Read Destiny's Queen Page 28

  Chapter 15

  The high sage died one week later, caught between the hammer and the anvil of Maximillian Bedard's superior army. I watched most of the battle, but didn't stay for the very end. I left just before Max plunged his sword through the high sage's heart.

  My father stood beside Max throughout the battle, unrestrained glee covered his face. Whatever he had been when he was the King of Sorea, he was no longer. He had become what his master, the Prince of the Air, was, a being that lived for the death of those who refused to bow down to him.

  "The high sage is dead," I told Jarvo moments later. "They slaughtered his army down to the last man. In a few days, Bedard's army will occupy this city."

  Jarvo was in the palace's great hall, surrounded by a dozen guards. He motioned to the guards. Each of the guards grabbed a torch, dipped it in a jar of oil, and set it ablaze. They spread out, through a palace that was empty of everyone and everything of value. All that remained was the building itself, and it was about to be scorched.

  "Once the palace is destroyed," Jarvo said. "We'll ride to the edge of the Great Desert, where sand ships will carry us south, past the mountains that divide our country in half. Landish will survive as a kingdom, albeit a much smaller one."

  The guards returned moments later. Black smoke began rolling out of the hallways and into the great hall. Flames followed the smoke, roaring out of the hallways. The guards tipped over several large jars of oil scattered throughout the great hall, then tossed their torches on the oil, setting the great hall on fire. Jarvo and the guards then retreated out of the building, where saddled horses were waiting for them.

  Once he was mounted, Jarvo looked at me. "You must come to Jovan. You must make an appearance as the first consummate. Landish, or what will be left of it, is now in your hands."

  "I will come," I said. "One way or another."

  I opened my eyes to find myself back in my study. A second later, a vision hit me, the first I had in quite awhile. I was in my bedroom changing clothes when Shu stepped through the doorway. She watched me for a moment, then drew her scimitar and swung it at my neck. The vision ended seconds before she chopped off my head.

  I opened my eyes to find myself back in my study, sitting behind my desk. So that was how my father was going to come at me, through my friend, Shumeredena. I doubt if he had ever met Shu, but Max knew who she was, and would be able to describe her to my father.

  Before I could decide what to do about Shu, who was scheduled to visit me tomorrow, Iderra stepped into my study. She grabbed one of the chairs that faced my desk and plopped down. I told her about the vision I just had. When I finished, Iderra said, "You had no visions about me?"

  "Perhaps my father doesn't remember you."

  "He doesn't know Shumeredena."

  "Perhaps there's another reason he couldn't get to you."

  "Such as?"

  "Maybe your mind is too strong for him to control. Maybe the fact that you already had a chance to kill me and rejected the idea puts you beyond his reach."

  "Or maybe he just hasn't gotten around to me yet."

  "Do you remember any weird dreams that you might have had in the past week?"

  "I don't dream," Idy said, surprising me.



  "Not even when you were little?"

  "Not even when I was little."

  "Maybe that explains why my father wasn't able to get to you."

  "How do you figure?" Idy said.

  "Your mind works differently from other people's minds."

  "That would also explain why that odd voice you've heard him use to control other people doesn't work on you. Your powers originate in your brain, which means it works different from a normal brain."

  "Which means he can only control people with normal brains," I said.

  Idy grinned. "Freaks like us are beyond his reach."

  "Thank God," we said in unison.

  "What are you going to do about Shumeredena?" Idy asked. "Refuse to see her?"

  "Just the opposite. I'm going to see her. Alone."

  "She'll try to kill you."

  "I have to confront my father. I have to show him that he can't use my own people against me. Shu's the smallest and weakest of the people he's controlling, she'll be the easiest to defeat."

  "What if his power gives her some kind of super strength, or extra skill with a sword?"

  "Then I'm in trouble."