Read Devil's Island Page 14

  Chapter 10

  “I’m bored!” Tamara muttered as Sam popped another DVD into the player. She’d hidden the clothes she’d stolen when they got home. She still didn’t understand why that security guard had let her go without making more of a fuss.

  “What do you want to do?” the strong man asked. From his tone she knew something was bothering him. She guessed why. She’d been trying pretty hard to get him back into bed but she kept failing. Maybe she needed to try a different tactic. She knew he wanted her, why else would he be jealous of her friends? She smirked as the thought of her friends prompted another idea to come to mind.

  “I want you to meet my friends!” She stated, getting up off the couch and giving an excited hop.

  She saw the worry that filled his eyes a moment before he spoke. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. They might get the wrong idea.”

  What idea? She wondered. That a couple nights ago you took me to your bed and ravished me for hours? That you want to do it again, but something’s stopping you? Why couldn’t she have her way with him like other people seemed to let her do?

  “Well,” she said, letting a devious tone enter her voice, “we could sit around here, I suppose. It is getting kind of hot in here. I should probably take off this shirt. It’s too big for me anyway.” She reached down to grab the hem of Sam’s too big shirt. For an exciting moment she thought he was going to let her do it. He'd be in for an eyeful then! She wasn't wearing a bra under it and he kept glancing at the sloppy garment every time she bounced or hopped. She knew what she was doing and she knew how the cotton rubbed against her nipples and made them poke against the shirt. He shook his head and stood up quickly, disappointing her.

  “I’ll get my keys!” He fled the room as quick as his false leg would let him, returning a moment later with the keys to his old car.

  Tamara couldn’t help but laugh inside. She was learning how to manipulate him. He was so cute sometimes, the way he fought with himself. She knew she was tormenting him, but if he wasn’t enjoying it on some level, then he wouldn’t have let her stay.

  “I think you’ll like Brock,” she told him as they got into the car. “He’s a college wrestler. He likes to work out, but he isn’t as big as you are.” She let her eyes linger on his pants on purpose, hoping he noticed and took the double meaning in it.

  Same coughed a little and asked her, "He's big, is he?"

  Tamara's eyes widened as she realized he'd taken her words a third way. She had no idea how big Brock's cock was. She paused and had to bite her lip to keep from giggling. Brock's cock! It rhymed!

  She pushed the thought away and refocused on Sam. She hadn't meant her words that way but now she wondered if it made him jealous again. He needed to realize that denying himself was only delaying the inevitable. “Uh huh, and then there’s Adrian. He’s a big guy, too. Plays a lot of sports, and from the way Alex talks about him, he’s really good at football.” So good, that Alex hadn’t stopped talking about the man once she’d gotten drunk last night.

  She glanced at him as they drove, noting the way he was clenching and unclenching his jaw. She was finding this more fun than she thought.

  “And what does Alex do?” Sam asked her. “Play forward for his basketball team?” She could tell that he was getting annoyed, and decided to tone it down a bit.

  “You know, I didn’t think to ask her.”

  “Alex is a girl?” She could tell that he was trying to sound like it didn’t matter to him, but the way his hands relaxed on the steering wheel told a different story.

  “Yeah, she’s not as hot as Subie is, but that’s like comparing you in the shower, and you between my legs the other night. Both are pretty hot, but one is more enjoyable.”

  “Um, about that—“ Sam started to say, his dark cheeks turning red.

  “Oh, turn here,” Tamara interrupted before he could say anything else.

  “A hotel?” He asked her, disapproval thick in his voice.

  “Yeah, they’re here for spring break.”

  “Uh-huh,” he said thoughtfully. “I wonder what’s going on over there?”

  Tamara looked where he indicated. Lights flashed, and she could see a fire truck and police cars. A group of people were standing outside, looking at something but she couldn’t see what.

  “Hey, I think that’s Brock,” she stated, spotting the big man.

  Sam parked, and they both got out, heading for the crowd.

  “What’s going on?” she asked when they stepped up to the crowd.

  “Tamara?” he asked, looking at her in confusion, before anger filled his eyes. “Some bastard beat our rental car up, before lighting it on fire. The rental company is going to have a field day with this!”

  “Did anyone get hurt?” Sam asked. His eyes were constantly moving, never stopping to rest on one spot.

  “Who’s this?” Brock asked, then glanced at Sam’s leg. “Oh, you must be Sam. Tammy’s told us so much about you.”

  “She has?” Sam asked uncertainly, but she didn’t care. Anger was boiling deep in her gut at being called Tammy. Her name was not Tammy!

  “My name is Tamara!” she growled through clenched teeth. “Not Tammy!”

  “What? Oh, sorry.” Brock turned back to the car.

  She had to fight hard to rein in her fury. He’d apologized, but he’d acted as though he really didn’t care. It was a matter of respect and damn it, she may have just met them but she deserved to be respected! She forced the heat building inside her belly back down and let out a sigh to try and cool her down. “Who would do something like this?” she asked, trying to put the matter aside.

  A volunteer fireman standing a few feet in front of them reached around the rub his neck. He turned back and glanced at them before his eyes lingered on Tamara longer than was appropriate. He smiled a little but was swept aside when Sam cleared his throat.

  “Well, I see the police have everything in hand,” Sam told Brock. “It was nice meeting you. We’ll get out of your hair and let you deal with that.” He seemed nervous about something.

  Sam tried to shoo her away, but another voice rang through the air.

  “Sam Mendez. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Fuck!” Sam swore under his breath, then turned to face the officer that’d called to him. “Officer Jenkins! What are you doing here?”

  Tamara thought that was a dumb question, considering the amount of police around them.

  “My job,” the officer replied. “I saw you talking to Mr. Anderson there. Do you know him?” The man’s face looked calm and relaxed, but his tone was cold.

  “We just met, actually. Tamara and he are friends.”

  “Tamara?” Jenkins asked. “Oh, you mean your little . . . um . . . friend here.” She noticed that he was growing nervous. She wondered if he’d been about to call her a crack whore again, but assumed he wouldn’t be so rude in front of the crowd that was starting to pay them some attention. “You look nervous, Sam. You know, it just occurred to me that you live only a couple blocks away from here. Did you get jealous of your little, I mean, her friends and destroy their car? Wait a minute. Didn’t I hear something about the aquarium where you work at from dispatch this morning? Something about one of the dolphin tanks being damaged? I understand that the security cameras were disabled. Must be an inside job.”

  Sam clamped his jaw shut at the accusation. "You're kidding me, right? I didn’t do any of that. Or this!” Sam snapped.

  “Adrian mentioned that you were pretty rude to him last night,” Brock added.

  Sam began to back away, fear evident in his wide eyes.

  “It was two o’clock in the morning. I wasn’t happy about being woken up!”

  “Upset enough to take a bat to their car and toss some gas and a match on it? But that’s not enough for your temper, is it Mr. War Veteran? I’ll bet you went to work and took it out on those poor defenseless fish.”

  “They’re not fish. They’re
mammals!” Sam was really ruffled now. He started mumbling something about too many people and setting up a cordon. What was wrong with him? She knew he hadn’t done anything.

  Under normal circumstances, Tamara would have enjoyed watching the man squirm, but he was hers to make squirm. This annoying cop didn’t have the right to treat her man like that.

  “He’s innocent,” she said loudly enough to be heard over the muttering crowd. “I know, because he was between my legs last night, fucking me to new levels of bliss with his fat cock.”

  “Says his accomplice whore,” Jenkins sneers.

  “No,” Subie said, stepping out of the crowd in her usual attire, or lack thereof, “Tamara wouldn’t help with something like this. She’s a good girl.”

  Tama was shocked that Subie of all people would come to their rescue.

  “Yeah, so good, she’d fuck this creep,” Jenkins laughed.

  “Look at her, officer,” Subie continued, undismayed. “You’d fuck her too, if you had the chance. Hell, I’m straight, and even I’m a little tempted.” Very high praise, coming from the slim eyed beauty.

  “Well, I’m taking him in anyway,” Jenkins’s voice said he wasn’t going to argue this anymore. “Sam Mendez, you have the right to—“

  “Hey, aren’t you that officer that asked me if I was a crack whore, or where I could find any the other night?” Alex stepped out, an angry expression on her pretty features. “Yeah, it is you! I thought you were just some creep pretending to be a cop, but you really are one. What’s your badge number?”

  “Enough!” Jenkins yelled. Now he was the one backing away. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m watching you Sam. Don’t let me find you near any more crime scenes.” Without another word, Jenkins turned and fled back to the burnt out car.

  “Go find yourself another whore!” Tamara yelled after him. He stopped and shuddered for a second, before continuing on.

  “That’s the creep that asked you that?” Brock turned on Alex, and she nodded.

  Tamara turned to see that Sam had moved back to his car, and was leaning over the back end, breathing heavily.

  “I can’t believe that asshole,” she told him. Sam jumped, spinning to face her at the sound of her voice. His prosthetic didn’t land right, and he crumpled to the ground. Tamara would have laughed, if he hadn’t looked so pitiable. “Here,” she offered him her hand to help him up, but he ignored it, using his car to get back on his feet.

  “I can’t believe you told everyone we . . . we. . . .” he started to say, but just shook his head.

  “What? Fucked?” Tamara laughed lightly. “We did, Sam, and it was great. He doesn’t need to know it wasn’t last night. I know you didn’t destroy their car, or anything else. You’re a good guy.”

  Sam looked around, and she could tell that he was still bothered. “You don’t know anything about me,” he told her, but his voice was resigned. “I’m not as good a guy as you seem to think. I just wish you hadn’t said it.”

  “Well guess what, Sam,” she retorted, starting to get tired of his attitude. “Neither one of us knows a thing about me, either. Stop acting like this is all about you.”

  “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself in for,” he told her, but at least he was smiling a little. “Fine. I’ll grow up. Is that you wanted to hear?” He laughed at his little joke, but she didn’t think it was that funny.

  “So this is the infamous Sam with the massive cock?” Subie’s voice broke into their conversation. Sam’s cheeks turned that shade of red that Tamara liked seeing on him.

  “Well, Sam at any rate,” he told her. Tamara noticed him checking out Subie’s bikini, and jealousy wormed its way into her.

  “Sam, this is Subie, Brock’s girlfriend,” Tamara introduced her. The others walked over, and Tamara introduced each of them as well, except for Brock. He was still talking to the police.

  “Sorry about last night,” Sam told Adrian.

  “Don’t sweat it. If someone woke me up at two am, I think I’d be a bit annoyed as well.”

  The two shook hands. Something passed between the two that Tamara couldn’t interpret, but they smiled and that seemed to be the end of their rivalry.

  “If you two are done seeing who has the stronger grip, I’m going in to lie down,” Alex moaned. “I don’t know how any of you are even standing after what we drank last night. I’m hung over like crazy.”

  “Only Tamara drank more than you,” Adrian laughed as he let go of Sam’s hand. “Why don’t we go get some coffee? Brock can handle the police report.” Adrian looked around for a second, then grimaced. “Um, you mind driving Sam?”

  “Sure, why not?” he said, though Tamara suspected he wasn’t overjoyed at the notion. He didn’t seem to mind as much when Subie joined them, however. She was going to have to show the man who he belonged to.