Read Den of Sorrows Page 3

  Jacque nodded. “Fane isn’t either.”

  Sally’s eyes narrowed. “Costin mentioned,” —she tapped her head indicating that he’d shared the information via the bond— “just a little while ago, that he was going to speak with Vasile.”

  “So did Decebel,” Jen growled.

  Jacque’s jaw clenched. She hated it when Fane blocked her. It brought back the painful memories of just a couple of months earlier when he wouldn’t let her in because of his struggles with what she’d endured at the hands of the witch, Desdemona. “Wolf boy better have a damn good reason for blocking me,” she practically snarled.

  “Whoa, baby mamma’s got claws.” Jen grinned, momentarily forgetting her irritation with her own mate.

  “And she called him wolf boy, not wolf man like she usually does,” Sally pointed out.

  “The hormones are starting to get to you, aren’t they?” asked Jen.

  Jacque pinched the bridge of her nose. “One minute I’m fine and the next I really, really want to throw something at someone.”

  “Okay…well, sitting here wondering about what team fur ball is meeting about, heavy emphasis on the ball part, isn’t going to help keep prego calm. So back to these new wolves that were brought in to help with the new healers. Any of ’em hot?” Jen asked as she waggled her eyebrows at Sally.

  Jacque slapped Jen with a pillow just as the door to the suite opened.

  “Any of who hot?” Decebel growled as he prowled into the room, his eyes focused on his mate.

  “Do you have a radar that tells you when to walk in on me talking about inappropriate things?” Jen asked as she narrowed her eyes on Decebel.

  “Considering you are always talking about inappropriate things, I don’t really need a radar. It’s pretty much a given that when I walk into a room you will have just said, or be in the middle of saying, an inappropriate comment.”

  “Oh, good one,” Jacque cooed as Sally reached out her fist to her friend.

  “Agreed.” Sally nodded.

  Jen’s head snapped to the side as she pinned her two best friends with a glare. “Nobody asked for commentary from the peanut gallery.”

  “I would like to think we are less peanut and more awesomesauce gallery,” Sally said as she glanced at Jacque. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Totally agree.”

  Jen gave up giving them the death glare, considering it wasn’t working, and turned back to face her mate. “What’s up, B? Maybe you’ve come to tell us why you superior males have kicked us out?” She tapped her head at the same time she tried to breach his mental block.

  He gave her his best wolfish smile, which he knew made her all gooey inside. Damn wolf, she thought to herself.

  “Perhaps, I’m just blocking you because of my own inappropriate things that may or may not include something or someone hot.”

  Sally and Jacque pushed themselves back further on the couch as Jen stood up slowly. “If you’re thinking about something hot, it had better be a freaking desert or South Texas in August.”

  “And if it’s not?” Decebel asked as he took a step toward her, his eyes flashing to the glowing amber of his wolf before going back to their usual color.

  Jen let out a low growl.

  “Oh dear,” Sally muttered.

  “We should video their fights. It’s so much better than anything the CW has,” Jacque murmured attempting not to attract the attention of their seething friend.

  “Then tell me, B, what it is that you might be thinking about that is hot? What is it that you are thinking about that is so inappropriate that you have to block your mate from your mind?”

  “I don’t understand why you are getting so upset, Jennifer.”

  “He’s using that freaking soothing calm voice. I hate it when they do that,” Sally huffed quietly.

  “Totally hate it,” Jacque agreed as she bit her nails and watched her friend and her mate intently.

  Decebel continued as Jen took a step toward him. “I have to deal with you checking out other males, discussing other males, and purring over other males.”

  “Oh, that last one was said with a little bite,” Sally chuckled.

  “He totally wants to give her a little bite,” Jacque added and the two snickered as quietly as they could.

  “I. DO. NOT. PURR,” Jen bit out through clenched teeth.

  “Wanna bet?” Decebel’s voice dropped low as his eyes began to glow again with his wolf. This time they didn’t stop glowing.

  “Okay, that even turned me on,” Sally continued her commentary.

  “Totally hot and bothered,” Jacque said fanning herself.

  “We are not discussing whether or not you make me purr. I may notice attractive people—”

  Decebel let out a snort of laughter. “Notice, good one.”

  Jen ignored him. “But I do not purr over them. And considering you have access to my thoughts, because I don’t block them from you, you should know that the only thing that I think about that’s hot is you. I may talk a lot of smack, but you know better than anyone who I really am. Am I a mate who sits around pondering about the six pack abs on another wolf? NO! I’m not. I might notice them, just as you notice attractive females, but it stops there. So, I’ll ask you again, mate,” Jen snapped. “What is it that you are blocking me from? It had better be something like the world is coming to an end tomorrow, because if I find out it’s thoughts of another female, so help me, Decebel, I will cut off your man parts and feed them to the chickens.”

  "Chickens?" Decebel asked seemingly taken off guard.

  "Yes, chickens, because they will peck the hell out of them before they ever eat them. Double the satisfaction, if I do say so myself."

  “Okay, that sounds like she’s given it a little thought. Should we be worried that Jen’s pondered what she would do with her mate’s man parts if she ever removes them?” Sally asked Jacque.

  Jacque shook her head. “If she ever comes home with chickens, then we should totally be worried.”

  Jen’s head turned slowly to glare at her friends.

  “Uh-oh,” Sally sung. “She’s got the look.”

  “Totally has the look,” Jacque agreed.

  “What’s with you and the word totally?” Sally asked glancing at Jacque from the corner of her eye.

  “I don’t know,” Jacque said thoughtfully. “It’s just seemed like the appropriate word for the situation. Decebel has totally gone and gotten himself so deep in smelly crap that Jen might castrate him, and Jen is totally threatening to castrate him and feed some chickens that mess. Totally—as in all encompassing—the situation is dire.”

  “Are you two done?” Jen snapped. “Decebel is over here hiding important information from us and y’all are worried about Jacque’s lack of vocabulary?”

  “Priorities, Jen,” Sally said curtly. “Jacque is about to bring a precious life into this world. Do we really want her child to be labeled ignorant because her mama can’t teach her a wide variety of words?”

  “I’ve got some words for you,” Jacque muttered as she gave Sally’s leg a pinch. Sally yelped but didn’t say anything more when Jen pointed a finger at them both.

  “I will deal with you two later.” Jen turned back to Decebel. “You and I are going to have a little talk.

  “Is that what you’ve started calling it?” Decebel asked as he grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder.

  “Put me down you big, hairy, flea infested, stupid male!”

  Decebel smacked her backside as he tilted his head at Jacque and Sally. “Don’t be too hard on your mates,” he told them and then turned to leave. Jen continued spewing expletives at her mate as he carried her from the room.

  “Now she has a good vocabulary,” Sally nodded as she watched the door close behind the couple.

  “She seems a little uptight today,” Jacque said as the door closed behind Decebel and Jen.

  “You know she hates it when Decebel keeps things from her.”

nbsp; Jacque nodded. “True, but she’s never really let it bother her when he’s accused her of being a tad free with her praise of the opposite sex.”

  Sally hmm-mmmed her and then patted her legs. “So now that drama mama is gone, what do you want to do?”

  “Drama mama,” Jacque laughed. “Classic.” She tapped her chin with her index finger as she thought and then said with a smile. “Take a nap. Since Fane is being a butt and blocking me and I won’t be able to find out why until he shows up, cause goodness knows I’m not about to waddle around looking for his handsome butt, I might as well rest up for the argument that’s bound to happen later.”

  Sally groaned. “Ugh you pregnant people are so unexciting.”

  “Hey!” Jacque snapped. “I can either be unexciting or bitchy. Which do you really want?”

  “Fine, take your nap. I’m going to go see Rachel. She’ll want to hear about the new healers. And then I’m going to find my mate and see if I can figure out what’s going on.”

  “Come back and wake me up in an hour, kay?” Jacque yawned as she laid back on the couch.

  Sally turned back to look at her friend as she pulled the door open. “You do remember that this is my room, right? The one I share with my mate?”

  Jacque waved her off. “Yes, but you’re not as freaky as Jen so I don’t have to worry about waking up to something that could scar my brain for life.”

  “Truth,” Sally agreed as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Just as she was turning to go down the hall, she walked into a familiar chest.

  “I was just coming to see you,” Costin said as he looked down at her. “And I was hoping you’d still be in our room.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  Sally held up her hand. “Sorry, barkeep, but you’ve been blocked.” She made a motion of her shoulder. “Prego is in there asleep on our couch.”

  Costin frowned. “Doesn’t she have her own couch?”

  “Yes, but apparently it was too far to walk.”

  “I can hear you, ya know?” Jacque hollered.

  “I always forget she has the whole wolf thing going on,” Sally told him.

  “So we can’t go in our room?”

  The pitiful look on his face had her laughing.

  “When I said I can hear you, what I meant was go away you annoying supernatural beings because I’m trying to take a nap,” Jacque called out again.

  “Wow, she’s grumpy,” Costin said with a grin.

  “Why does that make you smile?”

  “Because that means Fane is having to put up with her.”

  They heard a loud thump against the door. “Yep, poor Fane,” Sally said as she took Costin’s hand. “You can go with me to talk to Rachel about the new healers. And on the way you can share with me why you and the other guys are blocking the bond from us.” Her voice was sweet but the look in her eyes made it clear she wasn’t as cool about the situation as she sounded.

  “I’m guessing that’s not code for having a make out session in the potions’ room and then pillow talk afterwards?”

  She grinned at him. “No, my love, it’s not and why do you insist on calling it a potions’ room?”

  “Sounds better than gypsy healer lab. But we could call it the luuuve potion room.” He winked at her.

  Sally laughed. “Is that all you think about,” she asked as she tugged him after her.

  “Yes,” he answered immediately and then amended. “Well, that and food.”

  Chapter 3

  “Secrets suck. The only good thing about a secret is that when Decebel is keeping one, and he knows that I know he’s keeping one, I have leverage. Leverage is good, especially when you’re mated to a bossy, domineering, possessive, though undeniably sexy, werewolf. Yes, leverage is very important when mated to one of these fur balls.” ~Jen

  “I want you to build a doghouse,” Jen said as she lay sprawled across her mate’s bare chest.

  “We don’t have a dog,” Decebel pointed out.

  “But Thia will need a dog at some point. It would be good for a puppy to grow up with her, and then she’d have a buddy and protector.”

  “I will protect her.”

  Jen huffed. “What about when you’re out doing Alpha stuff? Who’s going to protect her then?”

  “I’ll assign her a guard.”

  “And what happens when, as she grows up, this guard and she fall in love because they spent so much time together?” Jen bit her lip to keep from laughing as she felt Decebel’s irritation grow. He always got growly anytime Jen brought up Thia and boys.

  “Fine, I’ll build the doghouse.”


  He growled at her. “Why tomorrow? We don’t have the dog yet.”

  “It’s good to be prepared,” she pointed out. Decebel began to mutter under his breath in Romanian. Jen couldn’t help it that she found it incredibly sexy when he spoke his native tongue. She trailed a finger up his stomach and across his chest. “Are you grumbling at me in Romanian? You know what that does to me.”

  He grabbed her hand to keep if from wandering further. “You’re purposely aggravating me.”

  She shrugged, not denying it. “You’re keeping a secret. You know I don’t like it when you keep things from me. Therefore, you have to build a doghouse for a dog we don’t have.”

  “Jennifer,” he growled. “You accused me of thinking about other women. As if I would need to think about other women when I have you in my bed.”

  “Flattery will only get you one place, but that’s not happening until you explain to me what it is that you are keeping from me.”

  Decebel growled.

  “NO.” She sat up folding her arms across her chest. “You don’t get to growl at me. You blocked me from your mind tonight and then when I asked you why, you gave me some bull crap about Vasile ordering you not to tell. You’re a freaking Alpha of your own pack. You don’t take orders from Vasile.”

  “Everyone takes orders from Vasile,” he pointed out calmly. “I am powerful. I might even give Vasile a run for his money, but I would never challenge him. I respect him. He asked us not to discuss what was said in the meeting tonight and I will honor that.”

  “Then you can build two doghouses. I’ve decided Thia’s dog should have a friend for when Thia can’t play.”

  Decebel groaned and threw his head back against the pillow. “You’re pushing me, female.”

  “Then I suggest you don’t stand on the edge of a cliff because, right now, I’d gladly push you off!” Jen’s eyes were glowing and her wolf was itching for a fight. She didn’t like it when their mate kept things from them. They were supposed to be a team.

  He moved before she knew what he was doing and had her pinned to the bed. “Maybe I just need to tire you out so you can’t be angry and you can’t order me around.” He trailed his nose up her collar bone and neck until his lips were pressed against his bite mark on her neck. He nipped her flesh and she shuttered.

  “I’m not interested.” She turned her face away from him and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from groaning when she felt his hand trail up the outside of her thigh until it rested on her hip.

  “Your words may say so, but your body is telling me something different, Jennifer.” His words were practically a purr. “Do you want to know what your body is telling me?”

  “I want you to shut up and go build me those doghouses.”

  He chuckled. “Ugh, even that was hot.”

  “I think you want to know. I think you want to know that when I touch you here.” —he ran his hand across her stomach— “your skin erupts in little bumps. When I kiss you here” —Decebel pressed his lips to the hollow of her throat— “your breath catches. When I press you firmer into our bed, like this” —he lowered his larger frame over hers, pressing her into the mattress beneath them— “your heartbeat increases and your skin flushes a beautiful shade of red.”

  Jen threw up a wall in her mind, not wanting him to see what
he was really doing to her. Yes, her body was responding in all of those ways, and more, because Decebel got to her on a level that was beyond physical. He was able to reach inside of her and touch a part of her no one else could. Okay, so that nearly made her laugh out loud because, wow, that sounded bad.

  “What are you hiding from me, baby?” he asked her as he continued his assault on her senses. His hands continued to roam and his lips found every tender piece of flesh available. “Are you trying to keep me from feeling what I make you feel?”

  The smugness in his voice almost gave her the strength to push him away. Almost, but not quite, and as she always said, almost only counted with hand grenades and bad hair days. Okay, so maybe she didn’t really say that, but she’d probably read it somewhere and totally agreed with it. Her breath suddenly rushed out of her body as her mind was brought back to the present. Decebel had her full attention, but it would be completely unlady-like to say why.

  “I’m not finished,” he growled.

  Well neither am I, she thought to herself with a laugh that she didn’t let out. He must have picked up on the fact that her mind had been wandering. Dec just didn’t understand how she could possibly think of anything except him when they were being intimate. Jen just told him it was a chick thing. His response was usually something along the lines of, chick things are unimportant when my hands are on your body. That usually made her hush and pay attention.

  “Are you still not interested?” he asked her as he looked into her eyes, his wolf glowing back at her. Jen felt her own wolf respond and when her she-wolf joined the party, her other senses suddenly joined as well. Decebel’s scent hit her like a freight train. His pheromones danced around her, coaxing her to respond. Had she been in her wolf form, she would totally have been rubbing up against him shamelessly. “Hussy,” she huffed at her wolf. Mate, mine, her wolf growled back.

  “Your wolf definitely smells interested,” he added with a grin.

  “Quit sniffing my wolf,” she said, intending the rebuke to come out with a little bite. Instead it was breathy and pathetically lustful. She should just give in and admit defeat. She could deny it all in the morning and then make him build two doghouses and a playhouse for when Thia is older. Jen snickered to herself. Yes, having leverage was nice. Then again, having an attentive lover for a mate was even nicer.