Read Diary of Mr. TDH AKA Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome - Book 1 Page 4

concentrated on staying on my feet, petrified I would be dragged behind the horse if I fell.

  For about 10 minutes I stumbled along behind Walter and his horse. To make it even worse at one point the horse decided to go to the toilet. Despite my best dodging efforts I ended up with bits of horse manure in my hair and on my face and down my shirt front and on my shoes. As I was led through the narrow dusty streets I gazed around in wonder. There were ramshackle markets, people in unusual clothing and dead animals hanging up and being sold. It was like being in a scene from a movie.

  It must be Grandma Mary’s fob watch. Somehow I had traveled back in time. This must be what mom was trying to tell me about. Maybe all those stories that my grandmother used to tell were her actual adventures.

  Finally the men stopped in front of a large imposing building which must be the palace. Guards with large spears stood on either side of an entranceway. The three men dismounted and the two knights handed the reins of the horses to Walter. They instructed Walter to stay there with the horses and the prisoner. Prisoner…they meant me!