Read Devereux — Complete Page 19



  MY uncle for several weeks had flattered himself that I had quiteforgotten or foregone the desire of leaving Devereux Court for London.Good easy man! he was not a little distressed when I renewed the subjectwith redoubled firmness, and demanded an early period for that event.He managed, however, still to protract the evil day. At one time it wasimpossible to part with me, because the house was so full; at anothertime it was cruel to leave him, when the house was so empty. Meanwhile,a new change came over me. As the first shock of Isora's departurepassed away, I began to suspect the purity of her feelings towardsme. Might not Gerald--the beautiful, the stately, the glitteringGerald--have been a successful wooer under the disguised name ofBarnard, and _hence_ Isora's confusion when that name was mentioned, andhence the power which its possessor exercised over her?

  This idea, once admitted, soon gained ground. It is true that Isora hadtestified something of favourable feelings towards me; but this mightspring from coquetry or compassion. My love had been a boy's love,founded upon beauty and coloured by romance. I had not investigatedthe character of the object; and I had judged of the mind solely by theface. I might easily have been deceived: I persuaded myself that I was.Perhaps Gerald had provided their present retreat for sire and daughter;perhaps they at this moment laughed over my rivalry and my folly.Methought Gerald's lip wore a contemptuous curve when we met. "It shallhave no cause," I said, stung to the soul; "I will indeed forget thiswoman, and yet, though in other ways, eclipse this rival. Pleasure,ambition, the brilliancy of a court, the resources of wealth, invite meto a thousand joys. I will not be deaf to the call. Meanwhile I will notbetray to Gerald, to any one, the scar of the wound I have received; andI will mortify Gerald, by showing him that, handsome as he is, he shallbe forgotten in my presence!"

  Agreeably to this exquisite resolution, I paid incessant court to thenumerous dames by whom my uncle's mansion was thronged; and I resolvedto prepare, among them, the reputation for gallantry and for wit which Iproposed to establish in town.

  "You are greatly altered since your love," said Aubrey, one day to me,"but not by your love. Own that I did right in dissuading you from itsindulgence!"

  "Tell me!" said I, sinking my voice to a whisper, "do you think Geraldwas my rival?" and I recounted the causes of my suspicion.

  Aubrey's countenance testified astonishment as he listened. "It isstrange, very strange," said he; "and the evidence of the boat isalmost conclusive; still I do not think it quite sufficient to leave noloop-hole of doubt. But what matters it? you have conquered your lovenow."

  "Ay," I said, with a laugh, "I have conquered it, and I am now aboutto find some other empress of the heart. What think you of the LadyHasselton?--a fair dame and a sprightly. I want nothing but her love tobe the most enviable of men, and a French _valet-de-chambre_ to be themost irresistible."

  "The former is easier to obtain than the latter, I fear," returnedAubrey; "all places produce light dames, but the war makes a scarcity ofFrench valets."

  "True," said I, "but I never thought of instituting a comparison betweentheir relative value. The Lady Hasselton, no disparagement to hermerits, is but one woman; but a French valet who knows his _metier_ armsone for conquest over a thousand;" and I turned to the saloon.

  Fate, which had destined to me the valuable affections of the LadyHasselton, granted me also, at a yet earlier period, the greater boonof a French valet. About two or three weeks after this sapientcommunication with Aubrey, the most charming person in the worldpresented himself a candidate _pour le supreme bonheur de soignerMonsieur le Comte_. Intelligence beamed in his eye; a modest assurancereigned upon his brow; respect made his step vigilant as a zephyr's; andhis ruffles were the envy of the world!

  I took him at a glance; and I presented to the admiring inmates of thehouse a greater coxcomb than the Count Devereux in the ethereal personof Jean Desmarais.