Read Descent of The Watchers Page 14

Eden. Heylel, you cannot allow this, our species’ future depends upon this world. Should we leave we may never find another like it.” Zebub hurried to his seraphim helping him back to his feet, as they stood he noticed Michael in the hallway. “Why do you support this, malakhim? Our species will die out if we do not find a place to harbour our DNA!”

  “You do not know what I support, watcher. Seraphim Yahweh awaits.” Samyaza watched the male turn his back upon them, doubtlessly making his way towards the living quarters.

  “Follow,” Heylel mumbled, “this cannot be.” Samyaza’s paranoia was intense, and her confusion greater still. With help from Zebub they slowly made way down from the watcher’s halls through Heaven’s endless maze of corridors until they reached the enclosed archway leading beneath their mother ship’s protective dome ceiling.

  A commotion erupted as the doors parted, giving vision to a thriving crowd of malakhim and watchers, a sea of silver hair and glowing eyes atop bronze life suits struck the commander. Even in his derelict state Heylel stood grander than all those around him, the cast of seraphim was gargantuan in stature, bred to lead the lesser sets, to be prevalent in all aspects of existence. They were produced from generation after generation of ever flourishing genetics, those who were not the brightest of their host’s offspring were simply terminated.

  Recognising a seraphim walked amongst them the crowds fell silent, they separated making way for their leader. Samyaza aided Heylel until an echoing call from above filled the entirety of the living quarters, she looked up to see Yahweh stood in front of Heaven’s throne. “Step back from him, commander! He has become contaminated! He will pass disease amongst us all!” The seraphim’s words spread a commotion throughout Heaven, Samyaza did not stop her march however until she had carried Heylel to the midst of the quarter’s grounds.

  “Stand aside, Yaza.” The tremendous entity gestured his commander towards the masses, turning his broad face to look up at his kin. “What have you done, Yahweh?”

  “What have I done?” Yahweh’s antics appeared strange to Samyaza, he did not directly address Heylel but gestured to the entirety of the crowd. “It is what your kin has done, Heylel, the ones you support, you are no different to the watchers, do you too seek to destroy our species? To see it fall upon this hell? Look at you, you are weak! With but a brief exposure to these humanoids which you so dearly seek to protect you have become but a shell of yourself! Your own creations have contaminated you.”

  “I have not had contact with the humanoids-”

  “Do you not recall, Heylel? You pleaded so desperately to see this magnificent thing your watchers have created, just as your condition was improving.”

  “You,” amongst Heaven’s population of malakhim and watchers Heylel fell upon one knee, struggling to breathe he held a hand to his chest. “You lie, traitor. If I am contaminated then it is you who has poisoned me, your own set.”

  “It is you who lies, Heylel, I would never bring pain upon my own kind. We are pure, unlike these beings, these humanoids you seek to defend. Look at this feeble entity, look!” The seraphim pointed across to the imprisoned humanoid, Samyaza watched in pain for her leader could scarcely lift himself from the ground. "Your mind is sick, you are diseased from exposure to this species, Heylel, we truly believed you had succumbed to your illness.”

  “You said he was alive and well!” Samyaza glanced across at a vocal watcher.

  “Have this heresy caller detained!” With immediate action a number of malakhim armed with stillots grasped the slender male, dragging him through the crowds they abruptly disappeared beyond the living quarter’s doors. “For the good of our kind, I do not wish for the rest of us to join you, Heylel, we must move on, and search for better prospects, look what has already occurred upon Eden, the experiments have failed.”

  “I see they have failed, Yahweh,” the towering seraphim glared up at his peer through steeled grey eyes. “By your hand.”

  “My hand?” Yahweh stammered, “what proof do you have of these accusations, Heylel? I will not have our species reduced to this!” Again he signalled the crowd to look upon the humanoid. “This feeble primitive form that knows only destruction!”

  “You alone will not decide the fate of our people!”

  “WRONG, Heylel!” The entirety of the ship's living quarters cowered at the seraphim’s fury. “You are in no fit state to make such decisions that will cost my kind so dearly.” The commander looked upon Heylel with desperation, his entire body trembled with his efforts to stand, as he rose he cast a glance towards Samyaza, their eyes met briefly before the colossus turned with an abrupt movement.

  In a singular motion the seraphim reached down pressing at his thigh, his right hand reached over his shoulder as at once each stillot upon his back sprang erect roaring with a fiery explosion. The towering entity grasped a blazing shaft from his back, lunging forward with a muffled bellow he launched the weapon, Samyaza winced in shock watching the stillot hurtle with great velocity through the air away from her leader’s falling body.

  Heylel crashed upon hands and knees. The weapon he projected spiralled with a deadly power towards its target. From the captivated crowd of Heaven’s population a lone malakhim sprang upwards, carried by burning stillots, Samyaza looked on watching Uriel fly upwards to intercept the blazing rod. He reached out, throwing himself forth to prevent the stillot striking his seraphim yet his efforts were futile. The shaft travelled at such speeds it coursed past the malakhim’s reach, true to its aim, with devastating force the weapon vanished at contact with Yahweh piercing the mother ship’s throne behind the seraphim’s image. A facade?

  A horrendous din groaned throughout Heaven as cracks sprayed across the protective dome ceiling of its living quarters. Samyaza flinched in fear at sight of the damage, the crowd around her erupted in screams of dread breaking out chaos amongst them. The commander struggled to move, she anxiously pushed through fleeing bodies making effort to reach her leader for fear his reckless act had been his last.

  “Sacrilege! Seize him!” Yahweh’s voice roared across the living quarters. Immediately masses of malakhim rushed through the scattering crowds yet the commander’s panic was caught upon an enormous one eyed being who barged through his kin at greater speeds than the rest. Michael, the male carried an enormous lance blazing with fire, without hesitance he rushed into the clearing in which Heylel knelt bringing the huge weapon down upon the seraphim with a crushing blow. “The watchers will be the death of us all!” Again Yahweh’s voice blasted through the quarters.

  With a wild leap Samyaza propelled herself onwards towards Heylel, her suit reacted to her sudden bodily impulses ripping her stillots ablaze, without hesitance she dived into Michael who brought his mighty weapon high to strike again. In their collision the malakhim was knocked to the floor, his blade skidded away across Heaven’s grounds lashing out at escaping innocents as it went.

  “Aid your leader, watchers!” Samyaza screamed out to her peers but could only watch in dismay as they became surrounded by the overwhelming numbers of malakhim. Heylel lay upon his side, his life suit had been shredded open exposing a deep wound which lined the right side of his torso. “Heylel!” There was no reaction from his faded grey eyes. The commander glanced about herself erratically until her sights fell upon the death probe in Heaven’s shattered ceiling.

  She scrambled to her knees and with a last ditch effort hurled herself forward, carried by her stillots the commander thrust herself upon Heylel, grasping her arms around his gargantuan frame she heaved him up, and at her will roared through the air, being carried higher and higher by her flaring stillot tips.

  “Have all watchers detained!” Yahweh’s voice continued to throw commands to his malakhim yet Samyaza could no longer focus upon her kin. She looked down in fear, witnessing Michael wade along the surrendering ranks of her set butchering any who tried to resist with that colossal blade of fire. “The death probe! Stop them!” Michael’s attention abruptly shifted u
pwards, he locked vision upon Samyaza, pulling his weapon from a watcher’s chest.

  At once he burst up from the floor, signalling to other malakhim around him to join in his pursuit. The sight poured a rush of dread through Samyaza who returned her gaze upwards. With uncontrollable panic she fiddled at Heylel’s thigh to enclose his suit’s visor around his skull yet it was unresponsive.

  High above the living quarter’s grounds the pair reached the pressure cylinder which lead out to the death probe. The commander glimpsed down, clumsily pressing at digits upon the cylinder’s control panel, her concentration was scattered for Michael tore through the air at rampant speeds. Please! A heavy clunk and the sound of released pressure signalled the code’s completion. She pulled a stillot from her shoulder hurling it down at the encroaching malakhim. The giant parried the shaft away as he and his kind swooped in upon her. Barely open, the commander forced Heylel into the cramped space, she cried out pushing the heavy entity into the cylinder, following him inside Samyaza pulled the seal shut.

  She flinched as a number of malakhim hurtled into the minute chamber, crashing into Heaven’s already damaged dome. Michael thrust out at them clearing the way. She scarcely noticed