Read Desert Heat Page 17

  This is torture. I guess you’re on the phone again. I don’t want to knock so just come out when you’re done.

  Already rushing to the door before she’d finished reading the second text, she replayed her conversation with Stella in her head, cursing her thin walls and herself for letting this happen again. With very little time to think about it as she swung the door open, nothing too compromising came to mind that Damian might have heard.

  Standing there in a black tank that once again displayed his hard-muscled arms and shoulders, Damian stared at her, his blank expression impossible to read.

  “Sorry,” she said with a nervous smile.

  “You were on the phone?”

  He took a step forward, and the smile tugging at the corner of his lips gave her hope he hadn’t heard much or any of her conversation. Her mind was suddenly completely muddled. Every time she saw him was even more exciting than the last, and just feeling his big hand in hers now and knowing his lips would be on hers any minute had her heart going like crazy. For a fleeting moment, she couldn’t remember a thing she and her sister had talked about.

  Damian leaned in, kissing her softly, his arm already around her waist, pulling her body against his. “Jesus,” he whispered against her lips. “It’s only been a day, and I could hardly wait to be near you again.”

  Sighing in response to that, she smiled. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  He kissed her a bit more deeply before pulling away with an almost pained grin. “These shorts are too thin for me to be getting too worked up.”

  She looked down and realized she hadn’t even noticed he was wearing swimming trunks—the long kind that tied in the front—and they hung just slightly off his hips. From the way the snug tank clung to his abs, she could tell she was in for a treat once that shirt came off. “You didn’t forget to pack a bathing suit, right?” he asked her as he smoothed a hand over the front of his shorts. “It’s supposed to get close to one-ten today. Plan on being in the pool a lot.”

  “Yes, I packed one,” she said, gulping back the extreme visuals she was having, of his wet and shirtless body pressed against hers in his pool, as she walked back into her kitchen.

  She didn’t mention she’d also packed a light overnight bag just in case. Her mind was made up. Nothing, not even the revelations her sister had made today, would change it. This incredible guy was her boyfriend now. Although things had happened so fast between them, that didn’t take away from her very real feelings for him. The fact that he’d been the one to suggest exclusivity so quickly said so much about his feelings for her as well. Everything else, his taking her to meet his family so quickly and what she felt when he said the amazing things he said to her, like the fact that he’d been dying to be near her again, only further confirmed why this felt so right.

  Taking the small grocery bag out of the fridge, she turned to Damian again. “Just let me grab my stuff in the room, and I’ll be good to go.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, pointing at the grocery bag in her hands.

  She glanced down, then lifted it with a smile. “Stuff for a salad.”

  “I got all that stuff, babe. You don’t need to bring anything. Just leave that here.”

  Ignoring his suggestion, she walked into her bedroom. “You gotta let me bring something,” she said as she picked up the small duffel, hoping he didn’t notice there was obviously more than just her swimsuit and sunscreen in it.

  “Why?” he asked as she walked back out into the front room, taking him in and once again feeling her fluttering insides go wild. “It’s my barbecue. I picked up a boatload of stuff at Costco today. You know they sell everything there in bulk, but also,” he added, his expression falling for a moment, “we gotta talk.”

  Stopping suddenly, she stared at him nervously. “About what?”

  “My sister called this morning. When I mentioned you were coming over today, she insisted on dropping by.” Feeling massively relieved, Bethany refrained from letting the breath she’d been holding pour out. Instead she exhaled very casually and waited for him to go on. “She said she’d just come by for a little while, but then later I got a call from Dimitri. He heard about the barbecue at my place and wanted to know what he should bring besides his trunks and his appetite.” He walked over to her, taking the small grocery bag from her hand, then slipped his hand into hers. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this may not be as romantic as I’d hoped.” He tilted his head, kissing her on the forehead and looking even more rueful. “We Santiagos are die-hard Rockies fans. They play today against the Dodgers, who they need to beat to take the lead in the West, and he assumed that’s why I was having it. He invited all the guys from the shop, including Diego and the Ratz. That’s why I made that trip to Costco this morning. Looks like instead of just you and me today, I’m having a houseful now.” The second she stuck her bottom lip out in a playful pout, he kissed it. “I’ll have them out of there as soon as the game’s over. I promise.” He grinned now. “It’s an early game, too.”

  Laughing softly, she shrugged. “It’ll still be fun. I’m not really into baseball, but I can’t even remember the last time I went swimming. With this heat I’m really looking forward to taking a dip.”

  She didn’t argue with him when he walked her small grocery bag back to the fridge. The stuff she’d gotten would barely be enough for two salads, maybe three. But no way would it cut it for a houseful of people.

  They made their way out down the stairs. It wasn’t even noon yet, and it was already scorching hot. Deciding she wouldn’t worry about anything else for the rest of the day and just enjoy her time with Damian, she glanced up at her smiling, sinfully sexy boyfriend. Today was going to be great, and she hoped it would end even better.

  They reached his car and as usual he opened the door for her, leaned in, and kissed her sweetly once she was in, then closed the door. While he walked around the front to get to his side, Bethany sat there enjoying the view and savoring the delicious taste of him still on her lips, her insides warming already. Maybe they’d get a little alone time before anyone arrived.

  He got in, put his sunglasses on, and turned on the ignition. If she hadn’t been staring at him like a lovesick puppy, she might’ve missed it. His eyebrow lifted and his lips opened, but he quickly pressed them together as if he were about say something, then changed his mind. She was about to question it, when he glanced at her, the eyebrow lifted even higher now. “So who were you on the phone with when I got to your place?”

  Chapter 15

  After a few moments of tense silence, Bethany smiled, placing her hand on his thigh. “Stella,” she said, very relaxed.

  She turned away and looked out the window just as he glanced at her again. It made total sense that Bethany would say things between the two of them were not a big deal yet. Technically it’d officially been just over a week now. But at all? Just someone to pass the time with? That’s not how Damian saw things between them, and he’d been certain she was right there with him on that. He wasn’t sure if he should quote exactly what he’d overheard. In fact he’d almost not brought up the call at all, but this time he couldn’t just let it go. His curiosity had reached another level.

  “I imagine you and your only sister must be pretty close.” He ran his hand over her hand, which now lay flat on his thigh, lacing his fingers through hers over it. “Do you tell her everything, Bethany?”

  She straightened out and actually cleared her throat. A sure sign of anxiety or uneasiness that only made him more anxious. Turning to him with that same relaxed smile, or one she was attempting to make appear relaxed, she traced a finger over his hand slowly with her other hand. “You mean have I told her about you and me?” With his eyes back on the road now, he simply nodded. “Yes, I have, actually. But to be honest, she tends to worry about everything, so I’ve toned it down a lot. I’m not sure I could explain what’s happening so quickly.” She shrugged when he glanced back at her. “I don’t think she’d understand
, Damian. Most people wouldn’t. Don’t you agree?”

  He thought about that for a moment and how incredibly relieved her explanation made him feel. Lifting her hand up, he nodded, then kissed it. She was right. Most people wouldn’t understand it. It was the very reason he was still playing it down to his own family. Even when his sister had grilled him again that morning, saying that this was clearly getting serious if half the family had already met Bethany. Apparently, she’d made Diego promise to tell her about it if he met Beth. Diego had actually waited a day, but Fina called Damian first after getting the call from his brother that morning.

  Bethany obviously had figured out he’d overheard her “not a big deal at all” comment. And while he agreed that toning it down made sense for now, he wasn’t so sure about adding the “just passing the time” comment. But maybe her sister did worry too much and maybe she had good reason. Again he had to keep in mind he still knew very little about Bethany and her family. Maybe she’d had her heart broken badly or something, and she was reassuring her sister she was taking it slow this time. Who knew?

  Feeling satisfied he’d calmed his anxious curiosity, he decided he’d let go of the part about her asking her sister to give “him” her number. He didn’t want Bethany thinking he’d been purposely trying to listen in to every word she’d said, because he hadn’t been. For all he knew it could be a relative she was talking about. An uncle or her dad even. He still had no idea of her family’s dynamics. Maybe that’s why she was out here so alone. There could be lots of reasonable explanations, so he wasn’t going to go there. Asking if she’d told her sister about them was one thing, but this would sound accusatory, and that’s not how he wanted this relationship to start.

  Determined not to let something so petty ruin what had the potential to be another excellent day with Bethany, he kissed her hand again. “Yeah, I sort of did the same with my sister this morning, too.” He shook his head. “But Fina’s not so easy to convince. She’s on to me. Without having even met you, she seems acutely aware of just how serious I am about this.”

  He left her with that thought. Making absolutely sure she, too, was aware of just how seriously he was taking this. In case there was any doubt, he wasn’t just passing the time. He wanted this point perfectly clear.

  Not wanting to harp on it, he changed the subject to the barbecue. “I hope you like pork tenderloin.”

  She turned to him, squinting in that cute way she did so often. “I’m not sure I’ve ever tried it. But anything with pork is always tasty.”

  “It’s one of the few things more complicated than mac and cheese that I’m actually pretty good at making.”

  “Well, that’s one place where you have me. I’ve never been really good at cooking. My sister,” she said, looking out the window again, “she’s always liked being in the kitchen with my aunt, but me? No, thanks.” She turned back to him with a smile. “I can barely warm a tortilla without burning it. So whatever it is you make, I’m sure I’ll be thoroughly impressed.”

  He smiled at her, then brought his eyes back to the road, where they should be. It was damn hard keeping them there with her sitting next to him. But he liked the idea of thoroughly impressing Bethany.

  They reached his place just as his sister pulled up with his niece, Carey. They weren’t even out of the car when Carey was already waving at them feverishly. Damian waved back, chuckling. “That’s my sister, and the little one in the backseat is my niece, Carey,” he said to Bethany just as she opened the door and began to get out. “Word of warning. I’m not sure if all four-year-olds are like that, but she says it like it is and is always full of questions, so be prepared for the inquisition.”

  Bethany nodded at him, looking a little nervous, before stepping out of the car. Fina opened the back door of her car and helped Carey out. Damian met Bethany around his car, taking her duffel in one hand, then slipped his other hand in hers as they walked toward Fina.

  As soon as Carey’s little feet hit the ground she rushed toward them. “Are you Uncle Damian’s new girlfriend?”

  Bethany and Damian exchanged glances, before she looked back at Carey. “Yes, I am. Are you his niece, Carey?”

  “I am!” Carey said, eyes gleefully open. “I know your name, too. It’s Bethany.”

  Bethany bent over and extended her arm. “That’s right, it is. So very nice to meet you, Carey.”

  They shook hands just as Fina began to walk toward them. She’d been busy taking something out of her trunk. “Potato salad?” Damian asked.

  His sister nodded. “My specialty,” she said, grinning. “Mitri put in his request.”

  She glanced at Bethany, but before Damian could begin the introductions, Carey took the initiative. “Bethany, this is my mommy. She says you might be the one.”

  Bethany and Fina looked at each other, eyes wide. “Carey, honey, I never told you that,” Fina said, her face flushing.

  “Not me. You told Uncle Diego this morning. You said she—”

  “That’s enough, Carey.” Fina patted her daughter on the bed, eyeing Damian, who took the cue. No telling what else Fina had said to Diego that Carey might let out of the bag. Letting go of Bethany’s hand, he picked up Carey and whirled her around in the air as she giggled uncontrollably. “Nice to meet you, Bethany.” Fina extended her hand to Bethany. “I’m Delfina.”

  After the awkward introductions, they all started toward the front door of Damian’s place. Damian did his best to keep Carey distracted as his sister and Bethany chatted. If he knew Fina, she would probably know more about Bethany before the day was over than he did.

  “Bethany’s pretty,” Carey said as he put her down in the front room.

  “Yeah, I think so, too.” Damian said, turning back to Bethany, who was heading into the kitchen with Fina.

  “Are you gonna marry her?”

  Damian laughed. “Did your mom tell you I was?”

  Carey stared at him very seriously, apparently failing to see the humor. “She said if you do, Bethany would be my auntie.”

  “I think your mom is jumping the gun a little.” He could see in his niece’s eyes that she didn’t understand, so he nodded, giving up. “Maybe. We’ll see. But don’t tell Bethany. If I do ask her to marry me,” he winked, lowering his voice, “I want it to be a surprise.”

  Carey’s eyes opened wide, but she nodded. If he knew one thing about his niece it was that she loved secrets and surprises, though she wasn’t very subtle with either. “Okay,” she whispered loudly.

  Needing to change the subject and distract his niece so he could go steal Bethany from his inquisitive sister, he pointed at the box near the corner of his front room. “Go see what I got you. I’ll be right back.”

  In a sprint, Carey was off toward the box, and he took off just as quickly in the opposite direction, toward the kitchen. Fina was already making herself at home, pulling pots and Tupperware out of his cabinets as she complained about there being no rhyme or reason to the way Damian put his dishware away.

  Reaching out his hand to Bethany, who was leaning against the center island, he smiled, because it felt so good just to touch her. “I’ll be back and help you find whatever you need, Fina.” He tugged Bethany along with him toward the back door. “Carey’s in the front room checking out a couple of things I bought her. We’ll be back. Just let me give Bethany a quick tour of my place.”

  Fina turned suddenly in Bethany’s direction, lifting a brow. “This is your first time here?”

  Bethany nodded, but before Fina could ask anything more, Damian tugged at Bethany’s hand again. “We’ll be back.”

  Sneaking through the back door of the kitchen, which led outside, so they could bypass Carey at least for a few minutes, they walked out into the patio that wrapped around the back and led to the pool area. “I wasn’t expecting your house to be all this.” Bethany glanced around his big yard. This wasn’t even half of it.

  Damian stopped as soon as he knew he was completely out of his
sister’s and his niece’s sight and pulled Bethany to him. “I bought it mostly for the garage space.” He kissed her softly and smiled. “You’ll probably notice, my whole family is kind of big on cars.”

  She smiled just as he went in for a longer, much deeper kiss. He’d never get enough of kissing her, touching her, feeling her body against his. He’d wait as long as he needed to for more. It sucked that things had worked out the way they had today. He’d been looking forward to having her all to himself, and they would’ve been in the complete privacy of his own home this time. Unlike all the other times he’d hung out with her this past week, where the most privacy they’d had was the few hungered kisses they’d shared in his car and the equally feverish kisses they’d shared outside her apartment door. But in a weird way, he liked how easily they were getting past the formalities of introducing her to his family and friends. None of this had gone nearly as smoothly with Lana. Fina had never liked Lana either. The verdict was still out about Bethany, but Damian couldn’t imagine even one thing his sister wouldn’t like about her. He knew he was completely biased now, but so far everything about Bethany was fucking perfect.

  Forcing himself, he pulled away from her, and he had to smile. He loved the way she often kept her eyes closed, like now, even after he’d pulled his lips away from hers, as if the experience was still lingering for her, and she didn’t want it to end. “C’mon,” he whispered, unable to resist pecking her one last time. “I’ll show you the rest of my yard, then we can go see the inside. But something tells me we’ll have a mini tour guide with us along for the ride in there, and I can guarantee you she’ll be doing most of the talking. I wanted to take advantage of her distraction with some of the pool toys I got her today, to be alone with you for at least a few more minutes.”