this surprised her. “Beloved, the world could be burning to the ground and I would still have thoughts about your amazing, sexy, mine body.”

  “Mine body? That doesn’t even make sense.”

  He shrugged. “When I think about your body sometimes all I can think is…mine.”

  She let out a groan. “I will never understand the way your mind works.”

  “That’s okay,” he assured her. “All you have to do is understand that when I do this,” —Fane pulled her close and leaned down and nipped her skin where his mark was on her neck— “it means I need you—now.”

  She gasped at the intimate contact. “I can try to remember that,” she answered breathlessly.

  “Good. Now go get ready for bed. We need to get some rest. Five a.m. will come all too soon.”

  Jacque ignored his bossy tone and pretended to herself that it was totally her idea to get ready for bed. “Freaking Neanderthal,” she muttered under her breath.

  “I don’t consider that an insult, mate,” he called out to her.

  Jacque shot him an un-ladylike gesture but couldn’t stop the smile when she heard him say, “Even doing that makes me desire you more.”

  “Does everything I do turn you on?” she asked silently.

  He seemed to be thinking about it and she waited as she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Finally he answered her. “Yes.”

  Costin pulled Sally closer to him as they lay in their bed. Peri had been kind enough to take them back to the Serbia mansion, though they had a room in the Romania mansion as well. Decebel had wanted to talk to Drake and Costin about the mission and Costin, of course, wanted Sally close by.

  “Whatchya thinking about?” Sally asked him as he ran his hand up and down her arm.

  “That things are going to get messy very fast.”

  “Is that pun intended?”

  He smiled. “Actually no, though it is very fitting.”

  He heard the hesitation in her breath as she started to speak but then paused.

  “What is it, Sally Mine?” Costin asked her gently.

  “Are you afraid? I mean, this isn’t just one enemy. It’s…well,…we don’t even know how many vampires are out there. You know? How can we fight something so big?”

  “Well, as the saying goes—one vampire at a time.”

  She sighed. “Guess that’s all we can do.”

  “I can give you some small comfort.” Costin rolled until his body blanketed hers. “We won’t be fighting alone. Just like with all the other battles we’ve been in, we will have those we trust and love around us.”

  The sweet smile she graced him with caused his heart to stutter, just as it always did when she smiled at him.

  “You’re right. At least we aren’t facing this on our own, nor are any of the others alone. Thank you for reminding me of that.” Sally lifted her chin while her eyes made it clear that she wanted him to meet her halfway. Costin never was one to deny his mate. He leaned down the rest of the way and pressed his lips to hers. His wolf rumbled at the contact and took comfort from the touch and scent of their mate.

  He understood Sally’s fear and, truth be told, he was afraid, but he couldn’t just stand by when such horrible things were happening to innocent children. When there were people as kind and pure as his mate in the world, Costin couldn’t fathom how evil like the vampires could be allowed to continue to exist. But since it was partly up to him, he’d do his best to ensure that they wouldn’t be existing much longer.

  But that hunt would wait until tomorrow. He had one more night with his mate before they had to dive into the darkness of blood and death. Tonight he would wrap her in his love and remind her that she is protected and cherished, and, perhaps, the memory of this night would get them through the more painful ones sure to come.

  Vasile watched the flames from the fireplace cast dancing shadows across the walls. He and his mate had retired to the library after everyone had gone their separate ways after the meeting. He was restless and she refused to go to their room without him. Stubborn female, he thought, knowing she’d hear his thought.

  She chuckled and patted his leg. “If the situation was reversed, and it was I who couldn’t sleep, you wouldn’t leave me alone either. You are not so innocent, Alpha of mine.”

  Vasile leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead, breathing in her comforting scent. Even after two centuries, she was a breath of fresh air to him. Just as she had been the first time she’d ever stood her ground, refusing to stay and talk with him when he’d asked it of her. Okay, maybe not asked, it was more of an order. Vasile smiled at the memory of his mate, standing before him so confident and fierce, telling him and the two wolves with him that they could wait for her parents but that she had somewhere to be. He’d been at a loss for words when she’d defied him, but he wouldn’t have had her any other way.

  “I couldn’t have you thinking that I would just do everything you told me to,” Alina said having caught his thoughts. “It would have made you much too arrogant. You’re barely tolerant as it is.”

  He smiled at her. “So your defiance has kept me at a tolerable level of arrogant-ness?”

  “Arrogant-ness?” she laughed. “Our daughter-in-law and her friends are beginning to rub off on even you.”

  He shrugged. He didn’t necessarily consider that a bad thing. As long as he didn’t start throwing out sexual innuendos or drinking hot chocolate every time things got difficult, he’d be alright.

  There was a knock at the door and he shifted so that his body blocked his mate’s. He knew it probably wasn’t necessary, but his wolf didn’t take that into consideration. He only cared that she was protected at all times.

  “Come in,” Vasile called out.

  Perizada walked in, her demeanor uncharacteristically subdued. It immediately raised his hackles.

  “Has something happened?” he asked as he stood from the couch.

  The high fae looked past him to the fire burning and seemed to be lost in thought.

  “Peri?” Alina asked as she also stood.

  Finally she realized they were talking to her. “What?”

  “I asked if something has happened. What has brought you here this late?”

  She waved him off. “Nothing with the children, or at least nothing that I’ve heard of at this point.” She began to pace slowly as she bowed her head and creased her brow. “Something has been nagging at me. The power I felt while in Phoenix—the darkness that is growing there—it felt familiar.” Peri was silent again as she paced some more.

  Vasile didn’t want to interrupt her train of thought so he just let her pace and waited for her to continue. Alina stood next to him, just as patient as always, waiting with him.

  Suddenly the fae stopped and snapped her fingers. “Where’s that history boy of yours?”

  “Wadim?” Vasile asked.

  “Is that the one with the ridiculous, yet hilarious, shirts?”

  Alina laughed. “Yes, that’s him.”

  “He might be able to find the information I’m looking for. Is he still in his dungeon?” She flashed before they could answer her.

  A few minutes later she reappeared with a very tired, very grumpy Wadim standing next to her.

  “Could someone please talk to her about boundaries?” Wadim growled.

  “You’re the pack historian, isn’t there some rule that says you have to be available twenty-four hours a day?” Peri asked as she crossed her arms in front of her and took a step away from him.

  “Read the shirt, fae.” Wadim pointed to his chest.

  Vasile snorted as he read his histori
an’s shirt. ‘If you can’t find me, consider it an invitation not to look for me.’

  Peri didn’t look impressed.

  “Why do you need Wadim’s help, Perizada?” Vasile asked before their pissing contest could turn into an all-out clawing and magic throwing brawl.

  “Do you have records as far back as 1502?” she asked the wolf.

  Wadim’s eyes widened and Vasile mirrored his surprise at the question.

  “That’s, wow,” Wadim laughed. “How old are you?”

  Peri narrowed her eyes at him. “Answer the question, history boy, or you won’t have to worry about people bothering you anymore because you will disappear—permanently.”

  Wadim cocked his head to the side as a sly smile spread across his face. “Do you threaten Lucian like that? Bet he likes it.”

  Peri turned to Vasile. “What the hell is wrong with your wolves?”

  Vasile just shook his head at her. Peri was an expert at poking his wolves so she generally deserved what she got, not that she couldn’t handle what they dished out.

  “Do you have the records or not?” She turned back to Wadim.

  He scratched his jaw, appearing as if he really had to think about it. “I can take a look and see. Is there anything in particular you want me to look up?”

  “A vampire named Sincaro.”

  “Who is he?” Vasile asked, noticing the slight pinch in her lips as she said the name.

  “He is an enemy that I thought had fallen long ago during a previous purge of the vamps,” she explained.

  “You think he’s alive?” Alina asked the question before he could.

  “The power that I felt in Phoenix was distinct. It was old and dark. If he is still alive, he is most likely the oldest vampire still walking the earth, which would make him very, very powerful.”

  Wadim shifted on his feet. “How soon do you need this information?”

  “We are planning to leave at first light for the US,” Vasile said.

  “So, plenty of time to look through thousands of files,” Wadim said dryly. “Perfect.”

  “Wadim,” Vasile warned.

  “No offense, Alpha, but I think your wolves need to be reminded who’s in charge.”

  “I don’t interfere with your people, Perizada. I suggest you don’t interfere with mine.”

  “Wadim, get the information as quickly as you can. Search the database first, then hit the archives.” Vasile turned to Peri. “Do you want to help look in the archives or do you have other things you need to do before we leave in a few hours?”

  “I want to scope out the first city. If I have time to help after that, I will.”

  She disappeared without another word.

  “I can’t say that I envy Lucian having that one for a mate,” Wadim muttered as he turned toward the door. “She could have at least taken me back—”

  His words were cut off when Peri suddenly appeared next to him, grabbed his arm, and then disappeared again.

  Alina laughed. “She never ceases to amaze.”

  “If she didn’t care so much, I don’t think that I could put up with her antics.”

  His mate huffed. “You have liked that woman from the minute you met her. She’s strong and you respect strength. She’s also a faithful comrade to have.”

  “Let’s try and get some sleep before we have to start saving the world once again,” he told her, not commenting on her remarks regarding the high fae.

  Alina took his offered hand and let him lead her from the room. “What do you think she’s going to do if this Sincaro is still alive?”

  Vasile shook his head. “I have no idea, but knowing Peri, it might include leveling an entire city.”

  Chapter 8

  With all the lovey-dovey crap going on around us, you wouldn’t think that some major ass kicking was about to go down. Then again, maybe that is the perfect reason to be breaking in the mattresses. Strong mated pairs mean strong individuals, so I guess I shouldn’t be complaining about everyone having shag fests with their mates. Maybe we should start calling it “plugging in.” Oh man that’s awesome. Plugging in, get it, like a power source, but it totally works as a pun for—” ~Jen

  “They get it, Jen. Geeze.” ~ Jacque.

  Peri slammed another book closed causing dust to fill the air of the archive room. She’d been there for an hour, searching in book after book to no avail.

  “Hey,” Wadim called out from down the hall. “Go easy on the books. It’s not like I can just zip down to Barnes & Noble and pick up another copy.”

  She ignored him. Peri could go to the fae archives and see if she could find any information on Sincaro, but there was no telling how long it would take to look through their extensive records. The fae archives made the wolves’ library look like the kiddie section of a bookstore.

  “Hey, scary fae lady, I found something,” she heard the annoying history wolf yell.

  Peri let out a groan. She placed the book back on the shelf and walked back to the main room of the archives. Wadim sat at his desk in front of a ridiculous number of computer screens. He pointed to the one on the far right.

  “I did a scan for Sincaro. Nothing came up, of course. But then I did a scan for vampire king.” He looked over his shoulder at her. “Figured if he’s the oldest, then that sort of makes him the king. Anyways, when I did that, I got three references.”

  Peri stepped closer to the screen and began reading.

  1502 A.D. in the ninth month, the fifteenth day. The vampire race has grown so large in number that they can barely hide their kills. The Alphas have met with the high fae and made it known that they want the numbers decreased significantly. The high fae are in agreement and willing to bring forth the fae warriors. Perizada of the fae, in particular, argued extensively for intervention. The vampire king has grown too bold and is encouraging his race to be bold as well. There are already mutterings and superstitions among the humans concerning the vampires. The humans cannot be allowed to find out about paranormal beings. The governing councils of each civilized race agree that it would be too dangerous for the humans to know.

  In three days’ time, the fae will go to war with the vampires. The Canis lupus will not be a part of the battle. The fae have insisted that they are more than capable of eliminating the vampires without our help. As much as the Alphas hate to miss the opportunity to rid the world of that scourge, they have agreed not to participate. It is not in the nature of the wolves to let another supernatural race face such a peril alone. But the wolves petitioned the high fae council about the vampires five years ago with the same dilemma and the fae did nothing. At this point, it is not the wolves’ problem.

  1502 A.D. in the ninth month, the twentieth day. It has been a fierce battle and the fae have finally prevailed in culling over half of the vampire population. They believe the vampire king was one of the fallen, though his body has not been found. Though he was a powerful foe, his army fell quickly to the high fae magic, and the fae did not believe there could possibly be any survivors.

  Peri growled in frustration. It had been a waste of time. The documentation didn’t confirm or deny Sincaro’s death. It was simply speculation. Speculation was about as useful as an intoxicated pixie.

  “I’d like to say thank you for taking your time to look up the information, but that would imply it was helpful,” she growled to Wadim.

  He shot her the finger over his back causing her lips to twitch. She actually liked the historian, and his tee shirts were something to look forward to. Peri flashed from the archive room and reappeared in her bedroom where her mate was currently lying, shirtless, in their bed. She removed her own clothes with just a thought and then slid into bed next to him. She wouldn’t have long to be with him before she’d have to begin shuttling the wolves to Little Rock and begin preparing for battle.

  She closed the distance between them and sprawled her body across his warmer one. His arms immediately wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against him.
r />   “Welcome home, beautiful.”

  His voice was rough with sleep and entirely too sexy. “It’s good to be home, no matter how brief.”

  Lucian rolled and she was suddenly beneath him. He pressed a kiss to her lips and then pulled back to look at her. His blonde hair fell forward brushing her face. He smelled amazing, as usual. It didn’t matter if the man was sweaty from a good workout or fresh out of the shower, he always smelled incredible.

  “Are you trying to tell me you won’t be staying long?” His silver eyes flashed mischievously.

  “Duty calls,” she said in a near whisper. Only Lucian had the ability to make her lose her breath. He alone could cause all thought to slip away from her mind and replace it with him, only him. He filled up her senses. He was all she could see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. Lucian’s body lowered and settled firmly against hers, causing her eyes to flutter closed.

  “Then I suppose we’d better make the most of it,” he said softly against her neck as he pressed a kiss to the spot where his bite was located. Her skin flushed as blood flowed quickly through her body. Peri’s pulse jumped as his hands gripped her hips.

  “Don’t you want to get some rest?” she asked, practically panting like someone who’d just sprinted as hard as she could for a hundred yards.

  “I can rest anytime. What I can’t have anytime is you. So I will take you when you are here.”

  “You know you aren’t the only one who needs. I need you. I don’t like being away from you anymore than you like being away from me,” Peri told him as she traced the contours of his masculine face.

  “I know that, beloved. I have no doubts about your feelings, wants, or needs when it comes to me. I also know that just because you are mated doesn’t mean all of the responsibility you’ve carried all these centuries suddenly disappears. It simply means that you no longer have to shoulder it alone.”

  She felt her eyes fill with tears. No one had ever cherished her the way Lucian had. No one had ever made her feel so incredibly necessary, as though life would not go on if she did not exist in the world.