Read Die for Me: A Novel of the Valentine Killer Page 9

  “I like you too, Katherine.” His fingers skimmed down her shoulder. Slid down to her wrist. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the inside of her wrist. “But I want to know what gives you pleasure.”

  Pleasure was skating through her right then. A hum of pleasure because she’d felt the rasp of his tongue against her skin and her madly beating pulse.

  “I want…wild.” She forced the words out. “Hot.” That had been what he said, right? If that was what he wanted, then she—

  “We’ll get to that,” Dane promised. “But first, I think we need to focus on you.”

  And he was pushing between her legs. Putting those slightly callused fingertips on her thighs and easing them farther apart. She expected him to thrust a finger into her sex. She’d already tensed but…but Dane bent his head.

  “I like focusing on you,” he whispered, and then his mouth was on her.

  She wasn’t prepared for the sensual slide of his lips and tongue, and her whole body tightened. She arched her hips, not to get away from him, but to get so much closer to that wicked mouth.

  Because he was giving her pleasure. Not reminding her of the past. Just making her feel—


  When her first orgasm hit, she choked out Dane’s name. Her body bowed off the bed as the pleasure throbbed through her blood.

  “And I fucking love the way you taste,” he said, the words dark and deep.

  Her heart slammed in her chest. The drumming filled her ears. She hadn’t expected…that. Not so fast. Now all she wanted was—

  Again, please.

  “Ready for the wild part?” Dane asked, voice rough with lust. “’Cause I can’t hold on much longer.” A sensual warning.

  The she saw that he was easing a condom over his erect length, and the guy was very aroused. She wondered if he always carried a condom around with him, or had he been planning on this?

  Then his hands were reaching for her. His fingers curled around hers. Not holding her down. She hated to be held down, but…his fingers were twining with hers, not pinning her.

  “Ready?” Dane asked.

  She nodded, her hair sliding over the pillows.

  “Then wrap your legs around me.”

  She did.

  He’d promised her wild, but would he deliver on that promise?

  Dane thrust into her. She gasped as her body tried to adjust. Three years. Not since—

  “Only. Me,” Dane ordered. His fingers tightened around hers. Then he withdrew. Drove deep. Harder.

  The bed began to rock beneath them. Her box springs squeaked. She wrapped her legs around him, tried to arch her hips, seeking a position that would let him slide in easier but…

  The guy was big.

  And it had been a long time.

  Then his right hand pulled away from her. His fingers slid between their bodies. Pushed over the center of her desire.

  He withdrew, then thrust into her.


  She stared up at him. Her eyes had adjusted a bit to the darkness, and she could almost make out his features in the dark.

  Her cop.


  He hooked her legs up higher. Pushed harder. Deeper. Her breath heaved out and she arched against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Again and again.

  She came, her body tightening on a wave of pleasure as her orgasm shuddered through her.

  Dane kept thrusting. The pleasure intensified, stealing her breath. She couldn’t even call out to him.

  “Want…more,” he growled. Then he was kissing her. She was frantic for him. The pleasure was all she knew. He was all she knew.

  They rolled across the bed. No, they were wrecking her bed, and she loved it. Loved it.

  She was on top of him. Rising up and down, and her knees were sinking into the mattress. His hands were tight around her hips as he pulled her into his pounding thrusts. She wanted him to come.

  Wanted the pleasure to last forever.

  “Not…enough…” Then he had her under him again. Her legs were over his shoulders, and he seemed to be inside her even deeper than before.

  Another thrust. Withdrawal. Thrust.

  He’d promised her wild. He was giving her wild.

  Dane stiffened against her. Shuddered. She almost wished the lights were on then, because she would have loved to see his eyes go blind with pleasure. Would the blue darken? Lighten?

  Her breath rasped out. Her heart kept racing.

  Pleasure still whispered through her body. So much pleasure. She licked her dry lips.

  He eased her legs down. Stayed inside of her.

  She wrapped her arms around him. Held him close.

  Just sex. Just sex. The mantra repeated in her head again and again. They would part in a few minutes. The lust had been satisfied. The desire fulfilled.

  But she didn’t want him to leave her.

  Only Dane. He’d made her feel normal again. Given her the pleasure that other women took with their lovers.

  She hadn’t trusted a man enough to get this close.

  Why him?

  But then he was pulling away, as she’d known he would. Heading into the bathroom without speaking to her. Katherine fumbled for the covers, suddenly feeling far too exposed even in the dark. Then she heard his footsteps coming back toward her.

  He’d leave now. Go to the room across the hall. They’d have some awkward conversation in the morning and—

  And he was climbing into bed with her.

  She stiffened when his arms wrapped around her. She could have sworn…had he just pressed a kiss to her head?

  “It’s okay, Katherine,” he told her quietly. “You’re safe tonight.”

  Tears wanted to fill her eyes. Stupid tears. She hadn’t let herself cry in so long. She wouldn’t cry now. “Of course I am,” she mumbled, hoping her voice didn’t sound weak. “I’ve got a gun three feet away in my nightstand drawer.”

  He laughed at that. The same husky, deep laugh as before, and the sound seemed to warm her once more.

  Yes, she had Ross’s gun close by. And she had warm, strong arms around her. Someone to hold her in the dark.

  Don’t cry. Don’t break.

  She could still feel him inside her. Aftershocks of pleasure seemed to slip through her sex. But even better than that, she liked the way he held her.

  Dane curved his body around hers.

  Her lashes started to fall. She wouldn’t be able to sleep with him there, of course. She’d wait a few minutes, then she’d tell him to head across the hall to the other room. She didn’t want him there when dawn came. Didn’t want him to see her in the light.

  She’d tell him to leave soon.


  Katherine was sleeping with the cop.

  Damn her. She was screwing the man. She’d just met him. So much for her ice queen routine.

  The binoculars had given a perfect view into Katherine’s house. She should have shut the fucking blinds in her kitchen. But, no, her kitchen lights had been blazing, and she’d let the cop put his hands all over her.

  She’d twisted and pushed against him, looking desperate for his touch.

  She was supposed to be the one who was special? She was just a whore. Katherine had shown her true colors.

  She’d rushed from the kitchen with the cop. Gone upstairs but finally had the sense to turn off her light.

  The binoculars were in the car now. No good anymore. Cops were at Katherine’s door. A cop was in her bed.

  She’ll pay.

  The fools thought Katherine was the target tonight.

  No, Katherine wouldn’t be getting this package.

  A few moments later, the car’s engine cranked up. The car slid slowly into the darkness. The cops didn’t even give the vehicle more than a cursory glance as it drove down the street.

  It should have been harder. The thought came instantly. But killing wasn’t hard.

  Especially when the world was full of such easy prey.

>   – 9 –

  He woke to find Katherine curled around him. Her body was soft and sensual, she smelled lightly of strawberries, and her head was tucked onto his shoulder.

  His hand was wrapped around her hip. Her leg rested on his thigh.

  And it felt like he was in damn heaven.

  Dane hadn’t intended to have sex with her the night before. Hell yes, he’d wanted her. Most sane men would want a walking wet dream like Katherine Cole, but…

  He’d brought the condom along just in case the relentless fantasy in his head actually came true. A guy could hope, right? He hadn’t thought the lady would actually give him the green light. But then she’d looked at him with those big, deep eyes of hers.

  And his self-control had been lost.

  Pulling away from her would have taken more strength than he possessed. So it was a real damn good thing that the lady had been pulling him toward her. Not pushing him away.

  He shifted his head on the pillow so he could look at her. She looked younger when she slept. Vulnerable. Her long lashes cast shadows on her cheeks.

  He could see the smooth skin of her shoulders. Creamy and—

  His eyes narrowed even as his hand lifted, and carefully his fingers skated over the tip of her right shoulder. The skin was slightly raised. Not in just one spot, but four. Four rough circles. Old scars that looked like—

  “They’re burns.” She didn’t open her eyes, but Katherine’s body was suddenly tense beside him. “Cigarette burns, to be exact.”

  He’d seen a few burns like those before. Judging by the way they’d faded…“You were just a kid.”

  “I guess Agent Wayne was right about my shared history with Valentine. We both had really screwed-up childhoods.” Her lashes were still covering her eyes, and he had the feeling that she was hiding from him. Or maybe it was just easier for her to talk without looking into his eyes.

  “My mother was on drugs too—like his. And when she got high, she burned me.”

  His jaw locked. “How long?”

  “When I was nine, I went into the foster care system.”

  Nine years. Had they all been hell? The scars said they had.

  “The scars don’t matter, okay? They’re just marks on my body, nothing more.” Her lashes lifted. The gold in her gaze seemed to shine even brighter.

  “Are there more?” Because these marks pissed him off. He didn’t want anyone or anything hurting her, ever.

  “Not where you can see.”

  She tried to pull away from him, but Dane wasn’t ready to let her go.

  “You should have gone to the other room last night. After—” Katherine broke off and cleared her throat.

  “After the fucking fantastic sex?” Because it had been incredible. The best he’d had, and Dane hadn’t exactly lived a pure life.

  Her cheeks reddened.

  Damn, the blushing was cute. “You sure as hell aren’t what I imagined.”

  Her lips parted in surprise, and her face seemed to pale. “You mean since I was the lover of a serial killer, you expected something else from me?” Then she shoved against him. “I’m not the freak show the papers said I was. I’m not twisted or depraved or—” Her breath heaved out. “I’m just me.”

  “Dammit, I meant—”

  “The night’s over,” she snapped. “Time to return to reality.”

  He’d rather return to the night, but Katherine had climbed out of the bed and jerked most of the covers with her.

  Since he wasn’t the shy sort, Dane slowly rose to his feet. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  Katherine’s head tilted back. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders. “Then what did you mean?”

  “I didn’t expect to touch you and go from zero to lust in about two seconds.”

  She blinked.

  “I want you.” The woman would be pretty blind not to realize that fact, considering the heavy arousal he’d woken with—the arousal that was plain to see right then. “But our timing is pretty screwed at the moment.”

  Her lips parted.

  “If I weren’t working the case, I’d be wining and dining you.”

  “You—” Katherine cleared her throat. “What do you want from me?”

  Her trust. He had to have it in order to solve this case. But he couldn’t say that. So he stuck with the truth that he could give. “I want everything you can give me.” Because one time with her wasn’t going to be enough for him. Last night had just been a taste. He was a starving man.

  But before he could say anything else, the doorbell rang. Hell. He glanced at his watch. Seven o’clock. Not quite time for a shift change, and even if it were, Dane wasn’t in the mood to leave. He and Katherine needed to clear the air some more.

  But she was grabbing a robe and belting it. “What if they’ve found something else?”

  She ran from the room, and he jerked on his jeans to follow behind her even though he already knew the cops hadn’t found anything. He would have gotten a phone call if they had.

  He stalked down the stairs after her. Before she could open the door, he caught her arm and pulled her back. Dane looked through the peephole and swore.

  “Who?” Katherine demanded. “Who is it?”

  He exhaled and raked a hand through his hair. “Your ex is on the doorstep.” As far as Dane was concerned, Trent definitely fell into the ex category now.

  All the color drained from her face.

  Oh, hell. Dane grabbed her. “Not Valentine.” He had to be more careful. “Trent. The guy you were with the other night.”

  Her breath heaved out. Then her eyes widened in alarm. “Why is he here?”

  Dane was rather curious to find out himself. He yanked open the door as one of the other detectives—he’d kept guards outside the house as lookouts—stepped in front of Trent to firmly push the guy back. “You can let him go, James,” Dane said.

  Karen James glanced back and gave a quick nod.

  Trent rushed forward. “What the hell is going on here?” he demanded as his gaze flew to Katherine. “Why are there cops on your doorstep?”


  “She had a break-in,” Dane explained. Hey, it was the truth. “The uniforms are just here as a precaution.”

  “Some precaution.” But Trent was shouldering past Dane and reaching out to pull Katherine against him. “I was so worried about you when I saw the police car. I was afraid something had happened.”

  Dane’s eyes narrowed. The shrink had about two more seconds to clutch Katherine, then he’d yank the guy back. One, tw—

  Katherine pushed Trent away. “What are you doing here?”

  Trent shook his head and finally seemed to realize that Katherine wasn’t completely dressed.

  His gaze snapped to Dane.

  Dane lifted his brows. Yep, I’m not completely dressed either.

  “Katherine.” Her name was a snarl now.

  Dane didn’t like that tone a bit.

  “Who is he?” Trent demanded as he jerked his head toward Dane.

  “That’s Detective Dane Black. He’s…working on the break-in.”

  “Doesn’t look like that’s all he’s working on,” Trent huffed out.

  Katherine stepped away from him. “Why are you here?” she demanded.

  Dane rather enjoyed the anger in her voice.

  Trent sniffed. Sniffed? What a prick. And the guy’s brows flew up. “I wanted to come by and talk to you. I wanted you to reconsider—”

  “Trent.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I told you, things are over for us. You’re a great guy. But I couldn’t give you what you needed.”

  “Could you give it to him?”

  The low words had Dane’s body stiffening. He took a fast step forward.

  But before he could do anything else, Katherine lifted her hand, halting him. “We weren’t exclusive, and as of our last conversation—right there on the porch—we were no longer dating at all.” Her words were quiet and calm, but a faint p
ink had started to tint the tops of her high cheekbones. “I’m sorry if I misled you in any way—that wasn’t my intention—but I’m not the right woman for you. I’m—”

  “Damaged,” Trent threw out. “I know that, okay? Evelyn warned me about you.” He turned away and began pacing.

  Damaged? The word echoed in Dane’s head. Dane moved quickly, putting himself in Trent’s path. “You need to get out of here,” Dane told the guy, trying to hold back his fury.

  Trent’s head jerked up, and he almost slammed right into Dane. “What?”

  “She’s not damaged.” Dane hated that word. Hated the pain that he’d seen flare in Katherine’s eyes. “And she’s not your concern.” He waved toward the doorway. “Now get your ass out.”

  Trent’s jaw dropped. His gaze swung to Katherine. “Kat?”

  “She hates being called Kat,” Dane said, never taking his glare off the man’s face. “You should know that by now.”

  The wooden floor creaked beneath Katherine’s feet. “Good-bye, Trent.”

  The guy stared blankly at her.

  “The door.” Dane prompted.

  Anger hardened Trent’s face, but the doctor spun around and marched for the door. Dane didn’t speak until the dumb-ass was good and gone. Then he turned to Katherine.

  “You were sleeping with that guy?”

  “No.” She headed for the stairs. “Actually, you’re the first man I’ve slept with in three years.”

  It was his turn to stare after her, with his jaw hanging like Trent’s had been.

  Her hand tightened on the banister. “I’ve got some trust issues. You know, because I’m damaged.”

  He rushed after her, curled his hands around her shoulders, and made her look back at him. “You aren’t damaged.”

  Her smile was sad. “You don’t even know me, and if you did…you just might be afraid of me.”

  Then she pulled away, headed up the stairs, and shut her bedroom door behind her.

  He didn’t follow this time. He was too busy wondering about the haunted look he’d seen in her eyes.

  Trent Lancaster marched into his office, rage burning through him.

  Katherine had been half-dressed, with that smirking prick of a police detective at her side.