Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 17


  While Rachel purchased drinks from the bar Tracey checked on Doreen who was melting under Mister Wonderful’s seductions and totally ignored Tracey as the heat between her and her ‘guy’ began to fuse their bodies together.

  Rachel deposited the drinks on the table, hopped into a chair and almost immediately a ‘chancer’ appeared at her side whispering into her ear.

  Quick-as-a-flash her right hand struck out at the poor guy’s face sending him reeling backwards onto the floor spilling his entire pint of lager over himself.

  He was then picked up by two of the ‘bouncers’ and thrown, headfirst, out the door into the street.

  A hush fell on the place as all eyes, including those of Mr. Wonderful and Doreen, fell on Rachel as she ignored them all and sipped her drink.

  “Was that necessary?” Tracey asked in concern for the poor guy who was probably lying in the gutter outside wondering what had hit him.

  Rachel took another sip of her drink and then, making herself completely audible to the hushed, crowded barroom.

  “If anybody tries to chat me up I politely tell them that I’m not interested.

  If they pester me I tell them they are wasting their time, as I am a lesbian.

  If they make an obscene suggestion, like that guy just did, I don’t bother informing them that I am also a black belt at taekwondo, I just deck them.

  That guy deserves to be lying in the gutter outside he’ll probably feel quite at home there.”

  Rachel took another sip from her drink and noticing every eye on her she announced, “It’s okay to talk about me as long as you don’t talk TO me.”

  A female bouncer with the figure of an Amazon appeared at Rachel’s side as she said this and laughed.

  “Rachel Rabinowicz, I should have guessed it was you when I saw that poor sod hit the street. How are you doing, girl?”

  Rachel’s eyes lit up as she recognised one of her old mates from taekwondo classes.

  “Melinda MacMonegal - as I live and breathe - I’m fine. How are you?”

  ”Oh, I’ve never been better,” Melinda smiled raising her left hand to her shoulder and waving her wedding ring, “and it’s not ‘MacMonegal’ any more.”

  “I’ll have to chat with you later, Rachel, I’m supposed to be minding the door. Okay?”

  Melinda smiled and left the table as the familiar barroom chatter re-commenced and Tracey took a long look at this fascinating woman before her.

  “You certainly know how to get yourself noticed.” Tracey stated as the tension subsided and Rachel laughed quietly.

  “By the way,” Rachel said. “I was very pleased the other day when you told me that you were engaged.

  You’re very lucky to get a guy like Brian and I hope you’ll both be very happy.”

  Rachel raised her glass, called “luchiem” and drank a mouthful as Tracey followed suit toasting “to life.”

  Rachel giggled lowered her glass to the table, leaning forwards quietly asked, “Tell me, are you here on your own?”

  Tracey smiled and leaning forwards whispered,

  “I was with a friend until just before you came in.”

  Rachel looked shocked as she pointed towards the door.

  “Surely you don’t mean…?”

  “No, no,” Tracey laughed indicating towards Doreen, who was wrapped in Mr. Wonderful’s arms and kissing him passionately.

  “There’s no accounting for taste,” Rachel sighed,

  “Would you like another drink?”

  Tracey producing a five pound note from her pocket handed it to Rachel who stood up, make mine a lemonade, I’m driving.”

  As Rachel headed towards the bar Doreen broke away from her embrace and leaning towards Tracey asked,

  “Did she say she was a lesbian?”

  “She is.” Tracey smiled.

  ”Will you be okay with her?”

  ”Don’t you worry about me,” Tracey smiled, “I’ll be fine.”

  Rachel returned, sitting closely beside Tracey, putting their drinks onto the table.

  “I hope you’re not driving?” Tracey asked Rachel ignoring Doreen who stared bewildered.

  “To tell the truth,” Rachel answered, “My car is at the campus.

  I’ll probably be getting a taxi home because I’ll need a few more drinks before I face Papa.”

  “Do you and your father not get on?” Tracey asked.

  Rachel sipped her drink and replied. “We get on okay.

  It’s just every time we meet I get a lecture on morality.”

  “That’s only natural.” Tracey sympathised.

  “I suppose so,” Rachel continued, “but it’s always the same old lecture.”

  “Rachel, he would say to me. (She spoke with a low Yiddish accent) Rachel my girl I have only ever wanted three things for you.

  Firstly, Rachel, I wanted you to grow up to be beautiful, wise, and wealthy, strong and healthy - which you are.”

  She took another sip and continued.

  “Secondly. Rachel, I’ve prayed that you will be successful in life, in love, and in your career - which you are also.”

  She took another sip.

  “But sadly, Rachel, I’ve grown tired of hoping that you’ll fall in love with someone who can love honour and protect you and give you children.”

  Rachel laid down her drink and turned towards Tracey as a strange confusion came to her eyes.

  “I’ve tried telling Papa I love Melanie and that she CAN love, honour and protect me.” She waved a menacing finger in the air as she imitated her father again.

  “But, Rachel, she cannot give you children.”

  Tracey laughed at Rachel’s antics. “Unfortunately, you still need a man for that.”

  Rachel put her hand on Tracey’s arm as she assured her.

  “I dearly love Papa, and I’ve always had the highest respect for him, but I can’t change the way I am, and I can’t hide my feelings for Melanie.

  Is it wrong to love someone just because they’re of the same sex?”

  Tracey could see the confusion in Rachel’s eyes and whispered. “Have you tried it with a man?” “No.” Came the reply.

  “Then how do you know you won’t like it if you don’t try it?”

  Rachel looked over at Doreen and Mr. Wonderful sighing.

  “Maybe one day I will but at the moment Melanie satisfies my every desire, and at the moment she is all I need.”

  Rachel wrestled with mixed emotions as she sipped her drink and Tracey asked, “Have you always been gay?”

  “Lesbian.” Rachel interrupted, “it’s alright, you can say it.

  The answer is yes, I’ve always had absolutely no interest in the male of the species whatsoever.”

  “Even at school when my friends swapped their various ‘virgin’ experiences of boys, I wasn’t interested.

  I enjoyed playing hockey though because afterwards the showers weren’t the only things turned on in the changing rooms.”

  Tracey began to blush turning away to hide it.

  “I’m sorry if I’m embarrassing you,” Rachel apologised,

  “I’ve got a tendency to say exactly what I am thinking; I hope I’m not offending you?”

  “No,” Tracey smiled broadly, “I am just remembering the ‘carry on’ we used to have at my school after hockey in the showers.

  There was never any suggestion of anybody being homosexual though, and in fact,” Tracey pointed towards Doreen, who was deeply engrossed in Mr Wonderful again,

  “You wouldn’t believe my friend here had a catholic convent education would you?”

  They both laughed loudly for several minutes much to the bemusement of Doreen, who kept looking at them sideways.

  When their laughter subsided both girls were holding their sides as Rachel wiped a tear from her dark eyes,

  “I haven’t laughed so hard in years. Thanks Tracey. I needed that.”

  “Do you know something, Rachel?” Tracey
smiled taking her arm; “I’m beginning to like you too.”

  Rachel laughed patting Tracey’s arm. “Would you like another drink?” She rose and knelt on the seat beside Tracey.

  “Or better still,” she spoke quietly, “why don’t we make a night of it?”

  Tracey liked the idea of getting to know Rachel but she felt that Rachel might have other things on her mind.

  “What are you suggesting?”

  Rachel smiled and leaned close, “We could go grab a bite to eat. Then go on a pub-crawl and finish up at a disco. Do you fancy it?”

  Tracey certainly fancied the idea but she questioned Rachel’s motives. Without speaking she questioned her concerns.

  Rachel looking offended laughed.

  “You’ll be safe with me - I’m a lesbian.”

  They looked at each other for a second as Tracey laughed,

  “That’s supposed to make me feel safe?

  Okay, I’ll just check with Doreen first.”

  Rachel smiled as she got to her feet saying.

  “Okay, while you’re talking to ‘Salome’ there I’ll go have a chat with Melinda and I’ll meet you at the door. Okay?” She exited.

  Tracey let out a sigh as she finished her lemonade, turned to Doreen and tapped her shoulder to prise her from her embraces.

  “Doreen, I’m leaving. Will you be okay with him or would you care to join us?”

  Doreen looked shocked by Tracey’s strange behaviour.

  “I’ll be fine, but will you be okay with her?”

  A wicked smile crossed Tracey’s face as she licked her lips whispering seductively, teasing her shocked friend.

  “I hope so, I’ll ‘phone you, okay? Bye.”

  “That’ll teach her to ask me out and then ignore me all evening.” Tracey said to herself as she found Rachel standing by a small table at the main door talking with Melinda who was seated on a small chair behind it, filing her nails.

  As Tracey approached Rachel took a small card from her suit breast pocket and handed it to Melinda asking her to keep in touch. Then she said her goodbyes and left.

  “Can I tell you something?” Tracey asked as they walked along Royal Exchange Square towards Queen Street,

  “You can tell me anything.” Rachel smiled.

  Tracey sighed, “I do feel safe with you but, will you please remember I am engaged to Brian and I’m not interested in anybody else - sexually I mean.”

  Rachel held Tracey’s arm and swinging her around they looked at one another closely.

  “Believe me,” Rachel said quietly, “I am not interested in you – sexually either.

  I would never try to come between you and Brian.

  Honestly, I like Brian - God alone knows why?

  I’m only trying to kill a bit of time getting to know you in the hope that we can become friends instead of enemies.”

  Tracey placed her hand on Rachel’s shoulder, squeezing it gently saying. “I hope we can become friends, because I’ve thought some awful things about you since I first met you.

  I’ve never tried to find out how likeable you really are, and besides, I’ve already seen what you do to your enemies.” Tracey pointed towards the gutter.

  They smiled warmly into each other’s eyes for a moment before Rachel smelt the spicy aroma of an Indian Restaurant and asked, “Now that we understand one another do you like Indian food - I’m starving?”

  A few minutes later they were seated opposite one another in the TajMahal devouring spicy dishes.

  “Tell me,” Tracey asked between mouthfuls,

  “How did you come to meet Melanie?”

  Rachel taking a mouthful of wine cleared her throat and smiled.

  “Melanie’s father and my father are business associates.

  It’s actually quite ironic to think that it was our fathers who introduced us knowing we both loved music, hoping we would become friends, but, instead we became lovers.”

  “Is Melanie your first lover?” Tracey asked trying not to sound too nosy.

  “No,” Rachel answered, “Although she is my first steady lover.

  When I was at university I had many and participated in some of the most disgusting lesbian orgies every weekend.

  I won’t bore you with the sordid details, but, what some of these girls did to one another would turn your stomach.”

  “Do you mind, I’m eating here.” Tracey gulped, “I can imagine.”

  “And,” Rachel continued, “the funny thing was - there were no shortage of girls to practice on, and from Friday night to Monday morning we would spend the entire weekend doing unmentionable things to one another - much the same as you and Brian do every weekend.”

  Tracey started to blush again and covered her face with her napkin as Rachel giggled, “what about you and Brian?”

  Tracey’s eyes betrayed her embarrassment as she stared at Rachel who was highly amused.

  “What can I tell you?” Tracey began, “I get very easily embarrassed.” She sipped her glass of water and composed herself.

  “Brian is only the second guy I’ve ever loved.

  I used to go out with one of his buddies, Andy, but, I didn’t enjoy making love with him because he was a bit too rough with me, but, I didn’t know any better.”

  “When he two-timed me with Brian’s girlfriend that’s when we got together to spite them and I fell in love with Brian because he is very gentle with me.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened and she smiled,

  “That’s probably why I like Brian.

  I’ve seen some of Lynda’s weirdoes - I actually threw one of them out one day, in nothing but his underpants, because he tried to molest me in the bathroom - Brian is certainly a gentleman and you’re very lucky to have him.”