Read Destiny's Challenge Page 6


  Riley woke to total blackness, and immediately realized that she could not move. Something warm and heavy pinned her to the bed. Tentatively, she put out a hand and her fingers sank into warm, silky fur. She realized that most of Max was sprawled over her body. Pushing at him proved useless, he refused to budge and continued to snore softly. Taking a deep breath, she focused her mind on moving him. Nothing happened. Remembering Crane’s words, she focused on the power within, picturing it as a bright white light, then she visualized moving Max’s body off hers. Concentrating hard, she felt a tugging, tingling sensation and Max flew straight up in the air, his head mere inches from the ceiling. Surprised, Riley could only stare at him, as he hung motionless for a minute or two, floated to the right and left, then dropped like a stone, hitting the floor with a loud thump.

  Squealing in surprise and pain, Max lay in a tangled heap.

  “I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?” Riley ran to his side, stroked his head.

  “I am dying,” he moaned

  “You’ll live, I’m terribly sorry, I tried to move you just a couple of inches to the empty side of the bed, but I dropped you instead.”

  Max opened one eye and glared at her balefully. “You what?”

  “Cole stunned you and you’ve been unconscious for hours, then I dropped you.”

  Standing up slowly, Max walked around the room, checking to see if all his limbs were still intact. “It appears that I am sound in body but not so sure that I am sound in mind. What’s all this nonsense about stunning and dropping?”

  Riley leaped towards him, catching him in a bear hug. “Same old Max. I am so glad that you are not hurt. For one terrible moment, I thought that you were dead.”

  “You can’t get rid of me that easily. Now stop strangling me and fill me in on what’s been happening.”

  Sitting on the floor, with his head in her lap, she recounted the past events. Max growled when he learned that he had been stunned, but the most intriguing part of the story was Riley’s use of her powers. For a first attempt, she had done very well, even if she had dropped him. He always knew that she was special. After all, she was the Princess of Light. But he had a feeling that he, along with everyone else, would be blown away by her when she gained mastery of her full powers.

  “Good Morning.” Sarri spoke softly so as not to startle them. She had been observing in silence for a little while. The morning light streaming through the windows, highlighted Riley’s soft beauty, her arm around the black wolf with the gleaming green eyes. At first glance, just an innocent and beautiful tableau of a girl and her dog but both were more powerful than they appeared to be, more powerful that they themselves realized at the moment.

  Riley smiled. “Max is fine. Only his pride is hurt.”

  “And my posterior where you dropped me.” Max grinned.

  “Come.” Grabbing hold of both Riley and Max, Sarri transported them to the giant cave with marble white walls, where she had first met Shamus.

  A giant while wolf stood in the middle of the cave awaiting their arrival.

  “Toom, thank you for coming. Allow me to introduce my daughter, Riley.”

  “Welcome Princess of Light,” the white wolf bowed.

  Bowing in return, Riley straightened up to find herself impaled by sober green eyes.

  Max bowed stiffly. “What are you doing here Toom? I thought you were still in exile.”

  “I asked her to return,” Sarri replied. “She is to train Riley in the proper use of telepathy. You knew she had this gift didn’t you Max?”

  “Yes. I have told no one. I know this power is a rare one. I am surprised that you would share this special knowledge with this traitor.” Max spat in Toom’s direction.

  “Max, you know as well as I, that the Higher Echelon was divided as to Toom’s guilt.”

  “But she was punished, exiled to another realm. You are breaking the rules, Queen. I will not let her near Riley.” Max growled.

  “Don’t overstep your bounds Max,” a sharp voice intoned. Turning, Riley noticed Shamus leaning against the far wall of the cave.

  “Shamus, you approve of this foolish plan?” Max asked.

  “It was my idea.” He held up a paw before Max could interrupt him. “Toom excels in telepathy. She is the best possible trainer for Riley.”

  Max tilted his head to one side, and Riley knew that he was communicating telepathically with Shamus. Not just communicating but arguing, judging by Max’s expression and body language. Shamus appeared to win the argument since Max bowed his head, and said, “Very well, but I will go with them.”

  “No, we are taking a risk sending Riley with Toom. We cannot send you as well.”

  Sarri hugged Riley. “Take care, Daughter.”

  Shamus held out a paw to Riley. “You are in good hands.”

  Max said nothing, his green eyes bored into Riley’s bi-coloured ones, and she heard his voice clearly in her head. “If you need me, just focus on me, and I will come. Rules be damned.”

  “Come, child, we must go. I dare not stay away any longer.” Toom put her great paw on Riley’s shoulders and she once again felt the familiar sensation of falling and whirling through space.

  A blast of cold air hit her. Shivering, she opened her eyes and gazed upon a land of ice and snow. Riley stood on a frozen lake, surrounded by snow covered mountains. As a bitter wind knifed through her, she realized that she was not dressed for this weather. As soon as the thought formed, her clothing changed. A warm, thick parka now covered her entire body and her feet were clad in knee high fur trimmed boots. Lost in the frozen and barren landscape, she almost missed seeing Toom slip through a crevice. She followed and found herself in a cozy cave. A warm fire crackled from the hearth, and the furniture consisted entirely of bear skin furs. Toom sat on the rug nearest the fire. A bowl of steaming stew appeared in Riley’s hands . Suddenly ravenous, she made quick work of the stew and happily accepted another bowlful. Satiated, she lay in front of the fire, too full to talk. Her companion had not yet said a word since they had come to this place. She, too, lay in front of the fire, blending so fully into a white bear skin rug that Riley could not tell where the wolf ended and where the rug began. Her white fur gleaming in the fire, eyes closed, she appeared to be asleep. Riley felt her own eyes closing, and let sleep claim her. Once in the night, she thought she heard the sound of urgent whispering, but before she could rouse herself, sleep gripped her like a wave and pulled her under.

  In the morning, Riley awoke refreshed, energized and ready for action. Looking around and not seeing Toom, she crawled to the crevice opening and stepped out into a frozen world. The morning light gave the place an eerie glow. Snow and ice blanketed every surface. Whatever had Toom done to be exiled to this frozen land?

  “That is a long story but one that needs to be told.” Toom’s voice spoke in her head.

  “Toom? Where are you?”

  “No, child, you must speak with your mind. Your lesson in telepathy has begun.”

  Unsure of how to proceed, Riley closed her eyes and pictured the words in her mind. “TOOM CAN YOU HEAR ME!”

  “No need to shout. That is a good first effort, but it is not enough to just picture the words in your mind, you need to have a clear picture of the person to whom you are trying to communicate with.”

  Concentrating deeply, Riley tried again. “Toom, can you tell me why you were exiled?”

  “Why don’t I show you instead?”

  Images flooded into Riley’s mind like scenes on a movie screen. Enormous waves crashed onto a rocky shoreline, whipping the shore then retreating back into the ocean. An object floated in the angry waters. A wave grabbed it and hurled it straight towards a nasty looking jagged giant rock which would surely have ripped it to pieces but just before it landed, the object magically launched itself over the rock, coming to land high on the beach, far from the ocean’s reach. Minu
tes later, Toom appeared in the distance, running along the beach, heading straight for the object, and stopped in front of it. Seeing the object through Toom’s eyes, Riley saw a plain, scarred wooden chest, securely fastened. As Toom focused intently on the lock, the chest flew open, revealing two babies wrapped in blankets. One sucked gently on its fist, eyes closed, sleeping peacefully while the other was screaming, little fists punching the air. This scene faded from view, and another scene unfolded in Riley’s mind.

  Eight serious looking people dressed in white flowing robes, seated around a large table. Toom stood near the head of the table, scowling fiercely.

  “No outsiders are allowed in Avalyss, Toom. You knowingly broke that sacred oath by bringing the twins here,” growled a tall, thin man sitting at the head of the table.

  “With all due respect Elder Murrin, the ocean brought the twins here, not I.”

  “We have been over all of this before. By taking them in, you afforded them the protection of our realm. Now they cannot be cast out. You were well aware of the Oracle. You have brought evil into our world, you must be punished.” Looking around at the other members of the Higher Echelon, he continued, “I move that Toom be stripped of her position of Chief Guardian, and that she be exiled to a place outside our realm.”

  Seven heads nodded in agreement. The scene disappeared.

  “That’s unfair!” Riley exclaimed aloud, forgetting to use telepathy. “You were exiled because you took in the twins. What would they have you do? Abandon them? Let them die on that desolate beach?’

  “Ah, spoken with all the compassion of a Princess of Light.” Toom appeared suddenly in front of Riley, startling her. “Some people, including the Higher Echelon, believed that I should have walked away, left the babies to die. But I am not sure that death was a certainty, they were destined to come to Avalyss so I think they would have survived without me.”

  “Exactly what is this desolate place?” Riley asked.

  “It is not the Isle of Paradisi.” Toom replied. At Riley’s blank look, Toom continued. “Paradisi is to Avalyss what Heaven is to Earth. It is the home to wise and powerful beings.”

  Riley opened her mouth to ask more questions about the Isle of Paradisi but Toom spoke first. “Come, child, let us call it a day. You have done well, your powers are incredibly strong. I am sure that the Dark Mages have under-estimated your strength.”