Read Den of Sorrows Page 5

  “Then by all means, mate, let me show you something that I guarantee won’t bore you.” And he did. And he could tell by his mate’s reactions to him, she was anything but bored.

  Chapter 4

  “Oh how the mighty fall when two pissed off she-wolves, and an annoyed gypsy healer, descend on their bond-closing butthead asses. Get tickets, popcorn, and a coke, people, because things are about to get interesting up in here.” ~Jen

  "I'm bored," Jen huffed as she flung herself down onto the library couch.

  "Where's Thia?" Jacque asked.

  "Rachel is watching her. She's so good with her. So Thia's taken care of and I'm bored."

  "Then go make more babies if you're bored," Jacque offered as she flipped the page of the book she was currently reading. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before—what with the fight she and Fane had had, and then the make-up session that followed. Now cranky didn't adequately describe what she was feeling, especially since Fane had yet to open the bond between them. The end of her pregnancy was proving to be a test in patience for everyone around her, and Jacque found that if she kept a book in her hands it gave her less opportunity to complain, growl, whine, or throw things at Fane for putting her in her current state. Although he did deserve to have things thrown at him, just not for that reason.

  "I can't. Dec is in the doghouse."

  Jacque looked up from her book, a single brow raised on her freckled face. "Let me guess, he wouldn't tell you why they were blocking us either? And when has that ever stopped you before? Being mad at him is like foreplay for you—you freak."

  Jen tilted her had back letting her long blonde locks cascade over the arm of the couch as she walked her feet out in front of her until she was lying prone on the cushions. "I didn't say it stopped me last night," she said giving Jacque a wink. "And yes, he refused to tell me. That isn't why I'm not practicing making babies right now. I meant that he's actually in the doghouse, like literally."

  "You don’t have a doghouse."

  "That's why he's building me one. Actually he's building me two," she snickered. "And a playhouse for Thia."

  "You don't have a dog."

  "But I want to get one for Thia."

  "Thia can't even crawl. Why do I feel like I'm pointing out the obvious here?" Jacque abandoned the book altogether and gave her full attention to her friend.

  "One day she will be ready to have a puppy, so I just want to be prepared. You know, all that don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today crap. And it might be to teach my mate a lesson about keeping things from me. We've both been down that road and we both know it never leads to anything but a big pile of crap."

  Jacque pinched the bridge of her nose. The book was no longer in her hands…not good. "Okay, first, gross. Second, that saying doesn't apply to something that doesn't need to happen for at least five years down the road."

  "Thia might be advanced. Who knows, she might be ready to have a puppy long before she turns five. It's good to be prepared for these things. You'll understand once you squeeze that little fur ball out." Jen motioned to her enlarged stomach.

  "You're joking, right? There's a camera hidden somewhere around here and you're about to yell, you got punked! Because there is no way that you just verbalized the ridiculous idea of Thia being so advanced that she would care for a living being before she can fix her own breakfast."

  "Who spit in your Kibble and Bits? Good grief, Red, it's not like I'm going to toss her a puppy and say good luck," Jen snapped. "I'm going to make one of the younger wolves pretend to be a puppy and let Thia learn to take care of him first. Then we will know if she's advanced." Jen tapped her head and shot Jacque a smirk. "Yep, all that came from up here. Feel free to be impressed."

  "Did you swallow a stupid pill this morning or am I hemorrhaging out and this is all just some weird hallucination?"

  Jen jumped to her feet and straightened her clothes before heading toward the door. "I'm glad we had this little chat, Red. Oh and if you do start to hemorrhage, try not to get it on the furniture. Nobody wants to sit in old Jacque juices. That just wouldn't be right. Toodles."

  The library door closed behind her and Jacque was left sitting dumbstruck in her chair. She looked down. "Nope, not hemorrhaging." Then she looked back up at the door. "Did that seriously just happen?"

  "Did what just happen," Sally asked as she came through the door Jen had only moments ago exited.

  "Jen, doghouse, Dec, tossing a puppy, Thia, wolf, advanced, hemorrhaging, stupid pills." The words just tumbled out of Jacque in a jumbled mess because that's what the whole conversation with Jen had felt like.

  "Okay see, when I hear words like advanced, hemorrhaging, and stupid pills used in the same sentence with Jen's name, I don't even want to know the rest of the conversation. That's just one of those sentences where I can immediately say, stop, I've heard enough." Sally sat down on the couch where Jen had been sitting and Jacque nearly told her to get up before the stupid could rub off on her. But Sally spoke first. "And where the crap is your book? Yesterday you didn’t have a book and we wound up being the sideline commentary to Dec and Jen's little foreplay argument. We're lucky Jen didn't decide to retaliate last night. Not to mention when you don't have a book in your hands, your brain starts to ooze out of your ear and you start spouting off crazy crap about castrating Fane and beating Vasile with a paddle engraved with the words dumb ass on it, just because he gave life to the man you mated."

  Jacque let out a sigh at Sally's words. Okay, so maybe she'd been a little hard on Jen. It wasn't like Jacque hadn't been spewing her own form of stupid for the past month. Maybe Jen hadn't swallowed a stupid pill after all. And they were all under the same frustrating stress since their mates had taken stupid pills after their meeting with Vasile yesterday. Maybe Jen had just been absorbing all of Jacque's stupid, and then yesterday she absorbed Decebel’s stupid and she'd finally been overdosed.

  "Sally," Jacque practically whispered.


  "We have got to get this baby out of me before I overdose anyone else on my stupid."

  "Uh, what?"

  "Exactly," Jacque said as she shook her head and picked up her forgotten book.

  Suddenly the door flew open and Jen stepped through it. "Scratch what I said about the whole puppy thing, Thelma, we have totally got a mission, with no time for cleaning up puppy crap or helping Dec get unstuck from the door of the doghouse. The action drought has finally ended and it is raining danger all up in here!" She clapped her hands together as her eyes danced with energy.

  Sally leaned forward, still eyeing the keyed up Jen, and whispered to Jacque. "I totally get what you mean about overdosing on your stupid now."

  Jacque nodded and then paused. "Wait, did you just say Decebel is stuck in the door of the doghouse?"

  Jen stepped forward and snapped her fingers in each of their faces. "That is not what's important. What's important is that I overheard, when I wasn't eavesdropping on a conversation, Vasile tell Peri that he would gather a team and be on their way to deal with the danger immediately. Looks like the fellowship rides again! He will be calling our men in for a debriefing and we need to be ready to do some recon so we can find out what those fleabags have been hiding from us."

  Sally's eyes narrowed. "What's Decebel doing in a doghouse?"

  "Jen told him to build one," Jacque offered. "Actually, she told him to build two and a playhouse.

  Sally made an "O" shape with her lips.

  "That's it!" Jen barked. "You two dumb witches need to get up off your butts and get in gear. Jacque, push that kid out already, and, Sally, tell Peri that you can't be helping with that whiny, needy bunch of new little healerettes. We have mates to berate, a mission to lead, and some force of evil that needs its ass kicked. It's go time ladies."

  "Is she scaring you too?" Sally whispered.

  Jacque nodded. "She's using military lingo. That is never a good sign. I think I might have actually just peed myself
a little."

  "You're pregnant. Saying you peed yourself because I scared you doesn't count—not when that little parasite is pushing down on your bladder causing you to pee every time you laugh, sneeze, or breathe for that matter," Jen said as she waved a hand in front of her. "And why are you still pregnant? I told you to push that sucker out."

  "That was only like three minutes ago," Jacque argued.

  "Fine, I'll give you ten minutes. But considering I had my kid under duress, in a cave, I'm going to make you wear a shirt that says, ‘I didn't give birth in a cave or under duress and I still cried.’ "

  "But you are duress," Jacque whined, unsure why she was even arguing about something so absurd with her blonde friend.

  "No, I'm Jen and I'm much worse. Now, woman up and push!"

  "Jen, maybe we should think about this before we go listening in on one of Vasile’s meetings. There might be a good reason for why they've kept whatever it is that's going on hush, hush." Sally attempted to reason with the blonde. Jacque knew by the practically crazed look in Jen's eyes, there would be no reasoning with her.

  "I've called Thia’s wolf sitter and told her where to find the frozen breast milk and extra baby food and threatened to make her a rug if anything happens to mini-me. So, I've got my crap in order. You two need to jump on the save the world bandwagon. It's what we do, ladies." Jen clapped her hands as she stalked toward the two on the couch. "Get up! If you're not going to pop that sucker out, then you'll just have to waddle your fat butt after the enemy and bring a change of clothes because you're bound to pee yourself."

  Jacque and Sally stood up and attempted to back away from Jen but she was on a mission. She herded them towards the door all the while glaring at them, daring them to defy her.

  "Fine." Jacque finally threw her hands up in the air. "Have it your way. We'll go listen in. But after we find out what's going on, we won't barge in like rabid squirrels on crack." She pointed a finger at Jen. "We will step back and consider our options."

  "Of course we will." Jen nodded.

  "I don't believe her," Sally said with narrowed eyes.

  "Not as far as I can throw her," Jacque agreed.

  They followed Jen to Vasile's office and found a corner to hide around while they waited for the men to show up. It wasn't until they heard voices in the office that they realized Peri had flashed them all in.

  "Sneaky, Peri fairy," Jen whispered. They tiptoed up to the door and pressed their ears to the wood. Jen and Jacque would have no problem hearing with their wolf senses. Sally would have to try a little harder.

  Jen started to say something, but Vasile started speaking and she snapped her mouth shut.

  "There's been another attack." Vasile’s usually calm voice seethed with barely contained rage as he spoke.

  "We need to act now," Decebel growled.

  "I agree," Peri spoke up. "But before we go in halfcocked with claws extended and teeth bared, we need to determine the most immediate threat. There's just too many covens to start a random attack. It needs to be systematic, controlled, and lethal. As soon as the other vampires realize they are being targeted, especially by wolves, they will go to ground and make it impossible to find them. Or worse, they will increase the amount of lives they are taking, daring us to confront them. I do not want whatever we do to result in more innocent lives being lost."

  Jacque slammed her hand over Jen's mouth before the gasp could be released. Sally's eyes widened, but Jacque saw something that surprised her—knowledge. Sally had known about the vampires. Jacque gave her a questioning look. Sally gave her an apologetic shrug. She mouthed, "Peri made me swear."

  Jacque cursed to herself. If everyone was going to keep secrets, how the heck were they supposed to trust each other?

  "So what do you suggest?" Fane asked.

  "Give me one more night."

  All three males growled and then they heard Cypher's voice. "That means more children might die."

  This time Jacque had to slam her hand over her own mouth. The vampires were killing children. She turned her glare on Sally but this time her healer friend shook her head. She hadn't known about the children. Well, that was something at least.

  "It's a risk we have to take if we want to be successful in this mission. This is bigger than what we've faced with the old Serbia Alpha, Desdemona, or even Reyaz. I'm not going to say it's bigger than Volcan because, well, that’s a whole other can of worms." Peri paused and then said, "It's up to you, Vasile. I put you in charge of this mission so I will let you decide. You will have to deal with the consequences when I’m gone fighting Volcan.”

  There was silence from the room and the girls seemed to hold their breath as they all waited for the Alpha to answer. It seemed like an hour had passed before he finally did. "We will give you the one night you request. It will give the males a chance to speak with their mates."

  Jacque tried as hard as she could to hold Jen back. She knew as soon as Vasile spoke those words that Jen would take it as her opening to barge in. Her friend was a tad predictable with her angry reactions.

  Jen pushed the door open so hard that it slammed against the wall and bounced back. Jacque had to throw out her arm to keep it from smacking them in the face as the blonde tornado marched further into the room.

  "No need to waste time informing us of this tiny, itty, bitty issue," Jen bit out as she glared at her mate. "It seems since you all seem to have your heads up your furry butts you need some brains for this mission. So isn't it fortunate that we happened by just as you all were having your secret little powwow?" Jen's head snapped around when she saw movement from the corner. Alina stood biting back a smile. They hadn't known the Alpha female was there since she hadn't spoken. "You!" Jen pointed at her and took a step toward her. Vasile took a step to the side and blocked Jen's path. She gave the Alpha a dismissing motion with her hand and continued to address Alina. "How could you know this and not tell us? I thought you had boobs and ovaries which would put you solidly on Team Female. Did you grow a pair and suddenly switch who you were batting for?"

  Jacque and everyone else in the room coughed covering up shock and amusement.

  "Man, I've missed you," Peri said beaming at Jen like a proud parent.

  "Can it, Fairy," Jen huffed. "You're officially on my list."

  "Have I ever not been on your list?"

  Jen shrugged. "Good point."

  Jacque felt her mate’s eyes on her but she refused to look at Fane. She was just as pissed as Jen but she was afraid if she went on a rampage she'd go into labor, and she really didn't feel like having everyone see her water break all over Vasile’s office floor.

  "Luna," he said, attempting to use their bond.

  Oh, now he opens it, the butthead, she thought to herself, keeping her attention on Jen.

  "Don't blame your mate for keeping the information from you, Jennifer," Vasile said calmly. "I was the one who ordered them to keep silent."

  Jen growled. "You know it only ticks me off more when someone attempts to be all calm and rational when I'm pissed, right?"

  "I try to tell Lucian that all the time," Peri muttered. "Fleabag never listens."

  Jen ignored her. "Calm and rational won't fix this and, yes, I will blame Decebel. He is a grown ass male. He's the Alpha of his own pack and two centuries old. If he can't think for himself and make his own decisions by now, then he deserves to be led around by his—"

  "JENNIFER!" Decebel snarled.

  Jacque took a step back. It had been awhile since she'd seen Jen's mate look that enraged. Then again, Jen had just majorly castrated her mate in front of everyone. Not. Good.

  Jacque considered Decebel for a moment. "Hey, totally not on topic, I thought you were stuck in a doghouse?"

  Decebel frowned and then his eyes narrowed on Jen. "You told them I was stuck in a doghouse?"

  She tipped her head back slightly. "You looked stuck when I left you. How was I supposed to know you weren't really stuck and would wind up having
another secret meeting where you would be ordered around like a freaking puppy instead of manning up and telling Vasile that you wouldn't be keeping things from your mate? I thought you grew a pair when you went through puberty but, perhaps, it takes wolves longer to mature."

  "ENOUGH!" Decebel snarled.

  Her head snapped back as though he'd slapped her but she stood her ground. Jacque could see that her friend knew she'd crossed a line. But there was no way she'd back down now. She might grovel later in private, maybe.

  "I realize you are angry," Decebel said, but it was not calm by any means. "But disrespecting Vasile, or your mate, isn't the way to handle this situation. I love you. You mean more to me than anything on this earth, but I am the leader of our family and of our pack. The decision," he bit the word out with so much force that Jacque was surprised he didn't break some teeth, “is mine when it comes to the safety of our family and pack. You can question me in private, but I would appreciate it if you would not be so insolent toward me in public."

  "Maybe we all just need to take a timeout," Sally said and Jacque felt soothing magic rush over her.

  The faces on everyone in the room held surprise as they felt the magic as well. "What was that?" Jacque asked the healer.

  Sally smiled at her. "I might have learned a few things while I've been away."

  Jen was still seething but she seemed a tad more in control. She turned back to Vasile. "I'm sorry I was disrespectful. As Alpha female of the Serbia pack I think I deserve the respect," she practically spit the word out, "of being told when something so dangerous is happening. Especially since I have a child to protect. I'll be at the Serbia mansion taking care of my daughter. And I would also appreciate being apprised of the plan after Peri finishes gathering information tonight." Jen turned to Peri. "Could you take me home on your way out?"

  Peri nodded. "I've been wanting to see your little poop machine anyway." Peri looked at Vasile. "I'll be back for anyone else that needs me to take them home."

  She and Jen disappeared and Decebel didn't even try to stop her. Again. Not. Good.