Read Devereux — Complete Page 16



  A DAY or two after the conversation recorded in my last chapter, St.John, to my inexpressible regret, left us for London; however, we hadenjoyed several conferences together during his stay, and when we partedit was with a pressing invitation on his side to visit him in London,and a most faithful promise on mine to avail myself of the request.

  No sooner was he fairly gone than I went to seek my uncle; I found himreading one of Farquhar's comedies. Despite my sorrow at interruptinghim in so venerable a study, I was too full of my new plot to heedbreaking off that in the comedy. In very few words I made the goodknight understand that his descriptions had infected me, and that I wasdying to ascertain their truth; in a word, that his hopeful nephew wasfully bent on going to town. My uncle first stared, then swore, thenpaused, then looked at his leg, drew up his stocking, frowned, whistled,and told me at last to talk to him about it another time. Now, formy part, I think there are only two classes of people in the worldauthorized to put one off to "another time,"--prime ministers andcreditors; accordingly, I would not take my uncle's dismissal. I had notread plays, studied philosophy, and laid snares for the Abbe Montreuilwithout deriving some little wisdom from my experience; so I took toteasing, and a notable plan it is too! Whoever has pursued it may guessthe result. My uncle yielded, and that day fortnight was fixed for mydeparture.

  Oh! with what transport did I look forward to the completion of mywishes, the goal of my ambition! I hastened forth; I hurried into thewoods; I sang out in the gladness of my heart, like a bird released;I drank in the air with a rapturous sympathy in its freedom; my stepscarcely touched the earth, and my whole frame seemed ethereal, elated,exalted by the vivifying inspiration of my hopes. I paused by alittle streamlet, which, brawling over stones and through unpenetratedthicknesses of wood, seemed, like confined ambition, not the lessrestless for its obscurity.

  "Wild brooklet," I cried, as my thoughts rushed into words, "fret on,our lot is no longer the same; your wanderings and your murmurs arewasted in solitude and shade; your voice dies and re-awakes, but withoutan echo; your waves spread around their path neither fertility norterror; their anger is idle, and their freshness is lavished on asterile soil; the sun shines in vain for you, through these unvaryingwastes of silence and gloom; Fortune freights not your channel with herhoarded stores, and Pleasure ventures not her silken sails upon yourtide; not even the solitary idler roves beside you, to consecrate withhuman fellowship your melancholy course; no shape of beauty bendsover your turbid waters, or mirrors in your breast the loveliness thathallows earth. Lonely and sullen, through storm or sunshine, you repinealong your desolate way, and only catch, through the matted boughs thatdarken over you, the beams of the wan stars, which, like human hopes,tremble upon your breast, and are broken, even before they fade, by thevery turbulence of the surface on which they fall. Rove, repine, murmuron! Such was my fate, but the resemblance is no more. I shall no longerbe a lonely and regretful being; my affections will no longer wastethemselves upon barrenness and stone. I go among the living andwarm world of mortal energies and desires; my existence shall glidealternately through crested cities, and bowers in which Poetry worshipsLove; and the clear depths of my heart shall reflect whatever its youngdreams have shadowed forth, the visioned form, the gentle and fairyspirit, the Eve of my soul's imagined and foreboded paradise."

  Venting, in this incoherent strain, the exultation which filled mythoughts, I wandered on, throughout the whole day, till my spiritshad exhausted themselves by indulgence; and, wearied alike by mentalexcitement and bodily exertion, I turned, with slow steps, towards thehouse. As I ascended the gentle acclivity on which it stood, I saw afigure approaching towards me: the increasing shades of the evening didnot allow me to recognize the shape until it was almost by my side; itwas Aubrey.

  Of late I had seen very little of him. His devotional studies and habitsseemed to draw him from the idle pursuits of myself and my uncle'sguests; and Aubrey was one peculiarly susceptible of neglect, and sore,to morbidity, at the semblance of unkindness; so that he required to besought, and rarely troubled others with advances: that night, however,his greeting was unusually warm.

  "I was uneasy about you, Morton," said he, drawing my arm in his; "youhave not been seen since morning; and, oh! Morton, my uncle told me,with tears in his eyes, that you were going to leave us. Is it so?"

  "Had he tears in his eyes? Kind old man! And you, Aubrey, shall you,too, grieve for my departure?"

  "Can you ask it, Morton? But why will you leave us? Are we not allhappy here, now? _Now_ that there is no longer any barrier or differencebetween us,--_now_ that I may look upon you, and listen to you, andlove you, and _own_ that I love you? Why will you leave us now? And[continued Aubrey, as if fearful of giving me time to answer]--and everyone praises you so here; and my uncle and all of us are so proud of you.Why should you desert our affections merely because they are not new?Why plunge into that hollow and cold world which all who have tried itpicture in such fearful hues? Can you find anything there to repay youfor the love you leave behind?"

  "My brother," said I, mournfully, and in a tone which startled him,--itwas so different from that which I usually assumed,--"my brother, hearbefore you reproach me. Let us sit down upon this bank, and I willsuffer you to see more of my restless and secret heart than any hithertohave beheld."

  We sat down upon a little mound: how well I remember the spot! I cansee the tree which shadows it from my window at this moment. How manyseasons have the sweet herb and the emerald grass been withered thereand renewed! Ah, what is this revival of all things fresh and youthfulin external Nature but a mockery of the wintry spot which lies perishedand _irrenewable_ within!

  We drew near to each other, and as my arm wound around him, I said,"Aubrey, your love has been to me a more precious gift than any whohave not, like me, thirsted and longed even for the love of a dog,can conceive. Never let me lose that affection! And do not think of mehereafter as of one whose heart echoed all that his lip uttered. Do notbelieve that irony, and sarcasm, and bitterness of tongue flowed froma malignant or evil source. That disposition which seems to youalternately so light and gloomy had, perhaps, its origin in a mind toointense in its affections, and too exacting in having them returned.Till you sought my friendship, three short years ago, none but my uncle,with whom I could have nothing in common but attachment, seemed tocare for my very existence. I blame them not; they were deceived in mynature: but blame _me_ not too severely if my temper suffered from theirmistake. Your friendship came to me, not too late to save me from apremature misanthropy, but too late to eradicate every morbidity ofmind. Something of sternness on the one hand, and of satire on theother, has mingled so long with my better feelings that the taint andthe stream have become inseparable. Do not sigh, Aubrey. To be unamiableis not to be ungrateful; and I shall not love you the less if I havebut a few objects to love. You ask me my inducement to leave you. 'TheWorld' will be sufficient answer. I cannot share your contempt ofit, nor your fear. I am, and have been of late, consumed with athirst,--eager, and burning, and unquenchable: it is ambition!"

  "Oh, Morton!" said Aubrey, with a second sigh, longer and deeper thanthe first, "that evil passion! the passion which lost an angel heaven."

  "Let us not now dispute, my brother, whether it be sinful in itself,or whether, if its object be virtuous, it is not a virtue. In baringmy soul before you, I only speak of my motives, and seek not to excusethem. Perhaps on this earth there is no good without a little evil. Whenmy mind was once turned to the acquisition of mental superiority, everypetty acquisition I made increased my desire to attain more, and partialemulation soon widened into universal ambition. We three, Gerald andourselves, are the keepers of a treasure more valuable than gold,--thetreasure of a not ignoble nor sullied name. For my part, I confessthat I am impatient to increase the store of honour which our fatherbequeathed
to us. Nor is this all: despite our birth, we are poor inthe gifts of fortune. We are all dependants on my uncle's favour; and,however we may deserve it, there would be something better in earning anindependence for ourselves."

  "That," said Aubrey, "may be an argument for mine and Gerald'sexertions; but not for yours. You are the eldest, and my uncle'sfavourite. Nature and affection both point to you as his heir."

  "If so, Aubrey, may many years pass before that inheritance be mine! Whyshould those years that might produce so much lie fallow? But thoughI would not affect an unreal delicacy, and disown my chance of futurefortune, yet you must remember that it is a matter possible, notcertain. My birthright gives me no claim over my uncle, whose estatesare in his own gift; and favour, even in the good, is a wind whichvaries without power on our side to calculate the season or the cause.However this be,--and I love the person on whom fortune depends so muchthat I cannot, without pain, speak of the mere chance of its passingfrom his possession into mine,--you will own at least that I shall nothereafter deserve wealth the less for the advantages of experience."

  "Alas!" said Aubrey, raising his eyes, "the worship of our Father inHeaven finds us ample cause for occupation, even in retirement; andthe more we mix with His creatures, the more, I fear, we may forget theCreator. But if it must be so, I will pray for you, Morton; and you willremember that the powerless and poor Aubrey can still lift up his voicein your behalf."

  As Aubrey thus spoke, I looked with mingled envy and admiration upon thecountenance beside me, which the beauty of a spirit seemed at once tosoften and to exalt.

  Since our conference had begun, the dusk of twilight had melted away;and the moon had called into lustre--living, indeed, but unlike thecommon and unhallowing life of day--the wood and herbage, and silentvariations of hill and valley, which slept around us; and, as the stilland shadowy light fell over the upward face of my brother, it gave tohis features an additional, and not wholly earth-born, solemnity ofexpression. There was indeed in his face and air that from whichthe painter of a seraph might not have disdained to copy: somethingresembling the vision of an angel in the dark eyes that swam with tears,in which emotion had so little of mortal dross; in the youthful and softcheeks, which the earnestness of divine thought had refined by a palebut transparent hue; in the high and unclouded forehead, over which thehair, parted in the centre, fell in long and wavelike curls; and in thelips, silent, yet moving with internal prayer, which seemed the morefervent, because unheard.

  I did not interrupt him in the prayer, which my soul felt, though my earcaught it not, was for me. But when he had ceased, and turned towardsme, I clasped him to my breast. "My brother," I said, "we shall part,it is true, but not till our hearts have annihilated the space that wasbetween them; not till we have felt that the love of brotherhood canpass the love of woman. Whatever await you, your devoted and holy mindwill be, if not your shield from affliction, at least your balm for itswounds. Remain here. The quiet which breathes around you well becomesyour tranquillity within; and sometimes bless me in your devotions, asyou have done now. For me, I shall not regret those harder and harsherqualities which you blame in me, if thereafter their very sternness canafford me an opportunity of protecting your gentleness from evil, orredressing the wrongs from which your nature may be too innocent topreserve you. And now let us return home in the conviction that we havein our friendship one treasure beyond the reach of fate."

  Aubrey did not answer; but he kissed my forehead, and I felt his tearsupon my cheek. We rose, and with arms still embracing each other as wewalked, bent our steps to the house.

  Ah, earth! what hast thou more beautiful than the love of those whoseties are knit by nature, and whose union seems ordained to begin fromthe very moment of their birth?