Read Dilemma in the Desert Page 19

  Chapter Eighteen

  February 4, Morning

  Angelique woke early the next morning and lay there thinking. Her bed was at the very back of the overhang, and Drew and Dane slept between her and the opening. She had felt the slight bristling between the two men ever since she had met them, more so on Drew’s part than Dane’s, and knew that it was because of her, but last night when they had made their beds it was missing. She had seen a look pass between them, and somehow felt that they were more concerned with her safety and peace of mind than with male dominance.

  She also thought of what Dane had talked about last evening, about the Bible. Sometimes it felt like she was just on the verge of understanding something incredible, but each time it slipped away. She remembered a dream she had had, soon after her parents’ deaths. She had been somewhere with dark corridors and somewhere ahead of her was a light. But no matter how fast she went, the light always stayed somewhere ahead of her as she went up and down those dark, twisting corridors. Listening to Dane talk about being born again was just like her dream, running and trying to catch the meaning, but never quite achieving it.

  It was getting light and she went to get up. She saw Dane’s eyes open and she couldn’t resist the tender smile she gave him, and saw the response in his eyes that made her feel warm inside. She did some necessary things and then started fixing breakfast for the group. By then everyone was up and they ate together except for Fredericks, who was on guard duty. She and Tielson looked over the food supply and reported to the captain that if contact wasn’t made that day, they would have to somehow get more food.

  Then the three of them sat down together, “Should I go with you again?” Angelique asked. “There is no need, you can stay here and rest,” Drew answered. It was the answer she preferred, but when she heard it, instead of relief she felt a prickling of unease. Dane moved uncomfortably, with a worried look on his face. “I agree with you, it is the logical answer, but,” he paused, “it doesn’t feel…right.” He looked at both of them with a puzzled look on his face. Drew also felt something, but he didn’t know if it was being caused by the uneasiness of the other two. He reexamined the question and answer and saw no fault in the logic, but….

  Dane said, “Let’s pray about it.” He closed his eyes and said out loud, “Dear Lord, we are facing a dilemma and we need your wisdom. Drew needs to go back to the café and it could be dangerous, Major Lindisl might be there again, or some other Germans. Should Angelique go with him? Or should she stay here? It makes more since for her to stay, but... Just a minute Lord, you just answered our question. Thank you, my Lord and Savior.” Dane opened his eyes and looked at them. “She has to go with you. From what you told me about when Lindisl questioned you, if he sees you and not her, he could get suspicious.” The other two looked at him and then each other, both realizing that he was correct, and that must have been why they were uneasy about her staying. They also realized again that something, or someone, was so obviously directing this man.

  Suddenly Fredericks yelled from the hilltop, “Planes!”

  Everyone’s heads snapped up, searching the heavens and Dane yelled “Where, which direction?”

  “Northwest,” Fredericks called back.

  “Into the overhang, everybody,” Dane commanded. He took only enough time to yell up to Fredericks, “Hide!” and then dove into cover with the others. They all held their breaths.

  Flight Sergeant Steutsel was leading the flight of four Messerschmitt 109’s when he saw some movement on the ground near Sfax. A second look netted him nothing. Intrigued he circled back to take a closer look. Again he saw nothing. Mentally he shrugged. Must have been some skulking Arab, there was no way there could be any enemy this far behind the lines. He kept flying south towards Gabes and the British lines where he was to patrol and forgot the incident.

  After the planes left the American party rose from their hiding place and stared at the disappearing planes. “Are we safe?” Angelique asked fearfully.

  Dane stared up and thoughtfully said, “They circled around so they noticed something. They didn’t fire so they didn’t see us. They are continuing their flight so I don’t think they called for ground back up, otherwise they would circle to mark our position. I think we’re safe.” Angelique heaved a sigh of relief.

  While they waited for the time to leave, Angelique pulled out the Bible and Drew moved over to sit beside her. She started to read out loud when Zabronski suddenly let out a loud curse, stood up and stomped away. Webster tittered and followed him while Tielson looked uncomfortable but stayed. Dane looked sorrowfully after them, and then Angelique started reading again. She and Drew talked over the passages with Dane, asking questions. The both of them felt a drawing and a curiosity about the Word of God that neither one had ever felt before. It was nearing eleven when they left for Sfax.

  As they walked she looked at him curiously, “You said that you had only just met Dane, how did you meet?” Drew explained about being assigned to meet someone at the café, his guide Abu Mehouf being killed when they ran into the tank column and his escaping from his burning vehicle, meeting up with Zabronski (she shivered at the name) and Webster, and then with Shaw and his three men. Soon they arrived at Sfax and mingled with the other pedestrians.

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