Read Desert Heat Page 15

  “We’ll be out as soon as we finish these drinks,” Damian informed him.

  Diego laughed, walking away as he pulled the guitar strap over his head. “Your lips have to be available for chugging to do that, my brother.”

  If her entire body wasn’t already on fire, Bethany’s face might’ve warmed at the comment. She took a step back as Damian stood up, noticeably adjusting his crotch area. “I gotta give myself a moment or two to be able to walk without looking funny.” He winked at her. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to get so worked up in public, huh?”

  Taking a sip of her drink in hopes of cooling her insides, Bethany took a deep breath. If that ever happened in private, she already knew she’d be a goner. So much for taking things slower than usual. The way she felt already, just as everything with Damian, this might be happening sooner than usual. She wasn’t sure if she should regret taking Diego up on his offer to hang out with them after the show or be grateful she’d done so. From the very first time Damian had kissed her, she hadn’t held back at all—she couldn’t. And now she was certain she wouldn’t for much longer. Every single time she’d been powerless to so much as fake a little modesty. Instead she was eager, willing, and as anxious as he was. She really should be embarrassed, but strangely she wasn’t.

  That voice in her head warned again about taking this slow, but her heart was screaming otherwise. She glanced at him just as he adjusted again, and she couldn’t help smiling, sinking her teeth into her lip. He caught her smiling and flashed the most wickedly sexy grin at her, warming her insides all over again. Oh, yeah, fighting her heart for much longer was going to be a challenge.

  Chapter 13

  As usual Diego and the rest of the Ratz put on a hell of a show. Damian tried not to fixate on Bethany’s refusal to get onstage and her initial reason for not wanting to get up being Simon’s finding out. She’d backpedaled fast enough, and in the end her explanation had made sense, but he’d had a hard time pushing back the thought that maybe she hadn’t wanted Simon to find out she was here with Damian for other reasons. There was no question that everything else she’d said to him since, about not ever having felt this way with anyone else, was without a doubt true. The honesty in her eyes practically spoke to him.

  For that reason, and because he had no reason to think she’d lie to him about her relationship with Simon, he had to trust her on this. He reminded himself that what he was feeling was because of what he’d picked up from Simon, not Bethany. The guy obviously had a thing for her, and who could blame him? Damian would have to get a grip when it came to Simon and just trust her, especially because she worked with the dude, and there was no way around her spending time with him.

  Taking a deep breath, and before he could get worked up over that, he squeezed his eyes closed for a moment and remembered her very profound statement earlier.

  No one, and I mean no one, has ever made me feel this craziness I feel when I’m with you.

  He’d keep that in mind, because it was all that mattered. Glancing around, because she’d been in the ladies’ room for a while now, he turned to the doorway she’d be coming back through, but nothing. They’d been catching up with Diego for almost an hour, until she walked away to the ladies’ room, and Diego walked off to greet someone.

  “So this must be serious,” Diego said, plopping down on the empty bar stool next to Damian, holding a beer. “I heard you took Bethany to meet Mace and gave her a tour of the shop.”

  Damian shook his head, motioning to the bartender to get him and Bethany another round. “God, those two are like twelve-year-old girls. Which one called you?”

  “Actually,” Diego grinned before taking a sip of his beer, “it was Delfi who called, and boy was she hot. She wanted to know if you’d brought your girlfriend to meet me, too, before bringing Bethany to meet her.”

  Damian frowned just as the bartender set his and Bethany’s fresh drinks down on the counter. “What is it with her anyway?” He reached for his drink, leaving the bartender a tip. “She called me the very next day asking how come she was the last to know, then grilled me for about twenty minutes. It’s not like I’ve been with Bethany very long.”

  “But it is serious, obviously?” Diego eyed him for a real answer this time.

  For once he decided to just admit it out loud. He could leave out the details about just how soon after he’d met her he’d decided to make things official. He shrugged to make less of it, but he wouldn’t lie. “Yeah, well, when’s the last time I’ve brought anyone to your show, or the shop, for that matter?”

  “Not since Lana.” Diego’s eyes widened a little. “And before that never. Shit, you must be serious, because I’ve never seen you suck face in public like a teen before either. This girl must be something else.”

  His brother bounced his brows suggestively, then laughed. Damian ignored the last comment, taking a sip of his drink instead. He thought about how his brother had put it. Even when he’d decided to take Bethany to see the shop, it hadn’t really been a whim. That very first night, when she’d mentioned being into classic-car restoration shows, and after having spent more time with her at the pupusería, he knew if he ever got the chance he’d be taking her, eventually. He just didn’t realize it’d happen that fast. But the idea of bringing her around to meet his family had been a pleasant one from the very beginning. He knew she’d be an instant hit, just as she had been with him.

  Glancing back at the door before addressing his brother’s comments, he was instantly on his feet. Diego turned as if on instinct to see what had Damian glaring.

  “Yo, Jake!” Diego said, holding up his hand at Damian. “I got this, man.”

  The guy holding his tatted arm against the doorway, preventing Bethany from getting by him and saying something way too close to her face, turned to Diego with a smirk.

  Diego waved a flat hand just under his chin, letting him know he’d better cut the shit, and shook his head. “Not happening, man. Unless you want your ass kicked, let ’er by.”

  The guy pinched his brows but didn’t move his arm, so Damian took a step forward. Diego placed his hand on Damian’s chest, then turned to him with a very surprised expression. He jabbed Damian’s hard and now very tense pec jokingly. “Dude! You’re like a brick wall.” Turning back to Jake and Bethany again, he was even louder. “I’d move that arm right now, Jake, before my brother goes over there and rips it off.”

  Finally getting it, the idiot lifted his hand and let her by. Damian met her halfway. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said as she reached him and slipped her hand in his. They started back to the bar. “He said he was sorry.”

  Damian stopped and looked back at the guy. “For what?” he asked, trying not to get too worked up. “What did he do?”

  “Nothing.” She tugged at his hand. “He said he didn’t know I was here with anyone. I hadn’t had a chance to tell him when Diego called out to him. He was just flirting, that’s all,” she assured him.

  Feeling the tension that had crept into his entire body ease up just a tiny bit, he gave in to her second tug and followed her back to the bar. Diego laughed as they reached him. “Damn, Damian.” He glanced around. “No one’s gonna even think about messing with her now.”

  Damian glanced around casually; he hadn’t even noticed they’d gotten everyone’s attention. “Good” was all he said before reaching for his drink.

  Bethany reached for hers, smiling. “Last one, okay? I have a Zumba class first thing in the morning.”

  “Zumba, huh?” Diego checked her out slowly as she sipped her drink and wasn’t looking his way. “No wonder.” He glanced at Damian, who was glaring at him now, and nearly spat out his beer, holding his hand at his mouth. “Damian, you’re too much!”

  Bethany looked up at them, confused. “What?”

  Damian shot his brother a look, and Diego laughed again, then hugged Bethany. “Nothing, hon. Your boyfriend’s a little explosive tonight, that’s all.”
He winked at Damian over her shoulder. “Or maybe that’s just what you do to him.”

  Diego pulled away, but Bethany still looked confused. Damian shook his head at her with a smile. His way of letting her know she didn’t need to worry about it. His brother was just being an ass. Diego pointed at two guys who had just walked in the door. “I gotta go talk some business, but if you’re out after that drink, let me just say it was very nice to meet you, and you’re gonna have to do a show with us, Bethany. I mean it. You’re awesome.”

  “Thank you,” Bethany said with a demure smile.

  She turned to Damian and saw him watching her, then smiled very sweetly and leaned into him as Diego walked away. “So far your siblings are incredibly sweet. I can hardly wait to meet the other two.”

  Kissing the top of her head, he smiled. “You’ll be meeting Fina real soon. She’s gonna make sure of that.”

  Bethany turned to look up at him. “I get the feeling meeting Dominic will take a little longer.”

  “Yeah.” Damian sipped his drink, trying not to frown. “He’s complicated.”

  They finished their drinks, said good-bye to everyone, and headed back to her place. Damian gripped the wheel as she ran her hand up and down his thigh, reminding himself not to get too carried away when kissing her good night. It was his own fault for rushing this whole thing, and he wanted to make absolutely clear it wasn’t for any other reason than him making her his. He was willing to take everything else as slow as she wanted. Though so far she hadn’t given him any indication she wanted to slow things down.

  Just as he parked the car outside her place, she got a text. Knowing they’d left the after party just after midnight, he had to wonder who’d be texting her so late, but he held back from asking. Watching her text something back quickly, he made note of how hastily she shoved the phone back into her purse without saying a word. They got out of the car, and he came around the front to meet her. Deciding he wouldn’t be one of those types of boyfriends, he wouldn’t question the late-night text.

  She gave him a look as he reached out for her hand so he could walk her to her door, but she didn’t say anything. They’d had this discussion already Wednesday night, when he dropped her off. She’d insisted he didn’t have to walk her up, but he told her to get used to it. This entire neighborhood was dangerous. And that barely lit stairwell with the few shaky light bulbs that were hanging on for dear life was not something he wanted her to be walking up by herself. Not if he could help it anyway.

  “So tomorrow you have dancing in the morning, then you’re off for the rest of the day?”

  She turned to him, eyeing him strangely. “Is that what you think Zumba is? Just dancing?”

  “Well, no,” he admitted, trying his damnedest not to smile. “I caught some of your class Wednesday. It’s also a hell of a turn-on.”

  They reached her floor, and she turned to him, arching her brow. “Really? Did you enjoy watching a roomful of women shaking their thing, Damian?”

  “I don’t remember any other women in the room,” he said as they reached her door, and leaned into her, his body already anxious with anticipation of what he was sure would be nothing more than the mind-blowing kisses he’d had with her so far. “Just like your show that first night, my eyes were glued to you from the moment I first spotted you.” Lowering his eyes to her lips, he could hardly wait to taste her mouth again. “And just like in your stage show, your dancing was as jaw-dropping as your singing.”

  That was no exaggeration. Just thinking about it had him heating up. Bringing his hands around her bare back, he pulled her against him, taking her sweet mouth in his once again. In an effort not to get too carried away, as he had earlier when he’d had to spend the next ten minutes trying to calm the aching in his pants, he paced himself, kissing her slowly, but it was already too late. Her body pressing against his only made it more torturous, but he was determined. Even if he had to drive all the way home again with another painful erection, because the lingering taste of her still in his mouth was enough to keep him hard the whole way home, he wouldn’t push for more.

  Hearing and feeling her soft moans against his lips as their kiss became more hungered had him throbbing again as he had at the concert. He sucked her tongue, mimicking the way he hoped someday he’d be sucking other parts of her body, as they fell against her door. She ran her hands through his hair, pulling away at times to gasp for air, but in no way was she slowing it down. In fact her moans were getting deeper, and she let her head fall sideways, giving him the go-ahead to kiss and suck her sweet neck.

  As much as he wanted to say it, he wouldn’t. He’d wait for her to say the magic words: Let’s go inside. But he could hardly stand it anymore. He sucked her neck harder, biting down a little with his teeth. “Damian!” she gasped as her entire body trembled in reaction.

  He left a trail of suckling kisses up her neck all the way to her mouth, and her body continued to tremble uncontrollably. He stopped kissing her for a moment, as they stared at each other breathing harshly.

  “What, baby?”

  If he could’ve he would’ve held his breath in anticipation of her answer, but he couldn’t; he was breathing too heavily. She closed her eyes in an obvious attempt to regain her composure. The same composure Damian had nearly lost himself.

  “I don’t want you to think I don’t,” she said, still struggling with her breath and licking her lips. “Because, my God, do I ever. I just think maybe we should wait a little longer. Everything’s happened so fast and—”

  “Shh,” he said, kissing her softly. “You don’t have to explain, okay? I’ll wait as long as you need me to. You’ll just have to forgive my body’s reaction to you. Everything about you drives me insane, but I promise you,” he kissed her forehead gently, “you can take all the time you want.” He looked into her apprehensive eyes, needing her to understand this much. “I won’t push for anything ever. You’ll make this call, all right?”

  She nodded, and he smiled, eager to reassure her that he was in no way upset. Disappointed? Hell, yeah, but he could tell she’d be worth the wait. No matter how long that might be.

  “When do I get to see you again?” he asked, kissing her softly, incapable of keeping his lips off her for very long.

  “Is tomorrow too soon?” she asked tilting her head.

  “Hell, no.” He laughed. “I’ll have to work in the day, but I can pick you up around sixish?”

  She nodded eagerly, biting her lower lip. Damn. As hard as he tried, and as much as he wanted to respect her wishes to slow it down, he could not keep his lips off her. He dove in again, glad that she seemed to be having just as hard a time ending this night.

  Even after things calmed, and he toned his final kisses way down, he still walked away with a massive hard-on. He knew what he had to look forward to tonight when he got home. The same thing he’d had to do Wednesday night when he got home. One long-ass cold shower.

  * * *

  Damian hadn’t been lying when he’d told Bethany yesterday that if it hadn’t been for her, this week would’ve been pure shit. The double homicide he’d been asked to assist with had become a convoluted mess. The couple found murdered in their hotel room last week were both married to other people. As if that weren’t enough, it was now coming out that the male victim had a serious gambling problem and owed a lot of people money, including a few shady loan sharks. The list of suspects was longer than any Damian had ever had to deal with. This was why they were asking for his help even though it wasn’t his case initially. Tracking down and interviewing each suspect would take weeks if it were left only to the two guys assigned to the case.

  The worst part about it, and what had him slamming drawers in his office now, was that because Damian was the resident expert on body language, they’d requested, but it was clearly more of an order, that he stay and interview the biggest suspect so far. The female victim’s husband. And it had to be done tonight, because all the previous interviews had gotten noth
ing out of him. They were certain the days were numbered before the guy’s attorney pulled the plug and advised him to clam up completely. Then they’d be up shit creek, because so far all they had was circumstantial evidence. They hadn’t even been able to get the guy to admit he was aware his wife was having an affair.

  Knowing this could take hours, possibly all night, he’d had to cancel seeing Bethany tonight. She’d texted him earlier that this time it was her turn to surprise him. So hearing the disappointment in her voice when he called to cancel, he’d been flooded with memories of all the canceled dinners, dates, and family parties that ultimately ended his relationship with Lana last year, when he was trying so fucking hard to prove himself.

  Damian would be damned if he would let that happen again. He didn’t give a shit what these assholes thought of him anymore. He’d more than proven himself. It was one thing to be forced to stay late for something like tonight, but if given a choice, he wouldn’t be bending over backward and going above and beyond as he had last year. After just one official week of being with Bethany, he already sensed his feelings for her could easily surpass anything he’d ever felt for Lana. No way would he risk having her get fed up and dump his ass because he constantly put his job before her.

  Several hours into the grueling interrogation, Damian didn’t have much, but one thing he knew for sure; the guy was hiding something. Throughout the questioning there’d been too many times when Damian was caught in a stare-down contest with the guy. Exactly the reason he’d argued eye contact or lack of it was unreliable. Some liars made it a point to look you straight in the eye when they were lying. This guy might have actually been coached, because some of this body language was so blatantly forced, to try to hide what he was really feeling. But there was one thing that wasn’t easy to hide at all—raw emotions. Defensiveness was always a sure sign that someone was hiding something or lying.