Read Diamond Eyes- A Novella Page 1



  Jennifer Perry


  Diamond Eyes- A Novella

  Copyright 2011 by Jennifer Perry

  This book is fictional. Any resemblance between people living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter 1: Revenge

  RMS Veendam, 1950


  My dress is delicate turquoise gossamer. It clings tightly to my slim curves and flows like water down my legs. Mother forced me into months of horrid dieting to wear it, making the once beautiful dress seem quite detestable. I don’t complain though, as Sylvia helps me into its soft folds. I don’t complain as she curls my mahogany hair. I don’t stop the buckets of make-up brushed across every surface of my face. I force myself into calm obedience. Tonight will make every hour of pointless beautifying worth it.

  Only one thing in my life gives me real pleasure, and that’s dancing. When I dance, all my cares and worries fly away. I feel weightless and free. Dancing brings happiness to my life, something it’s all but devoid of at any other time.

  Mother was quite excited about this cruise that travels from our home in New York to London. She loves high society and the elegance of our magnificent cruise ship. She had no say on the decision to come here, of course, but I can tell she is radiantly happy nonetheless.

  Father decided we should go on this cruise. Father decides everything. I long ago stopped trying to resist. Resistance is pointless and almost always ends up with a hand across my face. I rebel in smaller ways, ways he can’t notice. I save my money, and one day I’ll have enough to leave here and finally be free.

  Sylvia finally finishes my hair and rushes off to assist my complaining mother.

  “Annabell, get over here this minute!”

  I obediently enter her room, my face an emotionless mask. I am good at hiding my emotions. Right now, I am pretty annoyed at my controlling mother.

  “Yes, mother?”

  “Turn around and let me have a look at you.”

  I spin in a slow circle, hating how soft the dress feels against my legs. No dress is worth so many hungry nights.

  Now my mother is clucking her tongue. I turn around to glare at her, sick of hiding my emotions.

  “What?” I almost snap.

  “Your figure.” She shakes her head disdainfully. “No sweets tonight, you hear me?”

  “But,” I begin to protest.

  “No buts! If I catch you sneaking even a bite of anything containing sugar, it’s no food for a day. Do you understand?”

  I wince, because I know she’s not exaggerating with this punishment. I fill with rage at the injustice of it all.

  “Yes, mother.” I force myself to curtsy and head out the door. I pass my mother’s locket, sitting on a bureau. She wears it all the time. I know the only reason it’s not around her neck right now is because Sylvia is busy helping her into a ball gown. I snatch it up, and quickly leave the room before she can notice.

  The locket is small and silver. I fasten it around my neck, fingers quivering with rage. The locket, surprisingly heavy in weight, falls into place at my collar bone. My mother can do nothing about her missing necklace in public, so I quickly sneak out the door.

  The revenge fills me with new energy. Giddy with excitement for the freedom of dancing, I fling open the ballroom door and step into a world of music and dancing.

  Chapter 2: First Sight


  He told me that the woman I’m looking for should be easily recognized by the silver locket around her neck. I spot her almost immediately in a stunning turquoise number. I am immediately taken aback by her beauty and elegance. A man asks her to dance and she waltzes across the floor, graceful as a bird. She is surprisingly young. Her face is sweet, her dark brown eyes mischievous. I can’t believe that a girl this young is already married to a wealthy merchant with a teenage daughter. She looks no older than 20, though I know this can’t possibly be true. She must just be one of those people who never ages.

  The song ends and I quickly step forward to greet her.

  “My name is Hans Sohne.” I say bowing and taking her hand. It is small and soft within my own.

  “I’m Annabell Delancey.” She says, preforming a dainty little curtsy. Her hand doesn’t leave mine even though the hold is quite unnecessary now. I am glad. Her hand is has a smooth silky texture that feels wonderful against my skin.

  Music sweeps around us and I look into the melted chocolate of her eyes.

  “Can I have this dance?”

  “Of course.” She smiles, revealing dimples that perfect her already flawless face.

  Then I place my hand around her tiny waist and we waltz.

  I’ve danced the waltz hundreds of times in my twenty year life. I’m good at dancing. It’s easy to flow with the music and forget everything for those few short minutes.

  Annabell is much more than just good at dancing. She’s stunning, graceful, and phenomenal. Annabell doesn’t just flow with the music. It’s as if she and the music have become one. Her limbs flow like water through movements so elegant and graceful that it takes my breath away.

  We fly across the dance floor. I want to smile and laugh at the total release and carelessness that comes over me.

  All too soon the music’s over and I’ve completely forgotten about my assignment. I’ve completely forgotten that my presence here is for much more than just entertainment. In the sudden silence that follows, I do remember. I realize I’ll have to ask her to dance again, a fact that I am already celebrating.

  “One more song?” I beg her.

  She smiles “You can have as many songs as you want.”

  The next song is another waltz and the blissful dancing begins all over again.

  But this time, I have a mission.


  His name is Hans. He is not tall, but more medium height with broad shoulders and a cocky grin. His skin is a perfect golden brown. His blond hair falls chaotically across his forehead and his blue eyes are mesmerizing. I feel so attracted to him and I worry about the strength of my feelings. I thought I’d been enticed by men before, but that is nothing compared to the hypnotic pull I feel towards Hans. I know we are on a cruise and any romance from here will never survive the test of time. But I push that voice aside and dance like there’s no tomorrow in the arms of my (hopeful) love.

  The music swirls around us, soft as a spring breeze. It rises and falls, blending with the timeless symphony of ocean waves that gently embrace our boat. I feel the music as it enters my body and sigh as I melt away and become nothing but a tangle of notes and a symphony of sounds.

  I feel those hypnotic blue eyes reeling me in and dragging me out from the ocean of resonance. I dive back in, but again resurface to find the eyes startlingly close. I can’t focus on the music, the pull is too strong. On the surface the eyes are laughing and lighthearted. But somewhere deeper down I sense something deeper. I see something hidden at the heart of the ocean. I am completely spellbound by the brilliant blue eyes and the body swaying so close to mine.

  After two dances, he slips away. I feel lost without the magnetic pull of his body. The brilliant light from this stranger draws me like a lighthouse. I have no lack of dance partners, but I am distracted by thoughts of the compass pull that so recently overcame me. I feel lost and lonely without it. I wander through the elegant ship corridors and somehow end up in the garden. I stare at the stars and daydream when suddenly a voice interrupts the silence.

  “What are you doing so far from the dance?”

  I turn, but I already know who it is.

  It’s Hans.

  Chapter 3: Night Air

p; Hans

  I’ve completed my job for the night and delivered the locket. Now I wander the ship and make my way to the rooftop gardens. Them, out of nowhere, I see her and call out.

  “What are you doing so far from the dance?”

  She shrugs.

  “Just needed some fresh air, I guess. Want to join me?” She scoots over on the bench to make more room.

  I sit. I want to know more about this beautiful graceful girl even if it goes against my instincts and my employment.

  “So, Annabell…” I begin, but she cuts me off.

  “Call me Bella, please. My mother is also named Annabell and I hate it.”

  “All right, Bella.” I say, and smile. “Bella’s a beautiful name, I think it fits you.”

  She blushes. In the faint light, I swear I see diamonds in her eyes.

  “Thank you.” She whispers.

  “Bella, tell me more about yourself.” I urge her. “What is your family like?”

  She grimaces and I wonder what about her family has caused such a strong reaction.

  “My family’s terrible.” She says softly. “My mother is controlling and obsessed with high society. My father is horribly mean to us both and always gets his way.”

  “I’m sorry.” I say with meaning. I am surprised by her honesty. Then, I realize something.

  “But that doesn’t matter anymore. Aren’t you married?”

  Now it’s her turn to look surprised.

  “Married? I most certainly am not. I’m only sixteen!”

  “Someone told me you were married to Rufus Delancey.”

  Bella laughs.

  “You’re confusing me with my mother! We do share the same name, after all. Who was it that told you I was married to him?”

  I rack my brains for a cover story. There’s no way I could tell her the truth. The truth was that my job tonight had been to steal her mother’s locket. I’d learned Annabell Delancey’s name in the process of preparing for tonight’s burglary.

  “I asked about you, and that’s what someone told me.”

  “You asked about me?” she says, incredulous.

  “Yes I did.”

  Bella can’t seem to figure out a response. Finally she speaks up.

  “Well, glad that’s all cleared up.” She smiles mischievously. “Did you really think I looked old enough to be married?”

  I feel my cheeks flushing.

  “No, of course I didn’t. But no one bothered to tell me that there are two Annabell Delanceys!”

  “Well, now you know.”


  I can’t believe Hans thought I was my mother! Luckily it sounds like an honest mistake. Being compared to my mother is not a compliment.

  I steer the conversation towards Hans. I want to know all about him.

  “So what about you?” I ask him. “What is your family like?”

  “My dad died when I was ten.” Hans tells me. “He was a really amazing guy. The best dad anyone could ask for.”

  “I’m sorry.” I say. The words seem inadequate for the sorrow and sadness I feel on his behalf.

  “Thanks.” He breathes. We sit in silence for a few moments before he continues. “My mom is gone a lot. I think she tries to avoid our home because it reminds her too much of my father. Since 10, I’ve practically raised myself.”

  There’s an unsaid contract in the cool air between us. Tonight, we will both be truthful with each other. In a way, this is relieving. I no longer have to pick through sentences and try to discern the truth. Anything Hans says I instinctually know is not a lie. I have never been so open with someone I just met.

  “I may as well have raised myself.” I tell him. “My parents are anything but loving. Avoiding them is usually the best route to happiness.”

  Hans looks at me and the sorrow is clear in his glowing ocean eyes. He says nothing, but I understand. He is thinking about the mutual misfortunes of our parenting.

  We are quiet for a few moments and then conversation moves on to lighter subjects. We talk and talk for what seems like hours. At one point, I laugh so hard that my sides hurt because Hans’ joke is so funny. After a while, there is nothing but silence between us as we sit and admire the moon. Night air sits like a velvet curtain against our skin. Stars gleam brightly in the clear midnight sky.

  “Do you know Romeo and Juliet?” Hans whispers in my ear.

  I nod.

  The next times Hans speaks, his voice is majestic. The Shakespeare lines rise and fall and shiver as music through my ears and into my body. He caresses the ancient words, tongues them so beautifully that I tremble with feeling.

  “Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon

  Who is already sick and pale with grief

  That thou her maid art far more fair than she.

  Be not her maid, since she is envious.

  Her vestal livery is but sick and green,

  And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off.

  It is my lady! O, it is my love!

  O, that she knew she were! “

  The moment is so quiet, so profound. Feelings rise in me so strong that I am practically blown over. My body shivers with passionate delight. My mind reels with endless possibility. I feel suddenly warm in the cold night air.

  I look over at Hans, and see that he too is practically shaking. His eyes burn with feeling and I am overcome. Somehow I know he feels the same way I do about this all-consuming fire of love.

  Chapter 4: Too Fast


  All I can think is “Too fast. Too fast.”

  Love is supposed to come slowly after hours and hours spent in each other’s company. Love is not supposed to spring on you like this- so sudden that it takes my breath away. The emotions have an overwhelming strength and I know I have to leave this quiet garden where we sit alone. My instincts scream against it, but I stand up abruptly to pull away from the deep allure that now radiates out of Bella. I can’t trust my feelings in this hypnotic night air.

  Bella turns to face me, eyes confused.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Back down to the ball.” I have every intention of going there alone, but my resolution begins to melt at the horrid disappointment in her voice. I tell myself that it would be perfectly reasonable to dance with Bella. Nothing is going to happen. I am at least strong enough to ensure myself of that. “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes, of course I do.” She says with a smile that takes my breath away. Bella stands up beside me and takes my hand firmly in hers. I am about to object but it feels good, so good. Instead, our hands remain entwined as we make our way back to the dance floor.

  The next few hours are complete bliss: dancing every dance together, never leaving each other’s arms. The music and the draw of Bella’s body are all consuming. I feel small things: feather-light fingertips brushing my back, the soft tickle of mahogany hair on my cheek. Bella’s fingers burn across my forehead as she gently tucks hair behind my ear.

  My stomach rumbles and I ignore it. Finally, I’m too hungry and have to stop.

  “Want something to eat?” I whisper in her ear.

  “Sure. I’m starving! Where’s the food?”

  “Stay here.” I say, and find her a comfortable couch. Then I’m off into the crowd, following my nose to a table filled with refreshments.


  I immediately realize the problem as Hans approaches me. In his hands are two slices of elaborately iced cake. Across the room, I spot mother and she’s shaking her head- I swear that lady sees everything. But how can I refuse this cake that Hans so sweetly brought me? I mull over excuses in my head as Hans draws nearer and nearer.

  I stare at the cake miserably until Hans finally asks me what’s wrong. Once again unable to lie, I tell Hans the truth.

  “I’m not allowed to have sugar.”

  “What do you mean, not allowed?” Hans asks, confused.

  “My mother won’t let me.” I say in a small voic

  “Won’t let you?” His voice is rising now and I see the anger fill his face. His jaw hardens.

  I’m touched by Hans’ concern but realize I must calm him down. My mother’s still watching us and I can’t let her see how angry Hans has become. I have a small enough chance of her approval as it is.

  “Hans calm down.” I plead.

  When I get no response, I grab his arm and practically drag him out of the ballroom. Once we reach the hall, Hans finally speaks.

  “You weren’t joking when you said your parents were controlling.” His voice is still hard, but I can see he is calming down.

  “No, I certainly wasn’t.” I agree.

  We walk in silence for a moment.

  “I’m so sorry I reacted that way.” Hans says, regret clear in his voice. “It took me by surprise. The anger I felt at your mother…” he shook his head “Anyways, please accept my sincere apologies.”

  “Don’t worry, you’re already forgiven.”

  Chapter 5: Perfect


  I can’t believe I overreacted so much to Bella’s arrogant controlling mother. I was so angry. I didn’t know I was even capable of feeling so protective. I long to hunt her mother down and to give her a piece of my mind, but I know I can’t. No matter how much Bella dislikes her parents, I can tell some part of her must still love them. Sweet forgiving Bella is so good to everyone.

  I’ve long forgotten my assignment. My role tonight is finished. I push Bella’s involvement in my employment aside. My feelings for her increase more and more by the minute.

  Bella leads me through winding ship corridors. I stop thinking and just focus on the soft feel of her hand in mine. Her skin is pale and clear. When she blushes, her cheeks turn the perfect coral pink that reminds me of the inside of a seashell. I find myself fascinated with her skin as I run my thumb over and over the smooth silk of her hand.

  Her hair is hypnotizing as well. The color is unusual: dark brown with an undertone of deep rich red. It makes me think of mahogany and looks as soft as the as the downy fur of a newborn kitten. It has been twisted into an elegant knot for the night. Soft curls hang down and elegantly frame her face.