Read Dick Merriwell's Pranks; Or, Lively Times in the Orient Page 10


  Brad Buckhart was striding savagely up and down the room, taken byhimself and Dick, at the hotel. There was a black look on his strongface and his square jaw was set.

  "I suppose you'll have to walk it off old man," said Dick; "but it seemsto me you are permitting yourself to become altogether too wrought up."

  The Texan stopped, his feet wide apart and his hands on his hips.

  "I certain can't help being some wrought up, partner," he said. "Ireckon you would be in my place."

  "Without doubt. But we are here now, and we'll look after Nadia. HafsaPasha's little scheme of abduction won't go."

  "Sure not; but it wasn't that I was thinking of."

  "It wasn't?"


  "Well, then----"

  "Budthorne let the cat out of the bag."

  "I don't understand."

  "He didn't make a clean breast of it when he first told the story. I'vebeen talking with him since we arrived here at the hotel. I trapped himby asking questions."

  "Why, what do you mean by saying you trapped him?"

  "Exactly that, pard. You know a funny thing has been running in my headever since I trapped him. It's a toast I heard once. This is it:

  "'Here is to the love that lies In a woman's eyes. Yes, it lies and lies, And keeps on lying.'"

  Dick rose instantly and placed a hand on his chum's shoulder.

  "Why, Brad!" he exclaimed, "I never knew you to talk so queerly. Whatdid Budthorne tell you that set you into such a mood?"

  "You're my friend. I wouldn't talk of it to any one else. You know I wassmitten on Nadia Budthorne."


  "Of course I was a chump to care for her."

  "Oh, I don't know."

  "Yes, I was. I'm a plain sort of chap, although I'm not half as wild andwoolly as I pretend to be."

  "You don't have to tell me that, old man. I've been able to see underthe surface all along. I think I understand you."

  "You do, Dick, and you're the only one. That's why I swear by you.That's why I'm ready to back you up in anything you do. There is a bondof sympathy between us."

  The Texan had dropped his swagger and his Western style of speech. Forthe time being his mannerisms fell from him like a discarded garment.

  "Go ahead and tell me what it was that Budthorne said."

  "Why, he let it slip that both he and Nadia were greatly interested inthis fine Turkish gentleman and that he encouraged her interest in him.In short, she carried on a mild flirtation with Hafsa Pasha, who ratherdazzled her. Of course, I have no claim on her, and I'm too young tothink of such a thing seriously. But she's seventeen, and lots of girlsget married at that age. In this country they marry at ten and eleven."

  "Great Scott! You don't fancy she actually seriously considered marryingthe Turk?"

  "Why, he's a very cultured gentleman. Budthorne said so. He is educated,and he has traveled extensively. Besides that, he is in the very primeof life. Such a man might dazzle the eyes of a young girl. There wouldbe something romantic in a flirtation with him. She would be likely todream of the splendor and power that would come to her as the wife ofsuch a man. Don't call me a fool, Dick! I know! I know!"

  "If you're not foolish, then you are crazy!"

  "Only jealous, Dick. I confess it--I'm jealous! Never felt this waybefore. I have an awful feeling down here inside of me. I'd like to killsomebody!"

  "But she threw Hafsa Pasha down, old man."

  "After Budthorne was told by the captain of the ship that Hafsa Pashahad a harem in Damascus."

  Merriwell gave a great start.

  "Is that true?" he demanded.

  "Budthorne confessed it."

  "Budthorne's a fool!"

  "Oh, we both knew all the time that he was weak. I think he encouragedNadia in her flirtation with the Turk until he obtained that informationfrom the captain. Then he got his eyes open and forbade her to haveanything to do with the man."

  "Nadia is young, Brad. Her ideas are not formed yet. You mustn't be toohard on her. Even if she did flirt with the Turk a little, perhaps shewas never serious."

  "Perhaps not, but still I can't help thinking she was. Of course you maysay she had a right to flirt mildly with the man. Perhaps she did. StillI had exalted her in my own mind. I regarded her as staunch and true. Ithought her far superior to the foolish, frivolous modern girl. She knewhow much I thought of her, and she pretended to care for me. But, likeall of her sex, out of sight, out of mind. I was far away. Hafsa Pasha,the handsome Turk, was near. He quoted poetry to her. She listened andwas enchanted. She forgot me. They all do. Dick, you're the only humanbeing I ever knew who was staunch as the rock-ribbed hills. You neverchange, no matter what happens. All others are weak and vacillating. Myconfidence in human nature is pretty well shattered."

  "Oh, rats!" cried Dick. "Don't get cynical, Brad! It doesn't become youat all. You're naturally the most optimistical chap in the world."

  "What do you think I'm going to do?" harshly demanded the Texan. "ThinkI can ever feel the same toward that girl? Not much! If she hadn'tlearned that her old Turk was married, I'd be in the soup now. He'smarried, and so I'm good enough for her until she finds some chap shelikes better. I tell you it's all off, Dick! I throw up the sponge! Iquit!"

  "I think this climate has got your liver out of condition," saidMerriwell. "What you need is a tonic. You'll feel differently about thisto-morrow."

  "Not to-morrow, nor the next day, nor ever!" declared Brad. "MissBudthorne will find that I'm no chump to play second fiddle. Don't youdare laugh at me, Richard Merriwell! I'm in deadly earnest!"

  Dick did not laugh then, but he found an opportunity when Buckhart wasnot present.

  However, Buckhart was far more serious than his comrade imagined.

  During the remainder of that day Brad wore a heavy grouch. He kept muchby himself and avoided Nadia, much to her perplexity. Finally her pridewas touched, and she made no further effort to speak with him or to seehim.

  Never had Dick seen his friend in such a mood. In vain he tried to jollythe Texan and cheer him up. A profound cloud of gloom overhung thesturdy chap from the Rio Pecos country.

  All were more or less weary, and so they willingly rested through theday.

  When evening came Dunbar Budthorne proposed that they should attend theone theatre of the city, which was located on the principal square,within a short distance of the hotel.

  "What sort of a performance is given there?" questioned Dick.

  "Oh, vaudeville, tumbling, fencing, juggling, acrobatic stunts, and soforth. It's rather dull as a performance, but it will serve to pass thetime away."

  "Is it a suitable place for your sister to visit?"

  "Well, I don't know about that. I hear the men smoke until you may cutthe atmosphere into chunks with a knife. The theatre is a rickety oldshanty, and none too clean. We might leave Nadia here in the hotel."

  "Don't do that!" she entreated. "Don't leave me alone in this city. I'mafraid to be left alone, after what has happened."

  "Hum! ha!" coughed Professor Gunn. "I think we will omit the theatre.Evidently it is a low resort. I decline to permit the boys to visit it."

  And, although they chaffed him about it, the old man was rigid in hisdecision, which finally settled it, and they did not attend the theatrein Damascus.

  The following morning, however, they prepared to start out to look thecity over. When they were ready to leave the hotel it was found thatBuckhart had vanished.

  On inquiry they learned that he had set out by himself, leaving word forthem not to bother about him.

  Nadia pouted and looked greatly disappointed.

  "What is the matter with him?" she asked. "I think he's just as mean ascan be! What makes him act so queer?"

  She pinned Dick down and put the question to him, not a little to hisdismay. He could not tell the truth, and he would not lie.

  "I'll have to let him explain
his own actions," he said, seeking to finda loophole of escape.

  "But you know why he is so peculiar--I know you do! You can't deny it!"

  "I won't try."

  "Then you must tell me. I insist on it."

  "Please don't, Nadia! It will be all right in time, but I prefer to lethim explain."

  After a while he induced her to drop the subject temporarily although heknew she would return to it at the first opportunity and seek, with allthe intensity of her feminine curiosity, than which there is nothingmore acute and prying, to compel him to divulge the truth.

  Arouse the curiosity of a girl and she will strain every nerve to learna secret, even though she knows the knowledge will make her mostmiserable. The only way to keep a secret from a girl is not to let hersuspect a secret exists.

  They left the hotel and proceeded to the public square, which is locatednear the centre of the city. This square proved to be a large, openplace, where at that hour throngs of people of all nationalities andcolors were assembling. The square was a sort of public market. In thecentre was a fountain and monument.

  All around the sides of the square were the little booths and stands ofitinerant merchants, the most of them with their goods spread out on theground before them, and arranged in the most inviting manner theiringenuity could devise.

  There were many professional letter writers, each one sitting at a deskunder awnings of canvas or straw. They did not sit on chairs, but flaton the ground, with their legs crossed. They were supplied with woodenor reed pens. Their ink they carried in inkhorns.

  Many of these letter writers were busy. Some were writing businesscommunications, some were drawing up contracts or making out legalpapers, while one, with a veiled woman sitting near him, was writing alove letter, recording the words whispered to him by the lips hiddenbehind the veil.

  Within the square were carts, camels, saddle horses, carriages, anddonkeys, all there to be hired.

  Men were wandering about, sometimes in pairs and holding hands. This,Budthorne explained, was a common sight, it being an evidence ofaffection that was thought quite natural in Damascus.

  Adjoining the square were several coffee shops, where Turkish men couldbe seen sitting round, smoking hookahs, sipping coffee, and playingcheckers, chess, dominoes, and so forth. They wore long, calico gowns,and their heads were swathed in turbans.

  "Look here," said Dick, motioning toward some passing camels. "See howoddly their owners decorate the beasts. They have strings of blue beadsround their necks."

  "You'll see that everywhere, on camels, horses, and donkeys," declaredBudthorne. "Those strings of beads are charms to ward off the influenceof the evil eye."

  A strange sound smote their ears. It came from the open door of a littleshop, and it made them shiver, for it was a sort of doleful wail andchant combined.

  "Some one must be dying in there!" exclaimed Dick.

  They looked in at the door. A young man was sitting cross-legged on thefloor, busy at some sort of work.

  He was singing!

  Despite the distressing sounds he was emitting, this young man was veryhappy.

  He was singing a love song!

  The sound of clanging, clanking, and banging, as of many personspounding tin pans and washboilers, came to their ears. A few momentslater they found themselves at the beginning of the bazaars of the city.The sounds they had heard came from the coppersmith's street, wherehundreds of skillful laborers were at work on brass, beating and moldingit in to all sorts of shapes. They were making bowls, trays, and dishes,such as may be seen on sale in any genuine Oriental store.

  It was very interesting to watch these laborers, and their skill wassomething to marvel at.

  They wandered on through bazaar after bazaar, their interest andwonderment increasing.

  One bazaar was filled with pipes and smoking paraphernalia of everydescription. There were pipes mounted with gold and silver, and somewere decorated with precious stones.

  Then came the leather shops, the cloth store, the curio shops, the placeof odd and ancient weapons, the goldsmith's bazaar, and, mostfascinating of all, the Street of the Greeks. In the latter place wereto be seen all sorts of Oriental articles and ornaments, embroideries,rugs, carpets, silks, clothing, armors, weapons, pipes, gems, coins,fezzes.

  They were besieged by Armenians, Greeks, and Jews, all anxious and eagerto sell them goods. Only the Turks sat back in dignified silence anddeclined to solicit trade. Some of the dealers were offensive in theirinsistence. They pulled Nadia and held articles before her forinspection, dilating on the merits of the goods. They named prices andthen asked for offers.

  Budthorne became confused and Professor Gunn grew angry. Dick wascompelled to look after Nadia. She clung to his arm.

  In this manner they came face to face with Brad Buckhart, who waswandering through the bazaars alone.

  Nadia gave a little cry.

  "There's Brad!"

  He turned like a flash and disappeared amid a mass of people who werecrowding before one of the booths.

  "Oh, Brad!" called Dick.

  "Why, what made him do that?" exclaimed the girl, in dismay.

  Merriwell was provoked.

  "Come!" he urged. "He can't get away. We'll find him."

  They hurried after the Texan. Dick caught a glimpse of him leaving thebazaars. Nadia was still clinging to Dick's arm.

  At the beginning of a narrow street Buckhart paused and glanced back,then he turned and disappeared down the street.

  Never had Dick known his friend to behave in such a perplexing manner.

  "I'll shake some of the foolishness out of him if I ever get my hands onhim," Merriwell mentally vowed.

  Thinking they would have no trouble in returning to the bazaars andfinding the professor and Dunbar, they hastened down the narrow street.

  Turning a corner, they came against a caravan of loaded camels in a mostsudden and startling manner. It was necessary to hug the wall in orderto let the animals and their drivers pass.

  There were many dogs in the streets. These animals prowled about orslept serenely beneath the feet of pedestrians, who were careful to stepover them or to turn out and go round without disturbing them.

  As in Constantinople, the dogs were the street cleaners, and no oneharmed them.

  After following the crooked street some distance and failing to againcatch a glimpse of Buckhart, Dick decided they had better turn back.

  "I don't know how we could have missed him," he said.

  "He may have turned onto another street."

  "I saw no other street."

  "I did."

  Retracing their steps, they came upon a street that was like a chokedalley. Nadia believed they could return to the bazaars more quickly bytaking it.

  But when they had followed it into still another street, and turned fromthis into yet another, she confessed that she was bewildered and knewnot which course should be pursued.

  Then Dick set out to make his way back as quickly as possible, the girlrelying wholly on his judgment. They seemed entangled in a network ofvery crooked and very bewildering streets.

  Again they were suddenly confronted by a number of loaded camels. Theone in advance was heavily loaded, his pack being so broad that itnearly touched the walls on either side. The beast came swinging on.

  Nadia uttered a cry of alarm and turned to run. She fled up some stepsand disappeared within an open doorway.

  Dick gave a gasp of dismay as he followed her, for he saw she hadentered a Moslem temple, and he knew such an intrusion might produce anuproar.

  He sprang up the steps. Even as he did so, he heard sudden shouts ofalarm and anger coming from within the temple.

  Then Nadia reappeared, looking rather startled and agitated.

  "Goodness!" she gasped. "I almost ran right onto a lot of monks at theirdevotions!"

  The camels were swinging past.

  "We must get away from here in a hurry!" exclaimed Dick.

  Even as he
uttered the words several priests came hurrying to the opendoor of the temple. They saw Nadia. One of them pointed at her andshouted to his companions. Then the whole of them moved again, as ifeager to lay hands on her.

  "Here's trouble!" muttered Dick, feeling for his pistol.

  "Don't let them touch me!" gasped Nadia.

  The head priest called to some of the men of the train that was passing.Several of these men, swarthy and villainous in appearance, halted inanswer to this call. The words of the priest seemed to arouse them. Theyglared at the girl and started to mount the steps.

  Out flashed Merriwell's pistol.

  "Hold on, you dogs!" he commanded, displaying the weapon. "Stop whereyou are! Back up, or I'll have to damage some of you!"

  The sight of that pistol caused the foremost among them to retreatprecipitately.

  But Dick and Nadia were caught between two fires, as it were. The angrypriests were behind them, while a number of savage men were in front.

  The American boy knew he must lose not a moment in changing hisposition.

  Grasping Nadia's wrist, he hurried down the steps and attempted to fleealong the street.

  Another shout from the priests caused several of the fierce-looking mento place themselves before Dick and the girl. Although Merriwellthreatened to shoot, they would not let him pass.

  Merriwell looked round for some place where he could hold off thefanatical Moslems. He was forced to retreat against the nearest wall.

  Supporting Nadia with one arm, he lifted his pistol and fearlessly facedthe howling crowd, which now began to close about them in a half circle,urged on by the priests.

  "Death to the infidels!" howled the crowd.

  They shook their fists at the boy and girl. Those behind tried to urgeon those in advance. One old Turk spat at Dick.

  Young Merriwell realized the seriousness of his position. He was pale,but his nerves remained steady and unshaken.

  "Come on!" he cried clearly. "I'll fill some of you with lead!"

  Suddenly the crowd parted. A man forced his way through, pushing othermen to the right and left. As he advanced he drew a gleaming sword, thehilt of which was set with jewels.

  The crowd seemed to think this man, who was an Arab of rank anddistinction, judging by his dress, meant to attack the boy, and theyuttered shouts of approval, urging him to run the "infidel dog" through.

  Dick had turned his pistol on the man with the sword, but he hesitated.

  "It is Ras al Had!" he exclaimed, in surprise.