Read Desire of the Soul Page 14


  My eyes opened slowly to see two bright lights shining down on me. Immediately I turned my head, although the movement felt heavy, to see Duke staring at me with relief.

  “You’re awake too,” he said softly, a smile lighting up his face. I felt my heart lift and soar as my eyes connected with his, my soul thrumming throughout my body with a vibration similar to the one emanating from Duke. I could almost feel it, like warmth spreading throughout my body on a winter night.

  “Queen Tammy, King Duke, how are you? I am Doctor Atmaja Malik.” The woman was short, maybe 5”2, with long hair that was such a dark brown that it looked almost black. She had coffee colored skin, and a face that probably gave guys heart attacks. It took a minute, but what she said clicked into my head, making my head snap up to look her in her bright turquoise colored eyes.

  “Queen Tammy? King Duke?’am....what the hell are you talking about?” My body was tense as I waited for her answer, my lips pursed.

  “You have passed the test. You are now Queen of the Lucis Council, and Duke King.” Doctor Atmaja’s smile was bright as she reached down to help me up, and I felt my muscles shake. “Here how about I leave you here instead...You two look awfully tired, as would anyone if they had just been in soul form. I will be back as soon as you awake, and we will begin the Coronation.” 

  My jaw dropped, and I looked at her with confusion. “The Coronation? What the fuck are you talking about?” I yelled, closing my eyes tightly, as a migraine began to start thrumming throughout my head.

  Atmajas’ head snapped toward me, anger roaring beneath her eyes. “A Queen does not use such vulgar language Tammy. You should really be careful of what you say. You do not know who is listening. I will go now, sleep peacefully for you have much to do when you awake.” Atmaja then left, leaving me shaking with exhaustion and stress.

  “Shh....It’s okay Tammy,” Duke murmured, looking at me with total adoration from his bed. He reached out a hand to me but I just stared at it, unsure of what to do. My whole world was being spun around into circles, although I should’ve assumed this would happen. I mean it only made sense that Duke was my test, and by saving him...I passed. “Just go to sleep Tammy, and I promise I will be right here to watch over you. I will be right here when you wake. Do you trust me?” 

  The question was ridiculous; we both knew I trusted him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now and neither would he. Still I nodded and grabbed his hand, heat spreading throughout us like a wildfire. “Yes, I trust you,” I answered back, my eyes drooping as I yawned. I held onto the strings that kept me awake though, not wanting to lose the pressure of his hands on mine. “But Duke...what happened? Why were you my test?” 

  Duke coughed quietly, looking sad and tired. “The prophecy.” His words were simple, but they struck me in the stomach making me flinch. I knew without a doubt that this was not the same prophecy he used to find me, this was another one. A completely different one. I didn’t even need to prompt him for more before his voice came out in a haunting melody, stirring something within me. 

  “The Wall she must break,

  The souls must come as one,

  Him her test of truth,

  Her saving him from fate,

  You cannot save what has been lost,

  Without a tiny price.

  You cannot save the chosen ones,

  Because they have not fought.”


  Duke’s voice sent shivers down my back as I listened, his body swaying from side to side as the words spun around us. I wanted so badly to tell him to stop, to shut up now, but I couldn’t. Something kept my mouth from running, my body from moving, even as the fear filled me and clouded my vision. 

  “You have already broken the Wall, and our souls are now one. Our souls connected when you kissed me in your soul form. The test was to see if the prophecy was about you and me. I tested your truth by proving that you were indeed the Queen mentioned in the first prophecy, and you saved me from a fate of wandering the Earth alone while my body ravaged on innocents.

  The last part, well I assume we are to find out soon what it’s meaning is. Please Tammy...please sleep now. We cannot heal unless we have rested, and to face what we are soon to face....we need to be in top form.” Duke smiled tiredly at me as he talked, then closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep. 

  ‘You cannot save what has been lost,

  Without a tiny price.

  You cannot save the chosen ones,

  Because they have not fought.’


  The ending of the prophecy ran through my mind as I tried to process its meaning. Was it about Duke? Was it saying that by saving him from wandering forever in search of me, I have doomed him? That by bringing his soul back to his body, we were both to pay the price? And the chosen ones?

  Maybe Duke had been chosen by whatever thing controlled the Universe to let go. To give in to the Beast, the Red. Maybe because he had given up without a fight, he was forever lost. Or maybe I was getting everything completely wrong, and should just go to sleep and ponder over this when I wake up. Yeah that definitely sounded like a better idea.

  Within seconds of thinking that, I fell into the haze that was sleep. I don’t recall dreaming of anything, I just remember a black void surrounding me, suffocating me to the point where I woke up and could still feel the dream around me. My breath came out in short gasps as I bolted up from the tiny metal bed I’d been asleep on. I could feel Duke sleeping on the bed beside me, and so I quickly calmed my breathing down.

  I knew that if my soul felt off, then Duke would wake up. And right now, he looked like he needed a good night’s sleep more than anything else in the world. He was pale, a little less pale than he was when his body was taken over by the Red, and he looked haggard. I wanted so badly to run my hand along his face and just absorb his pain, but that wasn’t possible and would only make things worse. 

  ‘The Energy. Use it to help heal him.’ voice trilled throughout my mind, bouncing off the walls of my brain. The Energy....I thought that was only temporary. I thought the Wall went back up after I went into soul form. ’The Wall is gone until you decide to put it back up. Though there is great power within the secrets of the Wall, so I should warn you to only tell the secrets to those you trust most. Even then do not tell all. Some people will turn at the first sight of power. And the Wall’s power surpasses all else’s. Right now you are keeper on how to destroy said Wall. Be careful who you teach.’ what seemed to happen normally, the voice disappeared without even a simple goodbye, leaving me to think over what she said.

  If the Wall was still up, why did I not feel it? Shouldn’t my vision be focusing in and out like it had done before? Why did I not see the Energy? Before I could think of a reason, a young girl shuffled into the room. She had short black hair pulled into a high ponytail, her face a dark caramel. Briefly she lifted up her head, only enough for me to see that her eyes were a dark blue. They shimmered in the light; in fact her whole body shimmered in the light. She quickly turned around, and I stepped back in surprise. The girl had large golden wings poking out of her thin blue shirt, and her ears were slightly pointed. 

  “Holy shit! You’re a fairy!” I blurted out, and then covered my mouth immediately. I wasn’t sure whether or not the girl would get pissed off at me for calling her a fairy. I mean for all I knew, that was like an extreme insult. But she just laughed softly, her laugh sounding like bells jingling. 

  “Yes, I am. Or rather, I am that of the fey. My name...well my given name is not one that those from the Earth can pronounce. And many have told me of the danger of telling your given name, for as a fey it can be used in ways to bind the fey to-I’m sorry, I am rambling aren’t I? You may call me my Earth name, Aness.” The fey, her name oddly pronounced Ah-ness, had turned around and looked at me with a smile. Her voice was soft and sweet, her looks the same. As soon as I looked at her I felt safe, something I’d definitely not been feeling lately.<
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  “Oh, uh, hi Aness. I am-” Before I could finish, Aness laughed once again, her voice sparking happiness inside me.

  I looked to the side to make sure Duke was still asleep, hoping the talking hadn’t woken him. Thankfully though, he was sound asleep. He looked so sad though, and I felt his sadness inside of me. I wondered what he was dreaming, what was making him seem so somber. How could I use the Energy to help him, if I didn’t even know how to control it?

  “You are Queen Tammy. Yes, I know. I have come here to help you get ready for your Coronation. A male fey, his Earth name Robin, will come soon to wake and collect King Duke. Now let us go to prepare my Queen!” Aness declared, her voice full of power. She grabbed my hand before I could protest, and then pulled me out of the room through a dark wooden door I had neglected to see. Wasn’t I a great Amatores? Unable to see what’s right in front of me.

  Aness dragged me through multiple rooms, only staying in each one long enough for me to see a blur of colors. People drifted by us, their bodies passing by mine as we went by, and their whispers the only thing I could hear.

  “That’s her!”

  “That cannot be her!”

  “She looks so young!” 

  “Are they absolutely sure?”

  “She is the one who passed the test?” 

  “The Council cannot honestly believe that, that young child is Her. The one made to save us all from death and disaster. No I do not believe that at all. It must be nothing more than possibly a maid. Nothing more at all.”

  The words passed by me as the colors did, breezing against my skin like the summer wind. The last ones words pierced me for some reason, his extreme disbelief in me like a knife in my heart. Alright, maybe before I’d been doubting myself too, but come on! That was me. I’m allowed to doubt myself. Other people though? No, they can only bask in my amazingness. 

  I snickered silently at how ridiculous that sounded. If I actually thought of myself like that, well I would be homeless and friendless by now. Who’d want to be friends with someone that full of themselves? Certainly not me. Definitely not me. It took me a moment to notice that we’d come to a stop, and I looked around, confused. Then my mouth literally dropped, and it took an extreme amount of will not to salivate.

  I mean...I was in a closet so big, it would take a million of me to fit in the room. And they’d have to be fat, three thousand pound versions of me. The clothes hung delicately on the racks, everything on a hanger no matter what article of clothing it was. 

  “This has been the Queens wardrobe for a millennia. When you have officially become Queen, when the Coronation is over, this wardrobe will belong solely to you. I will be your stylist as I am today, helping you choose outfits that best suit what you are to do that day. For today there is only one dress you are to wear. It is the Coronation dress. It has been worn for each Queens Coronation, so treat it with care. I will help fit it on you, then take you to get both your makeup and hair done.” Aness chuckled as she showed me to the part of the ‘wardrobe’ that held my dress. 

  As soon as I saw the dress, I swear I was almost a second away from fainting. It was a crème color, diamonds sewn into the hemming of it, so whenever I moved they shone in the light. The dress would obviously drag onto the ground, and was cut low. Its sleeves were long, stretching out to my wrists, and there were gloves beside the dress. And the tiara! Oh god, it was so pretty. 

  The tiara had diamonds encrusted in every inch of it, but still managed not to look too showy. It was small, a diamond shape at the top the only thing that marked it as something more than just an odd headband. 

  I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven, and my heart was filled with immense joy. Who knew that material values could make someone feel so good? I couldn’t wait to put both the dress and tiara on me, knowing without a doubt they’d both fit perfectly. I didn’t care about shoes; I just wanted to wear the dress and tiara. They were what mattered right now. 

  My eyes widened when Aness slid the dress on me and placed the delicate tiara onto my head, my whole look completely transforming. “Holy shit....I look....I look-” I couldn’t even get the words out, I was so shocked. I’d never been really self-conscious, but wearing all this made any shred of self-consciousness just drop away. I looked like an honest to God....Queen. Like those Queens you see on TV, except like a century younger. 

  I smiled, probably looking like a lunatic to Aness, as I twirled in the full length mirror. “Thank you so much!” I gushed, biting my bottom lip with excitement. A laugh bubbled out of my mouth as I thought of how just before I was freaking out over this whole Queen thing, but now that I learned it comes with a huge amount of clothing...well I am definitely looking forward to being crowned. 

  “That is what I am here for Queen Tammy. Just think of me as almost...your fairy godmother. I will be here to grant your wish, serving you until you are no longer my Queen.” Suddenly Aness looked at me with concern, her eyebrows furrowed deeply. “You do not look well Queen. What is troubling you?” 

  Until she said something, I hadn’t noticed the burn. It must’ve been burning softly enough for me to not bother thinking about it, but now that I was thinking about it...let’s just say that it felt like a wildfire inside of my throat. I slid to the ground, my eyes trained on Aness’s neck. I wonder what Fey blood would taste like. 

  “Queen...If you desire something to drink, we have many humans on hand to cater your need,” Aness said, looking at me with caution. “I will go now and retrieve a human.” Walking backwards carefully, Aness left the closet without another word. The burn inside of me flared as I looked again at my reflection. My skin had paled to the point where it was extremely chalky, and my eyes were a light pink. 

  I looked at my eyes closer, seeing that they looked extremely off. And not just because they were pink. It took me only seconds before I noticed it, noticed how the color was brighter. It looked as if someone had flipped a switch in my eyes, making them look more exotic. As I focused on my iris’s, the pink color that had been so prominent before faded to my thoughts trailed off as I stared at my eyes.

  They weren’t their normal ocean blue color. They weren’t red either. They were eyes were turning purple! A screech erupted from within me as my hands grabbed tightly to my hair. My eyes were turning purple! Holy fucking shit. They were turning purple! That wasn’t-that couldn’t be-but it was happening. Right in front of me. My body shook with fright as I watched the transformation. The purple looked the same color as a thistle plant, and just as sharp.

  Only seconds must’ve passed since I’d yelled out, and those seconds triggered a lot of commotion. I heard male voices from outside the closet, and then watched, as the door was pulled open. Instead of a crowd of people, only Duke ran in, a wild look on his face. “Tammy!” he called out, then spotted me and sagged with relief. “Oh thank god, you’re okay. I thought-I mean I heard-I was dreaming when I just woke up and felt that you needed me. I thought something....something....bad....”  

  Duke’s mouth dropped as he looked at me, taking in the elegance that the dress gave me. His eyes went up and down, looking as if he was drinking me in with each second. “Uh, look...amazing,” he murmured, his voice husky. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, then grinned seductively. 

  “Thanks Duke,” I purred, batting my eyes at him. That’s about the moment when he noticed my eyes, and his jaw dropped once again.

  “Tammy! Your eyes! They’re purple!” He sounded so amazed as he leaned forward, his fingers grazing my cheek softly and sending shocks throughout my body. Shocks that, unfortunately, were not enough to block out the disgust I felt when I looked back at my eyes.

  “I know! They’re hideous! I don’t know how the hell this happened! One minute, they were a light pink....and the next they just turned into this!” My voice was thick with the tears I was holding in, not wanting to cry in front of the audience Duke had brought with him when he’d run into he

  “Ah Tammy, have we not talked about how as a Queen you are to not talk like this?  I believe we have talked about this. But onto more important things, your eyes have changed for a reason darling. You have broken the Wall. Power is now gathering within you, Energy. Energy of immense proportions.

  Child, your eyes are just a sign that the Energy gathering has begun. Which means the Coronation will have to begin even earlier than planned. We do not want to have it begin once the transformation fully takes place. That would not be good for anyone.” Atmaja had appeared from the now growing crowd, her face smooth and kind as she spoke to me. But her body language did nothing to soothe me. 

  What was she talking about, what transformation? What was I becoming, or going to become? And why was I even going through a transformation? I couldn’t find an answer in my mind to any of those questions, so I looked pointedly at Atmaja. “What are you talking about? What transformation?” I asked, my voice sharp enough to cut through thick layers of brick.

  A few people in the crowd flinched, although how my voice affected them that much I don’t know, but Atmaja’s face turned stony. “I cannot explain now, just know that it is in the prophecy.” 

  I laughed, a cruel laughter that just came out without command. “Another prophecy? How many fucking prophecy’s, can there be? It’s like every other word coming out of someone’s mouth is prophecy this, prophecy that!” I couldn’t control the tears that fell then, but felt comforted when Duke pulled me towards him.

  “I know Tammy, I know that this is a lot to take in right now. And I know it makes no sense. I understand. But please, please just trust me when I say that it’ll all work itself out. And I’ll be here, beside you, every step of the way. You don’t have to face anything without me alright?” His words were soft as he held me in his arms, rubbing my back soothingly. 

  I just nodded, hearing the people get ushered out of the closet to allow me and Duke to be alone for a short time. As soon as the doors closed, sobs erupted from my mouth. He knew what to do though, and just let me cry out all my pain and worries. 

  “I love you,” he whispered when I’d run out of tears to cry. “You don’t worry about a thing, I’m here to protect you. And I’ll be here to protect you, forever and always.”

  “Promise?” I asked, my voice barely audible. 

  “I promise.”

  The Coronation

  The room was full when I entered, the chatter that had been easily heard from the other side of the castle immediately hushed. Everyone was dressed in their finest, hundreds of people filling up the humongous ballroom. Aness stood behind me, holding the long trail of my dress. I’d tried to convince her to just let me hold it, but she insisted that it was tradition to have the Queens Fey hold the trail for her. 

  Duke stood ahead, his head held high and a mischievous smile on his face as he stared at me. ’Beautiful...’ His words drifted softly into my mind, and a smile of my own bloomed onto my face. He looked so; well I guess you would call it handsome, in his black tux. It contrasted well with his skin, and he was just one of those guys who looked good in a tux, as if he was made to wear one.

  I felt like I was a bride walking down the aisle, instead of just a girl getting crowned as Queen. I laughed silently at that, I mean just a girl? I feel like I said that as if getting crowned as Queen happened all the time. 

  Aness nudged me forward, shaking me from my thoughts, and I continued onwards toward where a man was standing beside Duke. He looked old, maybe ninety-two, and human. Definitely human. The smell of his blood from within his body stroked at the fire that had disappeared in the commotion from before, and I had to fight back the urge to bite him. 

  The only thing keeping me from running across the room to the priest, from drinking his blood until there was nothing left, was Duke as he looked at me with love shining bright in his eyes. I felt uncomfortable as I looked among the hundreds gathered; I mean some of these people looked so weird! There was one lady who would flash from one spot to another repeatedly, almost landing on top of a man, and another who looked like a statue. If I hadn’t been staring at her long enough to see her move, then I would’ve assumed she was a statue.

  “We are here, all among us not of the human race. We have come to witness two people, two Amatores Sanguinis, receive the crown. The crown that shows their ruling over us all-” The priest went on, saying things about us leading our world in peace. It was pretty boring, and I mean I knew I should’ve been listening, but come on! What girl, no matter the age, wants to listen to some old man rant about said girl’s duty as Queen? Not me. I’d always fall asleep during weddings; I’d never been able to have enough patience to actually listen to what the priest said.

  “Tammy?” Duke whispered, and I jerked myself out of my thoughts. 

  “Will you Tammy Maynard, an Amatores Sanguinis, honor being Queen of us all? Will you rule with patience and fairness? Will you forever stay in the light, working to better the world that we as people live in?” The priest asked, and I bit my lip. I heard whispers as I thought, people wondering why I was hesitating.

  “I will,” I said, my voice firm and completely unlike the feelings of fear and nervousness that ran rampage in my body. I never understood how people did that; made themselves sound so brave when you could see that they were terrified. Now I see that it wasn’t really on purpose, it was their bodies taking over their feelings.

  The priest repeated what he’d said to Duke, then opened his mouth to say the final words. The words that would place my fate into hands that didn’t belong to me. “Hail all, to our new Queen and King. May they forever reign in beautiful harmony!” 

  My smile was fake as I walked back down the aisle, Duke behind me as Aness held the train of my dress. People held out hands to touch me, a thing I definitely was not comfortable with, and yelled out my name from all sides. It was weird; I mean I’d never been this popular. I’d always wanted it, that much I knew, but now that I had it...I wasn’t sure I liked it. I wasn’t sure I’d ever like it.

  “Tammy...are you okay?” Duke murmured, speeding up so he could walk beside me. 

  I didn’t know how to answer. I wasn’t okay, I just wanted a break from all this! One thing after another, I felt like I was going to die from all the pressure being put on me. I mean I know that’s a little dramatic but that’s exactly how I felt. I couldn’t tell Duke that though. I was supposed to be strong, but I wasn’t feeling so strong. I felt like a branch that was seconds from breaking.

  “Yes.” My voice was emotionless as I continued walking, not wanting to worry Duke.

  “Queen Tammy-” Aness started to talk, but I shook my head.

  “ me Tammy,” I said, my voice shaking slightly. I felt a headache start to form at my temple from the stress, and from my hunger. “Aness, can you um, grab me one of those humans you said we had on hand? I feel kind of...” The world faded from view and I felt my body slide down to the ground, people gasping and yelling as I fell.


  My eyes opened to see only darkness, except for a familiar huddle. “It’s you again.” The huddle moved, and two gold eyes appeared.

  “Yes. It is time. The Ater Council has learned that you have been found and named Queen of the Lucis Council. They will come to you disguised, so be prepared as they have their own tests in mind.” The guys voice sent a shiver down my spine and warmth throughout my body.

  “Who are you?” I asked softly, scooting closer to the huddle that was the guy. “And please don’t give me cryptic answers this time.”

  “I cannot tell you. It is not because I do not want to, I do, but I cannot. I am losing energy just by talking to you. But I need to do this, I need to help you.” The golden glow that was his eyes disappeared for a moment, and then slowly opened again. “When this is over, I ask that you find me. That you save me. I am not dead, no matter what they say. I am in a place deep below ground, and only you can save me.” His voice started to
fade, and I saw a fuzziness edging within my vision.

  “They are calling you back. I will return though, do not fear. Just look for me, and you will find me.”

  I nodded, lightheaded, and then fell to the floor.


  “Wake up damn it!” someone yelled, and my eyes snapped open. Duke was standing over me, concern for my wellbeing marring his beautiful face. He looked like a warrior, standing over me as if he was protecting me from something monstrous. 

  “I am up silly.” My voice was quiet, raspy, and talking made the fire blaze. I heard the rush of blood running through each person’s body, mixtures of enticing scents crowding my brain. Red started to creep into my vision, beautiful red, blood red, and I started to feel detached from my body.

  “Should I go run and get a human?” Aness asked, sounding slightly frightened. From far away I felt myself wonder why she seemed to be afraid. 

  “No, we don’t have enough time. Her eyes are almost a full red. Get everyone out. Now.” I heard a door slam close, and people protesting loudly from behind it. A high pitched giggle escaped my throat, and a craze started to tear at my mind. “Listen Tammy, I’m gonna let you feed from me alright?” Duke said, his words sweet and cooling the burn for a short moment. 

  I heard a snap, and then the smell. It filled my senses until all I could think about was the blood. The yummy, delicious blood. I latched onto Dukes bleeding arm, the blood sliding like chocolate into my mouth. A bomb exploded within me, one that screamed Duke. I felt as if we were only one person, and I knew Duke felt the same. Our bodies rubbed against one another, creating a swarm of passionate heat. I wanted; no I needed him to be closer to me. 

  Duke. His name repeated within my head, over and over again, a beautiful song I would never tire of. 

  ‘Tammy...’ The voice broke through my heated thoughts, like a sharp knife to my brain. ’Tammy, let go of him! Now! You’ve punctured his brachial artery, which means that right now he’s dying. Even an Amatores Sanguinis cannot easily survive a puncture to the arteries. The blood flow is too fast for it to heal. Let go of Dukes arm, now!’ My head snapped off of Dukes arm, immediate coldness freezing my body. 

  Dukes eyes were extremely glazed, his arm steadily pouring blood onto what was probably a clean white carpet beforehand. He started to get up from the floor, but heavily fell back onto the carpet. 

  “Tammy,” he slurred, his hand clumsily reaching out to me. Fear raced through my body as I laced my fingers through his, still watching the blood fall from his arm. 

  “I’m right here Duke,” I murmured, feeling warmth return to me as I clasped his hand tightly. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve gotten a human before the Coronation.” 

  “Don’t be sorry, that was amazing.” Duke sighed contently, a small smile on his face as he closed his eyes tiredly. 

  ‘You have to use the Energy to help him Tammy. Right now, that’s the only way. He’s got maybe minutes left until his blood runs out.’ The familiar bell like voice pulled and tugged at my brain, her words repeating again and again. Minutes, he’s only got minutes! 

  ‘I want to! I want to use the Energy, but I don’t know how to!’ I yelled back in my head, tuning my ears to the slowly fading sound of Dukes heartbeat. Bump. Pause. Bump. Longer pause. Bump. Even longer pause. Each second his heartbeat seemed to be getting slower, and I felt more fear fill me. He looked to so peaceful, lying there with his eyes closed as if asleep, but he wasn’t asleep. He was dying. 

  Suddenly, as if called to by my thoughts, my eyes unfocused and the world came into bright focus. Energy was floating in the air, white fuzz that immediately rushed into my body as if prompted by some unknown force. I forced it all out of me and into Duke, feeling as though I weighed thousands of pounds the second it left.

  “Heal him.” I said, my command a tired whisper.

  It took only a minute before the Energy started to work, and Duke stopped bleeding. His arm healed, and a snore erupted from his mouth. When he awoke, he’d definitely be extremely hungry. Considering how much blood he lost...well I might have to bring him two humans. 

  I started to pick him up, then fell onto the floor beside him. Yeah, probably not the smartest idea to have given him all my energy cause now I can barely move. “Aness...” I called out, my voice still no louder than a whisper. Still though she heard me, and appeared by my side within seconds. “Aness, bring humans for when Duke wakes up...and please do something to get us on a bed.” 

  Aness nodded, and then put one arm on Duke and one on me. “Cedo,” she said, and blackness clouded my vision. When it evaporated, I was lying atop a beautiful king size bed with Duke still sleeping soundly beside me. 

  “How did you-” I started, but Aness interrupted me her eyes lit up with amusement.

  “Magick.” The word sent a stirring deep within my soul that gave off waves of excitement and wonder. “You will soon learn things like that, although that was just a simple spell. It will be one of the first ones Duke will teach you. All royals are required to learn magick as part of their education. Duke will teach you everything you need to know as Queen. He’ll teach you magick, horseback riding, fighting, etiquette, and much more that I cannot get into at this time. Now sleep darling, your eyes are drooping. Next time, I suggest you keep some of the Energy for yourself.”

  Before I could ask Aness how she knew about the Energy I’d given away, or Energy in general, I fell into the soft arms of sleep.


  My eyes opened to the familiar blackness, the blackness that I’d come from not long ago. The blackness that he was in, the mysterious man with the golden eyes. This dream felt different though, I don’t know how but it did. I felt more in control of, of well everything. 

  “That is because you are in control,” a voice, the voice, his voice, said from the corner. It sounded different, not its normal deepness, richness, but raspy as though it has been without food and water for a long time. “You are seeing me as I really am. Or rather, you are hearing me as I am. They do not feed me often here, so my power is slowly diminishing. I wonder though, I wonder how you managed to invade the protections I have set around myself.”

  His golden eyes looked sharply at me, sending a shiver down my spine. Something told me that being on his bad side, well it wasn’t fun. Thoughts flitted throughout my mind, one staying constant. Who was he? And if I was in control, did that mean I was able to make him do what I wanted him to do? “I-I don’t know. I was just like really, really tired so I fell asleep. Then I woke up and I was here. But what did you mean when you said that I was in control? Aren’t I always?”

  He laughed, a sharp bark that seemed forced out of his cherry red lips. “No you are not always in control. In fact, you are never in control. I am the one who brings you into the dreams, and so I am the one who controls them. But somehow, somehow you pushed your way here. Somehow you found your way to me in spirit, and so now you are in full control of what is said and done in this dream.” 

  I felt a lightness fill my body, and a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. If I was in control of everything, then I could make him tell me the truth right? I could make him tell me who the hell he was, because this not knowing was bugging the crap out of me. 

  “Oh, uh, okay. So then, tell me who you are,” I demanded, the command tasting sour on my tongue. The man twitched, his eyes clearly showing the battle he was fighting to keep control. I repeated my command with more insistence this time, staring right into the man’s bright gold eyes.

  “My name-my-name-is-” a gasp escaped his mouth and his eyes flashed red for a moment. I saw the fight within him continue as he forced his body to not let go of its secrets. Secrets I now knew that I had to know. The need to know feeling kept pushing at me until a thought blasted its way through the confusion that was my mind.

  Red eyes. He had to be an Amatores Sanguinis! But, I’d have to actually see more than his eyes. I’d have to see him, because someth
ing told me that if I saw him I would know who he was. My eyes closed and I imagined sunlight pouring in as though through a window, and immediately felt warmth fill up the room.

  When I opened my eyes, everything was bright and in view, including the man. He had honey blonde hair covering his head in a dirty tangle, and tan skin that under normal circumstance would probably have been soft and perfect looking, but now looked nothing more than tired. 

  A chill filled my body, and I shook my head from side to side. I don’t know how I didn’t figure it out earlier. It was obvious, who else could it be? The memory floated unwillingly into my mind, something Duke had said but hadn’t really stuck to my mind. 

  ‘He stunned the woman, my mother included, with his tales of the world and his looks. He had thick blonde hair that went to his shoulder, tan skin, and golden eyes. Still today, he’s the only man I’ve ever met with golden eyes’.

  It should have been obvious the moment I saw his eyes. Duke had said that no one else had gold eyes, and yet this man did. 

  Maybe-maybe it’s not him...he’s supposed to be dead. I shook the thought from my head. I could tell with my whole being that this was him, and there was no point in wasting my time to try and deny it. 

  Whoever told Duke that he was dead, they’d lied. Because Dracul was most definitely alive.