Read Devil's Island Page 20

  Chapter 14

  Tamara felt like a new woman. Sam had finally given in to her and now, several hours later, they were breathless and sated. Her body still trembled from the aftershocks of her last orgasm. She was sore, but it was the good kind of sore.

  “I was thinking,” she told him, still out of breath.

  “I can’t,” Sam gasped. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  Tamara couldn’t help but giggle at the distress in his voice. She reached over and trailed her fingers up his bare thigh in teasing. “No. I meant about us.” Sam stiffened under her hand.

  “Um. . . Us?” he croaked, and Tamara giggled some more.

  “Relax. I don’t want to get married or anything,” she chided him. He relaxed under her hand, but not as much as he’d been a moment before. She rolled over and rested her head on his chest. Despite him having been stressed a moment before, his heart thumped with a strong steady rhythm. What secrets does this heart hold? “I want to get to know you better. Hell, I don’t even know myself.”

  She felt his arm move across her bare back, and smiled as he hugged her. He was hers now, and she was his. He couldn’t deny it any longer. Whatever their fates, she was certain he wasn’t going to push her away again.

  “I have a lot of history,” he told her, hesitating. "Stuff you don't need to deal with. Hell, most of it I’d rather not deal with."

  “Well, I have a lot of history I don’t know about,” she rejoined, tilting her head and planting her chin on his sternum. “I’m not asking for the Book of Sam.” She gazed at her lover, thinking. “What if you show me where you work? You said you were going to try and get me a job there anyway.”

  “Yeah, okay,” he hedged. Why was he growing hesitant now?

  “Of course,” she said, a hint of mischief in her voice, “we could stay around here, and play with whatever we can get our hands on.” As she spoke, her left hand drifted down his hard abdomen and gripped his flaccid meat. Even in its current state, he filled her hand. She marveled that she’d even been able to get it inside her, much less having done it repeatedly. Just thinking about it made the delicious ache between her legs lessen.

  Sam lurched beneath her and shifted so he could get out from underneath her sweat slicked body. “That's a good idea. I’m curious about what happened with the dolphins anyway."

  Tamara was disappointed, but only a little. She'd just fucked him silly. Or had he fucked her silly? Maybe the latter since she was fighting to keep from giggling at the thought. She was sore and didn't know if she could take another pounding from the veteran anyhow. Not that she wouldn't try. Or at least she could take him in her mouth or maybe between her boobs. Or the crease of her ass. Maybe he'd like that? Or in her ass? Her eyes widened at the thought of fitting the beast— that was her nickname for Sam's penis that he didn't know about yet— in her ass.

  "Why are you grinning?" Sam asked as he paused while strapping on his leg.

  "What?" Tamara smoothed her face and then crawled across the bed to press her naked chest against his back and nibble on his ear.

  "You're insatiable," he grumbled even if he didn't sound like his heart was in it.

  "Just happy," she said. "You made me a very happy woman. Now it's my job to make you a very happy man."

  Sam snorted and fumbled with the straps on his leg.

  "I was grinning because of all the very dirty thoughts that came to my head. I don't know where they came from either. It makes me wonder who I used to be. Not like I'm worried, just where I would come up with thoughts like that. Did my parents abuse me? Was I an orphan with foster parents that molested me?"

  "Jesus!" Sam grunted as he turned to look at her.

  Tamara winked at him. "I don't think so," she said. "And I'm definitely no virgin, especially not after having your Beast inside of me!"

  "My beast?" Sam asked and then followed her gaze down to his lap. He shook his head but it did nothing to hide the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips.

  "Mmm, yes," Tamara said. She pushed forward and kissed him again. "I mean it, Sam. I'm going to make you happy, no matter what it takes. You've been so grumpy and miserable, I'm going to give you a reason to live again. I'm going to be the thing that made all the pain and bullshit you've put up with worth it."

  Sam tore his gaze away from hers and shrugged. "Guess we'll see," he mumbled while he went back to fitting the prosthetic on his leg.

  Tamara took the opportunity to admire his body. His dark colored skin stretched taught along his broad shoulders and solid muscles. She wondered if he had an ounce of fat on him. If there was, a couple more marathon sex sessions like the one they just completed would burn it off.

  “Are you coming naked?” he asked her, raising one eyebrow. Tamara blushed slightly, realizing she’d been caught staring.

  “No. Judging by the way you're looking at me, we’d never make it there.”

  Sam chuckled. He bent over, grabbed her shirt, and tossed it to her. She threw it right back. “I’d rather wear one of yours. I like the way they smell.”

  She tried not to laugh at the shocked expression he gave her, but it was hard. The truth was, she’d noticed how much more he looked at her with the way she hung it off her shoulder. It helped that she never wore a bra under his shirts and just being near him kept her nipples hard enough to see whenever his shirt brushed against them. Let Subie flaunt her body as much as she wanted. Sam obviously enjoyed a bit more mystery when he looked at women.

  “So, what exactly do you do for a living?” Tamara asked, realizing that all she knew at this point was that it involved dolphins.

  Sam grew hesitant again before he said, “Let’s just say I’m good at taking care of messy situations.”

  “Or making them,” Tamara winked as she glanced at his covered crotch. Sam blushed. This time, She couldn’t hold back the laugh. He was too much fun to tease!

  It didn’t take them long before Sam pulled up to a building labeled “Dolphin Cove”. For once, Sam wasn’t furious and swearing epithets when he parked.

  Sam let her in a back entrance and Tamara couldn’t help but feel small inside the building.

  “Sam!” A woman’s voice greeted them. Tamara turned to see a voluptuous black woman walking up to them. “I was actually going to call and have you come in tomorrow. Oh, who’s this?”

  “Latoya, hi!” Sam’s voice rose an octave as he spoke. What was wrong with him? “Um, her? She, um. . . .”

  “Sam saved my life on the beach a few days ago. He’s showing me around Key Largo.” Tamara might not have her memories, but she had the feeling that this woman wouldn’t approve of their relationship. She offered her hand to the woman. Latoya eyed her for a moment, then smiled, flashing brilliant white teeth and took her hand.

  “Sam didn’t mention that,” Latoya stated. “But that’s not surprising. He tends to be pretty humble. I’ll bet he hasn’t told you how important he is around here.”

  “Um. . . .” Sam tried to break in, but Latoya took Tamara’s arm and began walking down the hallway.

  “In fact, you wouldn’t believe the shit he has to take care of. I don’t know what I’d do without him.” The other woman’s easy attitude put Tamara at ease. “Isn’t that right, Sam?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that,” Sam tried to protest.

  “See what I mean?” Latoya asked, patting Tamara’s arm. “Humble!” She turned back to Sam. “Your friends have missed you, Sam. Why don’t you go say hi, while I show. . . .”

  “Tamara,” she offered her name when she realized what the woman was asking.

  “That’s a pretty name, Tamara. Was it your mother’s? No, never mind. Why don’t we go to the cafeteria. You look like you haven’t had a good meal in weeks.”

  “The dolphins are okay?” Sam asked hopefully as Latoya pulled her away. “Dolly?”

  “Yes, yes,” Latoya responded in an off-hand manner. “They’re in the holding tank for now, until we can fix their main ta

  “What happened?” Sam called after them but if Latoya heard, she ignored him.

  They rounded a corner and Sam was lost behind them. For a moment Tamara was worried about being alone with this other woman, but Sam hadn’t been concerned. Besides, she enjoyed the way Latoya was treating her like a long lost friend.

  Latoya kept up a constant litany, describing their surroundings on the way to the cafeteria. She even paid for a plate of food for Tamara. She hadn’t realized how famished she was. Apparently she couldn’t subsist on a diet of sex alone, no matter how gratifying it was.

  They sat down at a table. Tamara had a chance to take a bite of her pizza—why hadn’t she tried this before? It was delicious!—before Latoya spoke again.“So tell me, how long have you been sleeping with Sam?”

  Tamara choked, caught off guard by the sudden question. “Calm down,” the other woman laughed lightly. “I’ve known Sam for a while now. He’s never brought anyone here before, and I could see the way you looked at each other. Besides, you’re wearing his shirt.”

  Tamara realized that the woman’s was clearly sharper than she let on.

  “It’s rather recent,” Tamara admitted, trying to hold her head high. She was embarrassed about being blindsided, but she was determined to hold her own now.

  “Yes, I guess it would have to be.” Latoya studied her for a moment more. “Don’t hurt him.” The words were delivered in a casual tone, but her brown eyes were firm. “Sam’s a good man, with a great heart. He’s been through some terrible shit. No one deserves that. But he’s strong. He—“

  “You like him!” Tamara stated, the realization dawning on her. She took another look at the older woman, and felt a stab of jealousy. Latoya was darkly beautiful with full lips and an hourglass figure. Her hips were wider than Tamara’s, but she remembered Brock mentioning that some men liked that. Sam and Latoya worked together. Latoya knew Sam better than she did.

  But Sam was Tamara’s man.

  “What?” Latoya tried to protest. Despite her wide eyes and open mouth, Tamara knew it was feigned. “I’m his boss. He is one of my employees. I’m just concerned about him. I know when he’s struggling with things, because his performance here suffers. It would be inappropriate to date one of my employees.”

  Tamara didn’t believe her for a moment, but chose not to argue. If she didn’t want to admit it, that was her problem. “You’re right. Sam is a good man. I only want to make him happy.”

  “And what happens when he’s old and gray, while you’re in your prime?”

  The pizza turned to cardboard in her mouth. Did she really think that was all that mattered to Tamara?

  “Sam’s got a great body and a fantastic cock,” Tamara told her, enjoying the way Latoya blushed at mentioning Sam’s wonderful appendage. “But he is more than that. You said it yourself: ‘Sam’s a good man, with a great heart.’”

  “He’s not rich, so if that’s what you’re thinking—“

  Tamara burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it. The thought that Tamara was interested in Sam for his money was ludicrous.

  Latoya joined in the laughter after a moment. “Yeah, I guess that wasn’t the best comment.”

  It took another moment for Tamara to catch her breath before she could speak. “Trust me, I have no intention of hurting Sam. I’m not saying I love him or anything. But he really is a good man, and I want to get to know him better. And, maybe this is crazy, but I want to help him.”

  “Help him? With what, his PTSD?” Latoya asked. Tamara stared at her, uncertain what she meant. “You know. His Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?” She continued to stare until Latoya sighed. “I’m talking about the way he gets really nervous about some things and is easily startled. He also has some anger issues.”

  “Oh, that!” Tamara stated. She hesitated a moment, uncertain what to say next. The truth was, she kind of enjoyed that side of Sam. Not that she liked seeing him in pain, but the uncertainty of it added a touch of mystery to the strong man. “It hasn’t been anything I couldn’t handle.”

  Latoya looked like she was going to say something more, but decided against it. “I’m glad he has a friend like you,” she said after another moment. Was there a hint of regret in her tone?

  Tamara knew she might not have won her over, but she'd at least passed the black woman's test. Now she just had to come up with a way to make sure Latoya didn’t try to steal her man. Sam was hers. He'd touched her and she'd touched him in ways that went beyond the skin. She didn't know what love was, but she knew that whatever she and Sam had wasn't something she was going to let anyone come between.