Read Destiny's Challenge Page 4


  Riley landed on her feet for once. But she suspected that this was due to Crane’s firm grip on her arm than to any mastery on her part for teleporting. The room they were in was made entirely of glass, walls, ceiling and floor. Gaping, she wondered if they were in a fishbowl. Through all four walls, she could see huge waves writhing like snakes turning the ocean into an angry Medusa. Looking up she saw a swatch of grey sky marred with black clouds, pregnant with rain.

  “Welcome ,Daughter.”

  Whirling at the sound of a woman’s voice, Riley stared into dazzling eyes, the color of mercury. The woman’s ebony hair swirled around her face while the rest of her stood still. She possessed a luminous, almost ethereal beauty. It hurt to look at her; almost like looking directly at the sun. Standing ramrod straight, the man next to her, just reached her shoulders. The harsh, white light in the room reflected off his bald head. His bi-colored eyes were cool and hard. He exuded strength, confidence and power.

  Crane saluted then bowed. “Your Highnesses.”

  Riley had always known that she was adopted and had fantasized about meeting her birth parents. She felt nothing, only a strange numbing sensation.

  The woman glided forward, pulled Riley into a warm embrace, her strong arms tightened for a moment then loosened. Riley felt tears on her face. Reaching up to wipe them away she discovered that her own eyes were dry. She stepped back and looked into mercury eyes, shining with tears. The man stepped forward, extended a stiff hand. His grip was strong, almost bruising. Stifling a gasp, she yanked her hand away. A small smile hovered about his lips.

  Swallowing, she said, “I’m not sure what to call you. Mom and Dad does not seem appropriate somehow.”

  “I am not your father,” the man said. His wintry voice sent shivers racing along her spine. “He was my brother. I am Mylor, the King of Avalyss. Allow me to introduce you to my Queen and your mother, Sarri.” His eyes narrowed and Riley had the impression that she had been studied and found wanting.

  Stiffening, she asked “Where is my father?”

  “Dead and unmourned.”

  “Mylor, stop.” Sarri wrapped an arm around Riley’s shoulders. “I think I should tell her the rest. Come, child.”

  Lightning flashed and Riley found herself in a lush garden, exploding with fragrance and color. Bending over a twelve petalled flower, she stroked its purple silken blossom and inhaled its intoxicating scent. Straightening up, she looked over at rows and rows of the most exotic and beautiful flowers she had even seen. Sarri sat on a wooden bench, patted the seat next to her. “This is my favourite place.” She touched Riley’s cheek, her eyes glistening with fresh tears. “I have missed you, Daughter. Nothing but my concern for your safety would have induced me to part with you.”

  Riley squeezed Sarri’s hand. “Don’t cry. My parents were good people. My childhood was very happy.”

  Sarri nodded. “I know. Max often brought back news.”

  Riley frowned as she remembered Max’s many mysterious disappearances, sometimes for a couple of hours, sometimes for days. She had been worried sick the first time he disappeared but when he returned, he looked into her eyes and somehow she knew that he would always come back to her. Why did she not think that was strange at the time?

  Riley sighed, certain that many events in her past will no doubt have new significance when looked at from her new perspective. Part of her still felt trapped in a dream that she could not wake up from.

  “Tell me about my birth father.”

  “He was the love of my life and the most powerful Light Bringer in Avalyss. When we learned the Oracle’s prophecy, he became obsessed with protecting you. Believing that the only way to do so was to increase his powers, he turned to dark magic.” Sarri pushed to her feet, started pacing. “In our world, no mage is allowed to learn both White and Dark magic. It is considered a grave crime. Once he was found out, the Higher Echelon, they regulate all magic in Avalyss, stripped him of all his powers. This is the highest disgrace a mage could suffer. He jumped from the top of the White Cliff into the raging ocean. His body was never recovered.” Sarri stood still, hands clenched at her sides, eyes fierce. “Please understand. Your father was a good man. Only his love for you could have made him stray from the path of Light.”

  Riley, tears rolling down her cheeks, hugged Sarri while she sobbed. She felt the mantle of her destiny settle firmly around her shoulders. Her father died because he was trying to protect her, she could not shy away from her path. She would face her destiny with every bit of courage and resolve she possessed. He deserved no less. Squaring her shoulders, she released Sarri and dropped to the stone bench. “How can I become the saviour everyone expects me to be? How can I possibly defeat the Lord of the Dark Mages?”

  Sarri sat next to her, patted her hand. “You learn how to use your powers. They are already very strong. You have used them before.”

  Seeing Riley’s puzzled look, she asked, “Have you ever woken up one morning with a pimple, wished it away, and discovered that it had disappeared the next time you looked in a mirror?”

  Riley nodded. She remembered the first time it happened. A huge pimple had sprouted on her face, the day of her sixteenth birthday party. She had stared at her face and imagined it pimple free. Then the next time she happened to look into a mirror to check on its size, it had disappeared. She had been so overjoyed that she had not spared a thought as to why. Perhaps she had imagined the pimple, but there had been others, and each one had disappeared as if by magic. She had shrugged it off and with the innocence of a child had accepted it as just one of those things.

  “Great,” Riley laughed, “so my power is popping pimples magically. I’m sure the Lord of the Dark Mages will be suitably impressed, especially if he happens to be having an acne breakout during our epic battle.”

  Sarri smiled but her voice was serious. “The power lives inside you. It is yours to access at will. Up till now you have only used it to pop pimples. You will be taught how to channel it properly and use it to help you fulfill your destiny. Let us begin.”

  Sarri touched her arm, and Riley flashed out of the garden and onto a wide expanse of sandy beach.