Read Desperate In Sheridan Page 4

  There was a knock on the door. “Maybe that’s Jimmy,” Brad said.

  “No, I don’t think so. Jimmy wouldn’t knock.” Lanie went to the door and greeted someone, their voices muffled. Brad heard her invite the person in. By time he recognized Wendell’s voice, it was too late to make himself presentable. He just sat and grinned stupidly.

  Wendell’s dark five o’clock shadow had grown in. It looked sexy as sin even if Brad knew it would feel like a cactus. The model hesitated. “I didn’t know you had company.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly. It’s just Brad,” said Lanie. She winked at Brad as she passed and put a box in the living room. “Wendell’s nice enough to donate to the homeless shelter.”

  “There’s one in town?” Brad asked.

  “Oh, sure. My friend Janis is a social worker there, and I help collect things for families trying to make their way,” she said.

  Brad nodded and tried to look like someone who took the time to volunteer, too. In reality, all he’d been doing since Michael left was work.

  “Anyway, I wanted a chance to talk with you both,” Lanie said. She wore jeans and a low v-neck t-shirt. Her long blond curls were in a ponytail, and she wore less make-up than Brad had seen on her so far.

  “Sure,” they both said.

  “You know, Jimmy’s really trying to be okay about all this. But he’s having a harder time than he’s letting on. He's just been all over the emotional map, so to speak.”

  “You don’t say?” asked Wendell.

  “Yeah, he’s worried about losing Brad. He doesn’t get that he could still be your best buddy even if your partner is another guy. You know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, of course,” Brad said. He sighed. The last thing he was expecting was to find Wendell on this trip, but then when he had, he had probably been selfish. Anyway, Wendell obviously couldn’t care less. Brad wasn’t sure what else to say but didn’t have time to respond because Jimmy was at the door.

  “Hi, honey,” Lanie said. She went to him and gave him a big kiss. Jimmy lifted her in the air like she were made of feathers and hugged her.

  “You still excited to be engaged, sweetheart?”

  “You know I am,” she said.

  Wendell and Brad laughed, but instead of the tension from a minute ago evaporating, it grew thicker. Brad wasn’t the only one surprised to see Wendell.

  Brad stood up and wobbled forward while a sharp pain traveled up his right leg. Both Jimmy and Wendell reached out to him, but Wendell backed off first. Brad took Jimmy’s hand, apologizing for being so out of it last night. They hugged with a few loud backslaps. “I’m so happy for you, man. Lanie’s great for you,” he whispered.


  “Yeah, congratulations. She’s terrific,” said Wendell. He and Jimmy shook hands. They stood around awkwardly for a minute while Lanie made last minute preparations for dinner.

  “You want to stay for dinner, Wendy?” she asked him.

  “Oh, no, thanks. I’m going out.”

  Brad’s stomach tightened and then fell. He looked down when Wendell looked his way again.

  “I’ll see you guys,” Wendell said.

  “Yep. See ya,” said Jimmy with pep in his voice. “What’s to eat? I’m hungry enough to eat a whole ranch,” Jimmy said as soon as the front door closed. Lanie was still answering him when Jimmy blurted out next, “Speaking of which, how about we book that hunting trip we’ve talked about for a couple of years?”

  Brad smiled and nodded. The last thing he wanted to do was hunt but if it meant spending time with Jimmy and easing his friend’s concerns, he would do it.

  Jimmy beamed at that. Brad felt glad, but his feelings were conflicted.

  “Hey, what’s the matter?” Jimmy asked. “You need to sit down?”

  Brad nodded.

  “Go straight to the table, guys. Dinner’s ready.”

  Jimmy let Brad lean on him until they reached the table. “How come you didn’t bring the crutches?”

  “They’re over there,” said Brad, pointing to the foyer by the back door. He sounded dejected to himself. He wanted to put a show on for his friend and not ruin the news of his engagement. But Brad was never very good at pretense.

  “Are you that upset, Bradley?” asked Lanie.

  “Why would Bradley be upset?” Jimmy looked indignant at the accusation.

  Lanie stared at him. “Now I know you’re not that stupid,” she said. Turning to Brad, she asked, “Is there anything we can do?”

  Brad felt stumped at the question. It would be egocentric to even get into it, but Lanie seemed hell bent on facing the issue. He settled on a shrug.

  “What about? What? What about?” Jimmy asked.

  “About Wendy, silly. Can’t you tell?” Lanie said.

  “Had you already invited him, or was this just last minute?” asked Brad, trying his best to ignore Jimmy’s gaping mouth.

  “I did earlier,” she said, nodding. “He said he didn’t think it would work out between the two of you.”

  Brad covered his face with his hands and sighed aloud.

  “We already decided the guy’s an asshole, anyway,” said Jimmy.

  Brad and Lanie both exclaimed versions of stop calling him an asshole at the same time.

  “Honey, he’s a really nice guy, who happens to be knockdown gorgeous. I’m not sure what you have against him, except that he’s gay and interested in Brad.”

  Jimmy looked down and stopped eating. Brad had never seen his best friend speechless–or lose his appetite. He should never have pursued anything with Wendell. This trip was not supposed to be about hooking up, and it wasn't fair to Jimmy.

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen, Jimmy. I didn’t realize I’d meet someone here. You’re the ones who set me up.”

  “I’m just trying to adjust to this whole thing. That's all,” Jimmy said. His shoulders were slumped over.

  “The set up was my fault,” said Lanie, reaching out to Jimmy.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter now. He’s through with me, apparently,” Brad said, wondering where Wendell had gone tonight–and with whom.

  Jimmy stared at him from across the table, horror-stricken. “That ass–I mean guy– would be lucky to land you, Bradley. We’ll just have to help him see the light.”

  “Help him?” asked Brad. This could go nowhere good fast.

  “Jesus, Brad, you need a little romance in you. With Lanie and my help, you can woo that stuck up Californian back any time. Since when do you give up so easily?”

  “Jimmy, I’ve always given up that easily, and he’s from Oregon, actually.”

  “Oh, he is? Well, maybe he’s not as bad as I thought, then,” said Jimmy, and Lanie laughed. “We have to come up with a plan. Lanie, you’re good at this sort of thing,” Jimmy added.

  “No way, Jimmy. I have to put my foot down this time,” said Brad, about to hyperventilate. When Jimmy put his mind to something, it led to wildly fanciful ideas and twisted plots. Like the time they decided a neighbor was abusing his dog and almost ended up arrested for breaking and entering–but only after the man’s shotgun misfired. Turned out the dog was only howling because she was in heat.

  “But–” Jimmy said.

  “No!” Brad raised his voice to cut his friend off.

  “He did really like you, though, Brad, just saying,” Lanie said before she took a gulp of her iced tea.

  “Did being the operative word,” said Brad. He couldn’t help it. He slunk down in his chair and lamented like the lyrics of a country song.

  “I have an idea,” said Jimmy.

  Brad moaned.

  “No, it’s a good one. But, okay, man, if you’d rather be alone the rest of your life, we’ll stay out of it,” his lifelong friend said.

  “Gee, I appreciate the vote of confidence, Jimmy.”


  The following day, Brad was still stuck in the house. He didn’t feel ready to tackle the rental car or wa
lk anywhere, so he was just going to wait around for Jimmy to get home and then take him out to eat. He had just gotten out of the shower when the doorbell rang. Looking through the peephole, Brad saw Wendell. Before he could pull himself together, Wendell banged on the door and called out his name.

  What could Brad do but swing the door open?

  “Are you okay? You’re standing up? What happened?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Brad.

  “Didn’t you fall or something? Lanie called me and said you reinjured yourself, and she couldn’t get out of work or get a hold of Jimmy.”

  Brad huffed. “I’m sorry, Wendell, I think we’ve been set up again. I haven’t taken a dive all day. I really apologize.” He paused. “I promise they were just trying to help.”

  “Help what?” asked Wendell. He didn’t look pleased.

  Brad shrugged. “I don’t know. Help me make amends to you maybe. For being such a jerk at the hospital when Jimmy came in.” Brad made puppy eyes as best he could while Wendell took a deep breath. He seemed about to walk away, but he didn’t.

  “Why don’t you come in?” Brad asked before things could deteriorate.

  Wendell gave him a sharp look. “Only if you’ll be honest with me.”

  “I promise. Ask me anything.”

  After Wendell took his jacket off and sat on the couch, he said, “What’s going on with you and Jimmy?”

  “We’re like brothers, and I just came out to him.” Brad kept eye contact with Wendell and tried to be as forthcoming as possible.

  “You dropped my hand in the ER, and he bawled me out for letting you get hurt in a very protective posture. It just seemed unusual.”

  Brad made a face. “Jimmy’s weird. He’s always been like that. And he’s always protected me. Don’t hold it against him.” Brad filled Wendell in on some of Jimmy’s tragic family history.

  “Well, I could see myself getting pretty protective over you, too. I’m just worried I’m getting into some kind of odd triangle here. Nothing’s going on between the two of you?”

  “No, no, nothing like that,” Brad said, flashing back on the disastrous kiss he and Jimmy had shared. “Believe me.” Brad moved closer to Wendell on the couch and took his hand. When he didn’t pull away, Brad rubbed his face along Wendell’s smooth cheek and nosed along Wendell’s neck. He was clean-shaven again–how Wendell knew that the stubble the first night had bothered him, Brad wasn’t sure. “Will you give me another chance?”

  Wendell seemed to chew on the inside of his mouth and looked away. After a moment, he said, “Yeah. I guess that's what I'm doing here. I could have told Lanie to call an ambulance.”

  Brad smiled and gave Wendell a simple peck on the lips. He could get used to how those lips made him feel. “Thanks for shaving, by the way. My skin has always been really sensitive–ever since I was a kid.”

  “I noticed.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Brad, a reflexive hand to his cheeks. Was his skin blotchy or something?

  “You rubbed at your face when I kissed you in the parking lot,” said Wendell.

  “Oh, how sexy of me.” They laughed, and Brad tried to remember the last time anyone noticed such a detail about him or treated him like he mattered that much. He couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face as they leaned back together on the couch. The prospect of having the whole day with Wendell was like a penny stock hitting it big. He had thought the best thing about his journey home was that Jimmy had accepted his being gay. But finding the man of his dreams–in Sheridan–wasn’t hurting, either.

  “What’s the smile for?” Wendell asked, looking tickled.

  “It's for you,” said Brad, feeling as happy as a cow in a spring pasture.

  They kissed, and their kiss was soft and moist, then harder with more teeth. Brad drew closer yet, placing his hands along either side of Wendy’s neck and kissing the tip of his nose, then nipping at his jaw.

  Wendell licked at Brad’s lips in return, stirring up Brad’s appetite even more, making his groin pulse. He straddled Wendell’s lap, ignoring the pain in his ankles. He didn’t want Wendell to think he had to make all the moves again.

  “So, am I getting into your pants today or what?” asked Wendell after they kissed some more.

  “Yeah, I was hoping,” Brad said, maybe a bit too eager. He blushed.

  Wendell chuckled. “That easy, huh?”

  Brad's blush deepened, his face hot with self-conscious criticism.

  “Oh, Bradley, I’m just kidding. Look at you getting all red. God, you’re so refreshing,” said Wendell.

  “Well, you know, sometimes there are different standards for bottoms than there are for tops, and I bottomed for you,” Brad said in his own defense.

  “I’m not about all that craziness. Anyway, I like versatility.”

  Brad smiled, again appreciative. Wendell reached over and cupped Brad’s face, planting another lead actor kiss on him. When their mouths parted, Brad nearly whimpered from the loss.

  “And I want stuff. With the right guy,” Wendell said, sounding a bit out of breath.

  “Like what?” Brad asked, though it was getting difficult to concentrate as he continued to expand against both the material of his pants and Wendell’s lap.

  “Like a relationship, and maybe a family.”

  “Me, too,” said Brad, snapping to attention. “I want a dog and a couple of kids and a stupid white picket fence.”

  Wendell laughed but not in the scathing way Michael would have.

  “You know, when Charles… I mean, after he dies, I don’t have a plan. I could just as easily go back to school or start a business or even model in Chicago, as anywhere else. You know, if there comes a time you’d like me around more often. I've never been a fan of long-distance relationships, but I'd be willing to give it a go.”

  Brad felt his eyes grow large. “Really?” he asked. He looked down then and nodded. “That’d be great.”

  “Are you sure? Because you just looked like you’ve been asked to kiss a frog,” Wendell said, shifting below him.

  “No, you’re definitely the prince. That’s what’s making me kind of nervous. I’m just an average guy. Sooner or later, you’ll be disappointed.” Brad no longer felt aroused. That’s what Michael had called him. Average.

  Wendell lifted Brad’s chin. “Okay. You’re right, you’re average,” he said, Brad’s stomach dropping to his groin. “But only if the comparison group is a bunch of hot, smart, sexy guys. Plus you’re sincere. Don’t underestimate yourself,” said Wendell.

  Brad nodded, knowing he had the bad habit of doing just that. It was holding him back in his career as well as in his love life. Maybe he should start thinking of himself as a good catch. This tall, dark, and handsome seemed to think so.

  Wendell lifted him off the couch. “Carrying you is getting to be a thing with us.”

  “A thing I really like,” said Brad. Brawny men had been a luxury he’d never had, and Wendell had just referred to them as an “us.” It couldn't get any better.

  Placed on the bed, Brad had an epiphany. It was time to stop playing it safe all the time, forget about his inhibitions and really get in touch with his passion. In other words, it was time for Brad to live and love like he really meant it. And he planned to take advantage of the fact that Wendell had said he was versatile.

  He pulled all six feet of Wendell underneath him, and they tore into each other’s clothing, grabbing, twisting, licking, and pulling each other everywhere they could reach, arriving at a swelling that could not be ignored. When their eyes met, Wendell’s looked inflamed. He bit Brad on the shoulder and dug his fingertips into his hair. “Do it,” he croaked. “Do it.”

  “Turn over. That’s how I like it,” said Brad between gasps. “Wait, did you bring stuff?”

  “Yes,” Wendell hissed.

  “Uh huh. Not so innocent yourself,” Brad said with a wink.


ey fell asleep in each other’s arms. When Brad woke up, he watched Wendell until he also stirred. A smile lit both their faces, Brad biting his lower lip in bliss. And then they got up to fix Jimmy dinner.

  “You sure you don’t want to take him out like you planned? I could still come by tomorrow before you leave,” said Wendell before they started preparing anything.

  Brad pouted and wrapped himself around Wendy from behind. Although he was still inelegant about it, at least he was walking. “No. We’ll be able to spend more time together this way.”

  Wendell leaned into him without putting too much weight on him. He kissed Brad on the cheek.

  Lanie arrived first, about an hour later. “Hey, guys. Our little ploy worked, huh?” she said, smiling ear to ear.

  Brad thanked her.

  “It was Jimmy’s idea. Thank him,” Lanie said, making herself comfortable.

  Wendell exchanged a look with him.

  Everyone knew Jimmy was home well before he got through the door–from the sheer amount of whooping that was going on outside. And barking.

  Barking? “What the hell?” Brad said.

  Lanie ran to the door and screeched. A brown and white puppy was squirming all over the front porch, peeing everywhere with excitement. “Oh my gosh!” yelled Lanie.

  Wendell had come around and now lifted Brad’s feet off the floor to scoot him faster to the door.

  “What do you think, sweetheart? Surprised?” asked Jimmy. “I got her at the animal shelter.”

  “Oh, she’s just perfect, Jimmy.” Lanie tried to keep the puppy from squirming right out of her hands.

  “We need a name for her,” said Jimmy.

  “How about picket fence?” Wendell suggested, and Brad laughed.

  “I can’t believe you got a puppy, Jimmy,” Brad said, petting her while she spastically flopped around in Lanie’s arms.

  “Yeah, well, this week’s been full of unexpected bombshells, hasn’t it?” asked Jimmy.

  “That’s for sure,” said Brad, smiling at his best friend.

  “Plus, I needed something to soften you up. Figured you’ll be less likely to punch me with an adorable, furry creature around.”

  “What? What for?”

  “Well, for not staying out of your business about Wendell, though it looks like that’s worked out well enough,” Jimmy started.