Read Destiny's Challenge Page 25


  On her way back from yet another meeting, Riley paused to catch her breath. The last few weeks had been a whirlwind, filled with marathon meetings and strategy sessions as the system of Universal Magic was introduced to Avalyss by amalgamating Dark and White magic. Given that the Oracle was false, it had not taken much convincing for everyone to realize that a system of Universal magic would be best for the continued future and success of Avalyss. Despite some initial conflicts, the Higher Echelon and the Council of Dark Mages, after years of distrust and enmity, ceased their endless power struggle and were working as a harmonized team. Riley had been busy, acting as adviser, advocate, mediator, and hand holder. It felt good to stop for a minute. Taking a deep breath of the tangy ocean air, she sat on a piece of driftwood, listened to the susurrus of the gentle waves, and watched a hawk gliding in the periwinkle sky, sunlight gilding its feathers. The color of sapphire, the ocean glittered and spangled as if bejeweled.

  Her heart leaped into her throat as a shadow appeared in front of her, a dark shape blotting out the ocean. Recognizing Max, a quick sigh of relief escaped her. Max licked her face, sat on his haunches and rested his huge head on her knee. Smiling, Riley curled her fingers in his silky fur. Since that dreadful moment in the cave when she had believed that he was going to die, she needed to reassure herself that he was still alive by touching him whenever she saw him. She could not imagine life without her faithful companion and protector.

  Shuddering, she remembered the terror that had gripped her when she saw his blood, his life force, oozing out of his wounded flank. When Cole had fainted, a red carpet of blood under him, her terror had intensified. The events that happened afterwards were a blur, the details fuzzy. She had a vague recollection of Shalimar and Sultan winking into existence and teleporting them all back to the castle. She found out later that Sarri and the Higher Echelon had managed to overpower Baltrac and escape, just as the swords returned with their precious cargo. Riley had slept for twenty four hours straight. When she had awakened, she learned that the swords had healed Max and he had recovered. But Cole remained unconscious. A devastated Riley had begged the swords to heal him too. Shalimar assured her that they had healed his physical wounds, but Cole’s extended lapse of unconsciousness was his body’s way of dealing with emotional trauma. Only Cole could pull himself out of his self-induced coma. Shalimar explained that the prolonged rest was necessary for him to regain his strength, both physical and emotional, in order to face the aftershocks of recent events. Finally, she had been persuaded to leave Cole’s bedside, to focus on instituting the system of Universal magic.

  Whipping Riley’s hair into her face, the sudden wind jolted her back to the present moment.

  At once she felt the familiar presence of worry lying like a clenched fist in the pit of her stomach.

  Cole had not yet regained consciousness despite Shalimar’s assurances. She desperately wanted him to wake up since she was convinced that they could bridge the gap between them. She had not forgotten the look of love in his eyes when he believed that he was going to die. He had managed to hide his love from her but now she knew the truth. He loved her. She loved him. Sighing, a dreamy expression on her face, she wondered if their wedding would take place on Earth or on Avalyss? Maybe they could have two weddings since she could not possibly invite her friends from Earth to Avalyss. Two weddings meant two honeymoons. She hoped that when he finally awoke that he would be well rested since she intended to wear him out by engaging in marathon lovemaking sessions. She blushed as her pulse quickened. She yelped as a gentle nip on her knee interrupted her daydreams. She frowned at Max.

  “Two weddings? Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself? You don’t know for sure what Cole wants. Or if he feels the same.”

  “He loves me. I know he does.”

  “But will it be enough to overcome his devastation at the loss of his grand destiny?”

  Riley nodded, although she shivered a little. “Love is always enough, even more than enough, to overcome all obstacles.”

  “Sometimes it isn’t. Cole is a complex man. You cannot predict his behavior. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “You worry too much. Cole and I love each other and we will get married. You can be my bridesmaid!” At Max’s comical expression, Riley threw back her head and laughed. An infectious laugh radiating outwards so, for a moment, the ocean, the air, and the shore all vibrated with happiness and joy. Even Max felt happiness bubbling up inside him.

  A cracking sound cut off Riley’s laughter as suddenly as a guillotine severing a person’s head. Sarri stood in front of them, her face a mask of worry and concern.

  Riley jumped to her feet. “Mother! What’s wrong? Has something happened to Cole?”

  “He is gone.”

  “Gone! Where?”

  “I don’t know. Shalimar informed me that he was awake and appeared to be doing well. But when I popped into his room, I found it empty. I searched the entire palace but could not find him.”

  Without a word, blood draining from her face, she teleported into Cole’s room. Empty. Why? Where? What? Riley’s mind seemed only capable of spitting out one word questions. The room spun, her head throbbed and blood thrummed through her veins. Cole was gone. He had left without saying goodbye. Maybe she had imagined the look of love in his eyes. Had she seen what she had wanted to see? Pain engulfed her, drowning her entire being in its intensity. Gasping, she clutched at her throat, and fought for breath. Sarri and Max teleported into the room just as she toppled over right into Sarri’s arms

  Buffeted by the unforgiving winter wind, Cole stood transfixed, staring at the icy landscape while fat snowflakes fell in sheets around him. The bleak desolation of this world beyond Avalyss had seemed a perfect place for his self-imposed exile, yet it possessed a harsh beauty all its own. Shivering, his thin cloak providing little protection from the frigid climate, he refused to seek shelter since the coldness within his soul matched the coldness in the outer world. His life was now a barren wasteland just like this land he surveyed. He had been shocked to the core when he learned that the Oracle was a lie, a vicious fabrication. All his life he had worked towards becoming the ruler of Avalyss believing that it was his destiny. He had completely identified with this destiny, believing that without it, he was nothing, less than nothing, a rudderless boat adrift on an unfamiliar, savage sea. Worse he had sacrificed everything including the woman he loved. He was filled with shame, humiliation and self-loathing. How could he face Riley knowing that he had rejected her for a lie? She was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he had thrown her love away, hurting her in the process. He would never know the warmth of love and happiness since he did not deserve them. That was the sole reason he had chosen this gelid land as a refuge and a punishment, a cruel reminder of what he had lost, what he had given up. He was surprised to feel a tear gliding down his cheek. The wind howled mimicking the howling of his soul.

  He had been lost in his thoughts, staring at the frozen scene with unseeing eyes when a sudden movement in the distance made him blink and focus. A portion of the white landscape detached itself from its surroundings and loped towards him. His breath caught in his throat, a frisson of fear pricked his spine as the massive white shape hurtled forwards. A jolt of surprise darted through him when he recognized the giant white wolf, Toom. Assuming that her exile had been revoked due to the new circumstances in Avalyss he was surprised to see her.

  Skidding to halt, Toom regarded him with inscrutable green eyes. “I can sense the depth of your pain.”

  Cole’s throat tightened and he could not speak.

  “Riley is hurt that you left without saying goodbye. She believed that you loved her. Your rejection shattered her heart.”

  Cole felt his heart wrench. “She is better off without me. Besides, I am sure that she no longer loves me. How could she after I
chose a lie instead of her? She must hate me. Not that I blame her, I deserve to be hated.”

  Titling her head to the side, Toom tossed him an amused glance. “Can I come to your party?”

  He frowned. “Party? What are you talking about?”

  “The big pity party that you are throwing for yourself.” Toom laughed.

  Glaring at her, he snapped, “Stop laughing. None of this is funny.”

  “You are standing here in this frozen wasteland, marinating in self-pity, beating yourself up for past misdeeds when you could be holding the woman you love, planning a future with her. That my friend is funny.”

  Cole shook his head. “I am telling you, she does not love me. And even if she does, she deserves better. I cannot accept her love. I don’t deserve it.”

  “Maybe you should let her decide if you are undeserving or not. No one chooses who to love. She is aware of your foibles and weaknesses and she loves you in spite of them. To borrow a saying from the Earth dwellers, she loves you, warts and all.”

  Cole’s heart galloped like a thoroughbred racing to the finish line. A tendril of hope stirred within him. Stubbornly, he continued to shake his head. “No. It is too late for us.”

  Toom sighed. “You really are the most infuriating man. Listen to me. I can see into her heart and her mind. She loves you still. Yes, she is trying to forget you. But she cannot. It is never too late for true love to triumph.”

  Cole could feel his frozen heart begin to melt. Could it be true? Did she still love him? He had never met anyone like her. She had captivated him with her innocence, intelligence, courage, sass and beauty. He had never felt that way about any other woman. She was an enigma, one he wanted to spend his whole life solving.

  “You once believed in your destiny and it turned out to be a mistake. I understand why you are afraid to believe in anything ever again. Believe in Riley. Believe in the love that you have for each other. Believe.”

  Looking up, Cole saw a rainbow shimmering in the grey sky.