Read Determined to Obey Page 6

  "Felipe worked for my father back then; first as my bodyguard, and then many other things as the years passed. Felipe saw how things were. He was not blind to my suffering at the hands of my father. He helped me get rid of the evidence of my first abortion, and the second. He watched over me during the weeks after I turned sixteen and learned I could never have children.

  "He watched as I grew up cruel. I liked to whip my servants. I slept with my father's friends and his enemies just to provoke my father into killing them. They saw. They all saw and they did nothing. Felipe saw too, and I hated him most of all, because I knew he pitied me, but also that he desired me. It made me sick.

  "I tried to seduce him many times over the years. Felipe never touched me. He used to say it would be like kissing a venomous snake. I had my father beat him bloody for saying such things to me. Afterward, I insisted he kiss me and beg my forgiveness. He smiled at me--the insolent man--smiled at me! He barely escaped with his life.

  "Two years later, on the evening of my 20th birthday celebration, Felipe raided my father's villa. His men executed my father's security team, his guests, even the few servants who had come to our aid." She chuckles. "He saved my father and me for last. I thought he would simply kill us. Instead, he asked how I would like my father murdered. I thought it was so romantic; I suppose I still do."

  Kid shivers. "You're really scary sometimes, Celia. I don't like it when you say things like that. You're not like them, not a killer, no matter how tough you try to be. You've got a good heart; I can tell." He speaks the words softly.

  "You are a very sweet boy, Kid. Do you like being our slave?" She touches her index finger to his lips in a predatory fashion, satisfied with Kid's angry blush. Imagine--a blond baby chick making friends with a sly fox; the boy should be embarrassed.

  "Whatever," he grouses. "So what happened? He killed your pops and the two of you rode off into the sunset together?"

  Celia's amused smile slides into something hard. "No, sweet boy, nothing so simple. You see, by the time I was twenty I was formidable, and thirsty for my father's blood. I cut off his manhood and fed it to him as he bled out. Felipe knew he couldn't have me as an enemy. I offered Felipe information he needed to take over as the head of my father's organization in exchange for my freedom. However, Felipe did not need my help and he had his own aims for my future. He was convinced there was a strategic advantage to keeping his former rival's daughter; who would go up against such a madman?

  "Felipe's first order of business was to repay me for my treatment of him over the years. I won't go into the specifics, but he beat me, forced me to act as a servant to the staff that had served me all my life, and yes, he forced himself on me. I hated him most for that.

  "But years passed, and Felipe...changed. He wanted more from me. He wanted my love and devotion, and he set about getting it. see...he and I are the same. We do not forget those who wrong us, nor do we forgive. Felipe has sworn to never again force himself on me and I hold him to his promise. I sleep with other people, let them have me in any way I'm willing to allow, but not Felipe. Felipe is denied entrance to the center of me. It is his punishment, my way of letting him know my love can only be given, never taken. It's been nearly five years and he's never tried." Celia feels a lump in her throat and pushes against it with her fingertips to smooth it away.

  "There are days I feel myself surrendering in the face of Felipe's steadfast devotion. To my knowledge, he has never taken another female lover, never felt her warm, wet, womanly flesh wrapped around him. He accepts only what I offer and the occasional young men who catch his eye. On the surface, he does it all for me, but I know it for the battle of wills it is. I want him to beg me. I want him on his knees! But some days...I just want him. He's winning, Kid. He very nearly has what no man has ever soul.

  "He knows it too. That's why you're here--your youth, your innocence, your capacity for forgiveness--you're everything we've lost and all we hope to regain. I was never young, never innocent, but you remind me it exists; you remind us both. Through you, we have a chance to nurture and love, an opportunity for Felipe to treat his lover as he should have treated me in the beginning, and for me to have someone to care for without feeling weak." She kisses Kid's soft lips, charmed by the slight scrape of patchy stubble on his upper lip and chin.

  "So," he says and clears his throat, "is that why he's so obsessed with my boy pussy?" He grins cheekily until Celia returns it.

  "You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?" She laughs heartily and kisses Kid all over his ridiculous face.

  "I got most of it," he chuckles. "I'm just saying...maybe if you gave it up, he wouldn't keep trying to stick it in me. Couldn't you a guy out?"

  They laugh for several minutes before Kid's laughter begins to die. He rests his head on Celia's chest with a sigh and places her hand in his hair. He isn't sly at all with his demands; she strokes him the way he likes.

  "You guys are fucked up." He sounds sad. "Seriously."

  Celia kisses his head. "No one hurt you. You our good boy."

  "Yeah," Kid says. His breaths are slow, but Celia can feel the force of his heartbeat along her side. "Okay."

  34. Kid

  Kid is shackled to the wall and waiting for Felipe, just as he is every evening. Today has been a particularly taxing day. Celia is apparently in a mood about something. She's been sullen and irritable toward Felipe. Her ire, in turn, has made Felipe more sadistic than usual. Kid has been ceaselessly tormented in the melee. He hasn't come all day, and he knows Felipe is coming to whisper filth in his ear while he touches Kid's boy pussy and jerks off on his nuts. Kid doesn't think he can take it. He's already half hard thinking about it and his asshole feels...weird. Empty.

  Felipe enters, Reynaldo respectfully behind. The master's foul mood is evident in the absence of his welcoming smile and the presence of a furrow between his thick black brows. He looks at Kid for several seconds before he relaxes his face. "Do not fret, beautiful boy. I am not inclined to vent my frustrations on you. At least, not with violence." He purposefully prods Kid's thickening erection. "Especially as it seems I am not the only frustrated party."

  Kid can feel the heat of his embarrassment crawl up from his chest to paint him cherry red up to his cheeks. "You guys have been fucking with me all day. It's's not because of you." He exhales sharply and forces himself to maintain eye contact.

  35. Felipe

  Felipe's formerly impenetrable ill-mood gives way to twisted amusement. "Language, boy. I've warned you what would happen." He chuckles heartily at the younger man's mortified gasp and penitent expression. "Deberias ver tu cara! Your face!" He cannot resist cradling the boys head in both hands and planting a hard kiss on his lips.

  "Hey!" Kid protests and twists his face away from Felipe's tenacious grasp in an attempt to wipe away Felipe's kiss. "Stop that." He swipes his tongue over his lips.

  The older man crowds his primed treat. He scents the young man from tense and muscled shoulder to soft and thin-skinned nape. He speaks softly into his ear. "I can't wait to taste you." He closes his eyes when he feels Kid shiver, and slides his linen-covered thigh under Kid's balls. "I'm going to savor every yielded ecstasy. I'm going to lick my essence out of your unrefined mouth until I can taste only your submission. I'm going to spread you open and spear your virgin pussy on my tongue until you cry out for my cock in you. I'm going to swallow your pink little cock and devour you."

  36. Kid

  Kid can feel the older man's knee between his cheeks, and the urge to grind his asshole down and fuck against Felipe's thigh is enough to force out an undignified groan. "No," he whispers close to Felipe's ear. Don't make me give in yet. I'm not ready.

  37. Felipe

  Pale hips flush with blood and the young man's cock plumps on top of Felipe's thigh. The older man artfully avoids giving his captive any accidental friction. The boy is easy game, a rabbit, far less complicated than Celia, who only pretends at bei
ng prey. "No," he repeats Kid's plea and meets his eyes. "Not until you desire it, not until you desire me." He strokes the boy's golden locks. "Until then, however, it is my duty to guide you into my service. I will do so by enforcing the rules I set. Your punishment for using vulgar language is one finger inside you...without lube." Nefarious grin in place, he strokes this thumb over the younger man's damp cheek.

  Kid struggles uselessly in his bonds and stares daggers toward Felipe. The boy is full of impotent rage heaped on top of his own shame. "You can't!" he rages. "At least use lube, you dick!"

  Felipe's amusement disappears like it never existed. He stares back at the younger man, matching and then surpassing his intensity until the boy looks away and shuts his eyes tight; a single tear slides down to the tip of his nose. Self-worth is a tenuous and fragile thing. Everyone must have it to be satisfied with their own existence, and yet, Felipe requires an equal amount of humility. What to do?

  He tuts silkily. "You ask me for a favor and insult me in the same sentence? It is an interesting strategy, given that I am not accustomed to being called names to my face. It would be careless of me to allow you to think such behavior is rewarded."

  "I'm sorry. It just came out." The younger man shrugs feebly.

  Yes, Felipe muses, the boy's bearing has been battered the past week. All to the good though, he can sense how close his new charge is to succumbing to him and Celia. He can proceed with the punishment as prescribed and risk Kid's genuine disdain, or he can set out bait and let his little rabbit wander into the trap.

  "Are you terribly unhappy here, boy? Do you wish Celia and I had left you in the cellar?" He asks the questions calmly, knowing they can be perceived as concern or a veiled threat. "Because believe it or not, I would rather you didn't hate me quite so much as you do. Am I so ugly?"

  38. Kid

  No, Kid's mind answers impulsively. He turns his face as far left as he can to avoid Felipe's warm, strong body still intimately invading Kid's personal space. "I don't know what you want with me," he grinds out. "It's not like I'm a threat to you. I could disappear and you wouldn't even notice." He's surprised by the pang exploding in his chest.

  39. Felipe

  Felipe's heart is the slightest bit affected by the younger man's self-defacing confession. The boy is perhaps more humble than Felipe previously gave him credit for. He recalls Kid refers to no one as his family or friend, and it gives rise to an unexpected paternal urge to comfort him. He buries his fingers in Kid's thick hair; it really is too long for a young man. "I would notice, boy...and I would be very put out. I am not interested in reluctant bed partners. It's true you are intrinsically here against your will, but it is my and Celia's hope that you will eventually become a part of our odd little family. If that is not a possibility..." he kisses the younger man's forehead tenderly, "perhaps you would be better off elsewhere."

  Kid's eyes fill with tears, but his anger is evident. "Where?" he growls. "Where am I supposed to go? I don't have anything. I don't have anyone! I didn't do anything. I didn't kidnap a girl. It wasn't my idea to hold her prisoner. I didn't ask for any of this. And now I'm stuck having to choose between letting you stick a finger in my ass, or being packed off to God knows where. Gee, I wonder what the f--heck I'm gonna choose? Why don't you get it the hell over with so I can go to bed?"

  Felipe takes hold of Kid's chin and enforces eye contact. "You're very ill-mannered, you know that? I did not bring you here; your choices are responsible. Still, I have kept you safe from those who would do you harm. I share my home with you. I share my woman with you. And all I get in return is your insolence and disdain. If I were you, I would weigh my opportunities with less flippancy."

  40. Kid

  Kid pauses and considers Felipe's words and decides they are overly pragmatic. Yes, in a way, Kid's own decisions have led him to his current predicament. However... "You can't really think that just because I didn't abandon my uncle I deserve this. You're taking advantage."

  41. Felipe

  Felipe raises his eyebrows, amused. "Perhaps." He takes a step back to admire his furious and despondent lover. He's tempted--oh, so very tempted--but his young charge is not yet ripe, and he wouldn't dream of forgoing the sweet taste of his willing submission. The older man sighs longingly, decided on a course of action, and undoes the black rubber cuff holding Kid's right wrist against the wall.

  42. Kid

  Kid doesn't trust Felipe for a second. He lowers his arm slowly and curls his fingers into his palm and against his bare leg. There are both questions and threats visible in his expressive blue eyes. Not sure what the older man is planning, yet unwilling to test his new master, he guardedly awaits instructions.

  43. Felipe

  "You may unbind yourself and bathe. When you are finished, Reynaldo will escort you to your own room." Before Kid can muddle through his shock and begin asking questions, he addresses Reynaldo. "Watch him. Take him to the southeast corner, away from everyone. I'll leave something out for him on the bed--help him put it on before you retire. You're permitted to use force, but do not harm him unnecessarily. Make sure you lock the door from the outside. He is not to have any visitors other than myself."

  44. Kid

  "Yes, sir." Reynaldo tips his head respectfully as the master departs. He fixes his hard stare on Kid. "I have no idea what he sees in you, but you should have more respect."

  Kid removes his rubber restraints with one eye warily focused on Felipe's watchdog. The man, Reynaldo, always looks intimidating, despite being dressed as some sort of butler. Kid burns with shame in front of the shorter, bulkier, and serious Reynaldo when it occurs to him he has seen nearly everything Felipe or Celia have ever done to him. He's seen Kid cry, beg, and fuck. Did he see the reluctant craving on Kid's face as Felipe rubbed up against him? Most likely, he thinks. "Mind your own business," he mumbles and turns to start the water.


  "Please, Celia," Kid pants. He shakes with need. He pulls on his tethers, secure in the knowledge they will hold him tight and keep him from touching. He only wishes they could keep his hips from thrusting. Above him, Celia's breasts, slick and shiny with sweat, bounce hypnotically. "Please let me come."

  Eight days. It has taken eight days in a cock cage for Kid to crack wide open and beg. He'd thought it was stupid at first; he could handle not having sex. As long as he wore the cage, Felipe and Celia left him alone--no training, no pony rides, no nightly homo-erotic groping session. Kid just got to hang out in his own room and watch crazy Spanish soap operas all day. He was wrong. He needs to come. He needs to come right now. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckcomecomecome. "Oh, God, Celia...please. I can't hold it."

  Kid's every would-be erection has been stifled for eight long, torturous days. The more he thought about not getting hard, the more his cock tried to fill in the cage. By day three, he had tried to rub off by cupping his nuts and gently squeezing his flaccid cock. He dribbled copious amounts of slick, but never came. Day four, Kid discovered how strong Reynaldo is when he tried to remove the cage and found himself summarily hogtied.

  And then, last night...last night, for the first time in his life, Kid stuck a finger in his ass. Just to see what it felt like. Just because he'd heard guys have a spot there. He'd never wanted to try it before, because it seemed kind of gay, but then he figured it might make him come and he really needed to get rid of some of the pressure and it couldn't really be gay,'s his own finger. Just the tip, he joked to himself as he coated his fingers with spit and spread his legs to search out his asshole. It took a while to work his middle finger in deep. Kid moaned like a wanton slut for the better part of half an hour, but he still. Didn't. Come.

  It's day eight. Day eight! And Kid's going to come today if he has to suck it out of his own dick and beg like a shameless slut if needed.

  Celia rides them both hard, thrusting her ass against Felipe behind her, and her pussy down Kid's cock. Both men groan as their cocks struggle for purchase within Celia's bo
dy. The bed beats a staccato rhythm against the wall like a metronome keeping them in sync. Celia is insatiable. She will fuck for hours if Felipe allows her, and sometimes he does.

  "Please!" Kid implores. He feels hot, suffocated, and overstimulated.

  "No coming," Celia says. Sweat drips down her neck onto Kid's chest.

  "Fuck!" Kid shouts angrily. He forces himself to change his rhythm to stave off the inevitable. He knows this game. Celia is setting him up for failure. He'll come without being given permission and Celia will punish him. Celia has seen to it by tying him down, sucking his dick, and riding him while Felipe fucks her in the ass. Even when Kid stops moving, he can feel Felipe rubbing him through Celia's tight, wet walls.

  "Language, boy," Felipe grunts. "Celia isn't going to let you come." Felipe slows and swivels his hips in such a way that both Celia and Kid groan. "You're her distraction." He thrusts. "Without you..." Thrust. "She couldn't take me." Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

  Celia collapses on Kid's chest in a soggy heap. Her hair clings to his arm and shoulder. She pants hot, loud, and humid against his ear. "Ugh. Ugh. Ugh."

  "I'm sorry, Celia," Kid says through clenched teeth. He won't come. No matter what.

  Celia pushes herself up to grip Kid's jaw. Her nails dig into his chin. She trails her tongue over his lips until he opens to her kiss. She pulls back and groans. She stares into Kid's eyes. "If you come," she laughs at the pained sounds he makes, "I'll beg him to fuck you instead."

  Kid's eyes widen. He thinks about how good it felt to fuck himself with one finger and how different it might be from taking Felipe's thick cock. His body heats up like mercury on a summer day, but he knows better than to show preference one way or the other. He might as well sit on Felipe's lap if he's going to succumb to that type of stupidity. It will happen one day, eventually, but he is in no hurry. Sharing Celia and knowing he cannot compete with Felipe is difficult enough, rolling over for him would be worse.