Read Diary of an Abducted Space Seed Page 2



  2 March 2016

  Abducted again!


  Please help me!

  Anyone who’s out there reading this I’m begging you, get your act together and come rescue me – A-S-A-P!

  OK, so I know you’re not going to believe this – but let’s give it a try anyway…

  I’m a seed (the easy bit to believe – remember?) but I’ve been abducted AGAIN!

  Yes, yes, I know – you’re thinking why would anyone kidnap space seeds?

  WELL, I DON’T KNOW! And now I don’t even know where we’re going.

  I’d squeezed back into the Rocket seed package to visit the other seeds, just like I’d planned, when that NASA astronaut Scott Kelly (the ping pong gorilla guy) and Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov bundled us up, shoved us onto their Soyuz capsule and it feels like we’re zooming back to earth!

  I tried to scream out to tell them not to take us as we are part in a very important space experiment up here, but no-one listened.

  I wasn’t ready to come home – I was enjoying myself being an astro-seed!

  Now all my plans have been scuppered!

  I really wish I’d paid more attention that time Peake was explaining what us Rocket seeds are doing in space, for now I don’t really know what’s going on.

  I thought I would have been planted and growing in space soon – not shoved off back to earth!



  18 April 2016

  Unkempt, smudgy-faced, clotpoles!

  Well, just when things couldn’t get any worse – they have!

  Oh, the indignity of it all!

  We’ve been shoved from pillar to post for the past few weeks. Then finally we were taken and divided into packs of 100 and bundled off for even more travels.

  Then just today, our packet was ripped open.

  Now just before this happened I could have sworn I heard loads of children’s voices, and I was right.

  We were shaken out onto a bench and I blinked as my eyes got used to the light – and then that’s when I saw them - swarms of cheeky children staring at us like we were hyenas in the zoo!

  I mean honestly! Children! Horrible, little unkempt, smudgy-faced, clotpoles!

  And they claim they’re going to plant us!

  Well, I think not! They’ll not be getting their grubby little mitts on me!

  So, please help me – I’m begging you! I need you to find out what’s going on and come and rescue me! You don’t even need to get to space this time!



  May 2016

  Be on stand-by!

  Okay, okay – so maybe I owe an apology to all those darling little schoolchildren.

  Did I really call them clotpoles? Oh dear!

  Well in spite of all my protestations they did plant us, and most wonderfully at that, and as it turns out - I’m still part of the Rocket Science experiment. Yea!

  If only I’d listened more carefully to Tim Peake I’d have learned that we were being sent back to earth to be distributed to thousands of schools and clubs for children to plant us and watch us grow and discover if space has had any effects on us!

  So I’ve been growing happily in the school greenhouse where the children have been tending to us ever so carefully, especially one little boy called Archie Arbuckle.

  I love Archie for he’s the only one who takes time to talk to us.

  He’s a great kid - a little crazy at times though - I mean, he’s convinced that as he’s watching over us, something strange and extra-terrestrial is watching over him!

  Last night just after midnight, an eerie mist came down over the greenhouse. I was a little pickled out and feeling a bit anxious, when lo and behold who should come crashing through the greenhouse door, but Archie.

  I’m quite sure he wasn’t allowed out at that time of night but he was searching for his big ginger cat called Whopsle who he claimed had been abducted by aliens!

  How crazy is that?!

  Anyway, I’m so proud to be a rocket science seed and now I’m desperate to know if I’ll grow successfully into delicious space salad!

  It’s so exciting to think that I, Tozer, am going to be genuinely useful to science and help astronauts learn how to grow food in space!

  It’s been an exhilarating rollercoaster journey for me, with ups and downs and highs and lows – but thank you for coming on it with me.

  And as for Archie and his aliens – well, that’s all just silly nonsense.

  Isn’t it?…

  Don’t you think?...

  Well, don’t you, don’t you?...

  Oh no, please don’t tell me that you think Archie might be right?

  Do you really think there are aliens watching us? And where did Whopsle go?

  Oh nightmare!

  I don’t believe it - I could be abducted a third time, couldn’t I? – and by aliens this time!

  Ok, so just in case - please be on stand-by! I might need you to come and rescue me after all!


  -The End-

  (Of the book – but not the adventure!)

  Read on to find out about the next exciting book, Space Salad, and also how you can get your hands on a free bonus download…


  Watch out for Space Salad


  The adventure doesn’t end here!

  Now that you’ve followed Tozer, the abducted Space Seed, on his exploits here, there’s loads more strange goings on in the next exciting part of the adventure – Space Salad.

  Who is the curious Archie Arbuckle now looking after Tozer and the other seeds and is his big ginger cat really the first ever cat to be abducted by aliens?

  You can find out in Space Salad, available now from your favourite online bookseller.


  Free download for you!

  Yes, you’ve guessed it, you clever clog – there’s still a lot more to this mysterious tale…

  Go space gazing with Archie Arbuckle and Great-Grandpa Wellington and join them on their quest to find an extra-terrestrial being in Escapades of a Space Gazer.

  To get a free copy of this bonus book in the Space Seed Series, ask a parent or guardian to sign up to the author’s VIP mailing list.

  Click here to get started:


  About the author

  Debbie has always loved telling stories.

  It began at the age of three when she introduced her imaginary friends – ‘the wee bears,’ to her mother. They had just done something really naughty, which Debbie claims she was in no way involved, but got scolded for anyway. Soon those bears were up to all sorts of antics!

  Since then the art of storytelling has intrigued her.

  Despite consistent primary school reports that said ‘Debbie is a daydreamer,’ (of which she’s actually quite proud!) she did manage to achieve a BA degree in English and Biblical studies at Queen’s University, Belfast.

  It’s no surprise she ended up in journalism, with a special love for covering human interest stories.

  It was while working as a reporter for the local newspaper that the idea for her first children’s book, Space Salad, was sparked.

  When she’s not writing stories, this cat-loving, coffee-addict is usually doing taxi runs for her teenage son, attempting to be a domestic goddess (though failing miserably) and ticking off bucket list goals with her best friend and husband, Kevin.

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