Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 13

  Chapter 10: Wednesday 13th May (Lunchtime).

  Two days flew by without incident and at Noon on Wednesday I entered Diamonds’ jewellery shop, which was a hive of activity with around six neatly dressed teenage assistants who were showing off large ranges of gold chains and rings to customers.

  A young man of about nineteen appeared at my side as I stood by the door asking, “May I help you Sir?”

  “No thank-you,” I politely declined, “I have a lunch date with Melanie.”

  She was going through the same routine as Sunday with Tracey and me with a young couple picking out an engagement ring for themselves.

  The youngster went to where his boss was and tapped her arm.

  “A gentleman to see you Miss Davison.”

  Melanie smiled at me and looked down again.

  “An excellent choice Miss.” as the couple embraced, just as we had done on Sunday.

  Melanie spent a few minutes instructing her minion to conclude the sale and thanking the couple, before she sighed coming towards me. “Let’s go,” as I held the door open following her out.

  “Do you have any preference where we eat?” she asked walking shoulder to broad shoulder.

  “No,” I assured her, “I’m never fussy when someone else is paying.”

  Melanie laughed, “I am sorry about having to cancel Monday.

  My father announced he was coming on his monthly inspection and I’d forgotten about it.”

  “That’s okay, it didn’t cause any problem.” I assured her as we reached an Italian bistro.

  “Would Italian be okay?” She entered the large glass door so I had no choice but to say “Fine.” as she led me inside.

  The manager’s eyes lit up on sight of her.

  “Ah, Miss Melanie, very nice to see you again, usual table?”

  “Yes thank-you Rolando, table for two please.”

  Snapping his fingers a waiter appeared showing us to a table offering us menus.

  “Before we start,” Melanie began, “business first.”

  She pulled from her pocket a receipt.

  “I’ve taken the liberty of deducting ten percent discount because it’s you.”

  Even with a ten-percent reduction it was still going to ruin me, but I thanked her saying “You needn’t have done that - thanks dear. I’ll get this meal then?”

  She was offended by the suggestion.

  “No, I said I’d pay for it, and I will - I want to.”

  I suggested going ‘Dutch’ or tossing a coin to decide but she insisted on picking up the tab.

  “Okay you win,” I submitted, “you must allow me to buy you dinner some other time.”

  It was agreed as she ordered her ‘usual’ when the waiter returned.

  I had never seen an Italian menu before.

  “Whatever the lady’s having, I’ll have the same.”

  They looked at one another as Melanie asked. “I’ve got some pretty weird tastes - are you sure?”

  “If it’s good enough for you,” I assured her, “then it’s good enough for me.”

  Melanie winked to the waiter, who bowed slightly, smiled and left.

  “Brian,” she continued, “I invited you to lunch so that I could make up for all the things I thought about you.”

  I already knew what she was going to say, as unknown to her, Tracey had told me everything as I let her continue.

  ”When Rachel first told me that a guy was moving into the flat, I felt uneasy, which is really unusual as I’ve never been threatened before by any guy.”

  Two bowls of thick black soup were placed before us.

  “If we are out at a night club or a concert there invariably will be guys who instinctively home in on Rachel and try to chat her up.

  They have never ever bothered me. How’s your soup?”

  “Fine.” I lied as I had never tasted soup like it before.

  It looked and tasted disgusting, but I ate it so as not to offend her, as she devoured hers.

  “I trust Rachel one hundred percent,” she continued between spoonfuls, “but I was always very wary of you.

  The nights when you came to our concerts I would look at you, while you and everyone else looked at Rachel, and I’d get more and more uneasy.”

  She broke off again as the empty bowls disappeared and the waiter asked.

  “Would you like your steak now sir?”

  “Please,” I replied, “well done.”

  Bowing again he left, returning a few minutes later with two steaks with vegetables.

  I stared in disbelief at Melanie’s plate, as her steak was almost raw. My steak wasn’t any better so I rejected it and a few minutes later it returned a little better. “Carry on,” I beckoned.

  “What changed my mind was the other night,” she continued,

  “While you danced with Debbie I saw how tightly you held her and how much she trusted you.

  My whole opinion of you changed when I realised that if that kid, after all the shit she’s gone through, could trust you that much then I had no option than to trust you too.”

  My stomach almost churned as she took a mouthful of her steak.

  Looking away I noticed a beautiful woman coming out of the ladies' room.

  I glanced at her as she passed close to our table and after she had passed I looked again at Melanie who watched this woman’s every movement until she sat somewhere behind me.

  There was silence for a few seconds as her eyes followed the woman and looking at me, somewhat embarrassed, she realised I knew where her eyes had been.

  “I’m thinking of getting a dress just like that one.”

  She smiled to cover any blushes.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” I laughed as she smiled and my steak returned a little better than before.

  “In every relationship,” Melanie continued, “there is always one who is a little stronger than the other.

  I could never match Rachel’s strength and although I love her with all my heart I am easily swayed by mixed emotions - as you’ve probably gathered.”

  She gave a slight nod in the direction of the woman who had passed as we cleared our plates.

  “To tell you the truth,” I stated as my plate emptied, “when I accepted the offer of the flat I had mixed emotions too.”

  “I knew that I would be tempted by Rachel and the others and the possibility excited me, but, I didn’t want to screw up my relationship with Tracey so, I purposely keep to myself, as far away from them all as possible.”

  The waiter appeared before me again and I, very abruptly, scowled to him.

  “Look pal, you’re beginning to bug me, what do you want?”

  “Very sorry sir - Would you like tea or coffee?” he asked politely if slightly annoyed.

  “Tea please.”

  He turned and hurried away as I looked again into Melanie’s eyes as she clasped her hands under her chin smiling at me.

  I felt annoyed at myself for my abruptness with the waiter as I sighed and continued.

  “My main fault is that I become very fond of everyone I meet, and although I love Tracey I have become very fond of Marcie, Lynda, Aleesha, Rachel, yourself and especially Debbie and treat you all like sisters.”

  The waiter interrupted us again as he deposited cups pouring tea into my one and coffee into the other.

  “Listen Stefan,” I sighed noticing his name badge, “I must apologise for what I said just now.”

  “Is all right sir.”

  “It’s not alright Stefan, I’m trying to have a conversation with this young lady, but that’s no reason for shouting at you. I’m really sorry.”

  “Like I say sir, is normal for people to shout at Stefan around here.”

  “Stefan.” I interrupted him.

  “Yes Sir?”

  “Ciao and Goodbye.” His bow and smile returned, as I looked at Melanie again who was smiling broadly.

  “Where was I?
r />   I am very fond of all of you - even ‘screwball’ Lynda, but believe me I would never do anything to harm your relationship with Rachel.

  My God,” I sighed, “I’m really sorry about that, I’ve never spoken to a waiter that way before, I don’t know what’s come over me?”

  Melanie giggled as she raised her coffee cup to her perfect lips.

  ”I’m sorry,” she laughed, “that’s more my fault than yours.”

  I looked at her confused.

  “The soup, you’ve just eaten, is a powerful aphrodisiac.

  I should have warned you.”

  My confusion turned to surprise as she winked at me and blew me a kiss.

  “Like I was saying, I need all the help I can get to satisfy Rachel.”

  I felt this strange woman was toying with me.

  “Well,” I whispered back, “Feeding me aphrodisiacs shouldn’t ease your mind any as Tracey is 50 miles away and Rachel’s bed is only 10 feet across a hall from mine.”

  Her inviting smile vanished. “I never thought of that.” She sighed, looking worried, as I excused myself to visit the men’s room leaving Melanie to ponder her actions.

  Returning she wasn’t in her seat, but, I did find a very nervous Stefan clearing the table.

  “Miss Melanie is gone, sir,” he said.

  “Gone?” I asked, “what do you mean gone?”

  “She is upset and flew out the door, sir. I’m sorry.”

  I walked slowly to the exit feeling sorry for Melanie, at the way I had teased her, as the manager looked at me with concern.

  “Very sorry sir, but she was out the door before I could stop her.”

  “That’s okay, I’ll catch her later.” I produced my chequebook,

  “How much do I owe for the meal?”

  “Nothing,” his reply as I looked at him confused,

  “Miss Melanie asked me to put it onto her account.”

  “Oh.” I was surprised.

  “Yes Sir,” he answered with great concern, “I do hope Miss Melanie will be okay.”

  “I hope so too.” I sighed as I thanked him and exited.

  I was in two minds whether to pursue her when the cannon from the castle sounded, so I returned to my office and sat dreamily until Sarah entered and perched herself, as usual, on my desk.

  “How was lunch?” she asked smiling.

  “Before I answer that - I’ve a question. Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, you’re the boss.” Sarah’s enchanting, cheeky smile beamed down at me as I leaned backwards in my chair asking her seriously.

  “Sarah, tell me, how much of what goes on in here gets passed on to Julia and the others?”

  She could tell I was serious.

  “If there’s something that’s a personal secret, you can count on me to keep it secret.” She assured me by crossing her heart,

  “Hope to die if I tell a lie.”

  “Sarah,” I begged, “I know that you’re a good girl and I trust you, but what happened at lunch might be a bit heavy for your young innocent ears.” She listened intently saying nothing.

  “Do you recall Sandy and Charlie from Monday?”

  “Those two drunks?” She asked.

  “Yes, Sandy said the girl I was with last week kept wailing on about death, rape and lesbians.” Sarah looked shocked.

  “Don’t worry,” I assured her, “I’m neither a murderer, rapist nor a . . . or gay, Okay?”

  “Okay.” she repeated.

  “But,” I took a deep breath, “The people I share a flat with are.”

  Sarah could not believe her ears. “What?” she asked surprised.

  “As you know I live with five female flatmates who are all pretty weird.” I paused as I adjusted my seat while she sat in silence.

  “Well, one of them is a lesbian, one is a murderess, and one…”

  “Come on,” she interrupted, “you can’t get female rapists. Can you?”

  “We’ve got one.” I assured her.

  Sarah unfolded her arms placing them behind her and laughed “No way.” in utter disbelief.

  “It’s true,” I assured her, “only this one can’t remember a thing about it afterwards.”

  She stared at me “How do you know?” I bowed my head.

  “You can not be serious - she raped you?”

  “Last Wednesday night.” I confessed.

  “How?” She was totally confused now.

  “Sarah, I am only interested in making love with one person, Tracey, and ever since last week I’ve lived in fear of her finding out, but, now two people know about it.”

  “One of them being Melanie?” she asked.

  “No, You and Lynda.” she was bewildered.

  “Who the hell is Lynda?”

  “She’s the murderess.”

  “Then who, in the name of God, is Melanie?”

  “Will you keep your voice down?” I pleaded,

  “Melanie is Rachel’s lesbian lover.”

  “Ah,” Sarah leaned forwards slowly whispering, “And it was Rachel who raped you?”

  I could tell all I was doing was making matters worse.

  “No.” I replied as Sarah buried her head in her hands and sighed while looking at me through her open fingers.

  “Okay,” she sighed jumping from the desk. “Don’t go away; I’ll be back in two minutes.”

  I sat for a few minutes wondering what Sarah was up to when the telephone ringing brought me back to reality.

  “Hello.” picking up the receiver.

  “That’s Melanie for you.” Sarah announced. I thanked her and repeated, “Hello.”

  “I’m sorry for running out on you like that,” she apologised sincerely, “can I see you for dinner to make up for my behaviour?”

  “There’s no need for that.” I assured her.

  “Yes there is,” she snapped, “can you pick me up at five thirty?”

  “I don’t know if I should?”

  I certainly wanted to find out more about this strange beauty, but my conscience kept telling me not to get involved.

  “There’s the ring,” she continued, “you haven’t paid for it yet.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed in disbelief at myself - in all the confusion over lunch I had omitted to pay for the ring.

  “Okay,” I conceded, “I’ll pick you up at 5:30.”

  “Okay then,” she sounded cheerier, “I’ll see you then, Bye.”

  She was gone.

  A few minutes later Sarah, looking totally confused, was again perched upon my desk.

  “You’re right,” she began, “it is a long story, but, I can’t figure out where Melanie comes into it if she’s Rachel’s lover?”

  I leaned back into my chair again and explained quietly.

  “Melanie has a jewellery shop.

  She gave Tracey an engagement ring and I was to pay for it over lunch today.”

  She smiled, “Then why on earth didn’t you?”

  She confirmed, as I suspected, she had listened into my conversation with Melanie, and however justified her motives it was something I strongly objected to.

  “Melanie invited me to lunch to make up for not trusting me with Rachel, and I made the mistake of ordering everything that she ordered, not knowing they were all aphrodisiacs.

  Anyway, at the end of the meal she teased me by telling me what I had eaten, so, to wind her up I asked her how safe Rachel was if she slept only ten feet away from me whilst Tracey is fifty miles away and I was full of aphrodisiacs.

  Then I went to the loo, and when I returned, she was gone.”

  “Oh I see,” Sarah laughed, “now she’s worried that you’ll go home and make love with Rachel.”

  I gave her a knowing nod.

  “Rachel is as safe from me tonight as she was last night but Melanie believes in the power of these aphrodisiacs and using the bait of paying for the ring to get me over there tonight for dinner.”

  Sarah squealed her delight as the plot
became clearer and she realised what the problem was. “You don’t trust yourself with her because you’re full of this ‘love potion’?” she laughed.

  “Actually, No,” I laughed back, “I don’t trust HER because SHE is full of it as well.”

  Sarah toppled from the desk in hysterics and doubled up in a fit of the giggles on the carpet at the side of the desk as the door opened.

  Julia entered with the afternoon mail staring bewildered at Sarah as she crossed to hand me my letters.

  “Is she okay?” Julia asked.

  “Who knows?” I answered as I thanked her and she slowly exited without taking her eyes from the hysterical girl who was rolling with laughter on the floor.

  Ignoring Sarah I opened my mail as her laughter subsided and she rose to her knees wiping tears from her eyes.

  She leaned upon her elbows at the side of the desk.

  “But she’s gay.” she laughed.

  “And,” I whispered as I leaned across and looked into her happy face, “I’m engaged.”

  “Oh,” she smiled, “What would Tracey say?”

  “If there’s anything to tell Tracey,” I assured her, “I’ll tell her, okay? Okay?” she knew that I was serious.

  “No worries,” she assured me, “It’s a secret.”

  I smiled back at her. “And, not a word to Julia or anyone else, okay?”

  She whispered. “Not one word shall pass my lips.”

  “Please don’t tell anybody our secrets.” I implored, “And if you listen into any of my private calls again I’ll leather you ‘till you’re black and blue, and then fire you.

  Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Sarah’s laughter waned as she straightened up adjusting her hair while I leaned back into my chair. “You can trust me boss.”

  She assured me reverently.

  “I hope so,” I whispered, “I sincerely hope so.”

  Walking silently to the door she smiled and saluted.

  “As the adding machine once said,” she laughed, “You can always count on me.”

  I smiled and saluted as she closed the door behind her and I repeated to myself.

  “I sincerely hope so, Sarah, I hope so,”

  A few minutes later I was opening my mail when the telephone rang.


  ‘That’s Tracey for you.” Sarah announced.

  I thanked her and waited until I heard her extension click down before I began. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” came Tracey’s sweet voice, “How are you doing?”

  “Fine,” I replied as I opened a letter from Glasgow office, which contained a copy of invoice 5044.

  “You’ll never guess who I called the other day?” I asked.

  “Who? Tell me?”

  “Andy Baird.” I replied.

  “And what has that two-timing rat got to say for himself?” she asked.

  “Oh, not a lot,” I replied, “I asked him if he remembered a nice blonde lassie he used to date five years ago.”

  “And does he remember me?”

  “How could anyone forget you,” I replied, “especially since I keep reminding him.”

  “Did you tell him our good news?”

  “What good news?” I asked evasively.

  “Okay,” she laughed, “what did he say?”



  “Not a thing - He hung up on me.”

  “You’re horrible,” she laughed.

  “I’m wondering if we should invite him to the wedding?” I enquired.

  “I believe you would.” We both laughed for a few seconds.

  “On the subject of Andy Baird,” she continued, “I was passing a certain electrical store yesterday lunchtime when I suddenly had an insatiable desire to look at the radios.”

  “I wonder why?” I chuckled.

  “Anyway there I was,” she continued, “chatting away to one of the sales assistants about the prices and quality when she suddenly asked if I recognised her?

  I don’t think so, I said puzzled, then she told me her name was Mary and we met about five years ago when I was going out with a guy called Andy and she was going out with his friend Brian.”

  “Oh yes, Mary, I remember you now, You were the bitch who two-timed us.

  I am really sorry about that, she said,

  I’ll never forgive myself for breaking up you and Andy and because of that I haven’t seen Brian since.”

  “Oh I saw Brian last week, I told her.

  How is he? She asked.

  He’s getting on very well indeed, I told her, and he is engaged now.

  Oh is he? She sounded pleased and slightly annoyed.

  You should have seen her face when I flashed her my ring. She was speechless as I left her.”

  “And you called ME horrible.”

  We laughed together at our cunning for a few moments.

  “Tell me,” she continued, “How did lunch with Melanie go?”

  “I wondered when you were going to ask?” I asked evasively.

  “I’m not being nosy,” she lied, “I’m just curious when another girl takes my fiancé out to lunch.”

  “Girl!” I exclaimed, “Melanie is no girl, she’s an animal.”

  There was a short pause before Tracey slightly shocked asked.

  “I know she’s a little mixed up but that’s no reason why you should condemn her because of her sexuality.”

  “Believe me,” I interrupted, “I wouldn’t condemn anybody for their sexual feelings but this kid is so mixed up she’s incredible.”

  “Why?” she asked concertedly, “what happened at lunch’?

  I told Tracey roughly what I told Sarah.

  “You’re kidding” Tracey laughed disbelieving.

  As we laughed together the door opened and Sarah entered to stand before me notebook in hand. “Hold on a second,” I asked Tracey, “The laughing gnome has returned.

  Yes, Sarah what can I do for you?”

  “I am very sorry to interrupt but Debbie is on the phone she wants to know if you would take her to a twenty-first birthday party tomorrow night?”

  “Sure, I’d love to.” I answered.

  “Well,” Sarah continued, “When I told her you were engaged she asked me if she should ask Tracey?

  When I told her it was Tracey you were speaking to she asked me to ask you to ask Tracey if it’s okay with her?”

  “Tracey.” I asked, “Would you mind if I took Debbie to a twenty-first birthday party tomorrow night?”

  “Sure” she replied, “for Debbie no problem.”

  “Okay,” I addressed Sarah,

  “Tell Debbie I would be honoured to escort her to the party, ask her for all the details.”

  “Okay boss,” Sarah smiled retreating to the door,

  “Debbie you shall go to the ball.”

  “She’s a nice girl,” Tracey continued, “I like her.”

  “Yes, I quite agree Debbie’s an angel.”

  “I was talking about Sarah.” she interrupted sternly.

  “That’s the trouble with having so many women in my life, I get so confused.”

  “You’d better not be.” she commanded as we said our goodbyes and I resumed the reconciliation before me.

  Roughly half an hour went by before Sarah bringing me a mug of tea perched on my desk again.

  “I don’t know if I like this,” she stated sombrely.

  Raising the mug to sip the tea I asked quietly. “What don’t you like?”

  “Telling lies on the phone.” she replied.

  “I’m not with you?” I asked concerned.

  Sarah took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I asked Debbie for the details of this party to which she replied she’ll see you tonight.

  I know you’re seeing Melanie tonight, so I told Debbie that you were going out with a client.”

  She handed the page from her notebook, which contained the details of the party and
I glanced over them.

  “Sarah,” I spoke very tenderly,

  “I don’t want you to tell lies for me. There is nothing-sinister going on.

  I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about Melanie.”

  I took the ‘Diamonds’ receipt from my pocket and studied it.

  “Would it make you feel any better if I let you away early today and you drop off a cheque for me?”

  Sarah gave out another long sigh. “If you want me to,” she replied, “but would that solve the problem?”

  I thought about the question for a few moments and then stated.

  “At the moment there is no problem.

  Melanie’s intentions may be entirely honourable and she only wants to apologise for lunchtime.”

  “But,” Sarah interrupted, “on the other hand she may be wanting you over there to seduce you because she’s worried you’ll go home and seduce Rachel.”

  “Rachel,” I assured her, “isn’t in any danger.”

  “I know that,” She leapt from the desk,

  “The only person who is in any danger is YOU.”

  Her voice descended to a whisper as she placed her right hand on my left shoulder and shook me tenderly.

  “You’re dealing with a very mixed up lady and you don’t want her to cause trouble between you and Tracey.”

  We stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments and I had to resist an overwhelming urge to take her in my arms and kiss her passionately, but I resisted her tempting eyes and inviting lips. “Okay,” I whispered, “I’ll be careful.”

  Sarah patted my shoulder as you would reward an obedient dog for fetching a stick and walked towards the door.

  She had only walked a few paces when the door opened and Julia entered with some files, which she placed upon my desk.

  “By the way,” I called to Sarah, “could you phone Aleesha and tell her I won’t be home for tea?”

  “Sure boss.” Came the reply.

  Julia looked confused as she crossed to the open door.

  “Julia,” I asked, “Do you like working here?”

  “Sure.” she answered confused.

  “Well,” I put on my no-nonsense voice, “the next time you come through that door without knocking it you won’t be.”

  Julia said nothing as she hurriedly exited leaving me to decide on my plan of attack.

  “Have I missed much?” Emily yawned as she woke.

  “You missed quite a few things” I apologised, as Emily rose adjusting her hair and clothing and rejoined me at the table checking her recorder hadn’t missed anything while she slept.

  “Firstly I had a very unusual night with Debbie when I made love with her and found out that she had a split personality.

  I found out that she had been abused as a child and had an absolutely awful childhood.

  I discovered Lynda had murdered someone when she was a teenager and had managed to conceal it and she has managed to keep Debbie out of trouble for the past few years.

  I also found out Rachel and Melanie were lesbians and have been in a relationship for a few years.

  Tracey and I became engaged, when she found the evidence of my night with Debbie, so I lied to her as I told her all about how I was coping with these strange women and how I had very little to do with any of them.

  We arranged to buy an engagement ring from Melanie, but Melanie wouldn’t take the money for the ring so I arranged to have lunch with her.

  I decided to test how strong Melanie’s relationship with Rachel was by winding her up - So now we are at the point where it could all go seriously wrong.

  I have a dinner date with a very mixed up woman – mixed up and severely wound up – and she’s full of aphrodisiacs.

  What do you think I should do?” I implored of Emily.

  “You’ve just become engaged, so, you shouldn’t go.” Emily answered.

  “You’re right,” I sighed, “You’re so right.”

  “So you went to dinner with Melanie then?” Emily asked smiling.

  “Of course,” I replied, “Of course I went.”

  “Why?” Emily smiled intrigued.

  I had no answer.