Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 15

  Chapter 12: Thursday 14th May (Evening).

  At the dining table I felt very strange indeed.

  My head was heavy from lack of sleep, but I thought I hid my tiredness well so as not to make anyone doubt my ability to care for Debbie at the Party.

  Rachel, however, was strangely quiet during our meal and every time I looked up I caught her staring at me.

  ‘Could she possibly suspect what went on last night between Melanie and me?’ Her gaze worried me.

  ‘Surely Melanie wouldn’t have said anything?’

  All Debbie’s thoughts were in anticipation of the evening’s festivities as I took the page of Sarah’s notepad from my pocket and enquired who Sandra was.

  “She’s a teller at the bank,” Debbie informed me,

  “She’s a very nice girl; you’ll like her when you meet her.”

  She assured me quickly finishing her meal and exited to change.

  “Make sure she enjoys herself.” Marcie implored maternally.

  “I’ll do my best.” I assured her going to change, but I couldn’t help catching that strange look in Rachel’s eyes again.

  An hour later I had donned my most expensive suit and was in the living room confirming where the venue was when the door opened and Debbie slowly entered wearing a virgin white taffeta dress.

  She looked absolutely stunning.

  As soon as Lynda saw her she let out a very loud wolf-whistle and joined Rachel, Marcie and Aleesha in applause while Debbie twirled making the hem parachute.

  Marcie beamed at the beauty before her, “Debbie, you are beautiful.” as Rachel called out. “Hold It.” and ran from the room returning a few seconds later with a sparkling diamond tiara in a velvet box.

  “I’ve been hoping to find a suitable occasion to wear this.”

  Rachel whispered placing the tiara on Debbie’s head kissing her lightly on the cheek, “Debbie. Now you’re an angel.”

  “Thanks Rachel.” Debbie whispered almost in tears as Lynda said, “She looks more like a fairytale princess now.”

  Everyone agreed with Lynda as Debbie curtseyed regally to thank everyone for the kind remarks.

  “Okay Cinderella,” I smiled getting up, “your carriage awaits.”

  She curtseyed again to me before taking my arm.

  “You make sure you’re back here by midnight.” Marcie warned us.

  “We don’t want you turning into a pumpkin.” Lynda added,

  “You can lose the shoes if you like, but, don’t lose the tiara.”

  Rachel winked showing me ‘DIAMONDS’ logo on the box confirming the jewels were real. “It was a present.”

  “Have a ball.” Lynda called as we left the living room and I led her to the car.

  Opening the door I whispered.

  “You look absolutely fantastic tonight, Princess.”

  Debbie thanked me as she climbed into her seat.

  Making sure that the hem of her dress couldn’t be caught in the door as I closed it then hurried to the driving seat.

  Arriving at the party there were quite a few people already there and I felt very proud of her when every eye in the hall turned to smile at the vision of loveliness by my side as Sandra greeted us warmly by the entrance.

  “Debbie!” Sandra exclaimed as she hugged her,

  “You look wonderful tonight dear.”

  Debbie thanked her introducing me.

  “You’re a very lucky guy,” Sandra continued, “You’ve certainly got the most beautiful girl in the world.”

  I could not argue, as we were directed towards a table of Debbie’s colleagues who all sat speechless as I held a chair for her to sit.

  “Would you like a drink?” I asked her.

  “Could I have a sparkling white wine, please?”

  “Sure you can,” I assured her,

  “Tonight, princess, your wish is my command.”

  During the following three hours it seemed every man in the hall queued up to dance with Debbie and by eleven o’clock she still looked radiant, but her sparkle was beginning to fade a little as she began to tire.

  “Would you dance with me?” she asked me when she had caught her breath.

  “Princess, I’d love to.” I replied leading her to the dance floor on my arm as the band played a slow romantic ballad.

  Walking to the centre of the deserted floor I took her in my arms.

  We swayed slowly to the beat with her head on my shoulder and her perfect body pressed against me.

  “Brian,” she whispered into my ear, “thanks for bringing me here tonight, I’ve really enjoyed myself.”

  Holding her tightly I kissed her lightly on the forehead saying,

  “I’m glad you invited me, princess, I’ve really enjoyed being with you, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world tonight.”

  “Thank-you,” Debbie whispered snuggling into me as we continued to sway together, regardless of the beat, for about half an hour.

  Looking up at me she whispered. “Could you take me home now?”

  I smiled into her tired sparkling eyes, which shone as brightly as her tiara. Kissing her forehead again I smiled.

  “Sure princess.” and led her back to her seat to retrieve her purse and my jacket.

  There were genuine looks of disappointment in the faces of her male colleagues as she said her goodbyes.

  We kissed Sandra, thanking her for inviting us, and walked arm in arm to the car where I took her in my arms and embraced her tenderly.

  “Thank-you Brian,” she whispered,

  ”I’ve had a wonderful time tonight, thank-you.”

  “No,” I interrupted, “thank you for inviting me.

  I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, you really are an angel.”

  We stared smiling for quite a few minutes while I held the car door open for her.

  As I surveyed this beautiful vision before me I knew I was falling deeply in love with her.

  This worried and excited me at the same time as we drove homeward.

  Driving for a few minutes Debbie spied a hamburger stall and asked if I would mind stopping for something to eat.

  “To tell you the truth,” As I pulled over, “I could do with a bite to eat myself.”

  Getting out of the car Debbie skipped towards the stall as the grey-haired old man raised his weary head from a newspaper and beamed her a welcoming smile.

  “Good evening Cinderella, what can I get you?”

  Debbie smiled up at him asking, “May I have a hamburger please? Without onions.”

  “Sure you can princess - and for Prince Charming?”

  “Cheeseburger, no onions, and two cans of lemonade, please.”

  We concluded our transaction amid light-hearted banter of how onions on dates don’t mix, but when I turned to hand Debbie her burger she was not behind me.

  I looked towards the car - she was not there.

  I looked right, left, across the busy street, but could not see her anywhere.

  I turned in desperation towards the stallholder calling out “Where did she go?” but he didn’t know either.

  Walking to the side of the stall, to my relief, I saw her on a swing in a playground.

  “It’s okay,” I shouted to the stallholder, “I’ve found her” and slowly walked towards where she was gently swinging back and forth.

  I sat on a swing beside her handing her the hamburger wrapped in a tissue and warned her not to drip any grease onto her dress.

  We ate in silence.

  Debbie got up to put her tissue and empty can into a waste paper bin and stood before my stationary swing whispering.

  “Thanks Brian, thanks again for such a wonderful evening.”

  “It was you who made it such a wonderful night, princess.” I sighed lovingly.

  As I dabbed the side of her mouth with my tissue, the sight of her cherry red lips enhanced my love for her and I could not resist planting a loving kiss on them, as I stood up, crossing behin
d her to deposit my tissue in the bin.

  I had to remind myself that I was engaged to Tracey.

  I finished my drink deep in thought and depositing the can in the bin I turned around to see Debbie lying on a carousel roustabout looking up at the stars.

  I crossed to it and gently setting it in motion, I sat opposite her as it spun slowly.

  “How many stars do you reckon there are?” Debbie asked as she watched the heavens rotate above her.

  “Billions,” I answered looking lovingly into her starry eyes, “but none of them could shine as brightly as the stars in your eyes tonight.”

  Debbie turned onto her stomach amid the rustling of her dress and lay with her head on her hands staring at me as we rotated slower and slower.

  I lowered myself onto my chest and supporting my head with my hands stared deeply into her eyes.

  I could feel the love I had for her rise within me and almost reach boiling point. “Debbie,” I sighed.

  “Uh-huh.” the response.

  I was going to tell her that I loved her when I noticed that her tiara was about to fall off.

  “Your crown is slipping, princess.”

  Debbie closed her crystal blue eyes for a second and then opening them again said; “My halo is slipping too.” I didn’t know whether to ignore her remark or kiss her again for I feared her devil could very soon return to spoil this fantastic night.

  Moving my right hand to her forehead I secured her tiara into place, which gave me an ideal opportunity to gently brush her hair, cheeks, neck and shoulders.

  “Debbie.” I whispered replacing my hand under my chin.

  “Uh-huh.” she repeated. I paused for a few moments and then sighed, “Debbie, I’m worried.”

  Her beaming smile slowly ebbed into a concerned grin.

  “Whatever’s worrying you?”

  I slowly turned away from her enchanting smile, turning onto my back gazing at the stars, which sparkled like the diamonds of Debbie’s crown and sighed again.

  “Debbie, when I arrived at the flat I promised Marcie I would only stay for two months to see if there were any problems and then we would see if I should continue to live there or find somewhere else.”

  The carousel vibrated as I heard Debbie get up and off.

  She took a few seconds to spin it, and jumping on again she sat by my side.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked looking down at me puzzled.

  “There is,” I sighed turning my gaze towards her,

  “I’ve grown very fond of all of the girls, but I’ve fallen in love with one and I mustn’t because I love Tracey.”

  “That could be a problem,” she agreed lying onto her back to regard the rotating heavens, “but I’m sure Lynda wouldn’t want to come between you and Tracey.”

  “It’s not Lynda.” I assured her quietly.

  Debbie quickly rolled onto her side and supporting her head with her hand, she, with much concern, warned me,

  “You do know Rachel is with Melanie?”

  I took a deep breath turning onto my side looking into her concerned face.

  “It’s not Rachel,” I sighed, “Nor Lynda, not Marcie, nor Aleesha.”

  Debbie’s puzzled smile slowly faded as she realised that ‘it’ was ‘her’.

  “But that only leaves…” She fell onto her back again with her eyes closed.

  “Oh no,” she whined, “I’m sorry.” she began to weep very softly.

  “Please don’t get upset,” I pleaded, “you’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated, “This is all my fault.”

  “It’s nobody’s fault.” I tried to convince her.

  “Yes it is,” she interrupted turning onto her side again,

  “All those nights dancing with ‘Diamonds’ and tonight, I don’t want you to fall in love with me.”


  I wiped a tear from her eye as it wandered down her soft cheek.

  “I didn’t want to fall in love with you either,” I whispered, “but I did and now I must leave before I fall any deeper.”

  “No,” she cried. I closed my eyes as she spoke and fell backwards onto the carousel.

  “I must,” I sighed, “I’m engaged.”

  Using her elbows to move beside me she brought her sad face close to mine.

  “Brian,” she sobbed, “I’ve never loved anybody before and I don’t know if I’ll ever love anyone again, but it’s a good feeling I have because I know you will marry Tracey and leave us soon.

  Can’t we still be friends?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” I replied, “when I marry Tracey.”

  “Because,” I continued, “best friends should never hurt each other.”

  “Best friends should never make each other cry.”

  “AND,” we both almost jumped out of our skins as a voice boomed from behind her.

  “Best friends should never play on roustabouts at midnight.”

  Debbie quickly turned around almost slicing me in two with her tiara, and we both stared into the smiling face of P.C. Kelly who stood arms folded.

  At sight of me he covered his eyes with his hand and sighed, “Oh no, not you again?”

  While Debbie adjusted her clothing, hair and tiara, I sat up as Kelly took a handkerchief from his pocket handing it to Debbie.

  “How long have you been standing there?” I asked him.

  “I’ve just arrived,” he answered, “I’m sorry to break up the party, but you really shouldn’t be here at this hour of the night.”

  “What hour is it?” I asked him.

  “Almost midnight.” he replied, without looking at his watch.

  “My God!” I cried as I jumped from the carousel.

  “Come on, Cinderella, we had better get you home before you turn into a pumpkin.”

  Debbie’s smile returned as she handed the handkerchief back to the officer and thanked him, with a curtsey, as she got to her feet.

  “Will you be okay, miss?” he quietly asked looking curiously sideways at me.

  “I’ll be fine, officer,” she smiled, “Quite fine, thank-you.”

  She slipped her arm around my waist as I turned towards the hamburger stall and called “Thanks officer, I’ll probably see you later.”

  He laughed as we walked slowly back to rejoin his buddy in a police car parked at the front of the burger stall.

  “That’s more than likely, sir,” he saluted slightly.

  As we walked past the stall I lifted a tissue from the counter and before I opened the car door for Debbie I dabbed her cheeks tenderly.

  “I’m sorry about that,” I whispered, “I am sorry for ruining such a perfect evening.”

  She beamed a radiant smile at me saying.

  “You haven’t ruined anything.”

  Opening the car door she climbed in and I made sure her dress wasn’t caught as I closed it.

  I saluted slightly towards P.C. Kelly and his buddy as I crossed between our vehicles.

  I waved to the stallholder who looked bemused, “Too many onions!” I called out laughing as I took my seat and we set off for home.

  “You haven’t ruined tonight,” Debbie repeated, “I’m very sorry for ruining everything.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I insisted, “It’s me.”

  When our front door was firmly closed behind us Debbie sighed, “Wait there a second.” She skipped towards her room making a deafening clatter when echoed around the walls.

  Returning a few moments later clutching a small white fluffy teddy with a red love heart on its chest and the words MY BEST FRIEND emblazoned on it.

  She handed me the teddy, which stood only six inches high saying; “This says it all, thank-you for such a wonderful night.”

  I did not know what to say as we embraced tenderly so said nothing.

  I undressed for bed looking at the teddy propped up against my alarm and almost immediately, fell asleep dreaming of
Debbie, Tracey, Melanie and the other ‘diamonds’ in my complicated life.

  “Complicated!” Emily shrieked in disbelief,

  “It was YOU making it complicated.”

  “I agree, Emily, I wholeheartedly agree.

  I had dug a big hole for myself and the more I tried to sort out the mess the deeper I was going.

  Now I discovered and believed I could resist temptation if I could be a friend with these girls instead of being a lover.

  I discovered I loved Debbie, but believed when I marry Tracey everything would get sorted out.

  I would be happy just being her friend content in the belief Tracey would never know what happened last Wednesday – just as Debbie had no idea what happened the night I spent with her either.

  Complicated? What’s so complicated about that?

  Things, Emily, were about to get a lot more complicated.”

  Emily did not doubt it, but said nothing.