Read Destiny's Challenge Page 9


  Max stood guard over Riley as she slept in the guest bedroom of Sarri’s suite in the castle. In the huge canopy bed, she looked thin and frail, her mouth swollen and bruised. He growled deep in his throat and vowed that the next time he saw Crane he would rip his throat out. How dare the bastard harm her? Light footsteps interrupted his dark thoughts as Sarri slipped into the dimly lit room. Her face was a bone white blob dominated by huge mercury eyes, smudged with dark circles.

  She tugged the blanket over Riley’s sleeping form. “It is all my fault. I should never have sent her with Toom.”

  Max nudged her with his head. “Do not blame yourself, my Queen, you were only trying to help her gain mastery of her powers. The twins are to blame. Cole for taking her to that place, and Crane for attempting to ravish her.”

  Sarri, concerned at his outraged tone, pleaded for caution. “We do not know what took place on that beach.”

  Max growled again, this time louder. “Just look at her, there are bruises all over her body consistent with fingers pressing into her soft skin, even her lips are bruised and swollen.”

  Sarri frowned. “Yes. But those bruises could also have been made in the heat of passion and with Riley’s full consent and participation.”

  Max pinned his ears back, his expression fierce. “Did you not hear what Riley said, my Queen? She accused Crane of attempted rape. Are you saying that she lied? Or are you buying that idiot Murrin’s opinion that she was under Cole’s spell?”

  Sarri reached out and stroked his head. “Spoken like Riley’s protector and true friend. But how can we know for sure that she wasn’t ensorcelled?”

  “By choosing to believe her. She is strong enough to break any spell of Cole’s.”

  Looking thoughtful, Sarri sat on the bed. “I think you are underestimating Cole’s powers. But I also believe that Riley’s powers are greater that everyone suspects.”

  Loud knocking on the door caused Sarri to put her finger on her lips, signaling Max to be quiet. The knocking continued, louder and louder, then a slight pause, followed by what sounded like a battering ram pounding on the door.

  Mylor yelled. “Open this door at once. The King and the Higher Echelon need to question the Princess.”

  Sarri transported herself out of the room and faced the crowd in front of the still tightly sealed door. No one could enter her private suite without her explicit consent. “Riley has been through quite an ordeal. She needs her rest. There will be time to question her tomorrow. For now let her sleep.”

  Mylor stamped his foot. “Damn it, Sarri. Do not try to be a mother to that girl now by coddling her. The charges she brought against Crane must be dealt with at once. At once, do you hear me? Now get out of our way. We are going in.”

  Sarri stood her ground. “No. It will not harm Crane to spend the night behind bars. You dare to speak to me about coddling? No one has coddled Crane more than you, Mylor. Sometimes I wonder why he is such a favourite of yours?”

  All but foaming at the mouth, Mylor would have charged her, but Murrin pulled him back. “We beg your pardon, your Majesty, we will yield to a mother’s wisdom. We will question the Princess tomorrow.” Bowing low, Murrin waved his hand and they all vanished, leaving Sarri alone in the hallway. Sighing in relief, she teleported back to Riley’s side to watch over her during the night.

  Max felt himself spinning in a slow circle. Opening one eye, he closed it quickly as soon as he realized that he was in mid-air, high above the bedroom floor. Hearing a soft giggle, he opened both eyes this time, and spied Riley grinning up at him from the bed below. He started to spin faster, stopped suddenly then flew across the room at warp speed. His eyes tightly shut once more, heart stuck in his throat, he mentally pleaded with her to put him down. His body executed a perfect figure eight, stopped and descended rapidly. Bracing himself for impact he floated the last few inches to the bed.

  He gulped in some air. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Riley ruffled his fur. “Sorry, just practicing my levitation skills. Did you notice that I did not drop you this time?”

  “Thank goodness for small mercies.” He noted that her lips were still swollen. “Are you in pain?”

  She put her hand to her mouth. “Not much. Crane did not cause any physical damage. Cole stopped him before he could do that.”

  He stared at her, his emerald green eyes bright with curiosity. “So the bruises are marks of passion? And not made by Crane?”

  Pushing her hair out of her eyes, she sighed. “Stop pretending that you can’t read my mind. You know the truth.”

  “I cannot read you. Your block is strong, hard to break or crack. Toom is an excellent teacher. Don’t look at me like that, I had to try. You were hurt, I needed to know what was going on. So tell me what happened.”

  She turned her face away from his hypnotic gaze, fighting the urge to pour out her soul. She felt too raw to talk about it. She accepted that she had fallen in love with Cole. But he did not love her. Did he even really desire her? Or was he just trying to seduce her to join the Dark Mages? He had only kissed her when she refused to join him. Flushing, she recalled how she had acted in the throes of passion. She was no stranger to sex but it had always been mildly pleasant, little more than a release of tension. Never had she experienced such intense physical pleasure before. It had been wild, exciting, even magical somehow. Just thinking about it, she could feel her body responding. She needed to see Cole, needed to talk to him, needed his touch, his kiss, his….she pinched herself to stop her thoughts from heading in that particular direction.

  Max growled his impatience. “So are you going to dish girlfriend or what?’

  Laughing, she kissed the top of his head. “Promise me never to say that again. It sounds ridiculous coming from a big, scary black wolf.”

  Sarri appeared in front of them, her expression somber. She touched Riley’s cheek. “You look well rested, Daughter. That is good. It will help to give you the strength to deal with my news. Crane has been cleared of all charges by the Higher Echelon.”

  Surging to her feet, Riley cursed under her breath. “That’s inexcusable. They cannot do that. They have not even heard my testimony.”

  “They can and they did. The Higher Echelon can do whatever they please. Their decisions are absolute and usually made in the best interests of Avalyss.”

  Riley pushed her hair out of her face. “But banishing Crane is the right thing to do. He is not worthy of being a Light Bringer.”

  Sarri nodded. “I agree. Brace yourself, I have more bad news.” As two pairs of bright eyes bored into hers, she continued. “Crane petitioned for your marriage to take place as soon as possible and the Higher Echelon granted his request.”

  “What?” Riley gasped. “I won’t marry him. He is a repulsive toad. Is it a common practice to marry women against their will in this realm?”

  Sarri shook her head. “Not at all but Crane is your destined mate. Also, he convinced the Higher Echelon that Cole bewitched you and that marrying Crane is the only way to break the spell.”

  “Never in a million years. They cannot force me into a loveless marriage. I am not under any spell and I am not convinced that Crane is my destined mate, on the contrary, I am certain that he is not.”

  “I am afraid that you have little choice, Daughter. The Higher Echelon is the supreme ruling body in Avalyss. No one can openly defy a direct order.”

  Riley arched her brow. “Really? By contacting Toom did you not defy a direct order? “

  Sarri winked at her. “I said ‘openly defy’. I will help you but we have to make haste. They will come for you soon. It is surprising that they are not here already. Mylor and Crane wanted to stop me from breaking the news to you but the others felt that it was a mother’s duty.”

  Max stared at Sarri. “You will be punished for helping her. Mylor and Crane will both see to it

  Sarri nodded. “I will do anything to help my daughter. Their punishments mean nothing to me.”

  Riley grabbed her by the shoulders. “No. I will not run away and leave you to be punished in my stead. But, first tell me, what is your plan?”

  “I will send you back to your world, to Earth. The Higher Echelon has no power over there and they cannot force you to come back here against your will.”

  Max rose to his feet. “I will take her back, your Majesty, that way you cannot be blamed. Just say that I took her before you could stop me.”

  Riley beamed. “That’s a great idea.”

  But Sarri only shook her head. “Nice try, but it will not work. I have the power to stop you and everyone knows that.”

  Without warning Max lunged forward and sank his teeth into Sarri’s neck. She crumpled to the floor, blood pooling around her body. Horrified at Max’s brutality, Riley froze in terror. At the same time footsteps sounded in the hallway. Max spun, grabbed Riley by her shirt collar, and she felt herself falling and whirling through space.