Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 24

  Chapter 17: Tuesday 19th May.

  It was still raining when I awoke and sadly made my way to the office without seeing Jackie or talking to any of my flatmates, all strangely quiet today.

  Sarah took great interest in Jackie’s story as we rehearsed what I was going to say to PC Kelly at lunchtime.

  “Sarah,” I whispered, “I would like to help this kid.

  Can you find out if any of the sales departments could use her?

  I don’t know what she could do, but there must be somewhere we could fit her in, if only for a couple of weeks to see how she gets on, but, not a word about her life must pass your lips, okay?”

  I warned her knowing I could trust her implicitly.

  “Okay, boss” she confirmed going about her mission.

  “Like the adding machine once said,” she laughed as she exited.

  I chuckled to myself sorting through another mountain of paperwork.

  “I know Sarah, I can always count on you.”

  I could hardly wait for Noon to come when I made my way to my usual bench to find it occupied by American tourists, so I ate my cheeseburger sitting on a nearby wall until I saw PC Kelly slowly heading my way.

  “Hi,” he said, leaning against the wall beside me with his arms folded,

  “Did you meet your friend last night?” he asked.

  “I did.”

  “Do you know where we can find her?”

  “I do.”

  “Would you like to tell me where?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Wait a minute,” Kelly snapped abruptly, “We made a deal.”

  “We did,” I replied, “I’ll tell you where you can find her if you tell me why you’re looking for her?”

  “I told you yesterday,” he yelled annoyed by my evasiveness,

  “She’s just a runaway. We just want to know if she’s okay, that’s all.”

  “That’s garbage and you know it,” I yelled back.

  We stared at one another for a few moments and then he stated,

  “Look Brian, all I know is Aberdeen CID believe she’s in this area and have asked us to try to locate her, that’s all.”

  “That’s all?” I interrupted, “since when did CID start looking for runaways?”

  He bowed his head and sighed, as he knew he had been stupid to mention the ‘Criminal Investigation Department.’

  “Okay,” he conceded, “I don’t know why they’re looking for her, but you’re the only lead we’ve got.”

  I could tell that he had informed his superiors of our conversation yesterday, and had to justify his faith in me.

  I summarised the story as Jackie had relayed it to me about her father and Elaine and he fully understood my reluctance to part with the information.

  “This kid is frightened,” I assured him when I’d finished “and she’s been frightened for the past eighteen years.

  She is desperately trying to find some peace and someone she can call a friend who she can trust enough to help her.

  Kelly, I don’t know why, but I said I would help her and if we can prevent her from turning to a life of crime or prostitution, would it not be worth it?”

  He nodded and sighed; “I suppose so.”

  “All that kid needs,” I continued, “is a break and a friend who cares enough to give her a clean start at a decent life.

  Do you understand what I’m asking, Kelly?”

  He sighed and nodded “Yes, I understand. The poor kid.

  Okay, I’ll find out exactly why we’re looking for her and see you later.”

  Just at that moment, the cannon sounded and two cars on the busy street collided.

  Kelly hurriedly left to sort out the situation sighing;

  “That bloody cannon causes more bother than it’s worth.”

  I smiled at his remark as I returned to my office to check if Sarah had found Jackie a job.

  “Well,” Sarah smiled, “I asked all the department bosses and the only guy who was willing to give her a chance, without seeing her first, is Tom Beveridge.

  Tom says he’s desperately short of workers with the holidays coming up and could use a pair of hands for a few weeks only.”

  “That’ll do nicely. Now all I need to do is get her here sane, sober and without being arrested.

  Sarah, do I ever tell you that you’re wonderful?”

  “Not often enough, boss,” the cheeky reply as she jumped from the desk and crossed to the door.

  “Sarah,” I called quietly as she stood at it, “Thanks honey, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”

  “Like the adding machine once said.” She smiled as she left me once again to ponder my plan of attack.

  At tea, when I got home that night, Marcie told us that she had contacted the Police and told them that we were intending to dispose of Aleesha ourselves.

  “The hospital chaplain will arrange to pick her up and although we didn’t know what religion she was, if any, he could organise a simple ecumenical service and probably cremate her.

  Now does anybody have any further suggestions?” she asked

  There were none.

  “Does anybody have any objections to my plan?” Silence again.

  “Okay,” she stated, “We’ll go for it and I’ll keep you all informed of what’s happening.”

  We finished our tea in silence, just as Rachel and Debbie were preparing to wash the dishes Marcie called us all to order again.

  “Tonight I intend to clear out the room and look for another tenant.

  Rachel could you post an official express letter to Kenya asking if they want anything returned?”

  “Will do.” Rachel replied.

  “Give him 30 days to reply or her stuff will be donated to anybody who wants it and try to get as much money as possible out of him to cover our expenses.”

  “I’ll be glad to.” Rachel smiled with a gleam in her eye.

  “Now Brian,” she continued, “As you’ve got the smallest room would you like to swap?”

  “No thanks,’’ I replied, “anyway I don’t think I’ll be staying after September.”

  “That’s a point,” Marcie pondered deep in thought.

  “By the way,” Rachel called from the kitchen,

  “‘Diamonds’ can make it for September 26th.”

  “Okay Rachel,” I called back. “It’s a date.”

  “Tell me,” Debbie called, “What does a bridesmaid do?”

  Everyone smiled at her question before I answered, “They don’t do very much - do they?”

  Marcie added winking at me “They do something that you’re very good at, my dear, they stand behind the bride and look very beautiful.”

  We all laughed relieving the sadness of how to dispose of Aleesha and her belongings, until the front doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it” Lynda said hurriedly going to answer it, returning a few seconds later announcing “Brian, It’s for you.”

  In the hallway I found PC Kelly and the pretty policewoman I had met last night, but this time both were out of uniform.

  “You look almost human, Kelly, without your uniform.” I joked as I greeted them.

  He laughed introducing me to WPC Nicola Braid who looked radiant in a scarlet blouse and navy dress suit.

  “I met Brian last night.” she smiled as we shook hands leading them into my room saying “make yourselves at home and do excuse any mess.”

  Nicola sat on the edge of the bed while Kelly leaned on the drawer unit beside my alarm as I crossed to sit on the window ledge noticing Jaclyn leaning upon her ledge opposite.

  “Are you both off duty?” I asked.

  “Actually Brian,” Kelly answered folding his arms in his usual pose,

  “We’re supposed to be on a date, but, I’ve told Nicola about your friend and she wants to help too.

  If we could have an informal chat with her maybe we can persuade her to give us a statement.”

  “Did you find out what CID want her for?

  “Yes,” he answered, “the young lady with the caravan, whose name isn’t Elaine by the way, is on remand awaiting trial for prostitution and supply of drugs and the vice squad only want a statement from Miss Bradley about her part in the saga.”

  “Is she in any trouble for assaulting her father?” I asked.

  “At the moment,” Nicola added, “there are no charges against Jaclyn and in view of what Gerard has told me I’m sure there won’t be any.

  They just want a statement to add to the file they have on this other girl.”

  Looking at them I quietly asked Gerard,

  “I told you earlier how frightened this girl is.

  I have got to protect her or she will start running again and God only knows where she would end up.

  Can I have your word that all you’ve said is true?”

  Kelly leaning up from the drawer unit raised his right hand and vowed

  “Brian, I promise as an officer and a gentleman that I’ll not let any more harm come to the girl - if all that you’ve told me is true.”

  I looked towards Nicola as she raised her hand likewise and said

  “I promise too as an officer and a..., anyway, I promise too.”

  I smiled, “Okay, I’ll take you to her.”

  “There’s no need,” Gerard interrupted, “I know exactly where she is.”

  Nicola looked at Gerard confused.

  He had confirmed, as I suspected, Jackie was still looking out of her window opposite as I crossed to the door and lifted my jacket saying “Come on, let’s go.” opening the door.

  Nicola stood up looking puzzled as Gerard pointed out of the window as Jackie gasped and disappeared.

  Two minutes later we were at her door knocking upon it lightly.

  It opened slowly on a hallway identical to the one we had just left.

  Jackie looked a lot cleaner than she had done last night.

  She was wearing a large heavy Khaftan, which covered her entirely, except for her bare arms, neck and feet, and after she closed the door behind Nicola she led us in silence to her room.

  “Jackie,” I began quietly once inside the smoke filled room,

  “This is Gerard Kelly and Nicola Braid, they are police officers and they’ve given me their word that they won’t let any more harm come to you, okay.”

  “Okay.” she whispered quietly as she closed the door and crossed the room to sit on her bed beneath the window.

  Apart from the bed and a threadbare sofa, which looked as if it contained another bed, the only furniture in the room was a wooden wardrobe.

  I crossed to look out of the window at my own room and discovered that she could see every inch of my bed in the streetlight.

  While Gerard sat uneasily on the sofa Nicola produced a notepad as she sat on the edge of the bed beside Jackie.

  “I gather,” Nicola spoke quietly, “Brian has told us of the ordeal you have gone through and he has asked us to try and help you, okay?” Jackie nodded as she lit a cigarette.

  “We just want to ask you a few questions?” Nicola, in command of the situation, continued, “about a certain caravan in Fraserburgh.”

  Gerard added, “A Miss Turnbull, the girl you know as Elaine, was arrested a couple of weeks ago and has said some very cruel things about you to our colleagues in Aberdeen, who incidentally don’t believe a word of what she says.

  That’s why we’ve been looking for you, just to find out who is telling the truth, okay.”

  Jackie looked at Nicola and asked, “Will I be sent to prison for what I’ve done?”

  Nicola placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and said frankly

  “Jackie, that would all depend on what you’ve done.

  If what Brian has told us is the truth, and nothing but the truth, then you have not done anything wrong. We will just have to see. Okay?”

  For about an hour Jackie smoked several cigarettes as she relayed her story to us again, while Gerard and Nicola cross-examined her to clarify the details and Nicola wrote the abbreviated highlights into her notebook.

  “Tell me,” Gerard asked,

  “This suitcase of items from the caravan, do you still have them?”

  “Yes,” Jackie answered as she jumped from the bed crossing to the wardrobe; “I’ve still got everything except the money.

  I’ve still got some, but, not all of it, will I have to pay it all back?” Jackie asked quietly.

  Opening the wardrobe she lifted a large imitation leather suitcase, which she placed at Gerard’s feet.

  “How much money did you take, Jackie?” Gerard asked opening the case to reveal an assortment of items such as underwear, jewellery, pills, drugs, condoms, a hairdryer, ornaments and an array of toiletries.

  “£1,283” Jackie answered fetching her handbag from beside her bed.

  “Everything I have I stole from Elaine - except a leather jacket” pointing to it as it hung inside the wardrobe, “and an alarm clock, but, they were bought with her money.

  I’ll pay back every penny, I will.”

  “That might not be necessary,” Gerard assured her, “Now what’s this?”

  Among the debris he lifted a small polythene bag containing some white powder.

  “Elaine told me that I had to keep my salt content up, so, I took these encase I needed any.” Jackie politely answered.

  As Gerard located a further three packets he tasted what we all suspected was a hard drug.

  Nicola asked, “What did you eat during your six weeks with Elaine?”

  “Mostly eggs stolen from nearby farms.” she replied.

  Gerard asked, “Did she ever mix this,” indicating the powder, “in with your eggs?”

  “Yes she did I suppose, but I can’t be sure” she replied confused.

  Nicola asked, “Have you taken any of this since?”

  “No,” Jackie said emphatically, “I bought most of my meals since I’ve been here from the chip shop on the corner and I make sure they put salt on them.”

  “Good girl.” Gerard sighed putting the packets into his jacket pocket.

  “This isn’t salt - I don’t know what it is, but I know it ain’t salt.”

  He gave Nicola and me a knowing look then he got to his feet saying

  “I reckon we’ve got enough to satisfy our friends in Aberdeen that you’re in the clear, but, we may need to speak to you again, okay?”

  “Hold it,” I interrupted him, “any time you want to talk to Jackie I want to know about it and there’ll be no interviews without my approval, okay?”

  Gerard agreed as Nicola asked if she was okay, if she wanted to see a doctor to check any damage to her body or her system.”

  “No,” Jackie answered, “I’ll be fine now.” She smiled at me as I asked her,

  “Jackie, would you show them what you showed me last night, when you thought I didn’t believe you – should there be any doubt in their minds?”

  Jackie looked very solemn as she undid a tier around her waist and walking to stand facing the open wardrobe she slowly lifted the Khaftan.

  It wasn’t the fact that she was completely naked beneath that gave Gerard and Nicola a shock but the sight I had seen last night that made them gasp in horror.

  Nicola raised herself from the bed and crossed to Jackie as she covered herself up again.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor for a check-up?”

  “No, I’ll be fine now.”

  Nicola crossed back to the bed to collect her bag, notebook and pen.

  “Okay Kelly, let’s get out of here?”

  “Yes,” Gerard agreed, “we’ve certainly got a lot to talk about.

  Thanks Jackie for talking to us, we’ll do our best for you.”

  “Kelly,” I called from the windowcill as he opened the door holding it for Nicola. “You promised.”

  I reminded him as he saluted quickly and left.

  Jackie crossed to the bed and lit another cigarette in silence.

  I turned and looked out of the window to see Gerard and Nicola emerge, deep in conversation and watched in silence as they boarded a car and drove off.

  “Okay kid, I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself.

  At exactly 7 am tomorrow morning you will get up and have a shower then you will use all these fancy toiletries in that case until you smell like someone who lives in a perfumery store.

  You will put on your most respectable clothes to make you look like a lady, instead of a whore, and you will meet me at my car at precisely 08:30”

  “Tomorrow, young lady, you will begin working as a sales assistant in a warehouse in the City Centre.”

  Jackie stared at me in disbelief for a second then a broad smile slowly beamed across her face as she gasped

  “You mean it, you really mean it?”

  She suddenly jumped up, threw her arms around my neck and covered my face in small kisses, between each one whispering “Thank you.”

  I let her kiss me a dozen times, and to tell the truth, I was enjoying her adoration before I prised her from me saying “Hold it, don’t thank me yet. I’ve only got you an interview - the rest is up to you, lady.”

  “Thank you,” she wept tears of happiness this time, “I won’t let you down Brian, thank-you.”

  I walked over to the open suitcase and took the hairdryer and toiletries from it laying them onto the sofa, and then I did the same with her handbag, discarding the pills and condoms into the suitcase.

  “How much does this place cost each week?” I asked.

  “£100” she replied crossing to the wardrobe to find things to wear for tomorrow.

  “What do you get for your “£100?”

  “What you see is what you get.” Jackie indicated the room around her.

  “You’re being robbed,” I informed her, “I get breakfast and cooked meals for less than that amount.”

  At the back of my mind I had already decided that she should have Aleesha’s vacant room before Marcie advertises it, but I would not say anything to her yet.

  Too much excitement in one day would not be good for her.

  I counted the money from her handbag as she threw several garments onto the floor in frustration.

  “I’ve got nothing to wear,” she cried.

  Leading her by the hand to the bed we sat down as I said quietly.

  “There’s £523 here.”

  “I will keep it for you and from it we’ll get you some clothes and things tomorrow, okay?” She nodded.

  “All the things in that case you don’t need, but, the police may want them for evidence, so, hide it and I’ll get rid of it if they don’t want it, okay?” She nodded again.

  “You don’t want to see a doctor?”

  “No,” she assured me; “I’m okay, really.”

  “Jackie,” I whispered, “Tomorrow I hope will be the beginning of a new life for you.

  Will you promise me that you’ll be a good girl from now on?”

  “I promise.” she whispered.

  I made straight for the living room when I got home where I found Marcie watching TV.

  I stretched on a sofa opposite and avidly looked at her for a few minutes until her eyes caught mine.

  “Okay” she said turning towards me, “What is it?”

  “Firstly,” I smiled warmly, “I really admire the way you’re coping with this whole situation with Aleesha.

  If there is anything I can do to help just ask, okay?”

  “Somebody’s got to do it,” she whispered. “It’s a hell of a job but somebody’s got to do it.”

  “And,” I whispered solemnly, “you won’t need to advertise the room, I know someone. There’s a girl I am trying to help.

  Would it be okay to invite her to tea tomorrow and you could all have a look at her?”

  “Sure,” she smiled, “What’s her name?”

  “Jaclyn Bradley,” I answered, “She’s had a lot of problems in her life, but I believe we could help her.

  She’s okay now, she just needs a few friends and I’m sure the girls will like her.”

  “I’m sure we will” she replied, “bring her along to tea tomorrow and we’ll have a look at her.”

  “Thanks dear, I’d really appreciate it and I’m sure she will also.”

  There was another few seconds’ silence before I whispered

  “Marcie, I’ve got a small problem of my own.”

  “Huh-huh” she hummed without moving her eyes from the TV.

  “Marcie, how do you make somebody pregnant?”

  Marcie’s eyes widened and turning very slowly towards me she blinked a few times in confusion asking “What?” She shrieked with laughter,

  What do you and Tracey DO all weekend?”

  I told Marcie what Tracey had confessed asking her if there was any foolproof way of getting a girl, who’s having problems conceiving, pregnant?”

  “Oh, I see” she nodded once I had finished,

  ‘‘There are a few fertility drugs you could use, but, quite frankly, they’re not worth your time and money.

  I’ll see if I can pick up a few things that might help, but, it’s just - like everyone says - a matter of time and patience.”

  “That’s why,” I whispered, “Tracey gets so annoyed when everyone keeps asking her if she’s pregnant.

  She’s been trying to conceive for years now without success and we’d love to have kids while we’re still young enough to appreciate them.”

  “Okay,” Marcie winked and smiled; “I’ll see what I can do for you.”

  Getting up I kissed her forehead tenderly,

  “Thanks Marcie - for everything, you are wonderful.” then went to my bed wondering what tomorrow would bring.

  I didn’t have long to wait to find out.