Read Destiny's Challenge Page 15


  Sharp fingers prodded Riley awake. Annoyed, she struck out at the tormenting fingers, but hit something much harder instead. Opening her eyes, she glared at the jeweled hilt poking her in the side.

  “Rise and shine, Princess. The Council meeting will begin soon.”

  Rubbing her eyes, Riley sat up. Glancing out of the window, she saw a crowd of grim faced Dark Mages lined up outside. A shudder ran through her as she realized that the Dark Mages believed that they would lose the epic battle because the crystal sword gave her immortality. But Cole also had a crystal sword. She still had no idea what it all meant. She had no time for further reflection as Cole teleported into the room, followed by the eight Council members who seated themselves at the table on the dais located in the front of the hall. Amid ominous rumblings the rest of the Dark Mages flooded into the hall. Without meeting her eyes, Cole walked over, took Riley’s hand and led her to the dais. Riley swallowed as faint stirrings of terror coursed through her. “

  Trust yourself.” Shalimar whispered, attaching herself to Riley’s other hand.

  Tyror stood and raised both arms, his black eyes glittering in the flickering candlelight. A vacuum of silence filled the hall, as if all sound had been sucked out of it. Then the chanting began, soft at first, rising to a shattering crescendo then falling into sudden silence again. Shivering, Riley glanced at Cole who was staring straight ahead, his cold fingers still entwined with hers.

  Tyror stepped forward. “We have all heard the story from the Princess of Light of how she found the crystal sword. We all know the legend. However, it is imperative that we verify the authenticity of the sword.”

  “How do you propose to do that?” Riley asked.

  “By conducting a simple test. We will tie you to a pole and a Dark Mage will throw the sword at you. The crystal sword the legend speaks of will not harm its holder.” Mutterings and cheers broke out among the crowd.

  “No! That is insane. She could be hurt.” Cole shouted, advancing on Tyror.

  “That is exactly the point. The real crystal sword will not hurt her.” Tyror frowned, gazing at Cole. “Unless you have some reason for believing that the sword is fake?”

  Cole swallowed, shook his head and stepped back, avoiding Riley’s eyes.

  Tyror waved his hands, and a pole appeared next to him. He motioned Riley forward. Stiff with fear, she stood rooted to the ground, her legs refusing to move.

  “Step up to the pole, Princess. You have nothing to fear if what you claim is true. Do you wish to recant your story?” Tyror’s cold voice held a note of triumph.

  Head held high, she stepped forward, telling herself that she had nothing to be afraid of. She knew the truth. But icy shivers of fear tickled her spine.

  Tyror extended his hand for the crystal sword. Shalimar did not budge. “You need to tell the sword that its participation in this test is mandatory. This is the only way the Dark Mages will accept your story.”

  Shalimar whispered in Riley’s head. “You will not survive this test, Princess. I am only one of two crystal swords and you are only one of two that have been chosen. I may be able to buy you some time but eventually I will have to land where thrown.”

  Numb with terror, Riley asked, “What can I do?”

  “I cannot take part in this test unless you instruct me to. But I can get you out of here. Just say the word.”

  Riley forced her panicked mind to think. Where would she go? Back to the Light Bringers? She would not be any closer to getting the two sides to compromise. A desperate plan unfolded in her mind. But in order for it to work she needed the other crystal sword and Cole. Could she count on him? Quickly, she glanced at him. He was staring straight ahead, his face blank, amber eyes lifeless. She moved towards the pole. “Shalimar, do what Tyror says. This test will take place.”

  Shalimar hummed with disapproval. But she could not disobey a direct order from Riley. Soaring into the air, she landed in Tyror’s waiting hand.

  Two Dark Mages appeared on the dais and strong arms lashed Riley to the pole. They stepped aside and a hooded Dark Mage emerged from the crowd, striding with confidence and purpose, gripping a fiery sword. Riley blinked. The mage was holding Shalimar, and the candlelit hitting her jeweled hilt created the impression of a rainbow colored fire engulfing the entire sword. Mesmerized, Riley almost missed the familiar smirk on the mage’s face. Taking a closer look, she gasped as the mage drew back her hood, revealing dancing blond curls and sherry brown eyes gleaming with an unholy light. Paisley stopped several feet from Riley and prepared to throw Shalimar. Staring at Cole, Riley willed him to do the right thing. His amber eyes were now locked with hers, his expression inscrutable. She attempted a smile, trying to signal that she trusted him to step forward. Tearing her gaze away from Cole, she looked at Paisley whose face was now split by an evil grin. Riley held her breath as Paisley threw the sword at her heart with all the strength she possessed. Her aim was true, and Shalimar stopped an inch away from Riley’s heart, frozen in mid-air.

  “If you have some sort of plan, Princess, execute it now. I can only remain still for a few more minutes.” Shalimar’s frantic voice exploded in her head.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Riley spied a blur of movement, and suddenly a black crystal sword zoomed forward and knocked Shalimar to the ground.

  The crowd gasped and all eyes devoured Cole as he stepped to the dais, next to Riley.

  Paisley rushed towards Cole, her face an explosion of fury. “What is the meaning of this? It is obvious to all that the crystal sword is a fake. If you had not interfered it would have pierced her heart.” Turning towards Tyror and the other Council members she continued, “This changes nothing. The Princess of Light tried to trick us. I demand that she be punished.”

  Cole raised his hands and a hushed silence descended over the hall. Riley screamed as the black crystal sword headed straight towards her, its sharp blade gleaming in the candlelight but it merely slashed the ropes that bound her to the pole. Rubbing her wrists, she moved to Cole’s side just as the black crystal sword winged its way to his uplifted hand. At the same time Shalimar landed in Riley’s hand.

  Tyror advanced on both Cole and Riley, his cold voice slicing through the silence. “Cole, what is going on here? Explain yourself.”

  Cole whispered to Riley. “Follow my lead, Princess.” Facing Tyror and the crowd of Dark Mages, he said, “Please. I beg your indulgence. The tale I must share with you is a long one and there are many parts of it that I don’t understand myself. Many years ago, when I was first admitted to the Dark Tower, I went on a quest for the crystal sword. I found a room with two crystal swords suspended in the air, one black and one white. When I gripped the black sword, it slid easily into my hand. But I could not budge the white one even though I tried for many hours till I was beyond exhaustion. I left the crystal room but vowed to go back the next day and try again for the white sword. At first, I said nothing about the black sword because I was so sure that I would free the white sword the next day. However, I could never find the crystal room again. The legends spoke of only one sword not two. What if the white sword was the one? I did not know what the black sword meant if anything. So I continued my search. Finding the white sword has been my obsession for many years. When the Princess of Light found the white crystal sword, I was mostly convinced that it was the sword the legends spoke of but part of me still pondered the meaning of the black sword. That was why I tried to stop the test. When the white sword stopped an inch away from her heart something clicked in my head, and I realized that the legend got it wrong. There are two crystal swords, not one.”

  A chorus of shouts ripped through the crowd. Tyror called for silence. He frowned at Cole. “This is the first time I’ve heard of two swords. How can you be so sure that the legend is wrong?”

  Cole smiled, his amber eyes sparkin
g in the candlelight. “The swords exist that is all the proof I need. I saw them together, side by side many years ago. But since both the Princess and I each have a sword, then neither one of us can die in the epic battle since we are both immortal. That means neither side can win.”

  Paisley started yelling. “That’s a lie! The Princess of Light is not a Dark Mage, the crystal sword cannot choose her. It is a trick!” Without warning, she jumped on Riley and tried to pry Shalimar from her fingers. A melee erupted on the dais as Cole attempted to peel Paisley off Riley while Baltrac rushed over and started stomping on Riley’s hand, the one clutching Shalimar. The other Council Members jumped in to restore order. Amid bright flashes of light, a crashing sound reverberated throughout the Great Hall, rendering everyone motionless.

  The two crystal swords had formed a cross in mid-air, surrounded by a halo of white light.

  A deep voice broke the silence. “My name is Sultan. I am the black crystal sword. Shalimar is the white crystal sword. Cole is wrong. Neither side can win the epic battle only if both swords participate. But we are of one mind and one heart, we will not fight on opposite sides.”

  Pulling Riley to her feet, Cole asked, “Is it possible for either one of us to cede his or her crystal sword to the other?”

  Shalimar gave a little bob, rainbow light dancing off her jeweled hilt. “Yes. But the person ceding control must do so voluntarily. No coercion must be involved.”

  Cole turned to Riley, his voice urgent with appeal. “Give me Shalimar and I will take you back to Earth. With the power of both crystal swords and the entire force of Dark Mages behind me, I will rule Avalyss without having to resort to either an epic battle or a marriage to you.”

  Riley’s bi-coloured eyes sparkled with grey and blue fire. “Sorry that marriage to me is so disgusting to you. That was all your idea, by the way. I will not give you Shalimar. I still believe that both the Light Bringers and the Dark Mages should govern Avalyss together.”

  Before Cole could speak, Sultan zoomed between them. “The two of you must find a way to work together.”

  Sultan and Shalimar, still in the shape of a cross, moved directly over Riley and Cole, highlighting them in a cone of brilliant white light. As the light began to swirl, so too did Cole and Riley, spinning faster and faster, until they both vanished along with the crystal swords, leaving the Great Hall in awed silence.