Read Dinner With a Vampire Page 25

  He narrowed his eyes. ‘You almost sound concerned that he might. But if he does, they’ll have a hard time catching us. I’m not worried.’

  Now that is awkward. I’m not concerned … it just had to be asked.

  ‘And why didn’t you jump on Joel when he started bleeding like that?’

  He snorted. ‘I wouldn’t drink that mongrel’s blood if he were the last human on Earth. Foul stuff.’

  I could not help but laugh, the mood instantly lightening. His half-smile, half-smirk returned, and he took a step closer.

  I took his closeness as an opportunity to playfully slap him on the chest. ‘You were prepared to beat up a guy for me. Some people would think that sweet. You said I was a decent girl too.’

  ‘I did, didn’t I?’ he mused, raising his chin so he was able to frown at the space above my head. After a few moments, he chuckled, shook his head as though bemused and slung an arm around my shoulders. ‘C’mon,’ he said, slinging an arm around my shoulders. ‘You were having a normal day, for once.’ This time I did not protest as he dropped me off with Cain, Declan and the others again. ‘I have to go do something.’

  ‘Is he always like that?’

  Cain shrugged. ‘One thing you have to learn about Kaspar is that when you don’t want him around, he will pester you until you give in to him; and when you do want him around, he will leave you. And you can’t change it.’

  * * *

  ‘Change of plan,’ Charlie said. ‘The girls want to go to the fair.’

  We were about to head into the underground back to Islington when we changed lines to head towards Hyde Park. There, a Halloween fair was in full swing, the sickly scent of candyfloss scenting the air.

  Cain took my wrist and began tugging me along behind him, the excitement infectious. The neon lights swept around, the sirens wailing, men calling, ‘Roll up! Roll up! Dodgems just a pound a go! C’mon ladies and gents!’

  Guys no older than me were silently collecting the money, strapping the few visitors around into their seats, bored expressions permanent despite the pretty girls that occasionally emerged from the shadows in packs. The air was bitter and bit at my cheeks but the warmth of a thousand light bulbs stopped me from shivering.

  ‘Oh my gosh, a funhouse! We have to go in, come on,’ Lyla gushed, grabbing Cathy’s hand, snatching Fabian’s in the other (who did not shirk away), and dragging them both towards the booth. Cain rolled his eyes but followed, the other three boys not far behind.

  We drew to a stop beside the counter where Lyla placed a handful of change.

  They soon disappeared into the folds of the canvas entrance. Declan muttered something about not wanting to have to stick around to watch that, and Charlie was already hot in pursuit of Felix. I forced my face to remain expressionless and ducked in after him. I took a few steps in, cringing at the two-foot-high, six-foot-wide me staring back from a distorted mirror nearby. Cain didn’t appear. Peeking back through the entrance, I found he was not there and figured he must have taken the same attitude as Declan.

  I saw no reflection of any of the other four and had almost reached a staircase, shunting up and down when I spotted Lyla. I froze when I realized her tongue was down Felix’s throat; Fabian was on his knees, planting kisses and bites down her exposed stomach. Next to them was Charlie, fangs sunk deep into Cathy’s neck, blood coating her hands as she ran her fingers through his hair. Soft moans escaped her mouth as a single trail of blood trickled down her shoulder, seeping into the material of her shirt where it feathered into veins and stained the pale fabric.

  Disgusted and embarrassed I backed away, trying to get away without them noticing.

  But Felix’s head snapped around, his eyes deep red. A small smile spread across his lips, revealing pink fangs.

  ‘Want to join in?’

  I shook my head violently. ‘No thanks.’

  Back-pedalling, I hit something hard. Thinking it was one of the mirrors, I sprang forward again only to freeze and find a smirk caught on my lips as the familiar self-assured and arrogant voice of a certain vampire sounded behind me.

  ‘Of course she doesn’t want to join in your little orgy, idiot.’

  ‘Chill out man, I was only asking,’ Felix retorted, wrapping his arm back around Lyla’s neck. I scowled as she giggled. Fabian never acknowledged my presence.

  ‘And fuck it, learn to share,’ Felix muttered, burying his mouth in Lyla’s neck. With a disgusted groan Kaspar turned away, pulling me with him as Lyla whimpered beneath the two men.

  Kaspar said nothing, despite my curious glances as we walked side-by-side towards the exit. He pushed the folds of the tent aside and stepped out into the cold without even a shudder, his dark shirt unbuttoned at the top and sleeves rolled up.

  ‘I can tell you’re dying to say something, so spit it out, Girly.’

  I scowled. ‘Where have you been?’

  He looked sideways at me, lips parted and upturned, brow lowered; irritated. ‘Somewhere, Girly, but I’m not going to tell you where because I have my own life and I don’t have to answer the questions of some kid hostage.’

  I stopped, affronted, staring at him. The lights glided over his alabaster skin, his eyes luminous in the neon air. I examined his hunched shoulders, watching as his hair flopped over one eye, his hands buried in deep in his pockets.

  ‘What’s wrong with you? You were actually verging on nice earlier.’

  He shrugged his shoulders dismissively and I doubted he was even listening. Sighing with exasperation, I poked his arm and asked again.

  He stopped and snagged my gaze. ‘Quit asking questions or I’ll get angry and bite you.’ His mouth flat-lined, but I could not help but laugh.

  ‘I’m scared: hollow threats are so intimidating!’

  ‘I’m serious.’

  ‘Sure you are, Kaspar.’ I punched him on the arm and then sped off, glancing back and shouting, ‘C’mon, I want to go on the waltzers!’



  She dived into the nearest waltzer, settling back into the fake leather. Reluctantly, I joined her, inching towards the warmth of her skin draped in her coat. The carriage spun as I stepped in, eyes stinging from the constant glare of the flashing lights humans seemed to love so much.

  Yes, there was something wrong. Namely, the fact I knew I had just hours left of being able to touch her; to feel her glowing skin against mine, the feeling that I found myself craving with more intensity with every passing hour …

  As I sat down beside her she began fumbling with the top button of her coat, a flush coming to her collar as a bead of sweat rolled down her neck. She was struggling, so turning away I reached over with one hand and unfastened the top two buttons, not exactly accidentally brushing against her now exposed chest. I felt her shiver below me, despite the fact that touching her skin was like pressing my hand to a hot stove. I sensed her face flaming, the blood rushing to her cheeks before she mumbled her thanks.

  The sirens wailed and the floor rattled and began moving, our carriage beginning to spin. The bar that wrapped around the seats shook violently beneath my hand, and on impulse I wrapped an arm tightly around her slender shoulders. I half expected her to resist, but she didn’t. Instead, she inched closer, allowing me to draw her into my chest, her hands leaving the bar without question.

  With her body pressed to mine I could feel the heat of her skin on my bare arms – a heat that was becoming almost familiar to me now. It was a different warmth from that of the humans that became my victims: their heat would fade as I sucked them dry. But as I drew her closer her warmth would only increase; as I touched her she would not turn blue but red as blush coloured her cheeks.

  I made my mind up months ago that I would have her, take her, please her and use her for my will. I’m a man of my word. And her blood. Oh, her blood! It was sweet – not as sweet as that served at the balls – but I didn’t drink it for its taste. I drank from her because I craved her reaction. I wanted t
o hear her softly whimpering below me as I pierced her neck and veins; I wanted to see her blood trickling down her slight shoulders, seeping across her breasts, tinting the scars that Ilta had forced on her, still struggling to heal. I took her blood because unlike any other creature I had ever hurt she never cried out, never screamed, even when I set out to maliciously cause her pain.

  It was that stubbornness that had always intrigued me, her steadfast and unwavering belief in what she thought was moral and righteous …

  He won’t physically stop me touching her. How could he stop us? Rip us apart?

  A smile was spreading across her lips, which turned into a giggle as she wrapped her arms tightly around my middle, shrieking with laughter as the dizziness overtook her. It was infectious. I smiled too, despite my hate of the loud, beat-heavy music and flashing lights.

  I couldn’t have anticipated what happened next. In an attempt to pull her just a little closer, my hand must have brushed her side because she jerked away from my touch, the whirling motion of the ride causing her neck to wrench back onto my shoulder and exposing her fleshy throat and a single throbbing, purple vein.

  My eyes changed to red and my mouth widened as I snarled softly, baring my sharp fangs. Her scent made my nostrils flare and my mind spun like the ride. What I would give to just taste one innocent drop of her blood …

  My jaw lowered to her exposed neck, the thought of her blood cooling the burning in my throat. I was not an inch away from her throat when my voice, quiet for so many days, interrupted sharply.


  Her heart thumped, and I was gone.



  Gone. Again.

  I straightened up from where I had collapsed onto the seat, drawing myself up on my elbows, waiting for the ride to slow down. My neck was stiff and ached and I most definitely felt very, very sick. I gagged a little, desperate for a drink. Closing my eyes and burying my head in my hands I waited for the ride to be over, regretting ever coming on.

  Eventually the world slowed to a halt, and sucking in a deep breath I stood up, stepping out of the carriage as my head throbbed and my vision blurred for a split second. The low-cut collar of my T-shirt left me in full view, and I hastily buttoned it back up.

  I scanned the darkness. The only people around were the ride attendants and the retreating backs of those that had just been on the waltzer. Convincing myself he couldn’t have gone that far, I started searching behind the caravans.

  Eventually I thought I heard muffled whining, and rounding a trailer, went to investigate. Fading moans floated through the air, and a low slurping sound reached my ears. Slowing down I eased forward, making out a shape in the corner formed by two caravans, sheltered by piles of empty boxes. My eyes adjusted to the gloom and pushing a box aside with a quaking hand I felt bile rise in my throat.

  There, clutched in the arms of Kaspar was a girl, clothes torn and her skin lacerated. She was tanned, but becoming grey, eyes losing lustre. The only part of her that still contained any hue was her neck, which was flushed bright red and oozing blood.


  He stood up, allowing her limp body to tumble out of the cradle of his arms to the churned, muddy ground. He gradually turned to face me. Blood dribbled down his chin and his neck and cheeks were smeared with peach lipstick – a mark to prove how he had caught her.

  I swallowed back the bile, forcing myself to breathe … in and out, in and out …

  ‘W-why?’ I managed to choke out, not wanting to back away but not wanting to go near him either. His eyes were crimson, becoming scarlet, then pink and eventually a murky, swirling grey to match her skin as a single fang bit at his blood-stained lips.

  He looked down at her for a brief moment. ‘She was called Joanne.’

  ‘You knew her name?’ I whispered, unable to tear my eyes away from the mangled body laying face down in the grass. He nodded, still biting at his lip with his fangs which were tinged pink, her blood crusting around the corners of his mouth. ‘And that makes it better, how?’

  ‘It just does.’ He reached down and rolled her body over like she was a slab of meat, her arms twisted behind her back. He yanked her dress back down to cover her thighs and placed a finger on each of her eyelids, rolling them down to shut off her unseeing pupils, which stared up at him in permanent horror. ‘Does that make it better?’

  I cringed and looked away as the blood around his mouth continued to dry, turning an ugly brown colour against his ashen skin. ‘You can’t just go around killing people.’

  I heard a growl from behind me. ‘I’m a vampire, Girly, I have to kill to feed and I’d rather it wasn’t you I was killing.’

  I took a sharp breath and whipped back around. ‘What?’

  He didn’t reply for a few seconds, his chest rising and falling. ‘On the ride I nearly attacked you. And if I had you would certainly be dead. It was you or her.’

  My mouth fell open. ‘You should have just killed me!’

  He took a step towards me and I took one back. My heart faltered as my senses shrieked that I should run. He snarled softly, his eyes pitch black. ‘Wake up and smell the coffee, Girly! Your life is the only thing stopping us from descending into war! The first and last chance I had to kill you was in Trafalgar Square.’

  He pushed passed me, knocking me back a step. But I whipped around and grabbed his arm, digging my nails in and using every ounce of strength I had to pull him back.

  ‘Then why didn’t you?’

  He didn’t meet my eyes, using the sleeve of his free arm to wipe his mouth. ‘We have to go before someone realizes she’s missing. C’mon.’

  I tugged harder and repeated my question. ‘Why didn’t you?’

  Instead of answering he prized my hand away and walked off, disappearing into the darkness. With one last glance back at the girl lying lifeless and blood-drained on the ground, I hurried after him, disgusted, but more sickened by the fact I couldn’t bring myself to be truly horrified.

  ‘I won’t tell if you don’t.’

  ‘But you can’t, that’s seriously cruel!’

  ‘Come on, it’s not as though you two get on any more, why should you care?’

  ‘But it won’t damage his car, will it?’

  ‘No,’ Kaspar chuckled. ‘Just delay him.’

  He pulled the cables out and slammed the bonnet down. He moved around Fabian’s R8 and I cringed, thinking it a crime as he moved on to Charlie’s car.

  ‘You’re not going to do it to all of them, are you?’

  He smirked wickedly, continuing to chuckle. ‘Of course. I would actually like to have the run of Varnley for once. And with father away and this lot stranded it’ll be peace and quiet at last. Besides, they’ll just run back eventually … tomorrow morning, I should think.’

  I scowled. ‘Let me rephrase that. You mean I’m going to be stranded with you.’

  ‘Yes.’ He wrenched another set of cables out and slammed the bonnet down. ‘Lucky you!’

  ‘Lucky you,’ I imitated under my breath. ‘Won’t they just be able to fix them?’

  He slammed the bonnet of his sister’s car down with so much force I thought the metal would buckle. Leaning across, his trademark half-smile, half-smirk appeared.

  ‘Rich kids can’t fix cars.’

  I arched an eyebrow. ‘Are you admitting you’re a stuck-up arrogant jerk then?’

  ‘I never denied it.’

  I hummed sceptically, walking around the car and snatching the keys he had just pulled from his pocket.

  ‘I’m driving.’

  He made to lunge towards me, hand outstretched to grab the keys, but I jumped out of his reach. Wrapping my fingers tightly around the metal I hid them behind my back, side-stepping towards his car.

  ‘Do you even have a license?’ he grunted, darting around me.


  It was his turn to be sceptic as he continued to follow me around to the driver’s side, playing along w
ith my game – he could easily catch me if he wanted to. After protesting that I was perfectly capable of driving (he was worried I would hurt his ‘baby’), he begrudgingly gave up and walked around to the passenger’s side.

  ‘I still don’t forgive you,’ I said.

  He paused, his face faintly amused. ‘I wouldn’t expect you to, you’re far too stubborn.’ He opened the door and slid in. I wasn’t far behind.

  ‘And what’s that supposed to mean?’ I demanded.

  ‘You really want to know?’

  ‘Yes,’ I replied, adamant.

  ‘You don’t give a damn that I killed that girl. You wouldn’t give a damn if I killed a hundred girls. You only care because you just can’t take the fact that it destroys your perfect little perception that we – I – am not a predator by nature.’ He watched me, gauging my expression.

  ‘I know you’re a killer, I’m not stupid,’ I sighed, jamming the keys into the ignition. ‘You have fangs, for Pete’s sake!’

  I know he’s a predator. I can never forget it, despite what he thinks. Scars and marks dotted my body; endless reminders of what he and others were capable of, and what a vampire would do to get his or her way. But he’s right about one thing. It doesn’t really bother me that he killed that girl. Of course I felt bad; she had died instead of me and I knew I would live with the guilt of knowing others were sacrificed on my part. But I had seen them slaughter and devour so many humans and vampires alike that I was almost numb to it.

  ‘But do you?’ he questioned, wincing as I thrust the car into gear.

  ‘Yes! I have the bloody marks to prove it!’ I pointed at my neck, pulling my collar aside.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him glance at my neck. ‘I’m not convinced. You still think you can alter what we are and you can’t. You just can’t …’ He trailed off, looking out of his window.

  ‘I’m not trying to change you. I just don’t agree with killing for food. I’m veggie, after all.’