Read Devil's Island Page 10

  Chapter 6

  Tamara hurt in places she didn't remember having. The aches were deep and hit her even when she didn't move. In spite of them, or perhaps because of them, she moaned at the memories of what Sam and her had done last night . She was paying for it today but it was a price she'd pay many times over for how he'd made her feel. She buried her face under her pillow when she realized that the pain turned her on. A little.

  Great, and rough, sex aside she felt pretty sure that Sam wasn't going to kick her out. She'd been inspired last night! She'd had urges and thoughts that came out of nowhere. She did things she didn't even know could be done, and she'd been the one to initiate them. She had no idea she was that flexible or that her tongue could—Tamara rolled over in bed and giggled at the memories. Maybe it was dirty and kinky, but it was fun too. Fun like that couldn't be a bad thing, could it?

  She sat up and looked around Sam's bedroom. Their bedroom, she mused. She grinned and wondered where he'd gone. Her eyes went to his fake legs and she saw the athletic one missing. "He went for a run," she mumbled and smiled. Good to see he was keeping himself in shape for her. Although a few nights like last night every week and he'd never grow an ounce of fat.

  "The way to a man's heart is through his pants and his belly," she said even though she couldn't remember where she'd heard the phrase. She shrugged and decided that she could take care of the hunger thing when the time came, even though she didn't know how to cook. In the meantime, at least she could try to take care of things around his home. Her dad had always taken for granted how her mom kept the house picked up. Whenever she went away it fell apart overnight and he realized he couldn't live without her.

  Tamara stopped, her mouth hanging open. How did she know that? She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to recapture the memory, or at least the belief that she had the memory. After a moment of empty thoughts she stamped her foot and growled. "Goddamn it!" she swore. Her hand flew to her mouth and she looked around nervously.

  Nothing happened. She lowered her hand and giggled. Why had she been so worried? People swore all the time. She'd sworn before, even recently. The things that had come out of her mouth last night, and gone in it, were much worse than that. She giggled again and turned away. No sense in worrying about silly things, she had a house to clean and a man to seduce.

  Unfortunately, It didn’t take long to clean his tiny place. After half an hour of sweeping, dusting, and mopping she was bored.

  With nothing else to do, she grabbed some nuts she'd found in a cupboard and sat down to watch television. No sooner had she found a game show with a short and squat looking man wearing glasses when Sam opened the door and walked in looking haggard. His short dark hair was plastered to his head and there was dried blood on his cheek.

  Tamara jumped at the chance and shared her thoughts about staying. He stood looking like he'd been caught with his dick buried in an eighteen year old girl—which he sort of had been—and then fled to the bathroom.

  Had she done something to piss him off? He had a serious temper, but so far he'd never turned it on her. It was a dark side to the man that intrigued her and pulled her in. She had to admit to herself that even with her pain below, the site of him standing there with his sweat beading his brow and chiseled physique made her squirm her thighs against each other.

  She’d heard the shower going and thought about joining him. She'd make him realize last night wasn't a mistake, it was only a beginning. She might be sore, but she could play through it. She pulled the shirt she'd slipped on back over her head and reached for the doorknob, only to find it locked. Now she was certain he was mad at her. Why else lock her out?

  Tamara thought about leaving the shirt on the floor and trying to make it up to him. She licked her lips and then stopped. He'd mentioned working this morning. She frowned and grabbed the shirt. She wouldn't mind making him late, it would be for a good reason, but she knew better than to risk upsetting him again so soon. Once she had him wrapped around her finger it would be different. Then she could get away with things like that. Things that he secretly wanted but didn't want to admit to. The tempting little sins of life that make living worth it.

  “I’ll be back this evening,” Sam claimed as he almost ran through the front room minutes later. She didn’t even have time to talk to him, though she still wondered what happened to his cheek. Had he gotten into a fight? She couldn’t imagine what the other man must look like. Sam was a big guy, and after last night, she knew it was all hard muscle. Or if it wasn't she knew she could make it hard fast enough.

  The next couple hours were spent trying—and failing—to find something to watch. She learned that her host had an obsession with Sylvester Stallone movies, whoever that was. She enjoyed the violence of Rambo, but thought some of his other movies were weak.

  And none of it told her why Sam was angry with her. Other than talking about his time at war he seemed like the kind of guy to face what was bothering him. Well, the war and her, he seemed to be trying to avoid her like the plague.

  She ate a big lunch, and at one point noticed that her cheeks weren’t as hollow as she remembered. Between the hospital food and Sam's hospitality she was on her way to being able to see herself in a mirror when she turned sideways. She ran her hand under her shirt and over her belly. It slid up to cup her right breast in her palm. Filling out was okay, especially if it meant bigger boobs, but she had to be careful not to get fat. Sam took good care of himself, she knew he wouldn't like her if she was chubby.

  About mid-afternoon, she couldn’t handle it anymore and decided to go for a walk. Maybe some fresh air would do her some good. Without intending to, she found herself outside the hotel that Subie and Brock were staying at.

  Maybe they’ll be more entertaining, she thought as she went in. It was easy enough finding their room.

  “Yeah, what do you want?”

  Tamara blinked at the stocky man that opened the door. She looked at the number beside it again, but it was the room number Brock had given her.

  “Who is it, Adrian?” Brock’s voice rang out from deeper in the room.

  “Some kid, a girl,” the man shouted back without taking his eyes off her.

  A kid? She was a woman! Her crotch still hurt to prove it!

  Before she could say anything, Brock poked his head out and his attractive face split into a grin. His hair was a mess and he was shirtless, showing off his large muscles to great effect.

  “Tamara! I wasn’t expecting to see you again. We just woke up. What’re you doing here?”

  He just woke up? It’s mid-afternoon! Or were these two men doing something else? Looking at Adrian, she dismissed the idea. The man in front of her was fully dressed and not a hair out of place.

  “This is the girl you picked up yesterday?” Adrian asked, finally looking away. “Subie didn’t say she was this cute.”

  “She wasn’t. I mean, yesterday she was a mess,” Brock said. Both men’s comments combined to make her blush. “Looks like getting out of that hospital was good for you. You no longer look like a soft breeze will snap you like a twig.”

  “And you look like a boulder rolling down a hill would go out of its way to avoid hitting you,” she shot back, not certain whether to take the man’s words as a complement or not.

  “Oh, she’s quick Brock! Has Subie been giving her lessons?”

  “Have I been giving who lessons?” the woman in question said from down the hallway. She stopped when she saw Tamara and frowned. She folded her arms under her bikini top. “Oh, it’s you. Why?”

  “Wow! Way to be harsh, Subie,” Brock said, reminding Tamara of the first time she’d met the two. “Relax, she just showed up.”

  “And already my man lost his shirt and is undressing her with his eyes.”

  Tamara thought the woman had warmed up to her after dropping her off at Sam’s place. From the glare Subie gave her, perhaps not.

  “Maybe she can be our third?” a new voice chimed in. Another wom
an stepped around Subie, wearing just as little clothing. Tamara couldn’t help but admire both bodies. Toned and well proportioned, though Subie had at least one cup size on the new woman.

  “No, absolutely not,” Subie turned on the other woman. “We don’t know anything about her, and we don’t even know if she’s old enough!”

  “Alex is right, Subie,” Brock piped up. “She’ll make a great addition.”

  Tamara was lost as to what they were talking about, but if it involved being old enough and these two fine men, then she was willing to do it. She hoped it would be something kinky.

  Subie examined her critically for a moment. “Not dressed in that shirt, she won’t.”

  Sam’s shirt? What will it matter, if it’s just going to come off anyway? At least she hoped it would be coming off.

  “Yeah, well, maybe she can borrow one of your bikinis, then,” Adrian offered. For some reason he seemed a little bored with the whole thing, as if he was used to Subie’s antics and just going through the motions.

  “Look at her. She can’t fill out one of mine. Maybe Alex has one small enough for her.”

  “Hey, I’m not that much smaller than you!” Alex shot back, hefting her chest for emphasis.

  “Um,” Tamara tried to break in, but Brock smiled at her and winked.

  “I say we let her try one on and see,” the large man offered.

  “Just because you want to ogle her,” Subie accused her man.

  “You’ll drown her out with your beauty anyway,” Brock grinned.

  Subie opened her mouth to argue and then snapped it back shut. Her narrow eyes widened and her lip curled up into a grin as the compliment sunk in.

  “I’ll get my camera ready,” Adrian offered and then disappeared back into the room.

  “Wait, I didn’t agree,” Subie's smile faded.

  “Come on,” Alex said, slipping her arm around Tamara’s shoulder. “I’m sure I have something that’ll fit you.”

  She was led to an adjoining room where she tried on some of the types of clothes that Sam had denied her the previous evening. If the man could see her now she knew his blood would be boiling and his dick trying to tear through his pants. She tried on a couple of swimsuits and clothes that sometimes covered less than the underwear she'd bought. She was excited and still wasn’t sure what they were doing. Why did Adrian need his camera and what was the deal with the skimpy swimsuits?

  “Don’t mind Subie,” Alex told her as she stripped off a one-piece swimsuit with a neckline so low it dipped below her navel. “She has a loud bark, but there’s no bite behind it.”

  “She doesn’t seem to like me much,” Tamara complained.

  “She treats everyone like that at first,” Alex told her. “Just don’t try to take Brock away from her, and you’ll be fine. And don’t try to upstage her, either. She has a good heart, but she's a little conceited.”

  A Little? Tamara wondered, thinking about how the woman flaunted her body. “What are we doing, anyway?” She asked.

  Alex began laughing, giving her a critical look. “You mean you agreed to do this before even knowing what we're doing?”

  Tamara’s cheeks began to burn in embarrassment. “I didn’t have a chance to ask.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Alex conceded. “Brock has a friend from high school that’s serving overseas in the military. Well, three friends, really. Anyway, Brock thought it would be nice to send him some pictures of hot, scantily dressed women. Oh, don’t worry, it won’t be pornographic or anything too embarrassing.”

  Tamara nodded. The thought of doing something freaky and taboo appealed to something deep inside her.

  “So, we’re just taking pictures?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Adrian mentioned that he might upload the pictures to one of his favorite internet sites.” She pulled a marker out of her purse, and handed it to Tamara. “Here, write K-C-C-O on my left breast.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” Tamara inquired while she followed the bazaar instructions.

  “What? Adrian? No.” Her words said one thing but her tone let Tamara know she'd thought about it.

  Silence filled the air as Tamara finished writing and thought about Adrian. There was something about him that appealed to her, though she couldn’t place her finger on it. The man had remained quiet for the most part. He wasn’t as good looking as Brock, nor even as athletic as Sam. She decided Alex could have him if she could get him.

  “I think that suit looks good on you.” Alex complimented her. Tamara looked at herself in the mirror, and couldn’t deny that she had filled out since yesterday. Before she had sharp corners and angles where her skin hugged her bones. Now she had smooth planes and gentle curves. Even the bruises and marks on her arms were gone. She didn’t think she looked as good as Subie. Her breasts weren’t as large, though they were firm. She had on a two-piece swimsuit that pushed her chest together to advantage. The bottom piece sat low on her hips, with only a thin piece of material connecting at the sides.

  If only Sam could see her now. He’d make short work in ripping this from her. Just thinking about it was making her belly tingle.

  “In fact, I think you look better in that than I do,” Alex added, taking off her top and throwing the skimpy fabric onto a small pile on the bed. Alex was admiring her body in a way that she wished Sam would look at her. How many swimsuits did she have?

  Tamara blinked, getting pulled from where her fantasy was taking her.

  “Are you two done in there?” Adrian demanded, pounding on the door.

  Both women giggled. Alex was still topless, but she winked at Tamara and threw open the door. “No, but care to come in and help me finish up?”

  The other man turned beet red, mumbling, “Just hurry up. There’s a party tonight I want to get to, but I want to get these pictures posted first.” He turned around and added over his shoulder, “Brock and Subie are already in the car. If I don’t get out there soon, they’ll have each other’s clothes torn off.”

  “Did you see his face?” Alex asked, grinning from ear to ear as she turned back to Tamara.

  The women laughed together and Tamara knew she had a new friend.

  “If you had a car, why were you in a cab yesterday?” Tamara asked as they joined the others outside.

  “We don’t drink and drive,” Adrian stated. “Of course, Alex better not drink as much as she did last time, either. I don’t want to rush her to the hospital again.”

  “Trust me,” Alex promised, “I won’t!”

  The drive was a short one to the beach. When they got out Tamara got a good look at Subie’s suit. She’d assumed the other woman would wear the same one she’d been in, but she’d changed into something a lot more revealing. Two thin strips of cloth travelled down her chest, barely covering her nipples, joining in a ‘V’ at her crotch. The string in back was hidden between her smooth cheeks.

  “Almost enough to make you think about switching sides,” Alex whispered in her ear. Tamara hadn’t realized she was staring. She nodded, not sure what the other woman meant. "You want to get on her good side quicker, compliment how hot she looks. She'll be flashing everyone in no time anyhow, she gets off on it."

  "She what?" Tamara whispered.

  "She's an exhibitionist. She'll deny it and get pissy if you push her, but just watch and see."

  Tamara opened her mouth to respond when Adrian walked around with the Camera and Brock clapped his hands together.

  “Okay, let’s start with some pictures of you three running,” Brock ordered, as Adrian found a good place to take pictures from.

  For the next few minutes, the three did as they were told. Tamara felt an unfamiliar thrill at hanging out with the other two women while being ogled by the men. If Subie really was an exhibitionist she could understand why. She could practically feel the lust and want from the men that were watching them.

  “Subie, I swear, if you don’t put that nipple away, I’m going to come over there and hide it
with my mouth,” Brock snapped, not at all upset at the view. “Now how about some shots in the water?”

  Tamara's head snapped around to the girl beside her. She saw Subie grinning and adjusting the strap of her suit, but not before Tamara got an eyeful of a very hard nipple. Putting the suit over it did little to hide it, if anything the bulge brought more attention to it.

  She wrenched her head away, her thoughts swirling around what Brock had said about hiding it with his mouth. She'd sucked and nibbled on Sam's nipples last night but Subie's were so much thicker. So much more luscious. So ripe. She shivered and ran to the water, figuring she could stand to cool down in the water a little. In no time she was giggling with the other two as the surf ran over her toes. Her feet began to tingle uncomfortably at first, but becoming more painful the longer she stood there.

  “Afraid of the water?” Subie teased her.

  “That’s right, you washed up around here just yesterday, didn’t you?” Brock asked.

  Tamara nodded, not liking the tingling that started running up her legs. She ran back onto the hot dry sand, and the burning sensation slowly receded.

  “That really must have messed you up,” Subie apologized. “Sorry, I forgot about that. Do you remember any more of your past?”

  Tamara shook her head, looking at her feet. They were unblemished and whole. What had that feeling been? She hadn’t felt anything strange when taking a shower last night, so what was the difference here? Maybe it was psychological. She didn't think she was afraid of the water but after drowning in it, maybe it had screwed her up deep inside.

  “That should be enough pictures, anyway,” Adrian offered. “Let’s head back to the rooms. I’ll upload them to your friends and a few other places. Why don’t you ladies get ready for the party?”

  “Hey, email me those pictures, too,” Brock commented.

  “Do you really need material for your spank-bank?” Subie teased her boyfriend. “Especially when you have the real thing right here?” Brock’s answer was to kiss her hard enough to make Tamara wish she were in the other woman’s swimsuit.

  Her feet were forgotten as they all piled back into the car, heading to the hotel. Tamara didn’t know if she’d ever been to a party before, but she was looking forward to going to one.

  Once back at the hotel, Alex pulled her into her room.

  “Brock and Subie will be busy with each other,” she said. “I’ve got just the outfit for you to wear tonight. You might as well keep that swimsuit. It looks better on you than it ever did on me. And I know just what to do with your hair.” Tamara enjoyed the attention. She had a feeling that this sort of attention was something she wasn’t used to.

  I’m going to go out and have fun, Tamara thought inwardly as she smiled at Alex’s exuberance. She still had no idea what Sam was angry about, but this party seemed like just the thing to put him completely out of her mind.