Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 45

  Chapter 2: Wednesday 6th May:

  The original manuscript was written in strict diary type from 10th March - Diamonds starts on 6th May (old chapter 7), which was brought forward to Chapter 2 as the first major incident - Emily’s assignment has to have a single incident sparking a series of consequences culminating in an unusual conclusion.

  This is why 6th May is not in strict sequence.

  Event – a simple seduction, which leads to the discovery that this girl has serious problems and an admission of guilt at being so easily seduced. Brian is thinking all the time of how different this girl is to his lover, Tracey, before he realises she has problems.

  In the first rewritten draft I contacted a magazine and they sent a reporter (Esther) to collect the details – I felt I wouldn’t be able to tell a complete stranger about these events so invented Emily as my fictitious goddaughter.

  Louise, my little sister already appears frequently throughout the saga at key moments – so decided Emily should be her daughter.

  Emily would know Brian eventually would marry Debbie although nobody mentions this.

  Louise, my real sister, wasn’t around then as she married in 1986 and was the first of the six of us to do so.

  Also my real mother passed away in 1974 so my fictitious mum is used to purely convey a very stable idyllic home-life.

  In this chapter I am trying to convey the guilt when Brian realises Debbie has her problems and his panic, then regret, at his actions.

  A mysterious caller (Lynda) contacts Brian – she purposely calls him from the garage area of her work, as she knows the loud machinery nearby would mask her voice – thus adding to the mystery.

  Lynda assaults him but is interrupted by PC Kelly - she fears authority - we find out why later.

  Lynda has no issues with drinking from Sandy’s bottle as she frequently drinks – Sandy is shocked while this amuses Brian.

  Charlie is asleep – which is vital later on – we assume Sandy tells him nothing of the conversation between Lynda & Brian.

  Brian immediately becomes their friend as he gives them £10 drinking money.

  Lynda also reveals Rachel’s secret – after 7 weeks of living there he hasn’t suspected Rachel is a lesbian?

  Chapter 3: Back to Tuesday 10th March:

  Brian sees the postcard in the newsagent’s window.

  He thinks of moving for the first time in 6 months - Why has it taken so long?

  He is invited for tea and meets Debbie, Marcie & Lynda – he believes he will not get this flat so he doesn’t try too hard to sell himself to them.

  I am trying to convey Brian as a really nice guy who poses no threat to their female domain.