Read Desire After Dark Page 29

Page 29

  Arnie nodded at her, then closed the door.

  Vicki looked from one to the other. Neither was smiling. Arnie was holding a thick canvas bag. "Is something wrong?"

  "We'll let you know," Ned said in a tone she had never heard before. "Why don't you tell us what happened to you last night. "

  Vicki's heart skipped a beat. "Oh, that. It was nothing, just an accident. "

  Reaching into the canvas bag, Arnie pulled out a set of heavy silver manacles and held them up. "Really? What kind of accident?"

  She stared at him, her mind racing. What should she say? They would never believe the truth. But she didn't like them thinking what they were obviously thinking, either. She blew out a breath. "I have nothing to say. "

  "Like hell! Something went on last night," Ned said, "and I want to know what it was and who else was involved. "

  Vicki crossed her arms over her chest. "It wasn't anything for the police to get involved in. No one else was hurt. " She swallowed hard, thinking of the four dead men. "I made a stupid mistake. If you want to arrest me for that, fine, go ahead. "

  Ned stared at her, his eyes narrowed. "The old house out at the Hollow burned to the ground last night. Would you be knowing anything about that?"

  "No. "

  Ned swore.

  Arnie gave her a hard look, then dropped the manacles back into the bag. "I don't know what happened," he said, his voice grim, "but you aren't doing yourself or anyone else a favor by refusing to talk to us. "

  "I'm sorry, but I've got nothing to say. "

  "If you change your mind," Ned said flatly, "give us a call. "

  "I will. "

  Vicki stared after them as they left the room. Maybe she should have told them the truth, she mused, then shook her head. If she started going on about vampires and vampire hunters, they'd think she was insane. Instead of lying in a hospital bed, she would probably find herself in a padded room. So, instead of them thinking she was insane, now they probably thought she was involved in some sort of kinky sex. She wasn't crazy about that idea either. Crazy, she thought, that was definitely the right word for the way her life had been going lately.

  She frowned. Maybe she should tell Ned and Arnie the truth. They needed to know what they were up against. But even if they knew, what could they do about it? If a vampire hunter couldn't find Falco, what chance did Ned and Arnie have? She weighed the pros and cons until her head ached.

  Eager to think of something else, she turned on the TV and lost herself in the antics of an old I Love Lucy rerun.

  Her dinner tray arrived an hour later, and then one of the nurses came in to take her for a walk down the hall.

  Bobbie Sue, Gus, and Mrs. Heath all called to see how she was doing. Bert Summers came by to talk to her, anxious for a scoop. She told him the story she had concocted, that she had fallen in the vacant lot outside of town and cut her neck on an old piece of barbed wire. She wasn't sure if he believed her or not, but she was certain he wouldn't believe the truth.

  As soon as the sun set, Antonio strolled into her room carrying a huge bouquet of red roses with a red balloon heart in the center. Just seeing him made her spirits soar.

  "I was hoping you'd come," she said.

  "Where else would I go when you are here?" He glanced around the room. "Where should I put these?"

  "Antonio, all these flowers must be costing you a fortune. Here, put them on the table by the phone. I'll ask the nurse to bring me another vase. "

  Pulling a chair up to the bed, he sat down, then reached for her hand. "Are you all right?"

  "I am now. " She studied his cheek, noting there were a lot of new blisters. The old burn looked ugly and painful but didn't look as bad as it had before. "Does it still hurt?"

  He nodded. "When can you leave here?"

  "Hopefully tomorrow. It's up to the doctor. "

  "I do not want you to go back to your house. "

  "That's what Bobbie Sue and Duncan said. They want me to stay at Bobbie's house with them. "

  "They are living together?" Antonio asked, a note of surprise in his voice.

  "So it would seem. "

  "Is that what you wish to do, stay with your friend?"

  "Not really, but I don't want to stay home alone, either, not now. "

  "You are welcome to come and stay with me. "

  Vicki stared at him. "Stay with you? Where?"

  "At my house in Maine. I think you would like it there. "

  "I've never been to Maine. What's your house like?"

  "It is a castle of sorts, though not as large as most. The house sits in the middle of several acres of land, most of it heavily wooded. A very wealthy man had it brought over fromEngland for his bride some three hundred years ago. He thought it would please her, but the poor girl fell down a flight of stairs and broke her neck. Some say she fell because she was frightened by the ghost of the castle's former mistress. Some say it was because her husband pushed her. "

  "I've never believed in ghosts," Vicki mused. And then she looked at Antonio and smiled. "But then, I never used to believe in vampires, either. "

  Leaning forward, he touched the bandage at her neck. "I am sorry you had to learn of us in such a painful manner. "

  "Me, too. But then, if it weren't for Falco, I never would have met you, would I?"

  "Perhaps not. Or perhaps fate would have managed to bring us together sooner or later. "

  "I'd like to think so. Is there really a ghost? Have you ever seen it?"

  "Of course. "

  "You're kidding, aren't you?"

  "No. "

  "Did she try to hurt you?"

  "No. She is a lovely, lonely soul. "

  "And you really saw her? Did she speak to you?"

  "Yes. We are kindred spirits, Lady Kathryn and I. We have spent many a lonely night keeping each other company. "

  Vicki stared at him, not knowing whether to believe him or not.

  "Will you come with me to Maine, Victoria? I can protect you there until Duncan destroys Falco. "

  She shivered at the mention of the vampire's name. "What if he follows us?"

  "My home is well protected. He will not be able to enter… " Antonio looked at her, one brow raised, "so long as no one invites him in. "

  "I suppose it was foolish of me, what I did. But it never occurred to me that he would come to my house disguised as Darth Vader, of all things. "

  "Now you know better. You will not make that mistake again. "

  "That's for sure!"

  "You will come with me, then?"

  "Yes, I'd love to see your castle. And your ghost. " She blew out a sigh. Talking about ghosts made her think of the four men Falco had hypnotized.

  Antonio squeezed her hand. "What is it that troubles you?"

  "The police came to see me today. "


  "They wanted to know how I got hurt. They had the manacles Falco used. I didn't know what to tell them, so I didn't tell them anything. What should I do?"

  "You did the right thing. Telling the police about Falco will only start a panic. Even though people claim that they do not believe we exist, given the right catalyst, they can soon turn into a mindless mob eager for blood. I have seen it happen before," he said.

  "Many times. When it happens, innocent people die. Sometimes, ignorance is best. "

  "I guess so. "

  "We will leave as soon as… " He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps.

  Vicki followed his gaze, and a moment later Bobbie Sue and Duncan entered the room.

  "Hey," Bobbie Sue said. "Saints be praised, you're looking a lot better tonight. How are you feeling, hon?"

  "Better, thanks. Why aren't you at work?"

  "Gus ga
ve me an hour off so's I could come and visit you. He acts so tough, but he's just an old softie, you know that. "

  Vicki nodded. Everyone in town knew Gus was a soft touch. He contributed to every charity known to man, bought Girl Scout cookies by the case, supported the local Boy Scout troop, donated money to the hospital building fund and the PTA.

  She looked at Duncan, who was staring at Antonio. Only then did she feel the tension in the room.

  Apparently Bobbie Sue felt it, too. Tugging on Duncan 's arm, she said, "Come on, Tom, I think we should go. "

  He grunted softly. "I'll wait for you outside. "

  Bobbie Sue bent down to give Vicki a hug. "Don't worry about anything, hon," she said.

  "Everything will work out. "

  "Listen, Bobbie Sue, I'm going away with Antonio. "

  Bobbie Sue's eyes grew wide. "You are? When? Why?"

  "As soon as I get out of here. Because I want to. I need you to tell Gus for me, okay?

  Just tell him I'm taking my vacation a few months early. "

  "Well, sure, but"— Bobbie Sue lowered her voice—"are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I know you're attracted to Antonio and everything, but Vicki, he's a vampire. "

  "Yes, I know," Vicki replied dryly. "I'll call you, okay?"

  "I hope you know what you're doing, hon. "

  "Me, too. " Reaching up with her free arm, she gave Bobbie Sue a hug. "Just be sure you know what you're doing, you know, with Tom. "

  Bobbie Sue grinned. "We sure picked a pair, didn't we?"

  "That we did. "

  "Night, Vicki. Antonio. " With a wave and a smile, Bobbie Sue left the room.

  When they were alone again, Antonio again took Victoria 's hand in his. "So, you will come with me?"

  She nodded. "How soon do you think we should leave?"

  "Tomorrow night. Can you be ready by then?"

  "I think so. "

  But later that night, alone in bed, when doubts and fears are the strongest, she couldn't help wondering if she was putting distance between herself and a killer or walking blindly into the lion's den.